
Forecast what would happen to an organization if these issues were not addressed and resolved by the average firm or person. Finally, how do these issues relate to concepts discussed in other classes you have attended in the College of Business?

Finkelstein’s book, Why Smart Executives Fail

Based on our discussion of the Finkelstein’s book, Why Smart Executives Fail, you should have a good understanding of the myths about strategy, leadership, and management. First, tell me the three most important strategic issues that you see in the book that are relevant Our business policy and strategy class course. Second, tell me why these issues are
important for a firm, and you, today. Forecast what would happen to an organization if these issues were not addressed and resolved by the average firm or person. Finally, how do these issues relate to concepts discussed in other classes you have attended in the College of Business? Do you think the issues identified in your book are generalizable to all firms like profit, public, non-profit, and governmental agencies? Why or why not? What surprised you in this book and why? Your response to this exercise should be at least three (3) pages in length (i.e., double-spaced, 1” margins)

Who has a stake in IIPY vaccine policy? What are the interests of the primary stakeholdets in the case. and how might these interests place practical limits on evidence•based standards for global health policy?

The Global Policy to Immunize Against Human Papillomavirus

HP/ vaccine, with a number of case reports suggesting serious adverse effects (Nicol et at. 2016: Btinth et al. mini. The global health policy support. ing HP/ vaccination meets the generally accepted (Welton of having a basis in a preponderance of scientific evidence. However, debate focuses on the potential for overestimation of vaccine effectiveness and the underestimation of vaccine safety risks. In addition, some have raised ethical concerns related to possible conflicts of interest on the part of scientists who have vested economic interest in the pharmaceutical industry (Cochrane Nordic 20161. Health organization acceptance and advocacy of the HPY vaccine policy varies ‘tom country to country. Although the WHO, OA, EMA, CDC, and most ministries of health continue to support widespread HP/ vac. for girls, some countries haw changed course. japan suspended Public financing 101 the vaccine after advent elfects were reported (Wilson el al. ants). The Danish Health and Medicines Authority (m) submitted a report to (MA based on the Japanese findings and similar obsetvationi in Denmark. Similarly, the American College of Petit/1,60am (20161 sent a notice of alarm to its associates, and an important Canadian physician asked the government lot a moratorium on the vaccination (Dyer 7015). Finally. Cochrane Nordic (7016). a (enter In Denmark, denounced (MA for ethical bleaches. Clearly. the II/A/vaccine represents a complex and challenging area of global health policy The vaccine policy is purportedly based on evidence. with application through ministries of health, health insole’s. and health providers, with the intentional ‘,meriting cancels but with the possibility of causing adverse, unintended health consequences for the population it was meant to proem Health administratots must be aware of the implications and ethical dilemmas assoc iated with compliance or noncompliance with the global policy, and they must encourage serious and balanced discus. Hens within their organizations.

Case Study Discussion Questions

1. What problem does the policy aim to address? State the problem in a sentence of two.

2. Describe the pros and cons of the current global policy,

3. Who has a stake in IIPY vaccine policy? What are the interests of the primary stakeholdets in the case. and how might these interests place practical limits on evidence•based standards for global health policy? e. What are the ethical considerations associated with compliance or noncompliance with the policy?

How has the leader of the company managed to empower his/her subordinates regarding the recent decision or change event? What do you believe the leader should have done differently? Were there any negative consequences?


Leadership, Transformation and Organizational Change

Select Microsoft one of the world’s largest companies and choose a recent organizational change decision that the company took or is considering to take. Examples of strategic decisions or change initiatives might include merger and acquisitions, restructuring, culture change and expansion of the organization. Prepare an assignment of 2000 words in length, in which you will:

Section 1 (20%) (approximately 400 words)
Briefly introduce the organization that you chose to analyze. Among others but not limited to, you should explore:
The organization and its structure – Overview on the organization (mission, objectives, areas of operations etc.) – Background (when it was created, how it developed so far, main achievements, etc.) – Track record (size and performance).
The Market that the company operates – Market position and potential growth for the company.
Main products/services.
The Organizational Change decision

Section 2 (40%) (approximately 800 words)
Utilizing relevant theories analyze, discuss and explain:
How has the leader of the company managed to empower his/her subordinates regarding the recent decision or change event?
What do you believe the leader should have done differently?
Were there any negative consequences?

Section 3 (40%) (approximately 800 words)
Utilizing one of the organizational change models, evaluate the role of Board of Directors or the TMT in in the implementation of the change. Your discussion should include the following:
Governance and organization structure – Governance policies and procedures, – Governing bodies and committees;
The team (history, composition, turnover, remuneration)

Evaluate the CEO’s leadership style using leadership theories and concepts learnt in this module. Additionally, you can use data derived from speeches, communication, annual reports for this purpose.

Does the CEO possess the elements/traits of a successful change leader?

If strong cryptography is the principle means of securing one’s papers, do Americans have a right to strong cryptography?

The Regulation of Cryptography

In an essay of 750 to 1000 words, choose a side on the following topic and argue your point: Americans have a Fourth Amendment right to “be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects”. Now that our “papers” are digital, this protection extends to digital data. If strong cryptography is the principle means of securing one’s papers, do Americans have a right to strong cryptography?


Discuss the employee performance evaluation rater and rating errors. Which errors do you feel are most common? Have you ever experienced an evaluation where the rater made any or all of these errors?

Designing and Implementing a Personnel Evaluation System

Discuss the employee performance evaluation rater and rating errors. Which errors do you feel are most common? Have you ever experienced an evaluation where the rater made any or all of these errors?

As a police supervisor, do you feel you are more of a category I or category II time manager?> why do you feel that way? Please provide in detail the steps you would follow in becoming a category II supervisor.

What are the book’s strengths and weaknesses? What are possible counterarguments or objections to the author’s primary argument? Are there any obvious contradictions in the author’s argument? Are the arguments made in the book still relevant?

Is Conservatism Really Dead?

On the book “The Death of Conservatism” by Sam Tanenhaus. The book reviews are an opportunity to both demonstrate knowledge and make an original argument. Students will show their ability to quickly and accurately summarize a book and make an argument of their own. Examine a book that criticizes the conservative movement, from either the left or the right. These are books that attack the basic philosophical premises of the conservative movement, rather than focusing on specific policy issues or personalities within the Republican Party. In these reviews, students will summarize and critique the major arguments of the book. As they read, students should consider the following questions, though all of these questions do not need to be addressed in their papers: what are the book’s strengths and weaknesses? What are possible counterarguments or objections to the author’s primary argument? Are there any obvious contradictions in the author’s argument? Are the arguments made in the book still relevant? How might the claims made in the book be relevant to current debates? The best papers will provide a clear thesis, presented early in the paper, which is subsequently advanced in the following paragraph. Papers should be between six and nine pages, including a works cited page.

Construct a professional business presentation for internal and external stakeholders. Identify your key message to both internal and external stakeholders.

7-1 Project Three

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

Utilize information from industry and scholarly sources to inform problem solving and decision making
Analyze quantitative and qualitative data to solve problems and make decisions that impact organizations and their
Communicate professionally to diverse internal and external audiences
Your presentation to the leadership panel of your company was well received. Now you must create a presentation for a wider audience—stakeholders from inside and outside the company—and include your decisions and recommendations, which were approved by the leadership panel. Remember that your presentation must convey professionalism and be visually appealing as well as informative.

Create a presentation of your research and data findings from Project Two including your decision and rationale.

Construct a professional business presentation for internal and external stakeholders.
Identify your key message to both internal and external stakeholders.
Illustrate your key points using visualizations.
Tell your story.
Specifically include the following in your presentation:

Communicate your decision about diversification based on your analysis of the data and research.
Use visualizations to tell the story of the (quantitative and qualitative) data.
Determine the likelihood of success based on the data and research collected.
Discuss the impact that moving to the new industry will have on the organization and its internal and external stakeholders.
Detail your recommendations for moving forward.
Summarize findings of the research performed.
Include research conclusions and reasoning.
Describe the rationale behind your recommendations.
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit a Powerpoint presentation of 10 to 15 slides including speaker notes. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

What consider-ations should you weave into this proposed new policy? What should be the essential roles and responsibilities of the new community health center governing councils?


Terms of reference (TOR)’ for these new bodies must be drafted within one month for consideration as a regulatory act in Parliament. What considerations should you weave into this proposed new policy? What should be the essential roles and responsibilities of the new community health center governing councils? How should you help the members of these governing bodies become educated about good board work? Consider these questions as you begin your journey into the realm of good board work as presented in this chapter.
terms of reference (TOR) Documents used to define the scope of responsibilities for leaders, boards, and organizations.

Use the Excel dataset ‘Product Sales’ to do an exploratory data analysis by converting the data into Pivot tables (on a new worksheet called Analysis) and creating an interactive dashboard with tables and charts (on a new worksheet called Dashboard).

Excel work book pivot tables and dahsboard

Use the Excel dataset ‘Product Sales’ to do an exploratory data analysis by converting the data into Pivot tables (on a new worksheet called Analysis) and creating an interactive dashboard with tables and charts (on a new worksheet called Dashboard).

Discuss the effect of noise on the auditory system firstly, and if a particular drug affects a certain part of the system, discuss that, so the reader has a better understanding on how the drug may or may not work.



Choose one or more otoprotectant and discuss its effectiveness in protecting the auditory system.

Background – You are in your clinic and a patient hands you a snippet from a paper that claims to have found a new type of drug that can reduce the impact of noise and actively protects our auditory system! The patient asks for your thoughts, as the paper is well known for its misleading articles and hyperbole. You decide to do some research and find out for yourself.

Task – Choose an otoprotectant (drug) and discuss its effectiveness in protecting the auditory system. Some otoprotectants have been researched more than others, so feel free to evaluate the efficacy of more than one if needed.


1 – Discuss the effect of noise on the auditory system firstly, and if a particular drug affects a certain part of the system, discuss that, so the reader has a better understanding on how the drug may or may not work.

2 – If choosing 1 otoprotectant to discuss, make sure there is enough papers, research and information out there to write your essay. Also, if discussing more than one drug then make sure you are writing enough information for each and that you include enough articles/evidence.

3 – Don’t forget that the effectiveness can be proven as effective or non-effective, so finding no links to protecting the auditory system is fine.

4 – Make sure you are looking at reliable & scientific sources! Watch out for homeopathic reviews or papers with conflicts of interest.

5 – For your introduction you could base it on the background story or simply start as if doing a normal paper. I promote academic freedom of writing, just make sure your introduction is clear in what you are looking into and why.

APA (7th ed.) referencing style.