
What is school readiness and what are the factors critical to a child’s readiness for school? Discuss some of the types of conduct orders that are noticed in middle childhood, along with the origins and treatment of these conduct disorders.

Learning Questions: Lesson 13

Respond to the questions/prompts below. Remember, when you are answering Learning Questions for this class, number your answers to correspond with the questions on this sheet restate the question/prompt with your answer. This process enhances learning! See the Guidelines for Learning Questions document in the Guidelines module for formatting details and expectations, if needed.

Tasks related to Removed: Parts 1 and 2 ~

1. Write a strong paragraph that shares your thoughts after watching this film. Relate what you have seen in this film with other things we have learned in this class, including Dr. Nadine Burke Harris’ TED Talk regarding ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences), and social-emotional development.

Questions related to Chapter 13 in your textbook:

2. Discuss sexism in schools.

3. What is school readiness and what are the factors critical to a child’s readiness for school?

4. Discuss some of the types of conduct orders that are noticed in middle childhood, along with the origins and treatment of these conduct disorders.

5. What are the characteristics of an effective school?


6. In the context of education, discuss the Pygmalion effect.

Write a detailed capture of what you are seeing and hearing. Remember to use clear, descriptive, objective language in your description. You are telling a little story so we can clearly imagine what you were observing.

Field Assignment: Social-Emotional Development Observation

1. Objective Anecdote:

This is exactly like you did in the practice assignment. This section is a detailed capture of what you are seeing and hearing. Remember to use clear, descriptive, objective language in your description. You are telling a little story so we can clearly imagine what you were observing.

2. Skill Building.

This section is highlighting skills that you see evidence of. Include at least two specific skills that the child is learning based what you are observing. Write two complete sentences and identify the domain area, i.e. cognitive development. The excerpted Creative Curriculum chart included below gives many examples of skills you may be observing.

3. Subjective Summary.

In this section, you, the observer, share your professional opinion about what you observed. When you share your opinion, follow it with a statement of something observed to support your opinion. Stay away from words like good or great. Also, stay away from labeling and diagnosing behavior, such as ADHD or autism. Do use your textbook for reference about the milestones you may be observing and as you consider what the child did in the past to build their current skill base.

4. Suggestion for Future Learning.

In this section, you are to make at least one suggestion for the child to expand on what he/she is currently doing that would foster additional learning and development. When making the suggestion, take a look at the child’s current skill base and then make a suggestion to scaffold to a more complex activity. Suggest similar activities that will help the child increase proficiency in the area that s/he is building skills. If the child appears to be at the mastery level of his/her developmental stage of development, then suggest a more complex activity that you believe is still developmentally appropriate for that child. The excerpted Creative Curriculum chart included below gives many examples of skills that may be appropriate to suggest as activities for future learning.

Write a character analysis on the protagonist from the short story Edgar Allen poe the tell-tale heart.

Character analysis

This essay must contain:
1. Quotes and paraphrases to support your main points.
2. This evidence must have in text citations
3.must contain works cited
4. The words “you and your” are not allowed to be used
6.not to be written in first person
7. Minimum of 500 words

Write a character analysis on the protagonist from the short story Edgar Allen poe the tell-tale heart.

Are we now all compelled to maintain a cyber presence to advance our careers, whether or not we wish to? Is social networking an unavoidable aspect of life in the 21st century?

New Media

OVERVIEW:Research and discuss the current dominant views regarding abuses associated with the “dark
side” of social networking sites

RATIONAL:70% of adults in the U.S. use social media sites. That number continues to rise each year.
90% of brands use social media to increase brand awareness. Cyber warfare and catfishing are a thing.
Being able to navigate the challenges that social media sites create is essential to today’s society.

REQUIREMENTS: (all requirements must be followed exactly) 300 minimum word count-total (body)
Do not exceed 500 words
See additional word count requirements below
MLA/APA style
Minimum 2 outside resources
Works Cited page. To avoid plagiarism, no more than 20% of essay can be outside
resource. Cite all sources used and do not forget in-text citations.
Submitted as a .pdf or .doc file

Writing Prompt: Select 1 of the 4 topics 1. Why do so many people post negative things on social networking sites, either about themselves
or about others, when the reality is that everything put up in cyberspace lives on forever and can
have real-world consequences?
2. If we all now have parallel digital identities that can be “created” not only by us but also by
others, what can we do to manage our cyber identities (or reputation) and protect our privacy?
3. Is the Internet destined to remain a “wild west” environment where anything goes and there are
no ethical or legal standards of behavior?
4. Are we now all compelled to maintain a cyber presence to advance our careers, whether or not we
wish to? Is social networking an unavoidable aspect of life in the 21st century?

Structure: follow word counts below
(50 words max.) Introduce the topic
(100 words min.) Using current research, identify and explain current dominant and/or
opposing views on your chosen topic.
Use studies, quotes from political or scientific persons, and/or real-world examples that
illustrate the dominant views to further your discussion.
(100 words min.) Evaluate and argue your views on the topic as it applies to society.
Evaluate and discuss the impact the topic is having, or will have, on your personal life.
(50 words max.) Conclusion.

Summarize and interpret a body of research and opposing views.
Develop ideas in a coherent, logical, and persuasive manner.
Critically Analyze to source material as it applies to mass media.
Further develop communication and writing skills

What fundamental insight does the article convey regarding the topic chosen in this region (and/or country), and how to understand it? In other words, what idea links the information or arguments contained in the article together in a coherent fashion?

PSC 216 ( the Middle East, Africa & Latin America).

Each article review paper will be 3-4 pages long, double spaced using a 12 font. Paper must include a cover page (with your name, title of topic, course # & section (an Honors course section will soon be created for you in this class, you will be required to drop out of PSC 216-0C1 and reenroll in the new created section.) In addition to a reference page too. Both pages are in addition to each the 3-4 pages. Each paper must include these three(3) questions that you will use as your headings:

1) What is the main idea of the article?
What fundamental insight does the article convey regarding the topic chosen in this region (and/or country), and how to understand it? In other words, what idea links the information or arguments contained in the article together in a coherent fashion? Two paragraphs are sufficient.


2) What observations, descriptions or arguments does the article use to support the main idea?
To answer this question, choose specific examples or descriptions, case studies, major arguments, or individual experiences discussed in the article, and then explain how it illustrates the main idea or major them. If there is more than one major theme to the article, be sure to cover all of them in this section. As a general rule, four to five paragraphs should be sufficient, but more may be necessary depending on the length of the article.


3) What is the main contribution of this article to our understanding of the politics/history/culture of this region?
To answer this question, explain how the theme or content of the article coincides with or complements the material learned in class lectures and discussions. In other words, what does it suggest regarding the nature of politics, and/or history/culture and its complexities, and what does it tell us regarding the future trends or patterns of behavior of political actors in this region. One or two paragraphs should be sufficient

How does this source connect with themes or ideas you have learned in your history or political science courses? Be specific and give examples.

Political polarization and identity

Choose ONE primary source from the provided list of options. Read through the source and any contextual information that is provided about the source. After you have carefully read the source write a 575 word essay in which you address the following questions:

What is the source’s central thesis? How does the author argue for this thesis?

What is the context of the time period in which this piece was written?

What potential biases might the author have and why?

How does this source connect with themes or ideas you have learned in your history or political science courses? Be specific and give examples.

The goal of this assessment is to demonstrate comprehension, historical connections, and the use of proper citations. You should not do any any additional resource for your essay and utilize only the one selected primary source from the list below. Essays must be typed, a minimum of 575 words, and use proper citation. You may use MLA style in-text citations. A works cited page is not necessary.

What was the object used for? Who used it? Where was it originally located? Who was supposed to see or not see the works?

Write a compare and contrast short essay

King Menkaure and Queen ( ) and House Altar depicting Akhenaten, Nefertiti, and their Daughters ( )

The essay should answer the question, “How are the objects similar?” and “How are the objects different?” The key to a good compare and contrast essay is to organize the paragraphs by theme where both works of art are discussed all the way through. What are the themes? Choose any of the formal qualities – such as style, material, size, use of line, texture, shape, etc. that you already read about for Assignment #6. You also need to include a discussion of the objects’ functions and meanings. So what was the object used for? Who used it? Where was it originally located? Who was supposed to see or not see the works?

How has Creative Commons affected artists in our society in both negative and positive ways? Cite specific examples. How does it differ from copyright?

Creative Commons

Watch the movie about Creative Commons. (Links to an external site.)
Format for Delivery: After viewing the short film, compose a discussion thread sharing your thoughts on the following questions:
How has Creative Commons affected artists in our society in both negative and positive ways? Cite specific examples.
How does it differ from copyright?
How have digital technologies affected the open sharing of information?


Consider a time when Cicero’s concept of Delivery was important to you. How did you feel? What did you need to consider about audience? How did you engage (if you did) ethos, pathos and logos?


Consider a time when Cicero’s concept of Delivery was important to you. How did you feel? What did you need to consider about audience? How did you engage (if you did) ethos, pathos and logos? How would you change what you did for the better, if you could

Beyond wanting to help people, describe your reasons for choosing to do graduate work in Clinical Psychology. And what is your dream job after graduation?

Clinical Psychology

1) Many people choose Clinical Psychology because they are interested in helping people. Beyond wanting to help people, describe your reasons for choosing to do graduate work in Clinical Psychology. And what is your dream job after graduation? (up to 250 words)

2) Autobiography (up to 500 words)

3) Describe an experience of making a mistake or feeling ineffective, and what it taught you about yourself. (up to 250 words)

4) Describe how COVID-19 has impacted your professional and/or academic experience and your application. (up to 250 words)