
Why is Social media: helping us connect or contributing to loneliness?s it happening?

Social media: helping us connect or contributing to loneliness?

Social media: helping us connect or contributing to loneliness?They say social media connects people from all over the world. But despite having thousands of friends online and hundreds of likes under photos, we can still feel lonely. Why is Social media: helping us connect or contributing to loneliness?s it happening?

Explain the key aspects of the topic by referring to the philosopher’s primary text, and by quoting directly from this and the secondary material.

Concept from Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Descartes, Kant, or Arendt

Philosophy Essay Guidelines


1. 5-8 pages; Double Spaced; 12-point font.

2. Must be formatted in Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS/CMS).

3. Cover page including title, course name and section, student name, semester (does not count toward overall pages).

4. Bibliography or works cited as separate page (does not count toward overall pages).

5. Three scholarly sources must be used including:

1. At least one primary text from the philosopher under discussion.

2. At least two secondary, scholarly books.

3. Journal articles may not be used as secondary sources—only scholarly books.

4. Online books may be used only if they are PDFs and only if they include original

page numbers.

5. Secondary sources must be written by a scholar affiliated with a university or


6. Photocopies of pages of all referenced quotations must be included with your final essay, stapled together separately. (Only the page containing the specific quotation is required.)

7. Websites may not be used except for the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP)–(both are peer-reviewed). These websites do not count toward your three scholarly sources.

7. If websites other that the above mentioned are used (i.e. Wikipedia, etc.) the essay will receive a failing grade.

8. Page numbers must be included.

9. Quotations must be referenced with footnotes. No in-text reference citations are permitted. No endnote reference citations permitted.

10. Essays must be submitted in hard copy format.


1. Pick one philosopher we have discussed this semester (i.e. Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Descartes, Kant, Arendt) and one concept, argument, or theory related to the philosopher you have chosen.

2. Write a short essay explaining the philosopher’s understanding of the concept, argument, or theory as if you were writing a short encyclopedia article.

3. This is not an argumentative essay, it is explanatory, demonstrating knowledge of the topic and of primary and secondary sources.

4. There should be at least two short quotations (no more than two sentences) per page.

There should be at least three direct quotations from the primary text in the overall essay.

These primary quotations should relate directly to the topic at hand.

Additional Information:

1. Essays should be written in the third person.

2. No personal opinion should be given about the topic under discussion.

3. Explain the key aspects of the topic by referring to the philosopher’s primary text, and by quoting directly from this and the secondary material.

4. If you decide to include counter arguments, use other well-known philosophers’
counter arguments, not your own counterarguments. For example, Bertrand Russell has numerous interesting counterarguments directed at many philosophers in his History of Western Philosophy. Counter Arguments should not take up more than one page of the overall essay.

Side note: Let me know as soon as possible what the topic and sources are so I can let the professor know.

How have cities prepared for and responded to disasters?

Module question

A short description of the topic and a list of four sources. We discussed these subjects in class. Pick a topic from here for a research paper that will be done later.

Module 2 (8/30 and 9/1): Tenements at the turn of the century [ Hernández's introduction]

Module 3 (9/8): Reading Day [ Hernández's chapters 1 and 2 ]

Module 4 (9/13 and 9/15): Company Towns and Urban Planners [ Hernández's chapter 3]

Module 5 (9/20 and 9/22): Segregation and Immigration in US Cities [ Hernández's chapter 4]

Module 6 (9/27 and 9/29): Post-War Urban Growth [Hernández's chapter 5 and 6]

Module 7: (10/4 and 10/6): City of Inmates, reading discussion [Finish Hernández]


Question 2: how have cities prepared for and responded to disasters?

Module 8 (10/11 and 10/13): San Francisco and the 1906 Earthquake

Module 9 (10/18 and 10/20): Diseases and Epidemics

Module 10 (10/25 and 10/27): Disasters and Environmental Racism

Module 11 (11/1 and 11/3): A Global Perspective

Module 12 (11/8 and 11/10): Mapping environmental conflicts and pollution

Is the COVID-19 impact positive or negative? In what specific ways has COVID-19 influenced your topic? Is this a global or U.S. specific COVID-19 impact on organizations? What solutions and proposals do you recommend in addressing the COVID-19 impact on your topic area?


Prepare a research paper detailing the impact of COVID-19 on a management and organizational behavior topic that you are very interested in.

There are many topics that managers face in organizations which recently have been impacted by COVID-19. Examples of just some of those topics include absenteeism; productivity; emotions, attitudes, stress; teams; conflicts of interest; discrimination; equity; organizational culture; equal opportunity; employee safety; change; hiring practices; perception; communication; sexual harassment; leadership; motivation; fraud; internet usage; environmental; marketing; sustainability; revenue management; pricing; small business; remote workforce; crisis management and response; operations and supply chain; finance; strategy; brand; and liquidity.

Select a topic that interests you and detail with supportive references how COVID-19 has impacted your OB topic. Questions to consider including in your paper are: Is the COVID-19 impact positive or negative? In what specific ways has COVID-19 influenced your topic? Is this a global or U.S. specific COVID-19 impact on organizations? What solutions and proposals do you recommend in addressing the COVID-19 impact on your topic area? Cite examples in-text regarding your OB topic and the COVID-19 impact. What correlations are there between your OB topic and the COVID-19 influences?

Recommendations: Based on your OB topic and COVID-19 details and correlations, include your feasible recommendations which will address the COVID-19 impact on your OB topic. The viability of the recommendations and justification will be considered in your evaluation.

Considering the video and news objectively and not politically, what issues regarding policing, the Constitution, crimes, arrests, public and private property, were revealed, as relevant to our study?

Term Paper

General Instructions:

Respond to the questions below. Single space your answers with 12 point font. Write at least one page per question – you may write more. Use headings and keep the paper well organized. If you copy and paste the question into your response, please ensure that you write one page at least. You may collaborate and you may use any sources you wish including our text, videos, slides, and outside sources. You may use your PCAs but do not simply cut and past them (particularly for the short answers in Q#1).

Question #1: Use the DIRE structure (Define, In other words, Relevance, Example) to explain five out of the eight concepts below. Your choice.
A Exclusionary Rule
B Fourth Amendment
C Nationalization of US Constitution
D Searches not requiring a warrant
E Stop and Frisk
F Probable Cause
G Reasonable Expectation of Privacy
H Reasonable Suspicion

Question #2: For the past two months we have been considering the tension between liberty and security. Write a one-page response to the questions below:
A. Does the tension result in a balancing of important rights, or an erosion of important rights?
B. What is the US Supreme Court’s role in resolving this tension over time?
C. What role do the police play in balancing the interests of liberty and security?
D. What recommendations would you make to improve the ability of police and the courts to balance the sometimes conflicting interests of liberty and security?

Question #3: Several weeks ago, we watched a short documentary regarding the tensions that spilled over on January 6, 2021 (the “Capitol Riot”) concerning the 2020 US Presidential Election. Considering the video and news objectively and not politically, what issues regarding policing, the Constitution, crimes, arrests, public and private property, were revealed, as relevant to our study?

Question #4: Review the US Supreme Court case summary below regarding Torres v Madrid (Sup Ct., slip opinion, March 25, 2021)

Part A: Apply the IRAC structure to the Torres case in order to provide a summary of the case (case brief).
• Issue(s)
• Rule(s)
• Application to the facts
• Conclusion(s)

Part B
• Consider the Torres v. Madrid et al. case and apply it to any issues we have discussed including US Constitutional application to states, the 4th Amendment, seizures, use of force, police conduct, role of the US Supreme Court, and any other you think are important.

Based on the resources for this module, explain how a company can raise capital through the issuance of equities. Include the advantages and disadvantages of the methodology.

Raising Capital Through Equities

Overview: In this journal assignment, you will be asked to explain how a company raises capital through the issuance of equities. Journal assignments in this course are private between you and the instructor.

Prompt: There are many approaches a corporation or company can use to raise capital. Based on the resources for this module, explain how a company can raise capital through the issuance of equities. Include the advantages and disadvantages of the methodology.
Think about the Fortune 500 company you will be making recommendations for in the final project. As the CFO of the company, would you recommend the issuance of equities to raise capital? Explain why or why not

Discuss the importance and complexity of leadership behavior in solving the issue you identified. How does it influence organizational structure and performance?

Power, Politics and Culture

Write a 5–7 page report that addresses the following:
Influence of Politics and Power:
Explain how politics and power-play may have influenced the organization’s culture.

Sources of Power:
Explore at least one source of power and describe how management could use this influence to benefit the department and improve organizational performance.

Leadership Behavior and Culture:
Make recommendations that support how the study of power and politics could influence leadership behavior and improve the organization’s culture.

Leadership Influence:

Discuss the importance and complexity of leadership behavior in solving the issue you identified. How does it influence organizational structure and performance?

Since you will be addressing real issues in real organizations in your assignments, it is important to respect confidentiality. Feel free to use an alias for any company or individuals you might mention in your assignments. Remember that all discussions about these organization should only occur within this course and not be shared with people outside the course.

Basic overview of the entire issue – what is it? What is being done about the problem or what do people propose should be done?

Over pollution

Your report needs four sections plus the literature cited. These sections can be separate with headings or part of an overall paper. There is no minimum length, but you probably need at least one full page (and two is better).

The four sections are:
1. Basic overview of the entire issue – what is it?
2. History of the problem
3. What is being done about the problem or what do people propose should be done?
4. Your thoughts on the issue – synthesize all of the above sections and try to draw some conclusions of your own

What do you think the artist was trying to say? What was the artist’s objective? Does the work convey any sort of mood or idea? Do you think there is an underlying message or moral to the work of art? Is there a certain objective or agenda promoted in the artwork?

Art Institute of Chicago


Before you analyze a work of art you need to describe it. Identify the subject of the work of art (ex: still life, portrait, history painting, landscape, etc.). Thoroughly describe the work of art’s appearance: the overall scene and specific observations.

Imagine that the reader has never seen the work of art before; your description should be detailed and evocative enough for the reader to imagine the work of art in his/her head. A photograph is not a substitute for a thorough and accurate description. Use vocabulary words where applicable.

This is where you should demonstrate an understanding of the subject of the work of art (see the information about research, below). If the work of art is a story from the Bible, for instance, summarize the story and identify the characters in the scene. If the work of art depicts a subject from history, tell me what happened.


This should be the longest part of your essay. Try to understand the meaning of the work of art based on your observations.

What do you think the artist was trying to say? What was the artist’s objective? Does the work convey any sort of mood or idea? Do you think there is an underlying message or moral to the work of art? Is there a certain objective or agenda promoted in the artwork?

Judgment/ Conclusion

This element of your essay is similar to the interpretation. You are telling me your reaction to the piece. Why did you choose this work of art, out of all the works in the museum? Discuss the strengths and merit of the work of art. Your judgment will be based on education as well as personal preference.

Consult the instructions below for requirements on the length and formatting of the essay. Your essay should follow the exact same formula of Description, Analysis, Interpretation, Judgment, and Vocabulary.Your title page, however, will be slightly different: