
What two rules will you have for a group of adolescents? Explain issues around boundaries, for example, is it acceptable for group members to contact each other via social media outside of the group?

Group therapy

As the group leader, one of your roles is to go over the rules of the group, and to do so you must develop most of the group rules with the entire group. What two rules will you have for a group of adolescents? Also, explain issues around boundaries, for example, is it acceptable for group members to contact each other via social media outside of the group? Identify at least three boundary issues that may come forth when providing group therapy to adolescents.

Write two paragraphs in your own words about what was most valuable/interesting to you in studying this module.

Module 9: Financial and Social Stress

You are required to do a short critically reflective write-up about two pages or less—where you
1) articulate in one to three sentences for each learning outcome, evidence that you have achieved that outcome.
2) In addition, 2) you are required to write two paragraphs in your own words about what was most valuable/interesting to you in studying this module, and in doing so, making reference to at least two of the readings and/or videos.

Write a brief reflection, about what she presents and the possible solutions.

Family Income and Children Brain Development

Watch Ted talk with Kimberly Noble, a neuroscientist who studied how family income affects the brain development.
Specifically she address how poverty affects learning capabilities in children, from a very young age.
This video highlights the intersection of family , socioeconomic status/SES, poverty, education, social safety net program, and overall life chances of children who are born in poverty.
Write a brief reflection, about what she presents and the possible solutions.

TED Talk-Kimberly Noble- Poverty& Brain Development of Children.

Discuss the issues or the facts of the case and legal questions the court must decide. Discuss if the court’s decision or holdings was for the plaintiff or for the defendant and what were the reasons for the decision?

How the Courts Address or Respect our Rights as Citizens

The presentation Point presentation will need to include:
Name the case
Discuss the facts of the case.
Discuss the history of the case (what laws or legal action was taken).
Discuss the issues or the facts of the case and legal questions the court must decide.
Discuss if the court’s decision or holdings was for the plaintiff or for the defendant and what were the reasons for the decision?
Discuss the concurring and dissenting opinions from the judge or if a jury trial, the jury.

Important: In this assignment, you are expected to elaborate the points you made in the prior assignment in Week 6. This assignment will be graded on your strength to elaborate and explain the facts of the case and proper use of visual aids, good narration, and presenting to the case and how well you stick to the case. For example, if you are using the PowerPoint, you are also expected to include proper visuals that are relevant to the case. Do not copy-paste the outline into this and call it complete.

Critically review world-class innovations and emerging technologies in Project, Portfolio, and Programme (3P).

Advanced Project and Logistics Management

1. How Supply Chain disruption could affect the delivery of projects

First of all, and to continue on to the introduction, we should look into the EACH CHAPTER through the lens of four supply chain elements: Integration, Operations, Purchasing, and Distribution, and focus on how these are related with the chapter MAIN IDEA. But before we do that we should cover the MAIN IDEA (as per chapter title) in each chapter.

Also, at the beginning of EACH CHAPTER, we should cover the literature research findings that all of us have come up with.

At the beginning of this chapter, we should present how is the delivery of the projects is affected by supply chain disruptions as viewed by scholars, researchers, and industry experts.

At the same time, we should (as mentioned in the brief) display an understanding of the importance of innovation in Logistics and Project Management, Implement and critically evaluate advancements in Project Management and Logistics – all of this from the perspective of delivery of the project in this chapter.

We should be able to (as per brief) Analyse critically advances in Project and Programme management focusing on value generation including Agile, Lean, and Benefits Management,

Critically review world-class innovations and emerging technologies in Logistics (i.e. Additive Manufacturing, Big data analytics, drones, etc)

Critically review world-class innovations and emerging technologies in Project, Portfolio, and Programme (3P) i.e. Virtual technologies and augmented reality environments, Output driven Project management (Benefits Realisation, Target Value) – all of this from the perspective of delivery of the project in this chapter.

Analyze and give the names of the two bacteria in the “unknown 22” file according to the document “unknown 22”.

Identification of Unknown Bacteria

First, read the document “guidelines unknown 2020,” follow the guidelines, and start your work.

Analyze and give the names of the two bacteria in the “unknown 22” file according to the document “unknown 22”.

You need to analyze the results and describe the changes in each dish. As in the example document “IDENTIFICATION OF UNKNOWN BACTERIA.”

Your two unknowns are within the following list: remember you have a Gram-positive and a Gram-negative bacteria.

Micrococcus luteus,

Pseudomonas aeruginosa,

Proteus vulgaris,

E. coli,

Bacillus subtilis

Enterobacter aerogenes,

Serratia marcescens,

Staphylococcus aureus,

Staphylococcus epidermidis,

Enterococcus faecalis

In your results, you need to name the unknown bacteria from the above ten bacteria, one gram-positive and one gram-negative.

Write the experiment report according to the example format “IDENTIFICATION OF UNKNOWN BACTERIA” in the attachment.

You must watch this video, and you will know how to name the bacteria.

You need to follow the two pictures and name the unknown bacteria after you watch the video.

For more details, you must see the document “practical 2”.

In document “practical 2” has two pictures and you must follow the picture and find the unknown bacteria’s name.

Reflect on yourself as a leader by critically analyzing and evaluating evidence to support your interpretation of what makes a good leader.

Human Resource Management Leadership Skills

The assessment for this module is a reflective portfolio in the form of an essay of 3500 plus or minus 10% words in length encompassing the work covered during lectures and tutorials. You should select material from throughout the module and should discuss your plans with the module tutor at an early stage to ensure that your focus is appropriate and sufficiently critical. You must use module concepts and texts as a foundation for your work.

Reflect on yourself as a leader by critically analyzing and evaluating evidence to support your interpretation of what makes a good leader. Make recommendations to improve your leadership skills.

The reflective essay requires you to use the ideas, concepts, theories, frameworks and research findings studied to inform your evaluation. The assignment encourages you to take a strategic view of what good leadership entails and an evaluation of your leadership journey and skills.

What is Planned Economics and What is the Free Market? What are the ideas of Keynes and Hayek? How well and where has Keynes Ideas been implemented? How well and where has Hayek Ideas been implemented?

Planned vs. Free Market

1. What is Planned Economics and What is the Free Market?
2. What are the ideas of Keynes and Hayek?
3. How well and where has Keynes Ideas been implemented?
4. How well and where has Hayek Ideas been implemented?
5. Overall which has proven to be the most successful and why do you make the claim that it is the most successful Economic System.

How does the political context of the UK as a “multinational/centralized” state shape prospects? How does devolution shape post Brexit political realities?

Brexit Final prompt

To address this prompt, your paper should course readings and lecture material to do the following:

1. Briefly explain why the Brexit referendum was successful (i.e., Which factors contributed to its passage? Who voted for Brexit? Who opposed it?).

2. Identify the institutional attributes of the British state which could promote unraveling in the aftermath of Brexit (i.e., HINT: How does the political context of the UK as a “multinational/centralized” state shape prospects? How does devolution shape post Brexit political realities?)

3. Identify the socio-cultural consequences which could promote “unraveling”?

4. Use the above to make an argument for whether Brexit has made it “more likely” that the United Kingdom will “break up”.

Identifying the Stages of Mitosis. Obtain your slide box from your lab kit, and obtain your microscope. Place the slide called “Onion Root Tip Mitosis” on the microscope and begin searching for cells in the different stages of mitosis.

Mitosis lab

In this lab, you will be learning about the process of mitosis. Mitosis consists of different stages that allow the cell to prepare for division. Cell division occurs for the following reasons: growth, development, and repair. Each cell goes through its own cell cycle. It begins when a previous cell splits and it ends when the cell either dies or splits again. The first phase of the cell cycle is called G1. During G1, the cell primarily grows. This is then followed by the S phase. During the S phase, the cell replicates its DNA. The S phase is then followed by the G2 phase, which is when the cell further prepares for cell division by copying organelles and creating microtubules to be used later. The next phase is the M phase, which is what today’s lab is about. M stands for mitosis, and it occurs at the end of the cell cycle. Mitosis consists of 4 phases: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase, followed by a process called cytokinesis. During prophase, the nuclear envelope dissolves and the chromosomes condense and become visible. During metaphase, the chromosomes line up along the middle of the cell. During anaphase, the sister chromatids begin to separate and travel to opposite ends of the cell. During telophase, the chromosomes end up at opposite ends of the cell, the nuclear envelope reforms, and then the chromosomes begin to unravel. See the picture below to get an idea of what each phase of mitosis looks like. Between mitosis events, the cell goes through Interphase (inter= between). During interphase, the cell grows and can go into a dormant phase. If not, it will continue to prepare for mitosis.
In today’s lab, you will see these different phases of mitosis under the microscope and then you are going to determine how long each cell spends in each phase of mitosis.

Identifying the Stages of Mitosis.
Obtain your slide box from your lab kit, and obtain your microscope.
Place the slide called “Onion Root Tip Mitosis” on the microscope and begin searching for cells in the different stages of mitosis.

Draw each of the phases that you saw in the space below:

11.2 – Determining Lengths of Time Spent in Mitosis Phases
Looking at the onion root slide, locate 50 cells that appeared to be actively dividing when the slide was made. Notice how these cells are arranged in columns. This will allow you to easily keep track of them while you are doing this activity.
For each of the 50 cells you chose, identify which stage of mitosis the cell is in, and keep track using the “tally marks” section of the table below.
Once you have tallied 50 cells, count how many were present for each phase of mitosis and write that number in the “count” section of the table.
Think about it:
Which phase had the most cells?
Which phase had the least cells?
Calculate the percentage of cells found in each phase. This can be done by dividing the number of cells in the phase by 50, which is the total number of cells in the count, and then multiply your answer by 100. Enter this number in the “percentage” section of the table.
The percentage of cells found in each phase is a measure of how long each phase lasts. For example, if 25 percent of the cells are in prophase, then prophase takes 25 percent of the total time it takes for a cell to undergo mitosis. Mitosis in onion cells takes about 80 minutes. Calculate the actual time for each phase using this information and the percentage you have just determined. Use the following equation to find the duration of each phase of mitosis in onion cells.