
What constitutes treason? Include a discussion of traditional espionage and industrial espionage.


Read the textbook “Criminology: Theories, Patterns and Typologies 13th Edition” (Chapter 11) by Larry J. Seigel and answer this question: What constitutes treason? Include a discussion of traditional espionage and industrial espionage.

Make sure to use evidence from the chapter & must be 3 paragraphs in length

Who will pay for this plan? Or, who will provide this information to the public? Explain why your solution is better than any others that might be out there.

Problem solving

For this paper, you need to persuade your reader that you have a potential solution to a current problem. This paper should be 1,400-1,800 words (the works cited page is in addition to these) and be supported by at least four outside sources. Sources may include interviews, pamphlets, lectures, government documents, t.v. programs, books, journals, magazines, and newspaper articles, and reliable internet sources. Dictionaries and encyclopedias do not count as adequate sources for the paper. Do not use Wikipedia. For this paper, you must use formal, MLA documentation style. Be sure that any time you use ideas or material from any source, even if you put those ideas into your own words, you credit the source; otherwise, you are plagiarizing, and that will result in a zero for the paper. And if you do use the exact words from your source, be sure to put those words in quotation marks and credit the source to avoid plagiarism. This paper is worth up to 300 points.
You should choose a topic that you feel strongly about and have thought about. Narrow your focus to a manageable topic that can be developed in depth within your word limit. You need to have a clear position put forward in a well developed thesis statement which lets readers know you will be proposing a solution to the problem. A thesis statement should be in the form of a statement, not a question. Remember, a controversial thesis statement may need more of a lead in than a less shocking position would. Think of your audience. Develop and support your thesis throughout the body of the paper. You may use your own experience as well as material from your sources to support your claims; however, you may not count your experience as one of your four sources. Do not use inflammatory language, faulty analogy, or any of the other logical fallacies.
Remember to narrow your focus. For example, do not just say that you want to discuss spousal abuse; say that you want to propose a method for rehabilitating abusers. Or, you want to argue why there should be stricter laws protecting abused spouses. If you try to cover too large a topic, your information will stay on such a general level that you will not tell your readers anything they do not know already. You do not have to solve the ENTIRE problem. Most problems are too big and complex. But, explain to your readers that your solution will help minimize the problem in some way: fewer people will suffer, costs will be lessened, etc.
Because this is an argument, you must build into your essay a response to the questions your opposition would most likely ask. (For example, who will pay for this plan? Or, who will provide this information to the public?) And explain why your solution is better than any others that might be out there. This does not mean that you split the paper into an equal discussion of the points made by both sides. Your main discussion and support is for your solution, but you must demonstrate to your readers that you understand the entire debate and do have a rebuttal to your opposition. If you have not found any other solutions proposed, do not skip the rebuttal section. Just point out that in your research no other solutions were found, so we should try your solution till a better one comes along.

Write an introduction to the justice issue in your field with a thesis as the best answer to the problem. A thorough background look at the history of the issue with quick evaluations of key events.

Business Administration

(1) An introduction to the justice issue in your field with a thesis as the best answer to the problem,

(2) A thorough background look at the history of the issue with quick evaluations of key events,

(3) A description of how the issue affects the field today—this may include interview quotes,

(4) A breakdown of alternative viewpoints available today that try to address the problem,

(5) An explanation of the theory of justice you will use and why it is superior to another,

(6) An analysis using that preferred theory of justice to evaluate the viewpoints today, and

(7) Concluding remarks for how theory and history affirm your thesis for how to address the problem

Discuss the causative factors of climate change and the outcomes of the two major international agreements to fight climate change prior to COP26.

Films to consider:

The Planet of Humans , Normal is Over 1.1 Innovative Solutions to Global Decline (2019) , An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power.

The case report will address (or cover) all the following questions or concerns:

1. Discuss the causative factors of climate change and the outcomes of the two major international agreements to fight climate change prior to COP26.

2. Elaborate on the contrasting solutions to fight climate change that were described in the three documentaries in the Discussion Board Assignment.
2a. Describe these solutions in a conceptual context like “green energy” or developing a new monetary paradigm.
2b. Make sure explain what how these concepts are going to fight climate change

3. Elaborate on the outcomes of the COP26, i.e., what were the international agreements made as a result of COP26. Why were these agreements important?

4. What do you trust as the “truth” and what don’t you trust as the “truth” about the information presented in the three videos.

5. On a continuum where truth is on one end and deception and lies are on the other end, where do your “truths” lie, in the middle, or closer to one end or the other?

Develop an essay arguing how conflict can develop within social movements as a result of the involvement of the dominant majority in movements for marginalized minority groups.

Racial Inequality and Social Change

Review Chapter 10, “Race and Ethnicity,” in your textbook, Experience Sociology, Fourth Edition. Also review Chapter 17, “Social Change: Globalization, Population, and Social Movements.”

Develop an essay arguing how conflict can develop within social movements as a result of the involvement of the dominant majority in movements for marginalized minority groups. Include in your essay your own opinion about whether minority social movements should include members of the dominant majority.

What is the role of women in three stories we have read? How are women portrayed?

Role of women

What are the requirements for the paper?
The Research Essay should contain:
A clear organizational structure, with introductory and concluding paragraphs and body paragraphs that develop the argument
A clear thesis statement
A title for the paper is recommended
A minimum of 5 typed, proofread pages (approximately 1200 words)
A minimum of ONE primary source
A minimum of THREE reputable, critical secondary sources, excluding Wikipedia, CliffsNotes, Shmoop or any similar “free essay” type website
A Works Cited page, formatted in MLA style, that lists all works consulted and cited including the primary source(s)
MLA-style parenthetical citations

9. What is the role of women in three stories we have read? How are women portrayed?
Use these stories from Ann Charters book an introduction to short fiction.
use the stories below: The yellow paper, The lady with the Pet Dog (joyce Oates), Girl ( Jamaica Kincaid).
Also write annoted bibilography of the paper
The next step is to prepare your annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography is a document in which you analyze sources and identify how they will be used. The annotated bibliography is a tremendous help to you as a writer because it helps you get to know your sources before you write your essay and understand how they will help you create your argument. By situating yourself in a critical debate, you will develop a sense of authority and purpose in your own writing.
You must complete an annotation for each of the four secondary sources you intend to use, and the annotations must be displayed in alphabetical order.
Each annotated bibliography entry contains three components: a bibliographic citation, a brief summary/analysis of the article, and a mention of how the source will be incorporated into your essay.
The first part is the MLA citation. This show the bibliographic information about the source, such as author, title, publication, etc. The entry conforms to MLA format, and the list is prepared alphabetically.
The next section is a summary of the source and reference to specific ideas from the text. The summary briefly describes the source and its contents.
The final part of the entry is the commentary on how the article will be useful to your research. Does it set the groundwork? Provide definitions? Clarify terms? Make sure to include this section; the annotation is incomplete without it.
See the sample below:
Lamott, Anne. Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life. New York: Anchor Books, 1995. Print. (This is the CITATION)
Lamott’s book offers honest advice on the nature of a writing life, complete with its insecurities and failures. Taking a humorous approach to the realities of being a writer, the chapters in Lamott’s book are wry and anecdotal and offer advice on everything from plot development to jealousy, from perfectionism to struggling with one’s own internal critic. In the process, Lamott includes writing exercises designed to be both productive and fun.
Lamott offers sane advice for those struggling with the anxieties of writing, but her main project seems to be offering the reader a reality check regarding writing, publishing, and struggling with one’s own imperfect humanity in the process. Rather than a practical handbook to producing and/or publishing, this text is indispensable because of its honest perspective, its down-to-earth humor, and its encouraging approach. (These 2 paragraphs are the SUMMARY and ANALYSIS of the source.)
Chapters in this text could easily be included in the curriculum for a writing class. Several of the chapters in Part 1 address the writing process and would serve to generate discussion on students’ own drafting and revising processes. Some of the writing exercises would also be appropriate for generating classroom writing exercises. Students should find Lamott’s style both engaging and enjoyable. (This is the discussion of the USEFULNESS of the source.)

What the organization requires for safety, or gives as guidelines for safety, or how the organization supports safety.

FAA Safety

The organization is the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

The MS Word written report should include:
1. Overview / Summary of the organization

2. What the organization requires for safety, or gives as guidelines for safety, or how the organization supports safety.

3. Include a References or Works Cited Page. (Minimum of four sources must be used). You must use in-text citations with whichever method you choose.

Briefly describe the uses of herbal medicines. What are the potential issues with herbal medicines? What are the branches of botany? Describe the different types of plants. Explain the herbs that are connected to the Bible. Discuss how Chinese herbal medicines are different?

Master Herbalist

Assignment Questions:
Total Marks: 100

(The numbers in the brackets indicate the mark for each question)

Q1. Briefly describe the uses of herbal medicines. What are the potential issues with herbal medicines? (4+6=10)

Q2. What are the branches of botany? Describe the different types of plants. (3+5=8)

Q3. Shortly discuss plant acids. Narrate the characteristics of carbohydrates. (2+6=8)

Q4. Explain the herbs that are connected to the Bible. Discuss how Chinese herbal medicines are different? (5+5=10)

Q5. Briefly discuss the preparation of herbal remedies for internal and external use. (10)

Q6. What are the main focuses of the herbalist approach? Narrate the benefits of some conventional herbal medicines. (4+6=10)

Q7. Mention the five elements of ayurvedic medicines. What are the twenty qualities of ayurvedic medicines? (4+6=10)

Q8. What are the proven benefits of aromatherapy? Discuss the risks regarding essential oils. (5+5=10)

Q9. How do you prepare different types of herbal shampoos at home? (8)

Q10. Briefly discuss some of the herbal skin care preparations. (8)

Q11. Describe the steps to start a medicinal herbs business. (8)

Discuss past and current research relevant to the topic. Describe in detail any changes pertaining to the topic that have occurred over time.

Human development in psychology

Choose a research topic from this course that is of interest to you.
Give a brief description of how and why this topic was chosen.

Employ concepts or research findings from the textbook/lectures and at least two other references.
Discuss past and current research relevant to the topic.
Describe in detail any changes pertaining to the topic that have occurred over time.
Include any theories relevant to the topic.
Present future implication for research on the topic.
Expand upon concepts from the course relevant to the topic.
Provide relevant support from textbook/lectures and other resources.

Briefly describe the viewpoint you have chosen, and then describe how it would apply to your research area and why you believe it would be a beneficial approach to pursuing truth in that area.

Formerly Incarcerated in the Workforce

The purpose of this Narrated PowerPoint Assignment is to practice oral communication. In this Narrated PowerPoint Assignment, Select one of Johnson’s (2010) five views of how psychology and Christianity relate, and describe how it could be beneficial in your area of research interest. Briefly describe the viewpoint you have chosen, and then describe how it would apply to your research area and why you believe it would be a beneficial approach to pursuing truth in that area. Remember that you are persuading the audience to believe this viewpoint would be good for your research area and, therefore, you will want to ensure you build a logical, strong argument for using the chosen viewpoint in your research area.

Include the following slides in your Narrated PowerPoint Assignment:

• Introductory slide that tells the audience the purpose of the presentation.

• Viewpoint slide(s) that explain the view you have chosen and how it explains the relationship between psychology and Christianity.

• Research area slide that describes your area of research interest.

• Slide(s) describing why you believe the chosen viewpoint would be a beneficial way to approach knowledge and truth in your topical area.

• Concluding slide that provides a summary and conclusion to your presentation.

• References slide(s).

The Narrated PowerPoint Assignment must be clear and include information on the slides to help the audience follow the argument made in your narration. Also, transitions between slides must be made in a way that helps guide the audience along the argument you are making for your viewpoint. As you are preparing this Narrated PowerPoint Assignment, imagine you have been asked to give a talk on how the chosen viewpoint could help advance knowledge in your research area. Then, develop a logical, clear argument describing the viewpoint, your research area, and why the viewpoint you have chosen would be beneficial to advancing knowledge in your area.