
Use critical theories such as relational leadership theory to interpret cultural, social, and contemporary contexts of leadership. Differentiate leadership behaviors and competencies in particular cultural, social, and contemporary contexts.

leadership and multiculturalism.

1. Describe the connection between leadership and multiculturalism.

2. Use critical theories such as relational leadership theory to interpret cultural, social, and contemporary contexts of leadership.

3. Differentiate leadership behaviors and competencies in particular cultural, social, and contemporary contexts.

4. Develop a taxonomy of effective leadership behaviors and competencies in multicultural spaces.


(Doesn’t specify the amount of sources but this is my text Critical Multiculturalism and Intersectionality in a Complex World)  book

Describe how the philosophy and principles of supporting living differ from traditional residential services.

Discussion 8

Describe how the philosophy and principles of supporting living differ from traditional residential services.

Attach is information from the book that can help answer this question. Make sure that your question is related to education.

Identify and critically discuss the strengths and weaknesses of research designs for educational research problems.

Critique/ evaluate the research methodology used in two academic research articles.
Identify and critically discuss the strengths and weaknesses of research designs for educational research problems.

Select two research articles, which should be qualitative
The articles should be broadly on the same topic.
YES: An article that is a case study of a teacher training programme in a school & and article about a nationally implemented teacher training programme.
NO: An article that is a case study of a teacher training programme in a school and an article that is a case study of gendered play among girls.

For each article, evaluate the effectiveness and appropriateness of the qualitative research methodologies and methods (including data collection tools, population, sample size, ethical considerations, and the analysis).
By referring to literature on research methods, you will be expected to evaluate the methods used in relation to the authors’ research aims, arguments and conclusions.
In a conclusion section, compare the effectiveness of both articles in relation to the authors’ arguments and conclusions

A brief summary, including a properly referenced title, of the two papers highlighting the purpose of each research study
A section about the methods used in each paper that contains evidence of the creation of an argument that critiques the methods used with links to the research methods literature.
A conclusion section that comparatively evaluates the extent to which methods effectively answered research aims highlighted in each article
A reference list in APA 7th Edition

What is/was their position, how did they obtain their position, and what have been their achievements and impact (good or bad.)

American Government

The paper is expected to be no less than 5 pages and must include at a minimum of 5 sources (including at least one scholarly or primary source document. For the paper topic you must choose a topic related to American government, for example:

A) The CARES Act. This is commonly referred to as the COVID Relief Bill. Evaluate the pros and cons of the legislation and the progress with implementation

B) A current political figure. What is/was their position, how did they obtain their position, and what have been their achievements and impact (good or bad.)

C) A current proposed piece of legislation that you are interested in and would have an affect on your personal or professional life. Evaluate the pros and cons of the legislation and current status within the lawmaking process.

Identify 2 of the 6 ways that responding to climate change raises concerns for conservatives, according to Klein, and try to explain how responding appropriately to the realities of climate change poses a threat to conservative ideologies.

Capitalism vs. the Climate

This SPW requires some cooperation for completion, and with more cooperation, the more possible points.

To complete this assignment respond to the following prompts in a single post. Then, respond to any other students post (though, try to respond to those without any responses first, of course).

Prompts Choose 1:

– What, according to Klein is among the major reasons for climate change denial by Republicans and other conservatives? What is it that they fear about “the climate-change hoax?” What about this conservative story regarding climate change does Klein believe is correct? (Note: not all conservatives or Republicans deny climate change.)

– In the later portions of the essay (21ff) Klein references research that tries to understand why people may deny the realities laid out by science. What do you think of this explanation? What does this help Klein see as particularly dangerous about climate change denial (25)?
What are the concerns that Klein raises about the strategies of the major (large scale) environmental organizations in relation to this form of climate denial?

Prompts 2:

– Identify 2 of the 6 ways that responding to climate change raises concerns for conservatives, according to Klein, and try to explain how responding appropriately to the realities of climate change poses a threat to conservative ideologies. Do you agree?

How might your attachment style help or hurt you in realizing this vision for family? Do you have a difficult relationship with your parents and/or siblings? If so, what can YOU do to change these relationships?

Reflections/Paper Sections

Motivation & You (Reflection #3)
Use this as the main topic of your paper. Start with the sentence, “In 10 years, I see myself …”
Write about your future social life, your network, and the connections you’d like to make. Then add the sentence “In order to achieve this vision, I know I have to achieve the following short-term goals…”
Include some thoughts about why you are in college. What kind of career would you LIKE to have? Are the things you are currently doing leading to this career? How would you achieve your short- and long-term goals? What obstacles might you face as you pursue your goals, and how would you overcome these obstacles? What are some daily and/or weekly activities you would have to engage in to achieve these goals?

Stress, Health, Sleep & You (Reflection #1) and Personality, Mental Health, and You (Reflection #4)
What emotions do you believe would help you achieve your goals? How would you try to maximize what you have learned about appraisal, positive emotions, and coping with negative emotions, to achieve your goals?
How do you appraise and manage your stress, as you move towards your goals?
What are some cultural and family practices that you have found to be helpful in managing your stress?
How does lack of sleep impact your health and how might that impact the move towards your goals?
As you have learned, stress negatively impacts many areas of a person’s life, including mental health. How might you manage your stress as a way of warding off any mental distress that you might experience?
What leisure activities can you engage in (other than mindlessly scrolling through social media apps) that would improve your mood and increase your energy as you move towards your goals?
How would you feel if you failed to achieve your goals, and how might you cope with failure?

Personality, Mental Health, and You (Reflection #4)
First briefly compare and contrast the “nature” and “nurture” explanations for behavior. Then write about how what you have inherited from your parents impact your goals and plans?
Do you believe you have what it takes (genes and environmental resources) to achieve your goals?
With regard to what you’d like to do/be in the future, are they related to what any of your family members have done?
In what ways might your genetic inheritance and the environment (including family, friends, culture, education, and finances) help or hurt you moving towards your goals?

Learning, Memory, Development & You (Reflection #2)
Reflect on your development and attachment style. How do these impact your personal goals?
Write about the home and family life you plan to have. How might your attachment style help or hurt you in realizing this vision for family? Do you have a difficult relationship with your parents and/or siblings? If so, what can YOU do to change these relationships?
How might what you have learned about reinforcement, punishment, and other learning principles, and memory enhancement, impact your goals, plans, and priorities?
What habits would you like to see yourself develop, in order to achieve your goals? Write about what positive and negative reinforcers you can build in to your schedule to keep you motivated to do all the work required of you at college. Write about how you can improve your memory based on what you’ve learned about how to improve memory.

What two rules will you have for a group of adolescents? Explain issues around boundaries, for example, is it acceptable for group members to contact each other via social media outside of the group?

Group of adolescents

As the group leader, one of your roles is to go over the rules of the group, and to do so you must develop most of the group rules with the entire group. What two rules will you have for a group of adolescents? Also, explain issues around boundaries, for example, is it acceptable for group members to contact each other via social media outside of the group? Identify at least three boundary issues that may come forth when providing group therapy to adolescents.

Identify Candidate Technologies. Research Products and Services which implement the technologies. Identify Vendors. Evaluate Products & Services (use existing market research).

Week 8 Research Analysis Briefing

You are approaching the end of your time supporting Sifers-Grayson. Your team leader has asked you to prepare a 2 page research and analysis brief (“briefing paper”) for the company’s executives in which you identify the five most important technologies which the company should adopt in order to improve its security posture.
Provide specific details as to why each technology is required (what is the vulnerability or weakness that the technology will address). Then, make a recommendation for how the company should implement that technology. You must provide specific, actionable information. Your recommendations must also be based upon recognized best practices. Include the following steps in your research and analysis as you select and evaluate technologies, products, and services that will help improve the company’s security posture:

Identify Candidate Technologies.
Research Products and Services which implement the technologies.
Identify Vendors.
Evaluate Products & Services (use existing market research).
Cite the sources of information used in your research and analysis (document where you obtained your information from). Use a professional citation format and provide a reference list at the end of your briefing paper.

Why does Sifers-Grayson need an Enterprise Architecture tool?

Week 7 Discussion- Importance of IT Architecture in Security

Nofsinger Consulting has recommended that Sifers-Grayson invest in an Enterprise Architecture tool to help it document the assets, processes, and network infrastructure that comprise its information enterprise. Based upon past experience with such recommendations, the Nofsinger team knows that it must be prepared for debate amongst the client’s managers and executives as to the relative merits of such tools.
To help your team prepare for the expected debate, you have been asked to write a 3 to 5 paragraph response to the question “Why does Sifers-Grayson need an Enterprise Architecture tool?”
You should focus on the benefits of having a tool that can help guide the creation of an enterprise architecture.
Provide in-text citations and references for 3 or more authoritative sources. Put the reference list at the end of your posting.

Do the slides follow the 5X5 rule (five lines per slide, no more than 5 slides)? Do the slides feel cohesive? What do the slides draw attention to? That is, how do they engage the audience visually?

WR320 Presentation

Need graphs and photos. The words can go in the speaker notes. Needs to be condensed down. Flow chart, etc. attached jesses for reference.

Clarity: Do the slides follow the 5X5 rule (five lines per slide, no more than 5 slides)?
Design: Do the slides feel cohesive? That is, do all the slides feel like they belong to the same presentation.
Engaging: What do the slides draw attention to? That is, how do they engage the audience visually?