
What conception of freedom do you find the most persuasive? What does this conception of freedom entail us to do, and in your judgment, why is this a better theory than the alternatives?

leave empty

This is a critical essay here is the prompt– Of Kant, Hegel, and Marx, what conception of freedom do you find the most persuasive? What does this conception of freedom entail us to do, and in your judgment, why is this a better theory than the alternatives?
The prompt is at the very bottom of the slides.

What different strategies did Africans use to gain their independence? Why was there so much conflict in the settler states? What part of this documentary troubled you the most?

The Rise of Nationalism

You have to watch a hour long video and answer these questions below…
What different strategies did Africans use to gain their independence? Why was there so much conflict in the settler states? What part of this documentary troubled you the most?

In The Trial, where does the law come from? What is the basis of its authority and how does Kafka suggest ways to subvert that authority?

Political Literature

In The Trial, where does the law come from? What is the basis of its authority and how does Kafka suggest ways to subvert that authority? Is there any “there there” to the law or is it all smoke and mirrors (and even if the latter, is it still powerful nonetheless and how so?)

Use the pdf book provided to help answer the above questions. Use quotes in this style “( Kafka 62)” , when using a quote to support your answers.

Is there a preview of the arguments which you will make? Does the paper flow logically, that is, do you make your argument in a logical, well-reasoned manner?

The hate you give

1. Does the essay have a thesis/point which is clearly stated?
2. Is there a preview of the arguments which you will make?
3. Does the paper flow logically, that is, do you make your argument in a logical, well-reasoned manner?
4. Are there transitions between points?
5. Do you explain how the incidents and quotations demonstrate your point? It is not enough to show an incident or to quote someone. You must show/explain how that incident or that quote demonstrates the point you are trying to make.
6. Is there a logical summary of the points you make and a conclusion?
7. Do you use good vocabulary, and is the punctuation, spelling, and usage correct?

What are the opinions of professionals working with deaf babies and toddlers about the provision of radio aids and how they should be used?

Research questions:

What are the opinions of professionals working with deaf babies and toddlers about the provision of radio aids and how they should be used?

What is it that you don’t know that you don’t already know?

Research and writing assignment

The major research and writing assignment is a 2,000-2500 word independent research paper. Here is the question you should ask yourself: What is it that you don’t know that you don’t already know? That is what research is about.

Explore and analyze the films from a filmmaking perspective. Film style and film history go hand in hand. Place these films in a creative context.

Military Propaganda in Hollywood Films

You are to write a 6+ page research paper in which you write YOUR OWN brief chapter of 21st century film history, exploring and examining filmmaking from the turn of the century to present, from both a historical and creative perspective. This means:

1. Formulate a thesis. State your intentions and introduce your topic. Single out a specific area of interest to focus on, re: filmmaking for the last 20 years. Your topic is up to you. It could be a director, movement, genre, aesthetic shifts, technological changes, sociological/political/cultural/ideological, etc. Nothing is off limits.

2. Place contemporary cinema – i.e. the topic and films you choose – in a historical context. Contextualize your topic/films within the history of cinema production, draw on what we’ve learned in class to connect the past to the present. Furthermore, you should explore the relationship these films have to the contemporary world.

3. Exploring and analyzing the films from a filmmaking perspective. Film style and film history go hand in hand. Place these films in a creative context.

Pick ONE of Dew’s central goals and explain how he illustrated his point with historical evidence. Discuss how Dew made his central point by using example of the primary sources he cites.

Apostles of Disunion

In his book, Apostles of Disunion, Charles Dew has three central goals:

To disabuse the still (surprisingly) commonly held belief that secession was not about preserving slavery but rather about protecting states’ rights
To explain how secession was not an obvious or easy decision for many who joined the Confederacy, but was a choice that was bolstered by a targeted messaging campaign designed to persuade hesitant states to leave the United States
To describe how that messaging campaign was about far more than the institution of slavery alone, but rather exploited a much broader message about preserving racial subordination and protecting white supremacy

Your assignment is to pick ONE of Dew’s central goals and explain how he illustrated his point with historical evidence. In a three-page essay, discuss how Dew made his central point by using example of the primary sources he cites.

Is it fair to require hospital emergency departments to provide unreimbursed care? How do terms we use shape our beliefs? What does “quality of care” mean? Does cost efficiency mean least costly? Why?

1.3 Healthcare Finance Questions

Answer the following and submit your assignment through the link in this week’s assignment folder. (1 source per question)

1) Is it fair to require hospital emergency departments to provide unreimbursed care?
2) How do terms we use shape our beliefs (for example, charity care and bad debts both being considered uncompensated care)?
3)What does “quality of care” mean?
4)Does cost efficiency mean least costly? Why?

Produce a short presentation which includes 3 —5 minutes of recorded audio about your project. You should include: an explanation of how you planned the project; a brief demonstration of your project working; a detailed explanation of the most interesting section of your code; and an account of the biggest challenge you faced during the project.


Solo Project (Grp) As an individual, conduct a software development project to fulfill the ‘Resit Project &Met,. Aula) using the skills you have .vamped through your program of study. If this is your second resit attempt, you may continue developing the project from your first resit submission.
a) Project Presentation t S/IS Credits t See Marking Guides As an individual, produce a short presentation which includes 3 —5 minutes of recorded audio about your project. You should include: an explanation of how you planned the project; a brief demonstration of your project working; a detailed explanation of the most interesting section of your code; and an account of the biggest challenge you faced during the project.

b) Source Code IS/1S Credits /See Marking Guides At Me end of the project you will submit a document containing all your programming code and a link to your final prototype. Make sure to highlight and reference any code not written by you (The Assessment Section of Aula has a Presentation on Referencing).


2 Academic Essay (Me) (S/IS Credits /See Marking Guide As an individual, write an essay exploring. ‘The Future of Quantum Computing’ (Guideline BOO—t200 Words). If you already attempted this element of the assessment as part of the original or resit assessment you may rewom your essay from that attempt as part of this assessment.
Begin by reading at bast six quality sources on the topic, taking your time to digest the information. When you start wMing, you should include: an introduction to the topic; an in-depth discussion of several important aspects or Owes; and an analysh of the imphations for the field of computer science and consumers. You should use in-text Motion and references to show how what you read supports what you have written (Did you know, The Centre for Academic Writine has lots of useful resources!)
you have queroom about this resit assessment, Ideas contact the it.due learn.
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Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing 4007CEM Computer Sciefec 2