
What can we do to help with domestic violence? Is the Internet dangerous? Should animals be used for scientific research? Should all public smoking be banned? Should drivers not be permitted to use cell phones?

Does Religion Cause War?

Possible Argumentative Essay Topics
Select from the topics below.
While not all statements are in the form of a question, you can use the stem to pick a side. Pick ONE side and argument for the side that you have chosen.

What can we do to help with domestic violence?
Is the Internet dangerous?
Should animals be used for scientific research?
Should all public smoking be banned?
Should drivers not be permitted to use cell phones?
Should restrictions be placed on the use of cell phones in locations such as restaurants and theaters?
Death penalty should be abolished.
The “right to die” is not murder.
Should the rain forests destruction be prohibited?
Should there be unisex classes instead of mixed classes?
Should sex education increase in public schools to curb problems such as teen pregnancy, abortion, or STD?
All people should become vegetarians for their health and for the welfare of animals.
Students in America are not grateful for their education and take it very lightly.
Assisted suicide is not a crime.
Animals have rights.
Do we need prisons, or is there a better way to control crime?
Should the death penalty be mandatory for all murderers, or just for those who manage to kill people even when staying in a prison?
Is plastic surgeries a way to become more beautiful, or just someone’s unhealthy idea?
Was the “sex, drugs, and rock ’n’ roll” era significant, or not?
Prove that blondes are actually smart.
Dieting is an obsession, and many who diet do not succeed.
Support or don’t support President Obama’s political stand on one issue.
Is global climate change man-made?
Is our election process fair?
Is torture ever acceptable?
Should men get paternity leave from work?
Is a lottery a good idea?
Do curfews keep teens out of trouble?
Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy?
Is child behavior better or worse than it was years ago?
Do violent video games cause behavior problems?
Are beauty pageants exploitive?
When should parents let teens make their own decisions?
Does age matter in relationships?
What age is appropriate for dating?
Does boredom lead to trouble?
Does religion cause war?
What should be done about girls being mean to one another?
What should be done about bullying?
Is homework harmful or helpful? What are the limits involved?


How do you see intersectionality illustrated in this book? how can you see space becoming place for this population?

Book report : “They Called Us Enemy”

Read first half of George takei’s book– they called us enemy

Respond to Reading

How do you see intersectionality illustrated in this book? how can you see space becoming place for this population? be specific– talk about how this community transformed space into place.

Note: if you are not sure about this– go back to BYAMR and look in the index for where space/place theory is illustrated an go back and read about it in BYAMR– then go back to takei’s book

Make this a 250 words– one page and include AT LEAST 2 quotes from the book with page numbers–

Define and provide textual examples of what Nietzsche means by the term “history.” Evaluate both the pros and cons of using history to guide a person’s life. To what extent do you agree with his definition of history and his analysis of it?

The purpose of philosophy

I) Nietzsche – On the Advantage and Disadvantage of History for Life
According to Plato, Socrates famously stated, “that the unexamined life is not worth living,” and argued in favor of philosophy as the best way to understand how to live. Subsequently, some of humanity’s most famous thinkers have either tried to support or rebut not only Plato’s beliefs, but also his metaphysical/philosophical approaches to knowledge. By the 19th Century, and after several thousand years of grand philosophizing from the Aristotelians, the Kantians, and the Utilitarians, the skeptics and the nihilists Friedrich Nietzsche began to wonder openly whether anything had been accomplished. Nietzsche, in his On the Advantage and Disadvantage of History for Life, considers this very question – what is the point of studying the past – especially the ideas, morals, and philosophies of prior generations? To answer this question, please address the following specific topics.

1) Define and provide textual examples of what Nietzsche means by the term “history.”

2) Evaluate both the pros and cons of using history to guide a person’s life.

3) To what extent do you agree with his definition of history and his analysis of it?

4) Next, which of the philosophers that we have decided, do you believe that Nietzsche would argue is still worthy of study? Make sure to support your answer with plenty of examples from the text.

II) Weber – Politics as a Vocation
In the lecture, Politics as a Vocation, Weber provides us with an explanation of the evolution of the modern state as well as how a person can live both for or from politics. Please write an essay which explains Weber’s analysis of the creation of the modern state (in particular how the contemporary state differs from earlier forms) and how these changes have impacted both would be politicians and the bureaucrats who are now employed in increasingly large and powerful government institutions. When writing your answer please be sure to address the following specific concerns:

1) How does the modern state represent a perfection of prior forms of government?

2) What does it mean to make a living for or from politics and how does this affect the process of governing?

3) Next, to what extent can political and ethical activity (as defined by Weber to be either an ethics of conviction or responsibility) coexist in the modern world?

4) Lastly, do you see Weber as primarily optimistic or pessimistic about the future of modern politics and is he correct?

Identify values that specifically address current ethical issues. Consider values that link the organization to a stakeholder orientation. Attempt to find overlaps in organizational and stakeholder values.

Developing and implementing a code of conduct

1, Consider areas of risk and state the values as well as conduct necessary to comply with laws and regulations. Values are an important buffer in preventing serious misconduct

2. Identify values that specifically address current ethical issues.

3. Consider values that link the organization to a stakeholder orientation. Attempt to find overlaps in organizational and stakeholder values.

4. Make the code understandable by providing exarY7ples that reflect values.

5. Communicate the code frequently and in language that employees can understand.

6. Revise the code every year with input from organizational members and stakeholders.

Create an 8 -10-minute audio/video presentation with 8 – 9 PowerPoint slides that summarize your reflection on the learning experience within the MBA degree program.

MBA Reflection Presentation By Lakesha Hancock

Create an 8 -10-minute audio/video presentation with 8 – 9 PowerPoint slides that summarize your reflection on the learning experience within the MBA degree program. It should reflect your candid assessment of the level of achievement of the degree’s overall Learning Outcomes. See the rubric below for more details
Refer to the Syllabus which provides the MBA OUTCOMES and the Rubric which provides the required elements.

Explain Standards and procedures, such as codes of ethics, that are reasonably capable of detecting and preventing misconduct.

Minimum Requirements for ethics and compliance program

1. Standards and procedures, such as codes of ethics, that are reasonably capable of detecting and preventing misconduct

2. High-level personnel who are responsible for an ethics and compliance program

3. No substantial discretionary authority given to individuals with a propensity for misconduct

4. Standards and procedures communicated effectively via ethics-training programs

5. Establishment of systems to monitor, audit, and report misconduct

6. Consistent enforcement of standards, codes, and punishment

■ 7. Continuous improvement of the ethics and compliance program

Source Adapted from U.S, Sentencing Commission, Federal Sentencing Guidelies Manual, effective November 1, 2004 (St. Paul: West, 2008).

Write a short personal essay on your favorite forest or favorite tree–the idea is to write about your personal connection to forests or trees, in Michigan or elsewhere.

Personal essay about my favorite tree/ forest type

Write a short personal essay on your favorite forest or favorite tree–the idea is to write about your personal connection to forests or trees, in Michigan or elsewhere. It must be submitted in WORD format.

• You can write a short essay about your favorite forest/tree,

The printed paper should be 3-4 pages long, double-spaced with no larger than 12 point font and with 1″ margins. This is essentially an essay, but it can be a short non-fiction story as check sentence structure, spelling and overall flow of the paper.

Write a 300 word response to the prompt(provided in the pictures) for each podcast. write a 400 word reflection on this assignment, this also has a prompt which will be provided in pictures.

Radio Lab Blog

Go onto the Radio Lab website.
Listen to 5 Radio Lab Podcasts which I have chosen: “Body Count”, “More or Less Human”, “Unnatural Selection”, “Animal Minds” and “The Unsilencing” .
Write a 300 word response to the prompt(provided in the pictures) for each podcast.
The prompt consists of three parts which should be answered for each podcast.
Lastly write a 400 word reflection on this assignment, this also has a prompt which will be provided in pictures.

Describe the organizational theories applicable to law enforcement. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each theory as it relates to law enforcement.

Module 3 Essay

Using the required resources for this module and through research on the subject, develop an essay that:

Describe the organizational theories applicable to law enforcement. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each theory as it relates to law enforcement.

Identify ethical, security, and privacy considerations in conducting data and information analysis and selecting and using information technology.

Professional Memo

Before you begin this assignment, be sure you have read the Small Merchant Guide to Safe Payments documentation from the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) organization. PCI Data Security Standards are established to protect payment account data throughout the payment lifecycle, and to protect individuals and entities from the criminals who attempt to steal sensitive data. The PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) applies to all entities that store, process, and/or transmit cardholder data, including merchants, service providers, and financial institutions.

Purpose of this Assignment

You work as an Information Technology Consultant for the Greater Washington Risk Associates (GWRA) and have been asked to write a professional memo to one of your clients as a followup to their recent risk assessment (RA). GWRA specializes in enterprise risk management for state agencies and municipalities. The county of Anne Arundel, Maryland (the client) hired GWRA to conduct a risk assessment of Odenton, Maryland (a community within the Anne Arundel County), with a focus on business operations within the municipality.

This assignment specifically addresses the following course outcome to enable you to:

Identify ethical, security, and privacy considerations in conducting data and information analysis and selecting and using information technology.


Your supervisor has asked that the memo focus on Odenton’s information systems, and specifically, securing the processes for payments of services. Currently, the Odenton Township offices accept cash or credit card payment for the services of sanitation (sewer and refuse), water, and property taxes. Residents can pay either inperson at township offices or over the phone with a major credit card (American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa). Over the phone payment involves with speaking to an employee and giving the credit card information. Once payment is received, the Accounting Department is responsible for manually entering it into the township database system and making daily deposits to the bank.