
Describe the raw materials, processing considerations and consequences from field to table, and general considerations (nutrition, safety, cost and energy considerations, workforce, etc.) for the products and the processing operations.

Business Plan for food facility

You are going to design a food processing facility. Choose one or two raw ingredients as a focus.  From the focus ingredient(s), build a set of food products.  The food products chosen must, as a group, employ no fewer than one processing method representing each of the modules in the course.  Each food product should employ at least two processing methods, but both may be from the same module.  Describe the raw materials, processing considerations and consequences from field to table, and general considerations (nutrition, safety, cost and energy considerations, workforce, etc.) for the products and the processing operations.  The more detail that you can include (e.g. specific equipment, five-year plan), the better.

Demonstrate critical understanding of legal issues created by autonomous technologies. Identify the challenges and opportunities that Artificial Intelligence has brought to legal practice. Critically evaluate specific applications of autonomous technologies in the field of law.

Artificial intelligence

Evaluate the bias and discrimination problem present within AI. You should consider various instances in which bias and discrimination has occurred in AI systems, and any attempts made to reduce the issue.

1.Demonstrate critical understanding of legal issues created by autonomous technologies.

2. Identify the challenges and opportunities that Artificial Intelligence has brought to legal practice.

3. Critically evaluate specific applications of autonomous technologies in the field of law.

4. Understand the wider societal implications of Artificial Intelligence and Law.

5. Apply acquired knowledge of AI and Law to identify legal solutions arising from the use of autonomous technologies.

6. Plan and conduct research into AI and its impact on the legal sector;

7. Identify and analyse future challenges related to Artificial Intelligence and Law.

8. Present arguments in a clear, logical and accurate form;

Identify the impurity in the sample and the approximate degree of contamination. Identify a solvent suitable for purifying the impure sample of benzoic acid by crystallization.


Recrystallization Method:

Identify the impurity in the sample and the approximate degree of contamination.
Identify a solvent suitable for purifying the impure sample of benzoic acid by crystallization. [An ideal solvent for recrystallization for a substance is a solvent that will (1) partially dissolve the substance at room temperature, and (2) completely dissolve the substance while hot . In addition, the hot solution of the substance in the solvent, when cooled will allow the substance to form crystalline solid.]
Separate the impurity by mixing the impure sample with minimum amount of the hot solvent and filtering off the insoluble impurity by gravity filtration.
Allow the filtrate to cool slowly to room temperature or below, for the pure substance to crystallize.
Isolate the recrystallized benzoic acid by vacuum filtration, dry the residue and determine the amount of sample recovered. Calculate the % recovery of benzoic acid
Determine the purity of the recrystallized benzoic acid by determining its melting point and comparing this melting point to the value reported in literature.

Describe the organizational theories applicable to law enforcement. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each theory as it relates to law enforcement.

Module 3 essay

Using the required resources for this module and through research on the subject, develop an essay that:

Describe the organizational theories applicable to law enforcement.
Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each theory as it relates to law enforcement.

discuss how you will achieve greater efficiency/effectiveness through implementing better project planning, utilization of EBP, supply chain management, or whatever else you think may be possible to minimize the impact of this new challenger for your business.

Operations scenario 6.2

Your organization is experiencing a drop-off in business due to the opening of a newer, more technologically advanced, and better capitalized organization down the street. This organization is owned by one of your former “star” producers, and while they are definitely not hostile on a personal level, this person still wants to take your part of the (you fill in the blank) segment of business. Aside from marketing, which is important but is not a part of this problem, discuss how you will achieve greater efficiency/effectiveness through implementing better project planning, utilization of EBP, supply chain management, or whatever else you think may be possible (given your facility’s existing operational data) to minimize the impact of this new challenger for your business.

Discuss what you learned in the course. Explain how what you learned changed your nursing practice and/or how you will apply what you learned to your nursing practice in the future.

Course reflection

Course Reflection Essentials, End of Program Student Learning Outcomes
During the weeks of the course, do the following:
Review the Saint Elizabeth University School of Nursing BSN Program Student Learning
Outcomes, and The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice.

Here are the links to the above documents.

RN to BSN End of Program Student Learning Outcomes (SLO).

The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice

For the Reflection Part of the Paper
a. Discuss what you learned in the course.
b. Explain how what you learned fulfills the End of Program Student Learning Outcomes, AACN Essentials and make the connection by using assignment examples.
c. Support your choices with an appropriate rationale.
d. Explain how what you learned changed your nursing practice and/or how you will apply what you learned to your nursing practice in the future.

Write a script (4 pages) for their presentation, and prepare four discussion questions for the class, at least 1 of which will be taken up at the end of their presentation.

Redefining Realness:

My Path To Womanhood, Identity, Love & So Much More by Janet Mock Chapters 1-6. This is not just a direct summary of the chapters, but also an analysis of gender studies and transgenderism. Make sure to use quotes from the book. On the presentation focus on her gender identity in her youth, and talk about that in the world today as well. Her gender identity in her young childhood is the focal point of this presenetation. Also the slides have to be different than what I am saying. Students will prepare and deliver a 10-minute oral presentation to the class based on the assigned reading. This presentation develops and assesses students’ ability to synthesize, apply, and discuss course materials, as well as respond to questions from their peers. These skills should be demonstrated primarily through close readings of specific passages from the texts under study. To develop these skills each student will , 2) write a script (4 pages) for their presentation, and 3) prepare four discussion questions for the class, at least 1 of which will be taken up at the end of their presentation. The presentations will take place at the beginning of class throughout the semester.

Explain how the above mentioned topics can benefit you as a coworker and as well as an individual.

Relationships growth

Relationships grow stronger when people are willing to reveal more about themselves and their work experiences

• People can work together for years and never really get to know each other

• Self-disclosure can lead to a more open and supportive environment in the workplace

Explain how the above mentioned topics can benefit you as a coworker and as well as an individual

Describe classical and operant conditioning and then critically evaluate the evidence on how they relate to mental health.

Classical and operant conditioning

Describe classical and operant conditioning and then critically evaluate the evidence on how they relate to mental health.

Describe the theories – you need to discuss the theories and explain their key aspects in your own words. References are key here, as you are using academic sources.

Case study of business

The Task

Your assessment will take the form of a 3,000 word (you are allowed to go over by 10% making it a maximum of 3,300 words) submission consisting of three parts in total. You should look at 5 cases of businesses that have attracted attention due to some aspect of practice. You should choose the ONE of these that interests you and complete the following.


This part is based on the selected company. Please remember there are 5 company case studies available and you need to choose one.

The suggested word count for this part of your assignment is 1200—1400 WORDS without the references. The main materials could be found in weeks 1, 2 and 3.

This part should consist of five main sections:
Ethical issue or issues – you need to identify the ethical issue and explain, using relevant sources.
Role of business in society – you are asked to discuss how the company and the ethical issue identified affected the society.
Five Stakeholders – you need to outline five stakeholders in your case study and discuss how they have been affected by the ethical issue identified.
Examples of good and bad ethics – you are required to find two companies with good and bad ethical practices. Here the use of relevant materials is crucial. You might want to refer to such sources as BBC, Financial Times and other journals.
Recommendations – You need to provide a number of recommendations for the company, which are aligned with above discussion. Remember these are recommendations rather than conclusion.

Please provide a reference list for this part.



This part is also based on your selected case study.

The suggested word count for this part is 900-1000 words. The key materials could be found in weeks 3, 4 and 5.

This part should consist of 4 sections:
Describe the theories – you need to discuss the theories and explain their key aspects in your own words. References are key here, as you are using academic sources. Do not copy and paste.
Apply the theories – you need to apply the theories to the case study you have selected.
Critique – you should provide advantages and disadvantages (pros and cons) of theories you have selected.
Recommendations – you are required to provide improvements for the ethical issue/issues identified in Part 1a, based on the two theories.

Provide a reference list for this part.


Part 2 Reflective essay

This part requires you to provide a reflective essay on ethical leadership management. This part is NOT related to the case study. This part of the assignment requires you to discuss what makes an ethical leader and how you would, as an ethical manager, manage your business and/or others to a high ethical standard.

The suggested word count should be 850-950 words. The key materials can be found in weeks 6, 8 and 9.

This part should include four sections:
You need to discuss what is an ethical leadership management is in an un/ethical organizational culture.
You need to analyse how to maintain integrity and compliance in an un/ethical business environment.
You need to reflect (hence reflective essay) on your own experience and knowledge. You may wish to provide examples from your own experience.
You need to provide a conclusion.