
Discuss the challenges in implementing macroprudential tools to prevent or mitigate risks to financial stability.

Banking Law

Answer one of the following question/s:

1. “In response to the COVID shock, many countries have relaxed macroprudential policy tools to enable banks to absorb expected losses and support the continued provision of credit to the real economy.” Discuss the challenges in implementing macroprudential tools to prevent or mitigate risks to financial stability.

2. “Basel III is a clear improvement over its predecessors, as it requires banks to hold more, higher quality capital and introduces macroprudential standards that address systemic risks in the financial sector. Yet many argue that the changes fall far short of what is needed.” E Jones, The Political Economy of Bank Regulation in Developing Countries: Risk and Reputation (2020). Discuss.

Give at least two observations from your graph (possibilities include the Y-intercept and its meaning, is the graph always increasing? Is the graph always decreasing? Is there a change in direction?)

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

⦁ Using the function derived in question 2, calculate and graph 10 points based on the half-life of your element. Be sure to appropriately label each of the axes of your graph, and appropriately label your graph. In paragraph form (200 word minimum), address the following:
⦁ What trend do you see?
⦁ Give at least two observations from your graph (possibilities include the Y-intercept and its meaning, is the graph always increasing? Is the graph always decreasing? Is there a change in direction?)
⦁ Your graph will have a Y-Intercept as a point. Use critical thinking strategies to determine if this is applicable in a real-world scenario.
⦁ Critical Thinking: Discuss any negative OR positive impacts of your element. Based on this information, should the usage of this element be altered in any way.

Write an essay paper includes accurate description of all 4 of the following: emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual well being of the child.

Cerebral Palsy in children

– 4 or more references from academic sources used. Appropriate citations within the text and on reference page using APA formatting.

– Paper includes accurate description of all 4 of the following: pathophysiology, etiology, signs and symptoms, and prognosis.

– Paper includes accurate description of all 4 of the following: emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual well being of the child.

– Paper discusses 4 areas in which family or friend may be affected.

– Paper includes accurate description of 4 unique medical or nursing management ideas for this condition.

Explain how different schools of thought would conclude the data. I.e. how would Neoclassical and Classical schools view this data. Is one wrong and is the other right? Why?

Impact of Financialization on Public Health

You must produce a Report on the above topic in a format like this:

In addition, you will also need to upload the excel file with the data used in the report.

Tips for the Report:

– Explain how different schools of thought would conclude the data. I.e. how would Neoclassical and Classical schools view this data. Is one wrong and is the other right? Why?

– Is the data an example of a Simpsons Paradox?

– Is the data an example of how correlation is used to provide a sort of backing to a point and not denote the causation?

– Present data well

– Don’t say more that needs to be said. Say “this could be part of this reason or something else” not say, “This proves my point”.

Prepare at least two PowerPoint slides, including detailed speaker notes, that persuasively argue for using the Scrum framework in a current or future project at your present or past employer or a company you are familiar with.

Selling Scrum to Your Employer

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, review the Weekly Lecture and watch the The Pyramid of Impediments Imagine that you are a newly recognized Scrum Master. As an individual, prepare at least two PowerPoint slides, including detailed speaker notes, that persuasively argue for using the Scrum framework in a current or future project at your present or past employer or a company you are familiar with. Unless you cite additional sources, this section does not require references.

Speaker notes needed.

Why not just disclose the existence of the amnesty in Yukon’s fiscal 2021 financial statements and not account for it until fiscal 2022?

Handout 7

Yukon, Inc. is a publicly-traded company with a September 30 fiscal year-end. Yukon operates an online retail business that fulfills online orders by shipping products directly to customers through a distribution center that has been located in State Z for the last ten years. This is the only physical presence that Yukon has in State Z. As a result, Yukon does not collect or remit sales tax on sales made to residents of State Z. The distribution center is vital to Yukon because State Z borders eight other states and, therefore, is a central location for Yukon to reach its customers. Yukon would like to construct a second distribution center at the other end of State Z. Such a facility would reduce its delivery costs in the future by millions of dollars.
State Z has denied Yukon a permit to build the distribution center until Yukon pays prior sales taxes totaling $30 million, $2 million in interest, and $3 million in penalties. Yukon’s legal position has always been that it does not do business in State Z and is not subject to its laws. And State Z’s legal position has always been that the distribution center constitutes a presence in the state subjecting Yukon to its laws as a corporation doing business in State Z. Yukon’s 2021 fiscal year has ended, and the financial statements will take approximately two months to prepare and distribute, which is estimated to occur on December 1, 2021. In September 2021, State Z’s legislature enacted an amnesty program that would forgive 50 percent of unpaid sales taxes and all interest and penalties if a company agreed to collect and remit sales taxes on all future sales made in State Z. In addition, State Z agreed to permit Yukon to build the second distribution center if they were granted amnesty. In October 2021, Yukon submitted the required application forms to participate in the amnesty, and paid State Z a total of $15 million to settle all past obligations through September 30, 2021. In a meeting of Yukon’s CEO, CFO, and Amelia Emerson, the Controller and a CPA, to discuss in what
accounting period to include the payment of the prior sales taxes (they were in agreement as to how), Amelia explained that the sales taxes might need to be reported in the financial statements for fiscal 2021. The CEO disagreed and argued that the 2021 fiscal year was over and proposed to account for the payment in the financial statements for fiscal 2022 the year they were paid. He anticipated higher earnings in fiscal 2022, which would easily offset and absorb this $15 million hit to the income statement. The CEO was concerned that it would result in Yukon having to report a net loss for fiscal 2021. Of course, this would result in the CEO and the other executives not receiving their bonuses because Yukon fell short of reaching the for ecasted earnings. The CFO offered what she thought could be a possible compromise by asking “why not just disclose the existence of the amnesty in Yukon’s fiscal 2021 financial statements and not account for it until fiscal 2022?
The CEO expressed that this might work, but strongly suggested to Amelia that she needed to do more research and be absolutely 100% certain before discussing this issue further. The CEO made it very clear that mere disclosure was the most he would find acceptable. His final comment was “whoever heard of changing the books after the year has ended?”
Amelia disagreed with both executives, but did not want to argue at the meeting until she could support her position with absolute certainty. Amelia thinks this has something to do with subsequent events and, therefore, knows in which accounting period to recognize the sales taxes. But Amelia wants you to provide her with your recommendation and the authoritative GAAP that supports it. Amelia was only recently hired as the Controller of Yukon and doesn’t want to upset the CEO and CFO in case she is wrong. Even though it’s Amelia’s responsibility to decide when to account for transactions, Amelia is tempted to let the CEO and CFO do whatever they want. However, she also doesn’t want to become involved with financial statements that violate GAAP.

You must complete this assignment independently on your own and not work with or collaborate in any way with any other person, including but not limited to your ACCT 350 classmates. Failure to work alone will constitute academic dishonesty.

• In the Course Navigation, click the Assignments link.
• Click Handout 7.
Click the “Submit Assignment” button.
Use the “Browse” button to select your document.
• Click the “Submit Assignment” button again.

Failure to submit this letter will result in you losing 10 points in ACCT 350.

Additional Information
To access the applicable section of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, go to page 29 of http://https://
To cite this rule, use the following:
In-text Citation
(AICPA, 2021, ET Section

Is the campaign, original and authentic? Is there an awareness of the various steps and how a campaign requires constant reviewing? Has the area been researched, and all possibilities fully explored?

Original Campaign launch / pitch

Presentation and Final Report Components required

1. Structure
Evidence of Planning/Preparedness a clear step by step process introduced and concluded to make the campaign come alive Clear, logical sequence of ideas

2. Content
Is the campaign choice appropriate for the assessment task?
Does it show a clear development of the campaign? Sources of information used should all be accounted for in the final report appendix / bibliography
Description v Analyses be careful not to always be describing, but rather try to show clear thought of analysis at every step of your campaign development.

3. Communication Skills
Delivery of the PR campaign should be clear and concise so that the reader will be able to follow and be able to make thoughtful judgements. Interaction with audience should be on a good level and be taken into account when the presentation is made via video. Is the poster presentation engaging and stimulating?

4. Resources

Appropriate use of presentation aids for presentation. This should then be carried through at the written report stage with use of the relevant visuals and further explanation of the use of such mediums.

Does it show a clear development of the campaign?
All the written material must be free of typographical errors such as misprints or use of wrong characters. Do make sure you ask a peer to read through your final draft below is a list of guide-questions which will be addressed when the work is

Report of PR Campaign overall should tick the questions below
Is the campaign, original and authentic?
Is there an awareness of the various steps and how a campaign requires constant reviewing?
Has the area been researched, and all possibilities fully explored?
Is what is proposed relevant, concise and original?
The report should be written in academic style without journalistic flavour.
Do include
A summary of the project in the final report.
The report must include an appendix and bibliography of what is covered and researched.

*Add the four component marks and divide by 4 to arrive at the total score out of 100.

This will be done for both the final write up and the poster presentation.

Explain why some people are far more susceptible to addiction than others as the author illuminates striking neural similarities between drugs and other pleasures potentially capable of causing abuse or addiction.

The Addicted Brain: Why We Abuse Drugs, Alcohol, and Nicotine

Addiction destroys lives. In The Addicted Brain, leading neuroscientist Michael Kuhar, Ph.D., explains how and why this happens–and presents advances in drug addiction treatment and prevention. Using breathtaking brain imagery and other research, Kuhar shows the powerful, long-term brain changes that drugs can cause, revealing why it can be so difficult for addicts to escape their grip.

Discover why some people are far more susceptible to addiction than others as the author illuminates striking neural similarities between drugs and other pleasures potentially capable of causing abuse or addiction–including alcohol, gambling, sex, caffeine, and even Internet overuse. Kuhar concludes by outlining the 12 characteristics most often associated with successful drug addiction treatment.

Authoritative and easy to understand, The Addicted Brain offers today’s most up-to-date scientific explanation of addiction–and what addicts, their families, and society can do about it.

Identify one social or cultural narrative that is invoked significantly in at least 1 of these 2 novels. Research its history and interpretation in recent scholarly writing.

The Great Gatsby & Black Thunder (10–12pp. w/full citations)

Both The Great Gatsby (1925) and Black Thunder (1935) tell stories set in the United States at different times in its history. Each novel’s main characters move in a world full of references and allusions to larger stories about history, society, and humanity—both in the United States and, on occasion, around the world. The Great Gatsby is set in 1922, close to the time when it was written, but alludes generally to various narratives about the history of modern America. Black Thunder, as a historical novel, reflects both on narratives current at the time of writing (the 1930s, during the Great Depression) and also on those circulating in various communities when the action occurs (the year 1800, just before Thomas Jefferson was elected President).
Directions: Identify one social or cultural narrative that is invoked significantly in at least 1 of these 2 novels. Research its history and interpretation in recent scholarly writing. Explain its relation to the main story in both novels—or, if it is absent or nearly absent from 1 novel, then explain this gap in terms of its social and historical causes, its narrative significance, or both.

Do the essay on women oppression in each novel. Focus on the Great Gatsby and specifically Jordan Baker′s oppression and Myrtyle′s and daisys and compare those. The research articles should be academic approved by scholars.

Critically evaluate the role of self in relational leadership and problem solving when engaging with multiprofessional teams, service users, carers, families, and significant others.

This is a 3000-words essay based assignment. The assignment requires you to: • To give your assignment a title and to weave elements of the case study into the essay (Remember that it’s not a reflective essay).

LO 1 Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the leadership and management skills required to engage and reflect on the ever-changing delivery of health and social care.

LO 2 Critically discuss the benefits and challenges of inter-professional collaborative practice.

LO 3 Critically evaluate the role of self in relational leadership and problem solving when engaging with multiprofessional teams, service users, carers, families, and significant others.

LO 4 Critically appraise the contribution of different approaches that inform inter-professional and multi-agency working.

Follow the assignment brief.