
Outline the basic concepts in family sociology. Include marriage partnerships as well as the patterns of residence. Discuss the major sociological theories on education according to your textbook. Can these be connected to the paradigms in sociology?

Exam 3 questions

Answer 3 of 5 questions in essay format. Each question should be submitted in a typed, double-spaced format, preferably in a MS Word document. Think of each answer as a short paper that is 250 to 500 words in length (3 to 4 pages). Each answered question is worth up to 25 points. Make sure you elaborate with detail in your answers and make citations where appropriate. You may use any source available to you. However, all answers can be done utilizing your textbook. If you choose to use online sources make sure they accurate and credible.

1. Outline the basic concepts in family sociology. Include marriage partnerships as well as the patterns of residence.

2. Discuss the major sociological theories on education according to your textbook. Can these be connected to the paradigms in sociology?

3. Outline the different kinds of organized religion. What are the characteristics of these groups? Discuss New Religious Movements.

4. How does your textbook conceptualize globalization? Discuss the three tendencies.

5. Explain the social patterning of health and illness in the United States.

Write an essay on how Rap has changed over the years and how it has affected the culture around it.

Rap Music

Write an essay on how Rap has changed over the years and how it has affected the culture around it.

Demonstrate how the demand different fields of study changes depending the province and gender, to create a better marketing strategy, directed to the correct customer target (gender, location).

The relationship between the highest demanded majors, by gender, in Quebec and Ontario.

Demonstrate how the demand different fields of study changes depending the province and gender, to create a better marketing strategy, directed to the correct customer target (gender, location).
For the data analysis you can use the Car Sales excel as an example, and the University demand excel for the paper.

What is the Christian concept of the imago Dei? How might it be important to health care, and why is it relevant?

White, N. (2018). God, Humanity, and Human Dignity. P14-30

1) What is the Christian concept of the imago Dei?

2)How might it be important to health care, and why is it relevant?

Create a news report (fictional or real) about an environmental event such as a fire, earthquake, drought, heavy rain, flood etc.

News report

Create a news report (fictional or real) about an environmental event such as a fire, earthquake, drought, heavy rain, flood etc. Select a location (city or country) and present it to the class, pointing out your use of the passive tense throughout.

Critically analyze a personality and social movement organization from Black Social Movements 1915-1954.

SNCC and Ella Baker

Write a 500 word. Use concrete historical examples, (personalities, social movement organizations, socio economic processes and institutions, etc.) external references, class notes, and the class text to answer the questions. Cite all references using APA format.

1. Subject-: Critically analyze a personality and social movement organization from Black Social Movements 1915-1954.
Personality: Ella Baker
Social Movement organization: (SNCC) Student non-violent coordinating committee

Using the module resources and one outside scholarly resource, discuss how participants would interact to facilitate capital market activities.

Participants in Capital Markets

In two-three paragraphs In the equities capital markets, participants play key roles to support primary and secondary capital markets. Participants include investors, speculators, market makers, underwriters, and brokers. Using the module resources and one outside scholarly resource, discuss how participants would interact to facilitate capital market activities. For example, when there is a Federal Reserve action that affects interest rates, how might the various participants interact with a company going through an acquisition? Resources below.

Describe a selected a company, its operations, and its associated industry and evaluate these areas to develop a financial risk mitigation plan.

Operations Strategies

You will create a financial risk mitigation plan to reduce overall costs and increase efficiency in operations for your selected company. Your strategy is to apply best practices for mitigating financial risk and fraud exposure in the company’s operations. You will conduct research to identify industry best practices for risk mitigation to reduce financial fraud exposure and then integrate the relevant best practices into the risk mitigation plan as appropriate for the company. Your findings and recommended strategies would be presented as a financial risk mitigation plan for your selected company
Describe a selected a company, its operations, and its associated industry and evaluate these areas to develop a financial risk mitigation plan.
Evaluate at least three types of financial fraud common to the selected company and its associated industry supported with a detailed description of each type of financial fraud and how it can occur.
Recommend at least two proposed strategies for mitigating financial risk and fraud exposure based upon financial methods, auditing techniques, and industry best practices used to mitigate financial risk.

Determine and present your research methodology fully: Specify your sample population, how you will find your sample (sample frame and sampling method), and why you choose that approach.

Propose a new research project


Lisa wants to try to attract more customers since a new restaurant called Fishermans’ Paradise has opened closed to the Bar-Beer-Q Memphis Location. She has been thinking about hosting some events and games, such as karaoke night, poetry night, open-mic comedy, or a trivia night (among others). She wants to know if customers will be interested in participating in these events and what kind of customers (e.g., age, gender) would be interested in what kind of events. Also, she wants to know people’s preferences regarding types of food and drinks while the events are taking place. Lisa asked your team to come up with a research proposal to help her decide what to do. She also specified that she wants you to do survey research, which means you need a questionnaire to collect your data. To help Lisa, your team need to perform the following tasks (Be creative!):

1. Provide any background pertinent to the project. Include marketing questions/research objectives.

2. Translate your research question into hypotheses. Provide a list of hypotheses (null and alternative) that you would like to test (Minimum 2 pairs of hypotheses – null and alternative-) (Hint: Module / Chapter 12).

3. Determine and present your research methodology fully: Specify your sample population, how you will find your sample (sample frame and sampling method), and why you choose that approach. Also, provide information about the expected sample size assuming a 99 percent confidence level, a margin of error of ± 5 percent, and a p-value of 0.5 (Hint: Module / Chapter 8).

4. List the statistical tests to be used to test the hypotheses proposed in point 2 (e.g., t- test, ANOVA, chi-square). Also, provide information about the decision rule you will use to analyze the results (e.g., a significance level of 0.05) (Hint: Module / Chapter 12).

5. Finally, do not forget to justify the data collection method (i.e., online questionnaire, phone). Also, design the first draft of your survey questionnaire with a minimum of 6 questions, using different types of scales (e.g., Likert, comparative, constant sum, graphical, itemized, q-sort). Make sure each question in your questionnaire matches
your research objectives/questions. Discuss choices made regarding screener issues, types of questions, etc., and justify them (Hint: Modules / Chapters 9-10).

Illustrative plans you will provide a written context that will leverage appropriate change management theories and models that you have covered within the course or through you own independent research.

Consultant change manager

Acting as a consultant change manager you will develop a plan to deliver and sustain the optimisation of the operations of a simulated business as has been specified in the assignment 1 Leader’s Programme Journal of your student colleague. Referring to the specification of requirements in your colleagues assignment 1 your Consultant Programme Journal will: Introduce the organisation and proposed change; address the education of employees (learning plan); the informing of pertinent stakeholders (communication plan); For each of the above illustrative plans you will provide a written context that will leverage appropriate change management theories and models that you have covered within the course or through you own independent research. Finally, you will critic how you are to address the culture of the simulated organisation in terms of its resistance to change. If the specification you have received from student colleague in their assignment 1 is insufficient for your needs you can extend the requirements as foundations for your plans.

A draft format for the Consultant Programme Journal might include:

Journal 1 Introduction – the organisation , need for change and required outcome – 200 words (inc strategy and vision)

Journal 2 The education plan, model and justification 200 words ( inc learning contracts, loop model and organisation learning)

Journal 3 The stakeholder communication plan, model and justification – 300 words ( inc comm plan- stage messages and media)

Journal 4 Critic of the challenges associated with overcoming cultural resistance to change 500 words ( inc Change agency; kotter 8 step v emotional resistance)