
Students are to propose three B2B marketing strategies that should be implemented by TaKaDu, in order to face the described problem, and indicate two KPIs for each strategy

Industrial Marketing

Case Study Situation Understanding
Description: Students must read the given TaKaDu case study and write a 400 to 500word summary of the situation.

 Case Study Main Problem Identification

Description: Based on the company’s situation, students must identify and write TaKaDu’s main problem in a 150 to 200word paragraph.

Task 2.3: Case Study Solution Proposal
Description: Students are to propose three B2B marketing strategies that should be implemented by TaKaDu, in order to face the described problem, and indicate two KPIs for each strategy

Did you accurately summarize the literature? Did you synthesize what you learned from the readings, when appropriate, rather than just summarizing each one separately? Did you include information from all 15 sources within the summary?

DASH Diet Literature Summary

Summary of Literature: Did you accurately summarize the literature? Did you synthesize what you learned from the readings, when appropriate, rather than just summarizing each one separately? Did you include information from all 15 sources within the summary?

Scientific Writing: Was your paper written in professional, scientific language, demonstrating a strong grasp of this writing style? Did you avoid using big words that do not match your writing style (e.g. do not just use a thesaurus to make your work sound more professional)? Did you use scientific terminology and explain this terminology when appropriate? Did you avoid use of slang, idioms, and euphemisms? Were you consistent with the written voice you chose
(e.g. 1st person versus 3rd person)? Were you consistent with your verb tense?

Structure and Flow: Did your paper flow and provide transitions where appropriate to help the reader understand your thoughts and why you were including each point in the paper?

Professionalism: Did you eliminate basic spelling and grammar errors within your work (e.g. use spelling and grammar check)? Is your paper free of contractions (e.g. don’t, won’t, can’t)? Did you use correct punctuation (e.g. good use of commas, semi-colons, and periods; no exclamation points)?

Critical Thinking Skills: Did your summary demonstrate strong critical thinking skills (including clarity, conciseness, logic and flow)?

References: Did you include citations within your text, as appropriate? Were your citations from peer-reviewed sources (with limited exceptions granted from the course instructor)? Were your citations within the text presented in numerical order, superscripted, and outside the punctuation? Was your bibliography formatted in AMA-style?

Identify the problematic situation (or the policy in need of change), explain why this is important; and offer concrete policy recommendations that would address the problem (or improve the existing sets of policies).

EU unprecedented migration/refugee issue challenges

The EU is facing an unprecedented migration/refugee issue, that offers opportunities but also unprecedented challenges. You are tasked to draft a report that would shape the agenda of the EU on how to effectively deal with this issue

A policy briefing draws on research to offer specific policy recommendations to policymakers (governments, international organizations, political parties etc). The briefing may contain a proposal for a single policy or a set of policies addressing a broader issue.

You will be asked to write a policy brief on behalf of an organization of your choice about one of the topics in the list below. This report will represent the official position of the organization about a particularly pressing issue. As a lead researcher drafting this report you are expected to (1) identify the problematic situation (or the policy in need of change), explain why this is important; and (2) offer concrete policy recommendations that would address the problem (or improve the existing sets of policies).

The policy report is more than a mere description of a particular situation. It also requires identifying problems and coming up with alternative policy recommendations/solutions. Most importantly, the readers of these documents are busy policymakers, who have limited technical knowledge about the topic, so the writing style needs to be clear, accessible and jargon-free.

EXAMPLE attached in files:

What did you enjoy most about the video? Be specific and use examples from life experience, experiential learning, and the video themselves (MLA format). What elements of the genre are being used in one specific piece (pick one of the videos).

Reading quiz

1. What did you enjoy most about the video? Be specific and use examples from life experience, experiential learning, and the video themselves (MLA format).

2. Paraphrase each video in four or less sentences.

3.What elements of the genre are being used in one specific piece (pick one of the videos). Use specific examples from that video and cite them in MLA format.

Describe and define your personal epistemological, ontological, ethical, ideological and philosophical perspective that will guide your decision in choosing a research methodology?

Person Centered Care – knowledge development and methodology

The purpose of this paper is to explore the fundamental epistemological, ontological, ethical, ideological, and philosophical tenants that guide scholarly inquiry as evidenced in a published research study while identifying, defining, and describing your own approach. This assignment will be foundational to the future work you do as a graduate student on either a thesis or a project when you begin to develop your methodological plan. You will be able to build on the work you did for the first two assignments. Again, you are strongly advised to take notes on articles as you review them, attend to the feedback of your colleagues during your facilitated discussion, and construct an outline for your paper before you start writing it. It is recommended that you meet with your professor to discuss your ideas as you contemplate this assignment. This scholarly paper will be written in APA (7 th ed.) format, 6-8 pages in length (excluding references and title page), incorporate at least 10 scholarly references, and include the following components:

a) A clearly stated question, and purpose statement for the work. Include a brief background discussion of what drew you to this question/issue, it’s relevance and significance to current nursing practice and/or the nursing profession.

b. Define the epistemological, ontological, ethical, ideological and philosophical tenants that guide the existing approaches to your question you have found in the current literature.

c) Describe and define your personal epistemological, ontological, ethical, ideological and philosophical perspective that will guide your decision in choosing a research methodology?

d) Identify and describe the methodological approach (research design) that provides the most coherent fit between your ontological and epistemological worldview and your research question?

e) Describe your emerging ideas r/t sample (size, sampling techniques, inclusion/exclusion criteria), setting, data collection (methods/tools), data analysis techniques, and knowledge translation plans.

f) A compelling conclusion that convinces the reader of the integrity of the plan and the importance of carrying it out.

Assessment criteria for this assignment:

I. Thoughts are organized and clearly communicated, writing is understandable and accurate; there is attention to APA, spelling and grammar, within page limit. (15%)

II. There is ample evidence of critical reflection upon all of the components outlined above (a-e) and they have all been addressed, and the components link together logically. The proposed plan flows clearly from a critical review of appropriate and adequate literature and is well justified as an approach to answer/address the clinical question. (50%)

III. There is evidence that you have thought about what you will need to consider, what questions may arise as you move forward with the plan, and what potential barriers may be encountered in carrying out the plan (with some thought as to how you might address them). Conclusion is compelling, logical and reflective. (35%)

How does price influence the quantity of an item you are willing or able to purchase? Does it make a difference if the item is an essential item, like food vs. a luxury item like a sports car whether you are likely to continue to purchase the item even if the price goes up?

Private Consumption

Think of three goods or services that you buy frequently. Fill in the following details for each goods or service in the tabular template provided:

1. The current price and the quantity that you normally buy.

2. A higher price than the current price and the quantity that you will buy at that price.

3. A lower price than the current price and the quantity that you will buy at that price.


Now, consider the price, and the quantity that you are willing to purchase at that price and answer the following questions.

1. How does price influence the quantity of an item you are willing or able to purchase?

2. Does it make a difference if the item is an essential item, like food vs. a luxury item like a sports car whether you are likely to continue to purchase the item even if the price goes up?

3. Consider what you can infer from your own purchasing habits about price and demand? Explain your answer.

Critically evaluate the background to the study. Is this information clearly presented? Are the aims of this study clear? Are the hypotheses clear, and are they appropriate for the study?

Journal Review

Learning Outcomes
The student should be able to:

carry out a literature search to find relevant research

critically evaluate research design and findings

evaluate research within the context of wider psychological knowledge.

Guidelines for Critical Review

Students will write a critical review of a recent psychology journal article (within the last 2 years) or an appropriate unpublished ‘preprint’. This review should place particular emphasis on design and analysis used, and students should also consider the theoretical ideas discussed. The article selected should be one that could be greatly improved, or where an alternative explanation/argument is possible. The review should be submitted by 10am Friday 3rd December 2021.

Notes for guidance on writing the journal review:
New research articles are ‘peer reviewed’ with researchers providing comments to journal editors highlighting strengths and weaknesses of the presented work and how it could be improved. In this piece of coursework, you take the role of this reviewer, and critically evaluate your chosen article, making suggestions for amendments. Look at each section of your chosen article and critically evaluate what is presented. You should also present suggestions for changes, or alternative explanations and experiments that could test them. Examples of this kind of peer review will be given at the seminar associated with this course on 7th October 2021.

Note your review should not be written in essay format, as this is not the way reviews are presented. Put your comments into sections, using subheadings, such as:

General comments:

Give an overall critique of the paper. What claims do the authors make? How do these claims relate to methods they have used? Do you agree with their conclusion?


Critically evaluate the background to the study. Is this information clearly presented? Are the aims of this study clear? Are the hypotheses clear, and are they appropriate for the study?

Look at the design used and consider whether this is an appropriate method for the research questions. Are there any issues with the methods they have chosen? Would alternative measures provide clearer answers to the research questions? Are the variables used valid and/or reliable measures relevant to the hypothesis tested? Are the details of the study clear?

Discuss the type of analysis used, and how the results are presented. You could suggest possible alternative analyses and discuss what this would have shown. Is anything missing? Should additional analyses have been carried out?


Evaluate the explanations given for the results. Consider whether alternative explanations could be given for these findings. Is it possible to generalize these results, or are they specific to a particular paradigm or population? What further studies or experiments should be conducted to test the authors’ hypothesis or rule out an alternative explanation?

The student should critically evaluate and compare 2/3 change models and or frameworks that could be used to develop a change management strategy and apply this to practice.

Leadership and Management within Health and Social Care

The detailed step by step guide word file is attached.

Short Essay

• You will produce an individual essay.

• Approximately less than 1650 words

• References should be input on each paragraph.

• Between 20-25 references (mainly journal articles from UK)

• You will research and discuss all learning outcomes, 1, 2, 3, 4


• LO1 and LO2 – The student should critically evaluate and compare 2/3 change models and or frameworks that could be used to develop a change management strategy and apply this to practice.

• LO3 – The student must choose 2/3 strategies that monitor and measure the progress of change and present a critical evaluation that is applied to practice with some relevant examples included as to how they work or where there are flaws.

• LO4 – The student should select 2/3 tools that are used within leadership and management that impact organisational change and present a critical analysis of the tools explaining when they are effective and where and when they may not be effective and why.

Critically discuss the biological basis of depression. Support your argument using empirical evidence.

Essay Question:

Critically discuss the biological basis of depression. Support your argument using empirical evidence.

How would this theory describe the overall nature of this personality characteristic? The underlying motivational structures? The development of this characteristic?

Psychosocial stages, identity status and moratorium

The “Psychobiography” is your term paper. For this assignment, you will be applying three (3) personality theories to explain one of your core personality characteristics. The paper will be 5-7 pages in length and in APA format. More specific criteria and a rubric will be provided in Canvas, as well as specific due dates for other short and helpful assignments leading up to the final draft. Nevertheless, here are the general guidelines:

1. Title Page (APA format, you can skip the abstract)

2. Introduction (1/2 page):

a. What personality characteristic will you be evaluating? Why did you choose this personality characteristic?

b. Introduce the 3 theories you will be applying

3. Theory 1 (1-2 pages):

a. Background information on theory/theorist.

i. Brief biography

ii. Main ideas of overall theory

b. Summary of recent personality research related to this theory

i. Article should have been published no earlier than 2010.

ii. Article does not have to be about your personality characteristic

iii. See Canvas for resources on paraphrasing and reading scientific articles.

c. Application of theory to explain your personality

i. How would this theory describe the overall nature of this personality characteristic? The underlying motivational structures? The development of this characteristic?

4. Theory 2 (1-2 pages):

a. Background information on theory/theorist.

i. Brief biography

ii. Main ideas of overall theory

b. Summary of recent personality research related to this theory

i. Article should have been published no earlier than 2010.

ii. Article does not have to be about your personality characteristic

iii. See Canvas for resources on paraphrasing and reading scientific articles.

c. Application of theory to explain your personality

i. How would this theory describe the overall nature of this personality characteristic? The underlying motivational structures? The development of this characteristic?

5. Theory 3 (1-2 pages):

a. Background information on theory/theorist.

i. Brief biography

ii. Main ideas of overall theory

b. Summary of recent personality research related to this theory

i. Article should have been published no earlier than 2010.

ii. Article does not have to be about your personality characteristic

iii. See Canvas for resources on paraphrasing and reading scientific articles.

c. Application of theory to explain your personality

i. How would this theory describe the overall nature of this personality characteristic? The underlying motivational structures? The development of this characteristic?

6. Conclusion (1/2 page):

a. What did you learn from this experience? ​

b. What more would you like to know about these theories/theorists in the future?

c. Are these theories still relevant in today’s society?

7. References: APA style list of references used in your paper.

NOTE: Information in italics denotes additional, more specific instructions – not criteria for the paper.