
Qualify your discussion and explain the limits of it. For example, even after health service organization is defined, which ones or one you are meaning may need to be limited or described.

Economic benefit for a particular health services organization

Select one topic. Develop the question you want to address from the list or get one approved. Plan the approach and analysis you will take to address the question. Define your terms. Do not assume concepts like universal healthcare are commonly understood. If that were the term, one would need to describe who will provide what and how it will be achieved. There is no universal way that is done. You will also need to describe the context for some terms, like market. If you only mention market, the reader will not know if you mean the theoretical non-existent perfectly competitive model economists use as a beginning basis to discuss and explain how changes might be explained, or do you mean real market that is some combination of a planned and market system.
Qualify your discussion and explain the limits of it. For example, even after health service organization is defined, which ones or one you are meaning may need to be limited or described. Avoid making unfounded generalizations. Be precise and support your statements as needed.
Research your issue sufficiently. Include a minimum of three references from peer-reviewed journals Qualify your discussion and explain the limits of it. For example, even after health service organization is defined, which ones or one you are meaning may need to be limited or described. . Use the text, the resources in contents, like KFF. Analyze and summarize your sources in an organized way as you develop your analysis. Recognize the limits of your review of the literature, some sources being particularly relevant, and others not so much. If your conclusion varies from those sources that do not support it, explain how and why. Regardless how limited your analysis is, reach a conclusion, but reach one that can be supported given your ideas and the literature you discover.

Explain and evaluate your strategies and reflect tour insights. opinions. and implications based on the simulation experience.

Reflection Paper

Case Simulation Reflection Raiser You are required to write a reflection paper (Max. three pages, Times New Roman, size 12, double-spaced, I-inch margins excluding tables and figures). A reflection paper is not a summary paper; you should explain and evaluate your strategies and reflect tour insights. opinions. and implications based on the simulation experience. Specifically, provide your reflection about the marketing decision-making process learned from the simulation, including content (e.g., What were successful/unsuccessful strategies in each marketing mix element?), decision-making process, and skill shools in decision making (e.g., What were the import skills/tools in strategic decision making?). Support your perspectives with specific examples based on your experience. Additionally, provide your opinions and suggestions about the simulation assignment.
Below is the suggested structure for your reflection paper:

o Summary of your strategies and evaluation,

o Reflection based on the marketing mix (4Ps) in the simulation,

o Overall reflection, o Suggestions for the simulation assignment.

Submit your reflection paper to Canvas by Monday. November I S.

Determine proper storage methods, identification, and stock location based on turnover, environmental factors, and physical capabilities of facilities.


Supply Operations / Warehouse Specialist
Support daily operations to include execution of logistical movement plan that decreased the process of pick-up and delivery of supply orders for customers
Participated in training program for supply clerks enhanced administrative, technical skills and eliminated accountability problems
Performed receiving and accountability of ordered supplies in support of deployment to Afghanistan Operation Enduring Freedom; contributing to the expeditious embarkation and deliveries of supply valued at over $1.2M to medical battalion
Pack and unpack items to be stocked on shelves in stockrooms, warehouses, or storage yards
Store items in an orderly and accessible manner in warehouses, tool rooms, supply rooms, or other areas

Logistics / Supply Clerk
Provided material readiness support to commands and units that perform material management, resource tracking, allocation management and materiel readiness accountability in preparation for their deployment to Operation Enduring Freedom
Reviewed and analyzed reports produced by automated property system such as Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support (DMLSS) to resolve problems on error listings
Assisted and provided guidance and problem solving to the team responsible for implementing a new automated system called Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support – DMLSS.
Manage the distribution of new equipment arriving to include prioritizing individual equipment issues to unit’s preparing for deployment.
Dispose of damaged or defective items, or return them to vendors
Examine and inspect stock items for wear or defects, reporting any damage to supervisors

Supply Administration & Operations
Inspected and analyzed the accountability and record keeping of the supply section.
Determine proper storage methods, identification, and stock location based on turnover, environmental factors, and physical capabilities of facilities.
Prepare and maintain records and reports of inventories, price lists, shortages, shipments, expenditures, and goods used or issued.
Store items in an orderly and accessible manner in warehouses, tool rooms, supply rooms, or other areas
Advise retail customers or internal users on the appropriateness of parts, supplies, or materials requested

What constitutes this case as a crisis? How is this debt crisis classed, racialized, gendered, and otherwise prejudicial and/or predatory in its structure and consequences? Who profits from the crisis and who are most adversely impacted in terms of exposure to risk, access to assistance, and adverse health impacts?

Consumer Debt Crisis

This essay assignment asks that you research a significant debt crisis (past, current, or impending) and make an analytical argument as to its political significance beyond the events of its specific history. You may consider a particular market of consumer debt or a certain case of sovereign debt within a specific geography and historical period (e.g., medical debt crisis in the US post 9/11). Include details of the crisis’ history, causes, and effects that are relevant to your overall argument. This is not a book report—be selective about the descriptive information you include and provide citations for all such information. The bulk of the essay should rather be composed of your analysis of the economic, political, historical, and geographic factors that structure this specific debt crisis, and your argument as to the overall political lesson we can glean from engaging with this specific case.

In the course of your analysis, you may want to consider the following: What constitutes this case as a crisis? How is this debt crisis classed, racialized, gendered, and otherwise prejudicial and/or predatory in its structure and consequences? Who profits from the crisis and who are most adversely impacted in terms of exposure to risk, access to assistance, and adverse health impacts? What type of discourse (explanatory genres, narrative representations) surround this debt crisis and what capitalist myths and notions of morality, human nature, the state and society does this discourse naturalize? What is the role (potential or actual) of austerity, stimulus, relief, (corporate) welfare in structuring the crisis and its resolution? Engaging with these questions should function in service to your overall argument, in which you derive a generalizable political lesson from this particular case of debt-related crisis.

Who is your artist and/or artifact? What is the date of the artifact? Briefly describe this artist’s context and how this influences the creation of the artwork.


Choose from the following list to make a PowerPoint on:

1. Orsen Welles, CITIZEN KANE

1. Francis Ford Coppola, THE GODFATHER

2. George Lucas, STAR WARS

3.Martin Scorsese, GOODFELLAS

4. Quentin Tarentino, PULP FICTION

5. Steven Spielberg, SAVING PRIVATE RYAN

6. Guillarmo de Toro, PAN’S LABYRINTH

7. Ridley Scott, THE GLADIATOR



10. Ryan Coogler, BLACK PANTHER

The Research Encounter is an opportunity for students to investigate a specific artist and/or artifact. In this exploration, students will discover the impact of this artist or piece of art on the art world. The student will determine how the belief systems, values, and norms of the society and era this artist created in affected this artist’s output. Finally, the student will relate this information to the present world of art to the class in a PPTX presentation with audio.
Each student will be assigned a topic and date of submission by their instructor. Students are asked to provide a slide presentation that will answer the following:
1. Who is your artist and/or artifact? What is the date of the artifact?
2. Briefly describe this artist’s context and how this influences the creation of the artwork. (This should include the birth and death dates of the artist.)
3. Briefly discuss the elements of the artifact and the purpose of this work. Give one interesting fact about the artwork.
4. Briefly explain why this artist’s work is essential or important. Is your topic a giant of the arts? Is this artifact a masterpiece?
5. List your sources.

Each presentation should contain five to seven slides. Each presentation’s audio portion should be between five to ten minutes in length. Use at least three sources beginning with our text. There will be plenty of information on your artist; your job will be to present the essential information on this author.

Are the actions on the screen relevant to the times? What is the theme? Does the theme of this film speak to our era of time? How does this theme speak to this generation?

Film Critic

For this module assignment, you are the critic. Choose a film to critique. (Try to choose a film you can view multiple times.)
In essay form, answer the following:

Name of the movie, director, and year it was produced. (Give a brief context of the director, and year this director created in.
Is the style used to create this film unique to the art form? (Remember, film is an art of choices; name and describe one or two interesting directorial choices in this movie. These could include use of montage or camera angles. Or, the choices could include use of music or use of POV shots.)
Do the characters have complex inner lives? (Name two of the leading characters, and describe their context, actions, and reactions.)
Are the actions on the screen relevant to the times? (What is the theme? Does the theme of this film speak to our era of time? How does this theme speak to this generation?)
Is the integrity of the audience respected? (Especially comment on the ending of this movie. Is it fitting? Does it make sense?)
Write AT LEAST one paragraph for questions 2 – 4. Use good grammar and mechanics, and proper citation of sources. Do not use filler words such as “I think,” “In my opinion,” or “I feel.”

You do not have to follow the order of these questions in your essay. You will find more discourse on these questions at the back of our cinema chapter.

Critically discuss how and why the judiciary use Case management via the Civil procedure Rules in Civil cases at the following stages in the Civil Procedure process.

Civil litigation

Critically discuss how and why the judiciary use Case management via the Civil procedure Rules in Civil cases at the following stages in the Civil Procedure process:

1) Allocation

2) Costs

1) & 2) carry equal marks and ensure you use relevant statute and case law.

Knowledge and Understanding

1. Evaluate the core elements which enable an act of litigation;

2. Understand full trial process, including any possible pre-action steps;

3. Explain when any case may be terminated without a trial as well as the use of offers of settlement and other remedies; and

4. Understand and analyse orders and judgments, from enforcement to appeal.

Practical, Professional or Subject Specific Skills

5. Application and understanding of the civil litigation process; and

6. Ability to recognize the relevance of the essay to the law and the changes in civil litigation that have recently occurred in relation to post Briggs and Covid and affected the civil litigation process.

Transferable Skills and other Attributes

7. Demonstrate the ability to write in a clear and unambiguous manner using correct terminology and utilising accurate referencing techniques;

Assessment Information/Brief 3

8. Using a range of primary and secondary sources of information, law reports, statutes, statistical data and socio-legal research;

9. Apply library based (conventional and electronic) research skills to research relevant issues; and

10. Structure opinions on civil litigation that are objective and ethical.

What will the constructs look like? Describe your strategy for creating the sgRNA construct and the donor DNA construct, and provide a diagram that includes the relevant.

Sickle Cell Anemia: How can we alter the genome to

Question: Present a question. What is the question that you want to answer? (for example: is it possible to introduce wt CFTR sequence into the mutant CFTR allele and have it function as CFTR is predicted to?).

2. Introduction: Describe background of gene/condition, etc. What does your audience need to know about this? What causes it? What is the specific sequence change (if disease). How many people are affected? What are the effects? Why is this an important question to address? [If you are proposing a novel creation, such as GFP kitties, Instead describe why this would be a useful or profitable venture, and how it is similar and different from previous items on the market, like “GloFish”]. Be sure to cite sources to describe the background information, including info about the genes, the role of the genes to be targeted, overview of disease or condition resulting from mutant alleles (if applicable), or an overview of the function of the genes to be altered/fused (if applicable).

3. Proposed Strategy: How will you address this? Be specific. What will the constructs look like? Describe your strategy for creating the sgRNA construct and the donor DNA construct, and provide a diagram that includes the relevant
sequence. In your diagram, please show: target sequence, PAM, sgRNA sequence, where mutation occurs (if applicable), where cut site/s is/are. If creating a fusion protein, please show in your diagram where your inserted gene will go. Also,
show what the sequence of your donor DNA is (no need to include entire gene sequence for GFP or other inserted protein for fusion protein projects, just indicate the gene with a labeled rectangle (as in the lab protocols), with the relevant homologous sequence.

4. Delivery: Comment on how you would deliver the components needed for CRISPR to happen, and to which cell population within the organism. Our Moodle site has a review paper that describes different ways of delivering CRISPR components that you may find helpful.

5. Results: Describe how you would determine if CRISPR was successful. Describe what the phenotypic effects of the CRISPR would be on the patient or organism, and also, describe how you would confirm with PCR that the gene edit was
successful. Provide the PCR primer sequences.

6. Conclusion: Comment on what the overall effects of this new technology would be on health/society. Put this into context to make it clear in what ways this would be helpful/useful. In a separate paragraph, Discuss drawbacks to this technique, and importantly, ethical implications for the use of this technology. What is controversial about CRISPR? Does the technique you are using create heritable changes in DNA? What about the change you are trying to effect in general – what potential effects does this have on the community of individuals for whom this would affect (It will be important to set this up in your introduction section as well – Research how the gene you are trying edit affects communities with that allele)?

Include figures and legends. The uploaded resources are just guides.

Assume the perspective of a Risk Officer and compose a memo for the specialist venture debt bank outlining why a Management Buy-Out (MBO) is an attractive option for managers. Identify and explain the specific risks of providing debt to Monsoft? How could the bank mitigate these risks?

Corporate Reporting & Finance

Monsoft is an established fintech that provides back-office/ administrative software for banks to manage customer mortgages. The company has 8 clients in total with 3 of the top 10 UK banks using their software.

The company was founded by Tim Bennis, who serves as both CEO and CTO. Currently the software is sold through multi-year licences, which are deployed on Monsoft’s customers own servers, however Monsoft also has plans to sell its product through the software as a service model (SaaS). Tim estimates that this would cost £3m and take 12-18 months to implement, the move to a SaaS model will likely increase the value of the company by 50%.

Ownership: Tim owns 30% of the shares in the company with the remainder held by various venture capital firms, the largest of which is a small UK venture capital fund, Growth Partners that owns 40%. Each of the other shareholders own approximately 10% and are not aligned with Tim or Growth Partners

Shareholder Exit: Growth Partners is nearing the end of its lifecycle and has failed to raise a subsequent fund, so needs to sell its 40% shareholding in Monsoft for cash to its investors rather than take additional equity stakes. There are three financing options currently available: acquisition by a high growth fintech, sale to a private equity firm and a management buyout.

see ‘this screenshot’ for information on Plutus and Valuation Guidance


A: Business Valuation

Compose a memo to the Board of Directors of Monsoft covering the following topics:

1. Calculate the 2022 value of Monsoft by applying the following three methods:

• 1. Discounted Cashflow (DCF) with terminal value based on Price/Sales multiple applied current TTM (Trailing Twelve Month) revenue

o The DCF will use the forward years projections up to 2024

o Assume that there is no depreciation, investment, or interest but if there is a tax liability, that is, if the company is profitable – assume the UK corporate tax rate is 19%

• 2. Forward P/E valuation, – Apply the same assumptions as for the DCF to determine what an implied post tax earnings figure would be for Monsoft in 2022 and apply the relevant PE multiple

• 3. Price/Sales

Include an advantage and disadvantage of each valuation technique

2. Assuming Plutus hits the $20m revenue target and the new revenue multiple is applied, calculate the value in GBP of the equity stake the owners of Monsoft would have in Plutus.

3. Compare and contrast the Plutus and Victors offers from Tim Bennis and Growth Partners perspective? Using the
information provided, please suggest an alternative scenario whereby both Tim Bennis and Growth Partners goals can be met and Monsoft has sufficient funding for its growth.

4. Describe the specific sectoral considerations when valuing a software company and to provide a recommendation on what a reasonable value the company should be based on your calculations and research

Consult the following resource:

B: Business Financing

Assume the perspective of a Risk Officer and compose a memo for the specialist venture debt bank outlining why a Management Buy-Out (MBO) is an attractive option for managers. Identify and explain the specific risks of providing debt to Monsoft? How could the bank mitigate these risks?

C: Business Disposal

You are a corporate finance advisor working for Plutus. Write an email to Plutus’s CEO identifying the critical steps involved in an acquisition process after the target has been identified. Explain what you think are the critical items of what Plutus needs to conduct on Monsoft.

Discuss using original ideas and supporting details and quotations from the article(s) in the above internet link.


Choose one of the two topics below, read the article(s) in the provided internet link that is associated with your chosen topic, then write an essay based on the topic you’ve chosen.

Argument Article: “Is Vaping with e-Cigarettes Safe?”

Topic: Is vaping healthy or harmful?

Discuss using original ideas and supporting details and quotations from the article(s) in the above internet link.


Your essay does not need a Works Cited page, but whenever you quote, paraphrase, or summarize the article, be sure to give a proper in-text citation (giving the author’s last name). Your essay should:

Include a properly formatted title
Write an introduction that captures the reader’s attention and ends with a controlling thesis
Have well-organized body paragraphs that use transitions
Support the thesis with examples or explanations
Draw a conclusion that leaves a lasting impression, and
Follow standard practices in spelling, punctuation, and grammar.