
What should be valuation of the digital wallet? What will be the value of the company in 2027?


Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

A digital wallet (4 years old) has 10 000+ daily installs accelerating 20% each month, and 2 billion addressable market. A local mobile bank (15 years old) has 20 000+ daily installs with 0 acceleration and 20 million addressable market. Local bank is valued at $5 billion with 50% country risk discount. The digital wallet has no country risk discount. What should be valuation of the digital wallet? $2.5 billion $10 billlion $100 billion $500 billion $1 trillioin 2-ARK invest estimates value of each US digital wallet user at $19,900 by 2025. Assume value of an international client will be $1000 in 2027 and number of monthly paying clients will grow from 30,000 at 10% monthly rate till 2027 and 0 afterwards. What will be the value of the company in 2027? 1899,718,800 $9,134,449,000 $28,667,815,000 $89,971,883,000

What is the most pressing social issue facing the United States today?

Pressing social issue

In your opinion, what is the most pressing social issue facing the United States today? Your response should be comprehensive and well-reasoned. Your paper should adhere to APA
formatting. At least two scholarly sources are required. All papers must be uploaded to the drop
box and submitted through SafeAssign by the date of the final exam. A maximum 15% similarity
score is allowed.

Explain the current, or ‘AS-IS,’ state process and illustrate it with a UML Activity Diagram with partitions, a.k.a Swimlane diagram that the customer leverages that could be improved with the use of technologies.

Individual Project 2 ISM

For this project you will work to propose a M-Commerce solution to solve a particular business problem. You will research, analyze, define, and propose a technology-based business solution. You can use an existing or fictitious organization. The end product will be both a paper and a presentation that describes the problem and the business solution.
NOTE: This project are due at the end of Module 6. Be sure to plan your work accordingly.
The project should minimally contain the following sections (at least 7 full pages in APA format):

Business and Market Overview—your client’s organization, management, business model, their products and services, and their growth strategy. Elaborate on the distinct external pressures on their business. This section must include an illustration of Porter’s Model with the unique and specific pressures that your client faces.

Problem Definition—Identify the core business problem that your client has engaged your team to solve. For that problem, identify the overarching business process. Explain the current, or ‘AS-IS,’ state process and illustrate it with a UML Activity Diagram with partitions, a.k.a Swimlane diagram that the customer leverages that could be improved with the use of technologies. Refer to your text for a sample Swimlane diagram.

Business Solution Proposal—taking the ‘AS-IS’ model from section 2, elaborate on how technology will be utilized to streamline or optimize the current process in order to solve the stated business problem. Explain the future, or ‘TO-BE’, state process and illustrate it with a UML Activity Diagram. Be sure to include any key technology in its own Swimlane. Also, elaborate on any new, updated, enhanced IT Infrastructure (hardware, databases, networks, business intelligence, RFID, sensor networks, and/or software) required to support the solution. The line items that come out of this section should be part of the investment cost details in Section 4.

Solution Assessment—Leverage the output from the previous three sections and quantify the value of the business solution. Identify and estimate the cost of key technology, training, people, resources required for the business solution, i.e. the investment. Next, identify and estimate the value of the solution in specific financial gains or costs savings, i.e. financial gain. Illustrate the ROI by using IT ROI and Related Financial Metrics (Links to an external site.) and Return on Investment (ROI) Calculator (Links to an external site.). If you aren’t sure about real costs, be sure to mark it as an assumption, i.e. best guess.

Project Management—identify potential project management and SDLC (system development life cycle) challenges and elaborate on mitigation strategies for each in order to ensure that the rollout of the business solution goes smoothly. Include a high-level project plan with key activities for each main phase of the project.
Citations that document your research are a critical part of this project. Be sure to identify all the references you use. These should be cited in the text as well as the References list.

If someone is well-skilled and practices positive psychology and problem-focused, emotion-focused, and appraisal-focused coping, in what ways might these skills help him or her deal with having a psychological disorder?

Module 7

Consider what you’ve been learning about in this course: If someone is well-skilled and practices positive psychology and problem-focused, emotion-focused, and appraisal-focused coping, in what ways might these skills help him or her deal with having a psychological disorder? How might it even prevent him or her from suffering from a psychological disorder? On the other hand, how might having poor coping skills and/or failing to practice them be associated with or contribute to having or even worsening a psychological disorder? What differences might there be between children and adults on these issues?

What strategies are used to answer the research question you’re considering? In detail: How do they understand the issue? What kind of models do they use? What kinds of causal relationships are at issue? What kinds of data are used? Are the models idealized?

Voting systems

1. Within your “home discipline,” find a scholarly controversy or debate about some issue. It could be from a previous class you’ve taken, or just something you’re just interested in.

2. Find at least two (2) papers within that debate. Obviously, these papers should represent at least two positions within the debate. They should disagree with one another. Remember, what’s important is that you lay out two positions, and not necessarily just write about two papers.

3. Articulate, in detail, the research question at issue. What are they disagreeing about? Why is it interesting?

4. Lay out, briefly, each position you’ll be considering.

5. What strategies are used to answer the research question you’re considering? In detail: How do they understand the issue? What kind of models do they use? What kinds of causal relationships are at issue? What kinds of data are used? Are the models idealized? How? Do different sides of the controversy take different strategies? Why?

Elaborate, by writing about the impact of this occurrence/event, and the choices you, or the person you care about, have made in response to the occurrence/event.

Reflective essay

1) Choose a very meaningful occurrence/event that has happened within your life, or within the life of someone you care about;

2) Elaborate, by writing about this occurrence/event (make sure you identify the lifespan associated with the occurrence/event);

3) Elaborate, by writing about the impact of this occurrence/event, and the choices you, or the person you care about, have made in response to the occurrence/event;

4) Elaborate, by writing about how you think the subsequent lifespans, whether for you, or for the person you care about, will most likely be affected due to this occurrence/event.

Critically discuss the merits of the three-stage test, also variously known as the ‘incremental approach or the ‘tripartite test’ for establishing a duty of care and its role in the concept of negligence.

Elements of Corporate and Business Law


Using Donoghue v Stevenson (1932), Caparo Industries plc v Dickman (1990) and Customs and Excise Commissioners v Barclays Bank plc (2007) and other relevant cases, critically discuss the merits of the three-stage test, also variously known as the ‘incremental approach or the ‘tripartite test’ for establishing a duty of care and its role in the concept of negligence.

Your essay should be written in an academic style, that is enriched with relevant cases and documented with citations, and a bibliography. The work must be word-processed and must not exceed 1500 words. ^ copy pasted from attached file.

Dont have to write more than 1375 words. Stating some sources below you need to use for the perfect answer n some help. They are also stated in the attachment and so is the question. You can view the attachment for a more clearer scope. Use as many sources as you can.

Useful Resources

Kelly, D., Hammer, R., Denoncourt, J. and Hendy, J. (2020). Business Law. Fourth edition. Taylor & Francis.

Rouch, L. (2017), Business law, Fourth edition, Oxford University Press.

Marson & Ferris (2016), Concentrate business law, third edition, Oxford University press.

Jones, L (2017), Introduction to Business Law, Fourth edition, Oxford University press

Buckland, W.W. (1935) The duty to take care, LQR, 51: 637

Winfield, P.M. (1934) Duty in tortious negligence’ Columbia Law Review, 34(1), 41-46

Murphy, G. (2011) The snail and the ginger beer: the singular case of Donoghue v Stevenson, Commonwealth Law Bulletin, 37(1), 214-215

Thank you very much and good luck. Please try make it as critical, accurate and grammar enriched as you can for the, thank you. Your efforts are very much appreciated. Please message if need further info.

Job satisfaction may be predicted by employee characteristics, characteristics of jobs, and company characteristics. Using the tool of regression analysis, does the data set imply support for such expectations?

Regression Analysis

Q1. Job satisfaction may be predicted by employee characteristics, characteristics of jobs, and company characteristics.

Using the tool of regression analysis, does the data set imply support for such expectations?

If so, then which employee, job, and company characteristics predict job satisfaction, and what is the nature of any such effects in terms of their sign and magnitude?

Q2. Job satisfaction may be lowest neither for very young nor very old employees, and so the association between age and job satisfaction may be U-shaped.

Do the data imply support for such an expectation? And is such a pattern evident in individual countries and years?

Identify and evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed intervention; how does it work and who is responsible for their implementation.

Designing a Wellbeing Intervention

“Critically present and discuss the design of an intervention to tackle a key well-being issue within the workplace.” Identify and evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed intervention; how does it work and who is responsible for their implementation.

Improving the psychological well-being of a workforce brings benefits for both the individual employees and the organisation as a whole. For organisations, the business case for investing in psychological well-being is strong and associates with improved outcomes for organisations, including lower levels of turnover, sickness absence, and improved work performance.

The intervention discussed in your essay should convey the core message that psychological well-being can make a difference to work, individuals’ working lives and the success of organisations. The wellbeing intervention you will propose can be of two main kinds:

1) focused on treatment (i.e. interventions implemented once a health and wellbeing issue has been identified);

2) focused on prevention (i.e. interventions introduced to prevent the likelihood of reduced wellbeing occurring

Be specific why would you target title 42 and the asylum seekers issue. How does this affect title 42, what are some recommendations?

Policy brief

Review the picture, including the rubric.

Rewrite the Intriago document

Be specific why would you target title 42 and the asylum seekers issue.

How does this affect title 42, what are some recommendations?

Convinced the audience that a current and urgent problem exists and that it requires NGO action. Includes a clear statement of the problem, a short overview of the root causes, and a clear statement of policy implications.

Be specific to which NGO should be involved or which state department.