
Devise a detailed Budget for these recommendations. How much, if anything, will each recommendation cost? These figures must be reasonable and doable for your company.


You’ll choose a multinational company that has robust offices on two or more continents. You’ll investigate their company culture and current problems they’re experiencing. Choosing 1 of these problems, you’ll zero in on a piece of this problem. By persuasively arguing for 4 recommendations, the proposal will be written as if you are a company employee tasked with resolving, diminishing, or ameliorating this piece of the problem. A budget providing the costs to implement your recommendations will be part of the proposal.

1.Choose 1 current company problem to work with for this project. “Current” is defined as still extant right now. You’ll need at least 3 sources from within the last 6 months verifying that the problem exists today

2. Write a persuasive mock Proposal tasked with solving a facet of the problem. You are not solving the whole problem, only a piece of it. After logically showcasing relevant points, argue for 4 new recommendations the company can implement together to diminish or eliminate the problem. You are proposing 4 new actions that work in concert; you are NOT providing 4 options of which the supervisors will choose 1. These recommendations must be your own; they can’t be what the company is already doing.

Devise a detailed Budget for these recommendations. How much, if anything, will each recommendation cost? These figures must be reasonable and doable for your company. This proposal is from one employee or on behalf of a company team to another company team or group of other employees and will be written in the appropriate professional tone and

Since the larger problem is in actuality not yet solved, the piece of the problem you are focusing on isn’t either. You are safe to assume that the company has had many barriers internally and possibly externally in dealing with the problem. Therefore to make headway, the proposal must be very skillfully argued. To do this you must factor in company culture. Do NOT include “I”, “me”, “my”, “we”, “our”, and “you” and “your”. The linguistic distance will evoke a more formal and serious tone.

Proposal sections are as follows and in this sequence (from p. 286 in our textbook. See the Proposal Contents document on iLearn for details): Letter of Transmittal; Executive

Summary; Title Page; Table of Contents; List of Illustrations (optional, only if you include supplementary non-text information); Introduction; Background; Problem; Purpose; Proposal; Plan; Schedule; Staffing; Budget; and Authorization. See student exemplars on iLearn for a general idea; please notice the frequent content repetitions throughout. In text citations must back up all data. In the Proposal you may include graphs, diagrams, photographs, illustrations, web links, and any other information types if suitable but they are not required. If you do, put the citation information immediately below them and in the References. If you created your own graphic, cite yourself.

Note the Proposal component of Project 4 has many sections, of which the actual proposal is one.

Describe and analyze the process of prioritizing health and well-being needs using relevant assessment tools and showing awareness of relevant psychological theory.


An essay (4000 words) (100% of grade). A written critical analysis of a case scenario identified in practice, exploring the biopsychosocial determinants of ill health and a critical appraisal of actual or proposed biopsychosocial interventions within the context of contemporary clinical care.

Assumptive assignment – 4,000-word essay.

• Give a brief introduction outlining what you intend to do in the assignment.

• Describe the person, the service, and the nature of your involvement with them.

• Contextualize the service with reference to contemporary mental health policy.

• Identify and analyze the biopsychosocial factors which have contributed to the development and maintenance of the person’s mental disorder and account for their physical health status.

• Describe and analyze the process of prioritizing health and well-being needs using relevant assessment tools and showing awareness of relevant psychological theory.

• Demonstrate collaboration with the person, carers, and the family in the context of the service, identifying potential and actual barriers to engagement and address any safeguarding concerns in formulating and executing your plan of care.

• Critically appraise your interventions with reference to a contemporary evidence base and analyze their effectiveness in the promotion of health and well being.

• Provide a brief conclusion, summarizing the main points of the assignment

Discuss the difference between weather and climate, what we know about climate change and how we know it, reliability of information, and observed climate change on other planets.

Climate Change

The final assignment for this course is to research the topic of the history of global climate change (warming, cooling or other). Based on your research you will prepare a 5-7 page paper (not counting title page or reference section).
You are free to discuss whatever aspects you select but make sure your sources are scholarly and grounded in research and related directly to course concepts. You should go back in time as far as you can find information. You can discuss the difference between weather and climate, what we know about climate change and how we know it, reliability of information, and observed climate change on other planets. You may want to include a section on how the media covers this issue versus the scientific community, Lots of flexibility here but focus on history and recent events.You must also create a power point presentation based on your research. Create your presentation as if you were presenting it to at a scientific discussion.

Design a health education message considering the client group, their culture, communication strategies, behaviour, and lifestyle choices.


 Promoting and influencing health

Formative study preparation
Part 1) You will develop a health promotion message that could be used with your chosen patient or client group. This could be for use in a health care, social, sports, school, or community group setting, on a one-to-one or group basis. This is an opportunity for you to be creative and think about how health messages are presented and received by others. You need to consider who it is aimed at and how it enables you to address the 4 learning outcomes.

Examine the ethical, political, and professional rationales supporting health promotion activities.
Design a health education message considering the client group, their culture, communication strategies, behaviour, and lifestyle choices.
Evaluate models of health promotion and their impact on different population groups.
Explore the benefits of partnership and collaboration between health care professionals and other groups for influencing health promotion.

Part 2 ) A 2000 word written defence submitted at the end of the module that discusses the underlying theory and research evidence that influenced your decisions about your health promotion message. This written assessment must be word-processed using Microsoft Word and presented in Arial Font size 11pt. Double-line spacing or 1.5 line spacing must be applied throughout the main text of this piece of work, with at least 3.5 cm margin to the left to allow for binding. Pages should be numbered, and each page of the assignment should have your university ID number in the header of each page. Each chapter must start on a new page. The main text of the assignment must be aligned to the left of the page. An accurate and consistent referencing approach must be undertaken in accordance with the guidelines outlined in the current referencing guide (using APA referencing style)

Write a 1,000-word essay in your own words comparing and contrasting the articles and theories, including at It one citation from each written in format.

Scholarly research articles

• Read five scholarly research articles(one each for any five of the leadership theories described in Chapters 2-10). Scholarly articles can be found in the MDC Libra!), website. Do not select articles from other
web page


• Write a 1,000-word essay in your own words comparing and contrasting the articles and theories, including at It one citation from each written in format. Citations are useful in strengthening your comparisons, but write the essay itself in your own words LIil


Identify the key characteristics of each of the four lenses: social science, natural science, history, and humanities. Be sure to include relevant points that help explain the characteristics.

Social science, Natural science, History, and Humanities.

Using the resources from this course, identify the key characteristics of each of the four lenses: social science, natural science, history, and humanities. Be sure to include relevant points that help explain the characteristics.

Explain which steps you found most difficult in reading the article. Identify concepts of the article that were a challenge to understand. Were there any that were harder to grasp than others?

Read the article Space Mining and Exploration: Facing a Pivotal Moment from the module resources section.

Explain which steps for reading the article you found to be the easiest.
Explain which steps you found most difficult in reading the article.
Identify concepts of the article that were a challenge to understand. Were there any that were harder to grasp than others?
Finally, in your own words, summarize the main idea of the article.
Guidelines for Submission
Your submission should be a Word document, one to two pages in length, with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Any sources should be cited according to APA style. Consult the APA Style Guide available through the Shapiro Library for more information on citations.

What three factors lead people to criticize their society rather than simply accept it? Use the three texts read in this unit along with independent research using a real-world example of an artist, reporter, revolutionary figure, or politician to exemplify your position.

Unit 2 Explanatory Essay Assessment

You will write 5 paragraph explanatory essay responding to the following prompt:
What three factors lead people to criticize their society rather than simply accept it? Use the three texts read in this unit along with independent research using a real-world example of an artist, reporter, revolutionary figure, or politician to exemplify your position.

⦁ 5 total paragraphs
⦁ 1 Intro paragraph
⦁ Thesis statement must have 3 parts – Essentially, include your three main claims (Factors) in your overall thesis statement.
⦁ 3 body paragraphs
⦁ Each body paragraph must be a 6C paragraph explaining one of the three factors.
⦁ Body paragraphs 1 and 2 must use the texts as the sources of information.
⦁ Texts used:
⦁ Standing Up to Absolute Power
⦁ The Worms of the Earth Against the Lions
⦁ Shakespeare’s Sister
⦁ Body paragraph 3 must use independent research on a real-world example of the third factor.
⦁ All body paragraphs (including your independent research paragraph) must have 2 pieces of evidence EACH. This means you’ll have a grand total of 6 citations in the essay.
⦁ In the independent research paragraph, make sure you use VALID sources. Use the Tennessee Electronic Library and other certified resources
⦁ 1 concluding paragraph that ties everything together.
⦁ Works cited page

⦁ MUST BE IN MLA Format (must follow it in all forms including)…
⦁ 12-point Times New Roman font
⦁ Double-spaced
⦁ In-text citations
⦁ Works cited page

Wednesday and Thursday (Nov. 17-18) will be for peer review and editing. Friday (Nov. 19) will be for writing and revising.

How does the dog, as a thinking, feeling, socially-complex being, interact with humans in a shared environment? Is the dog’s subjective agency recognized and allowed to flourish? Is the dog an object, symbol, clown, prisoner, slave, tool, property, friend, family member, something else?


In this essay, we will do as Marie Fox suggests in her article and take dogs seriously, as part of our efforts to understand social life in a more complex, less-anthropocentric way that recognizes the affective entanglements of cross-species encounters. This essay will take the form of a multispecies ethnography in which you will reflect on the world of an individual dog who you know personally and your interactions with that individual being, using the course material as well as your own experience and other additional sources that you find are useful. This assignment asks you to make an effort to gain an intimate understanding of another individual’s life, to pay attention to someone else and to try to understand how that individual participates in a multispecies community.

First, your paper should say who this dog is and give some biographical information. But your paper should go beyond description to create some serious and critically-informed reflections on how this dog maneouvres in an interspecies social world and the roles and restrictions imposed upon this particular being. Questions to consider:

How does the dog, as a thinking, feeling, socially-complex being, interact with humans in a shared environment?

Is the dog’s subjective agency recognized and allowed to flourish?

Is the dog an object, symbol, clown, prisoner, slave, tool, property, friend, family member, something else?

What is it like to be this particular dog and how might this dog’s experiences be typical or abnormal?

How is the dog’s lifeworld coproduced through interactions and relations with humans?

How is this dog’s existence and status determined by institutional conditions and cultural practices?

What can your observations tell you about nonhuman personhood?

Much of our readings and discussions will consider our ethical relations with other animals and you should address those ethical concerns in your paper.

What are our ethical obligations to companion animals and are they being met in the case you consider?

In her book, Inside of a Dog, Alexandra Horowitz suggests that by paying attention to dogs, we may gain some new sensory experiences of the world. What else might we learn from taking dogs seriously?

What does it mean to pay attention to a dog? What have you learned from this dog?

Has the course material helped you to understand dogs in a different way? How? What is significant about such an understanding? What are the broader implications?

What ethical obligations do you have toward this dog and what obligations do we have towards dogs in general?

What does it mean to care for an animal? What moral responsibilities do we have to (nonhuman) others?

What kind of moral situation do we place ourselves in when we decide to own a pet? How does this alter our own positionality?

How does attentiveness to animals allow & encourage us to rethink our own lives and what it is to be human?

How does your investigation of an individual dog’s life inform your thoughts on how animals should be treated generally?

Should we give equal moral weight to their interests? What would this entail?

Your paper should not simply be descriptive but should place your reflections on an individual dog in the context of theories about our relations with other species. As well as making sure that your paper is explicitly linked to course themes raised in lectures and course readings, refer to at least 6 additional academic sources (Will add multiple readings from class, be sure to use them) to support the points you make.

How have your information literacy skills changed as a result of the resources in this module? How might having strong information literacy skills impact your academic or professional career?

Explain the importance of developing information literacy skills.

How have your information literacy skills changed as a result of the resources in this module?
From the module resources, identify the sources of information that were the most impactful to you.
How might having strong information literacy skills impact your academic or professional career?
Guidelines for Submission
Your submission should be a Word document, one to two pages in length, with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Any sources should be cited according to APA style. Consult the APA Style Guide available through the Shapiro Library for more information on citations.