
Assuming that you were 80% successful learning the most basic rhythm patterns, how many times did it take you to reach that goal, and was the video helpful?

Part I: Rhythm Play-Along. Invite family and friends to join in.
1. Answer this: Assuming that you were 80% successful learning the most basic rhythm patterns, how many times did it take you to reach that goal, and was the video helpful?

2. Next, do this: Speak out loud and tap the rhythm by tapping the foot motion down up for each word. to the following months: June, June, June, June or May, May, May, May; It’s the same as saying the syllable “Ta” The rhythm and the beat are now one and the same or quarter note rhythms or “Ta”
Now syllabify the month of April, April, or August, august with these two syllables we produced two 8th notes to one heartbeat. The foot tap would be down-up.
Next, syllabify and clap the word January, to one heartbeat and February to one heartbeat over several beats. Now there are four rhythms to one beat. This would be considered four-16th notes to one heartbeat. If the heartbeat is in a very fast tempo, the 16th notes are super-fast if the heartbeat is much slower the rhythms are slower to fit within the heartbeat or foot-tap.
Now the month of September: Notice that it does not start on the beat, Sep of September is before the downbeat; temb-er, temb is on the downbeat. These months work the same way: October has the same rhythm as do November and December.
3. Answer this: Were you somewhat successful with syllables as rhythm? If not, do it again! Rhythm is muscle memory.

Part II
Be prepared for some fun hands-on sections. You may wish to invite a family member or friend to join in the hands-on projects.

Agbekor Bell Videos: featuring a youtube video demonstration. This graph demonstrates, through color patterns, just how the rhythms work.
The African Agbekor Bell and polyrhythm (several different rhythms being played at the same time) graph is easy to follow and for some, it may appeal to your learning style.
The Bell Graph Video:
Watch, follow and clap along with the rhythmic color graph. This Agbekor graph is accurate and provides a wonderful example of polyrhythms. Your eyes will guide your ears. When all rhythms play at once, they create a polyrhythm. Our author suggests that western music including classical music doesn’t have polyrhythm…that’s utter nonsense, or maybe it doesn’t fit his narrative!! Our same author suggests that Western Music and especially “classical music’ does not use improvisation. That too is an absurd statement. Don’t always believe what you read even in textbooks. It may be biased and not accurately presented.
Your turn to be involved: Open the video link from above. Please clap the initial repeated bell sound while watching the graph. The pattern is “Long-short-long-long-long short long constantly repeated as an ostinato pattern. Ostinato is a repeated rhythmic and note pattern just the same as the bell-rhythm pattern. Next, keep clapping the bell rhythm as other rhythms are introduced, or you may wish to clap the other rhythms as they are introduced.
1. Answer this 2-part question: How far into the BellGraph video clapping various rhythmic patterns did it take you to achieve some success clapping correctly? Did you find the initial bell-beat pattern to be the easiest to clap, why why not? as other patterns entered?

2. Answer This: Did following and participating with this graph provide a better understanding of polyrhythms? Explain, please.

Part III: Your Turn again:

1. Your turn to experiment and create with simple patterns: Time for you to make rhythm and pitches:
Set up at least 4 wine glasses or other types of drinking glasses that make a clear sound when tapping on them. Begin filling them with water at different levels while tapping them with a pencil or pen. Be sure each glass creates a different pitch in sound. If you do not have 4 drinking glasses, use other objects that can produce pitch or various sounds such as pots, etc.
Randomly choose and play one glass followed by another creating melodic intervals, then two at once to create harmonic intervals.
Answer this: What did you learn from this experiment about creating both melodic and harmonic intervals?
2. Next is an exercise on creating Meters, not rhythm, just meter, and measure.
To play the glasses we will use L to indicate the left hand and R to indicate the right hand.
With a steady medium tempo (speed) tap any glass or hard surface using just one hand. Next, tap a much slower tempo keeping it steady as a heartbeat;
Last but not least, tap a much faster yet steady tempo:
Answer this: Which was easiest and which was most difficult to maintain a steady beat?
3. Next, create a meter: metric heart-beat of 2 beats first. Be sure that beat #1 also known as the strong or “down” beat is always a little stronger in all metric patterns. While playing, count the two-beat patterns out loud as a steady one-two or left-right, over and over. L-R-L-R-L-R-L-R-
Next try 3- metric heartbeats: Count and play 1-2-3 or left-right-right or L-R-R- L-R-R over and over. Be sure that beat one is always a little louder. Always count the beats out loud. If it’s a 2-beat meter, count a stead one, two when tapping.
Next, an asymmetric or 5-beat meter pattern: Alternate between a three and 2 beat pattern. Begin with left-right-right- left-right: Play the following meter pattern
L- R-R-L-R-L-R-R-L-R
Now a 7-beat patter: L- R-R-L-R-L-R L- R-R-L-R-L-R
1. Answer this: What did you discover when trying to keep a steady beat and playing just the meter pattern? We did not include any rhythm patterns within these metric patterns, just the beat, and meter.
2. Answer this: What did you learn so far from all of the exercises above? Be specific!
3. Was the 7-beat meter pattern easy for you to achieve or a little complex? Please explain.

Part IV: The Ostinato pattern: play an ostinato rhythm and note pattern. Ostinato is when one part plays the same exact rhythm on the same exact pitches over and over. A great example is this piece by Chopin, pronounced, (Show-pan). Watch and listen from timestamp 3:17 to 4L25 as the left hand plays the ostinato while the right-hand part plays the actual music. (As a side note, the Nazis outlawed the playing of Chopin’s music in Poland.) This was another example of cancel culture rampant in history.
1. Answer this: Watching the two hands playing completely opposite music parts, can you understand and explain why music performance on an instrument or even voice is a total physical acrobatic sport in addition to art? I need more than a “yes”!

Now for your ostinato: Choose the order in which you will play an ostinato pattern on the glassware then repeat the exact rhythms and pitches in exact order over and over. I suggest a 3 or 4-beat ostinato pattern. You may wish to use a friend or family member to play the ostinato as you improvise rhythms against it on another glass.
2. Answer this: How many times did it take to succeed playing an ostinato and what did you learn about repeating an exact rhythm on the same exact glasses? Be specific!
3. Word syllables: Lastly, find any words, lyrics, etc. from any source such as a poem, comic strip, or favorite source. Read the sentence out loud. You may wish to make up your own words. Find the syllabic (syllable) rhythms within the words, and speak them over a steady heartbeat tapped on the glasses or on a flat surface. Answer this: What was difficult and what wasn’t so difficult?
You may be on your way to becoming an amateur “rapper”.
2. Answer this: Write a conclusion: What did you learn about beat vs. rhythm and your ability to perform these hands-on exercises?
Music Texture:
1. Watch this short video on music textures:
Next, Look at Mindtap Chapter 1-4c harmony and texture. Answer this: What was most useful from this texture video and how did it help strengthen information from Mindtap Chapter 1-4 “harmony and texture?
2. Debussy’s monophonic texture for Syrinx: Watch at least a minute of this. Answer this: Why is this piece a good example of monophonic texture?
Most pop music is homophonic with a lead voice singing ONE melody accompanied by backup instruments or vocals or both.
Next is the Polyphonic texture: Bach Little Fugue in G minor with a graph: The Bach Fugue is a polyphonic work of two or more melodies working together but separately. You witnessed polyrhythms from the Agbekor rhythm graph at the top of the page. Now watch and listen to a JS Bach Fugue. It is a polyphonic work where all melodies are independently traveling at the same time also creating polyrhythms. Follow the timestamps below:
The first section is labeled as an exposition where the melody enters four times at different intervals of time:
Watch the breakdown of an exposition as related to the color graph of the Bach fugue.
Subject/theme heard for the first time, the color is green: timestamp 0:00 to 0:20
The same subject/theme is heard from 0:20-0:40 in orange, but in a different and lower (not softer) key (scale). As it plays, the first (green theme) now plays a “countersubject” against it. So far, the visual is quite easy.
Next, at 0:40 the subject enters a third time in pink and again in a different key (scale). The countersubject is in orange. At 0:47 Bach brings in the green to join the fun.
Finally, and in purple, the lowest (not softest) part inters with the subject. The countersubject is pink and the counterpoint is green. After this beginning at timestamp 1:09, the first episode (developing the previous ideas) begins. Once in a while, Bach brings back the subject that even most people can pick up, such as at 1:19 in pink. There are places when the theme slows down by Bach using longer note values while the rest of the color (voices) moves at the previous speeds.
The same subject/theme is heard from 0:20-0:40 in orange but in a different and lower-key (scale). As it (orange) plays, the first theme (subject) the green theme is now the “countersubject” against it. So far, the visual is quite easy to follow. We now have two separate melodies.
3. Answer this two-part question: (watching and listening to this short section of Bach’s “Little Fugue” at what point did your “critical listening” become stronger and able to identify the subject, main melody, as it traveled and broke off into several independent parts? Describe your biggest challenge as you listened. If you listened only once then it was a minimal effort not worthy of your answer.
4. For the eyes and ears: A live organist plays this same Bach fugue that we just watched on the color graph: Focus especially on the subject/theme as played by the two feet at timestamp 0:54. Imagine hands and feet playing a keyboard with all parts being independent. Keep in mind that this is a written work, not improvised. Also, keep in mind that Bach is not the organist in this video as he has been dead for several centuries.
Answer this: What must a composer, (one that writes the music) keep in mind as to the physical limitations of a performer when writing such a work? There are no wrong answers, but the effort is important. PS very few composers write a successful fugue. Most never bother because they can’t. . To compose such a fugue for an organ may take a skilled composer at least 50 to 100 hours to write.

: American composer Samuel Barber’s fugue from his piano sonata is quite a challenge for any pianist. Timestamp 0:00 to 0:08 is the subject played by the right hand. At 0:09 to 0:15-0:22, the subject appears in the left hand as the right hand continues with the countersubject.
3. Answer this: Which hand played the subject from 0:23-0:30? What is the other hand doing with the countersubject?
4. At timestamp 0:39 – 0:45 which part is the left hand playing?
5. At timestamp 1:30 the left hand is clearly playing the first part of the subject, but how is it different from the previous subject entrances?
6. At timestamp 4:17 to 4:22 is a perfect example of ostinato in the left hand but what is the right hand playing from4:29 to 4:34 and is it the same rhythm values as 0:09-0:15?
7. If you knew or listened carefully to this fugue from Barber’s sonata you would come to realize that Barber uses only the subject and countersubject from beginning to the end. However, he employs rhythmic and structural variations of the two themes from beginning to end. That is the mark of true genius. These two themes are part of every beat and rhythm, go back and listen at least one more time and concentrate on how the subject sounds then listen to see if you can catch any of it that I did not timestamp. Answer this: If you truly listened to the entire fugue, where might you have found the subject other than where the timestamps were provided? Provide your own timestamps for two such places for the subject.

Describe, compare, and contrast each test including a discussion on sensitivity and specificity. Is one test better than the other? Discuss how these tests might be available to the community.

COVID-19 Testing

During the COVID-19 pandemic, testing is relied upon heavily to help develop prevention and control measures. The validity of tests used can impact individual and community decisions and ultimately COVID-19 related morbidity and mortality.

For this assignment, see “Serology-based tests for COVID-19” (Links to an external site.) from the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. This article discusses the sensitivity and specificity of serology-based tests for COVID-19.

From the Johns Hopkins list of serology-based tests, select two different types of serology assays from two different manufacturers and answer the following questions:

Describe, compare, and contrast each test including a discussion on sensitivity and specificity. Is one test better than the other?
Discuss how these tests might be available to the community. For example, are they easily accessible and inexpensive?
When screening large groups for COVID-19, would you select a less valid test in exchange for ease of use, patient comfort, or cost? Meaning, if the specific test was cheaper or easier to use, would you choose this type of test even if it meant compromising test validity?
What are the consequences of a false positive COVID-19 test?
What are the consequences of a false negative COVID-19 test?
Review the following article for additional information on the impact of COVID-19 test validity.

West, C.P., Montori, V.M., & Sampathkumar, P. (2020). COVID-19 testing: The threat of false-negative results (Links to an external site.). Mayo Clin Proceedings, 95(6), 1127–1129.

Evaluate how technology could be embedded in this process or evaluate how this has already been achieved. What supporting functions are linked to this operation management practice and evaluate how can they assist with ensuring organizational success?

Operations and Service Management

Select an organization and apply all four of the questions below.
Ensure work is supported with evidence from research (academic theory and company research)

A brief introduction and conclusion is also required which is included in the word count.

Word count is 2,500 (+/ 10%)

1. Identify one operation management practice within a chosen organization.

2. Critically analyze how this operation management practice impacts the organization in regards to efficiency.

3. Evaluate how technology could be embedded in this process or evaluate how this has already been achieved.

4. What supporting functions are linked to this operation management practice and evaluate how can they assist with ensuring organizational success?

Identify 3 slogans that might have been used and use them to organize your discussion of the World State’s utopian vision. Provide examples from the novel of how each slogan would explain how/why the World State operates the way that it does.

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

Instructions from Professor:

Topic: How does BNW portray a dystopia? Specifically, address the following 5 issues:

Introduction: Introduce the topic of your paper (a quick summary is that BNW illustrates how a utopia scheme creates a dystopia) and give a brief overview of your paper.

1) Utopian ideas are expressed in slogans like “A world with war,” “A world without poverty,” etc. Think of 3 slogans of this type that the creators of the World State might have used to present their vision of utopia, + which help to explain why the World State is organized and operates the way it does. These slogans should be expressed positively, so claiming “A world without families” or “A world without individual thought” would not work-these slogans would not be attractive to most people.

Identify 3 slogans that might have been used and use them to organize your discussion of the World State’s utopian vision. Provide examples from the novel of how each slogan would explain how/why the World State operates the way that it does.

2) Show how the novel demonstrates these consequences of attempts to create a utopian society, using examples & evidence from the book: 1) regimentation of society; 2) dehumanization; 3) misuse of technology; 4) state terror; 5) tragedy of the individual; 6) a new class of rulers; 7) use of propaganda to manipulate population; & 8) dystopia is necessarily totalitarian. For more explanation, see Barilleaux, “The Map of Dystopia”. You should have a separate paragraph for each of the 8 features.

3) WIs the dystopia of Brave New World a hard or soft one? (See Barilleaux, “The Map of Dystopia,”) PICK ONE (hard or soft) and use examples/evidence from the book to support your position.

5) Which aspect of Huxley’s dystopia is the worst? Why? Explain.

NOTE: If you do not use “What is the Worst Thing” as your conclusion, be sure to have a separate concluding paragraph.

Additional research is not required for this essay, but all sources used must be cited properly

You do not need to summarize the novel (I have already read it more than once) and unnecessary filler (like a background on Huxley or his times) are not relevant to the analysis of this paper.

The education system in the United States is still separate and unequal. In your own opinion why is this still an issue (segregation) in 2021? What consequences do segregated schools have for students and society at large?

Black Sociology

The education system in the United States is still separate and unequal. In your own opinion why is this still an issue (segregation) in 2021? What consequences do segregated schools have for students and society at large? In your opinion, what are potential remedies to address school segregation?

Compare different types of maps—what kinds work for what kind of learners/abilities. Do new formats need to be made?

Examples of Hands-On Service-Learning Projects

We encourage students to be innovative and creative in their implementation of an inclusive transportation service-learning project but keeping it aligned with curriculum and content standards to the maximum extent possible. We hope students will use such technologies as photo voice, YouTube, and other social media to capture and document their journey to learn about and access public transportation. We hope that these projects can be woven back into curriculum. Here are some suggestions for project activities.

Create their own experiment—test transportation from different peoples’ perspectives, (i.e., from people with different abilities). Make it as hands-on as possible.
Interview transit operators and drivers about their experiences in providing inclusive transportation.
Go to intersections, bus stops, transportation centers, ride the different transportation options and develop a format to share what was learned.
Compare different types of maps—what kinds work for what kind of learners/abilities. Do new formats need to be made?

Develop awareness-raising materials about transportation options for families, educators, and other school personnel.
Create materials and tools for transit operators that help them understand student needs.
Encourage connections across high-school and higher-education settings around accessible transportation.
Explore buses—do the drivers announce stops, what are the visual displays like, what is the noise level, and who is the primary ridership?
Examine transportation schedules, do they serve the whole community, are the times transit is available workable with the schedules of students and/or those needing the transportation, does the bus run to the locations needed—schools,
shopping and other social venues, hospitals/health care?

Assess crossing signals. Do they include sound? What colors are they? How do the call buttons feel to the touch?
Address social issues that come up when using transportation—how to talk and ask questions, explore personal boundary issues.
Explore mobility management. What is it? What do other communities have? What is missing in your community? What are the costs and benefits? Create a map of the mobility options in your community.
Work with the aging community. There is much to learn from how the aging community manages transportation.
Explore if and how transportation for youth differs from that of transportation for adults.
Conduct a pedestrian road safety audit to identify potential problems and barriers, and identify opportunities for improving pedestrian safety (

Describe how you will alter your usual operations to reduce Covid-19 exposure e.g. creating more space to allow for social distancing, infection control etc.

COVID-19 Policy for health care clinic

Create a health care policy for a family practice clinic. Include:

1. How to protect yourself, employees, patients, and community. (Refer to CDC guidelines) and others.

2. List measures you will use to prepare physical clinical space

3. Describe employee training

4. Describe how you will alter your usual operations to reduce Covid-19 exposure e.g. creating more space to allow for social distancing, infection control etc.

5. List 2 types of Covid-19 testing methods you will offer, and why

Use APA 7 format

References not more than 5 years

What interventions must be initiated to monitor, prevent, manage, or eliminate the problems and risks identified?

4 discussion responses

Respond to these discussion posts, in 125 words and at least one reference.

1. What major outcomes do you expect to achieve for this patient?
In the case of Mr. Z, the major outcomes expected are improved ventilation and oxygenation of tissues, normal ABGs, optimal gas exchange, absence of respiratory distress, and prevention of severe complications. (Eshwara et al., 2020)

What interventions must be initiated to monitor, prevent, manage, or eliminate the problems and risks identified?
Due to increased respiratory rate of 40 breaths per minute, multilobar infiltrates, and COPD, severe community-acquired pneumonia (SCAP) and systemic infection would be imminent if left untreated. Antibiotic therapy specific to addressing streptococcus pneumoniae must be initiated immediately as well as oxygen therapy appropriate for comorbidity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Fluid resuscitation should be used if systolic pressure is less than 90 mmHg or diastolic below 60 mmHg. Frequent reassessment should be done to evaluate present treatment modalities and to detect changes in current condition. (Eshwara et al., 2020; Metlay et al., 2019)

What interventions should be initiated to promote optimal functioning, safety, and well-being of the patient?
Until symptoms of respiratory distress subside, patient should be on continuous monitoring of vital signs and oxygen therapy. Additionally, fall precautions should be implemented and bed rest encouraged (Pneumonia in Adults, 2019). Nicotine replacement therapy and in-patient counseling should be considered as symptoms of severe tobacco withdrawal may become evident during hospitalization (Wolfenden et al., 2003).

What possible learning needs do you anticipate for this patient?
The patient should be educated on how COPD and smoking can contribute and exacerbate community-acquired pneumonia. The typical course of expected improvement once discharged should also be discussed so that the patient understands that it may be several months until pneumonia symptoms resolve. Once eligible, the patient should be educated on the benefits of the pneumococcal vaccine. (Norris, 2018; Pneumonia in Adults, 2019)

What cultural and age-related factors may have a bearing on the patient’s plan of care?
According to Cunha, risk factors for severe pneumonia increase with age due to pathologic changes in the immune system and lungs. Elderly patients have decreased mucociliary function and impaired B-lymphocyte function which leave them more susceptible to infections with encapsulated pathogens like streptococcus pneumoniae (2001). It is also important to assess Mr. Z’s attitude and belief system as it relates to implementing lifestyle changes like smoking cessation (Narayan, 2003).

2. What major outcomes do you expect to achieve for this patient?
Mr.Z clinical presentation indicates a systemic inflammatory response. The major outcomes that would be expected would be a return to stable vital signs, absence of fever and normalization of the arterial blood gas. The work of breathing will return to normal which should help the anxiety and agitation. The patient would return to baseline function and be able to perform activities of daily living without complications. Once respiratory status improves Mr.Z will be able tolerate food intake without any gastrointestinal complications.
What interventions must be initiated to monitor, prevent, manage, or eliminate the problems and risks identified?
The patients’ respiratory status must be addressed, the arterial blood gas indicates respiratory alkalosis from hyperventilation, but the PO2 is not critically low, concern would be due the increased work of breathing endotracheal intubation may be indicated although with the patients’ history of COPD being able to wean off the ventilator may be difficult as that 61% of those with COPD fail weaning from the ventilator (Kuo et al., 2016).Bipap may be used before proceeding with intubation, a small dose of sedation could also be tried to manage the patients anxiety and compliance with Bipap. Fever management is also indicated to reduce the metabolic demand on the body to help improve oxygenation (Norris, 2019). Treatment for pneumococcal pneumonia is assumed to have been started that include antibiotics along with fluids as the indicated treatment for sepsis. The patients vital signs must be continuously monitored, would need to be transferred to the intensive care unit for continuous monitoring, vasopressors may be required if the patient mean arterial pressure drops below 65mmHg. Lastly due to the history of smoking a nicotine patch may also help some of the patients anxiety to prevent nicotine withdrawal.
What interventions should be initiated to promote optimal functioning, safety, and well-being of the patient?
Mr.Z is at risk for decline due to his mentation. A patient sitter may be indicated to keep him from removing his bipap mask. If a sitter is not effective, mittens may be used and escalate to wrist restraints if needed. Oral care must be completed, breaks from the bipap could be done for food and drink if tolerated, if not tolerated then Mr. Z could be assessed for total parental nutrition. Toileting should be frequently monitored, a urinary catheter may be inserted if the Mr. Z is unable to use a urinal as a result of the shortness of breath.
What possible learning needs do you anticipate for this patient?
Smoking cessation will be required to address once Mr. Z mentation improves and is indicates willingness to learn. Smoking alters the normal flora within the tracheobronchial tree which places an individual at higher risk for infection (Norris, 2019). The vaccination status of Mr. Z would need to be assessed and education on the importance of receiving the pneumococcal pneumonia vaccination due to the patient’s risk factors which include COPD and smoking.
What cultural and age-related factors may have a bearing on the patient’s plan of care?
Being a white male from the scenario, there might be some resistance with of lifestyle due to the era from which he grew up in. Age related factors included difficulty understanding how to administer medication especially inhalers properly (Sam, 2016). It is unknown if Mr.Z has family support which would be helpful for smoking cessation; could give him more motivation to make the lifestyle changes needed. Smoking was seen as a status for males and was prevalent in the higher socioeconomical groups which could hinder the desire for Mr. Z to quit (Di Novi & Marenzi, 2018).

3.This patient recently immigrated from Asia. As of 2018, South Asia holds almost 40% of the global Tuberculosis burden (Basnyat et al., 2018). Countries that have poorer access to healthcare generally have a higher prevalence of Tuberculosis. Those co infected with HIV and latent TB are at high risk for developing worsening disease. It’s important to recognize such cases and seek appropriate treatment (Basnyat et al., 2018).
A tuberculin skin test measures delayed hypersensitivity in response to exposure to tubercle bacillus. A positive reaction to the skin test does not indicate the person has active TB, they may have an inactive or dormant form known as latent TB. Those who once test positive to the tuberculin skin test usually remain positive for the remainder of their life. A positive skin test indicates there has been exposure to the bacillus at some point and cell-mediated immunity to the organism has developed but does not specifically pinpoint the time this occurred (Norris, 2019). In this case, this patient states she has latent TB.
The QuantiFERON-tb gold test is used to detect both active and latent TB by measuring interferon-y which is also part of the cell mediated immune activity for TB response. It has a 24-hour test result turnaround time but is expensive and not easily available. However, QuantiFERON-tb gold test also cannot distinguish between active or latent form of tuberculosis (Ryu, 2015). Definitive diagnosis of active TB requires identification of the organism for cultures or from DNA or RNA amplification techniques. Bacteriologic studies of early sputum specimens, gastric aspirations, or bronchial washing may also be used for diagnostic purposes (Norris, 2019).
The general treatment goal is to eliminate all tubercle bacilli from the infected person. Treatment of active TB requires the use of multiple drugs due to the increase of drug resistance (Ryu, 2015). People with active TB and people who have had contact with cases of active TB and at risk for development of an active form of the disease meet the criteria for the use of antimycobacterial therapy for TB. Prophylactic treatment is used for those infected with M. tuberculosis but do not have active disease (Norris, 2019). In this case, it would be important to find out if this patient has had any recent contact with cases of TB, if her TB was properly treated initially, results of chest XRAY and bacteriologic studies, and the status of her immune state. The appropriate therapy would be indicated based upon such results and to keep her latent TB in the inactive state and prevent it from becoming active again (Ryu, 2015).
The Mantoux tuberculin skin test is the only skin test to identify tuberculosis. There are however other diagnostic tools such as chest x-ray, QuantiFERON-gold TB test, and sputum cultures.

Tuberculosis (TB) described by Norris, as an infectious disease caused by mycobacterium, M tuberculosis. TB is seen more commonly in foreign born individuals in countries known to have a high incidence rate of the infectious disease and in areas where there are more establishments of homelessness, treatment/rehab facilities, and correctional centers (Norris, 2019). TB is known as respiratory illness most commonly affecting the lungs. However, TB affects multibody systems stemming from the pulmonary manifestations but includes but are not limited to gastrointestinal, lymphatic, central nervous system, musculoskeletal, reproductive, integumentary systems, and liver (Adigun & Singh, 2021). Tuberculosis, which is also referred to as fast acting bacilli (AFB), is a non-spore forming aerobic rod shaped like bacteria. Due to its waxy outer layer, makes it more difficult to treat. Tubercle bacilli thrives in environments rich in oxygen (Norris, 2019). Hence, TB commonly referred to known as a pulmonary respiratory airborne condition most often present in the lobes of the lungs.
Testing for TB is completed using a tuberculin skin and or x-ray. The skin test measures delayed hypersensitivity to the exposure of tubercle bacillus causing a raised bump on the skin typically measuring greater than 10mm. Other tests to confirm TB may include cultures and testing for AFB sputum sensitivity, gastric aspirations, or bronchial washings (Norris, 2019). Once a person tests positive for TB, they will remain positive throughout their lifetime. However, a reaction to the tuberculin test does not necessarily confirm active TB, but confirm exposure to TB (Norris, 2019). Typically, is a patient test and are confirmed positive for TB they are no longer a latent stage. Latent TB is when tubercle bacilli is present but not in an active or contagious stage (Ilievska-Poposka, B, Metodieva, M., Zakoska, M., Vragoterova, C., & Trajkov., 2018).
The most common treatment methods for TB are by medications. The goal of treatment is to irradiate or eliminate all tubercle bacilli yet being careful to prevent drug resistance. A combination of medications has known to be most effective. Medications used to treat TB are INH, rifampin, pyrazinamide (PZA), ethambutol, and streptomycin Norris, 2019).
People of color which includes individuals of Asian ethnicities are subjected to psychological and treatment disparities. Asians are very stoic civilians and seeking help, assistance, medical advice, and consult may not be a situation that the patient may be accustomed to. In addition, other considerations are English as a second language and Western medicine in comparison to her previous practice history. Exercising cultural competence to learn Asian treatment methods and rituals are essential to respecting the patient’s culture and individuality. She has also felt more comfortable with a female clinician

How will you know if the society is happy and contented with what they have?

Society happiness

How will you know if the society is happy and contented with what they have?

What are the causes of her anxiety, was the symptomology consistent? Were the anxiety triggers controllable or was there a remedy?

WRAT5 Results and Interpretation

Identifying Data
On November 1st, 2021, Shar B a twenty-one-year-old African American woman who is presently attending college, works as a Walmart cashier. She is a single heterosexual woman who speaks English. Dr Fran Davis-Weathers, her psychologist, conducted a clinical examination, diagnostic assistance and helped in developing an appropriate treatment plan for her.
Referral Questions
There was a discussion with Miss B. about the scope of the evaluation’s secrecy, access to documents, and its purpose. Self-referral from a client who wants to learn more about her frequent panic episodes and whether or not they may be alleviated. The assessment aimed to determine the following questions:
1. What are the causes of her anxiety, was the symptomology consistent?
2. Were the anxiety triggers controllable or was there a remedy?