
What are the challenges private gyms owners faced during the Covid-19 lockdown gym closure in Edinburgh?

Challenges faced during the Covid-19 lockdown

Essay Question; What are the challenges private gyms owners faced during the Covid-19 lockdown gym closure in Edinburgh?

Analyze the success or failure of a specific recent campaign ( from the past 3 years) and the brand’s communication in a selected country, critically evaluating if the brand achieved its goal with this IMC.

Critical evaluation of a marketing communication campaign (just eat)

Your assignment is to select an IMC campaign and conduct an analysis for the selected campaign in a critical, evaluative approach. The goal of this assignment is to analyze the success or failure of a specific recent campaign ( from the past 3 years) and the brand’s communication in a selected country, critically evaluating if the brand achieved its goal with this IMC. You are expected to make suggestions and provide ideas for improvement to various aspects of the IMC campaign. In your essay, you are expected to make references to how the brand was established and positioned to suit a chosen market. You should assess the sources of brand equity, evaluate if the IMC contributed to an improvement of the brand equity, and suggest ways to improve and leverage the brand equity.

You are encouraged to select a brand and an IMC campaign for which public information is readily available and the assignment should be based entirely on information from public or secondary sources, such as company websites, published reports, academic journals, and valid news channels as well as your own professional experiences and insights. Extensive use of appendices is expected for this essay. Link to YouTube videos, tables, graphs, images, screenshots, etc should be placed in the appendix section. Reference all claims and arguments, as there is no general knowledge and every piece of information should be backed by citations.

Analyze current evidence to validate the problem statement, identify possible causes and potential solutions and interventions.

Literature Review


In South San Francisco Hospital, over 91% of contaminated blood cultures are drawn by Emergency Department (ED) Registered Nurses (RNs). This is an average of 1.63% in ED vs. 0.3% for the rest of the hospital. Contaminated blood cultures could result in false-positive results, which could lead to the patient being unnecessarily treated.

Analyze current evidence to validate the problem statement, identify possible causes and potential solutions and interventions.
Evaluate and synthesize resources from diverse sources illustrating existing health policy that could impact the approach to address the identified need.

Communicate the problem statement and literature review in a way that helps the audience understand the importance and validity of a proposed project.

Additional Requirements
Length of submission: 3-6 double-spaced pages.
Number of resources: 10–15 credible resources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry publications (no more than 5 years) to support your presentation.
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA 7th edition style. Header formatting follows current APA levels.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Why is/isn’t this about art? How did you feel when reading this chapter? Was this about a “healthy’ relationship with art? How did the art in this chapter affect its creator? What element of art was this chapter dealing with?

“The Accidental Masterpiece, On the Art of Life and Vice Versa” by Michael Kimmelman

You need to get the amazon kindle app to access the book

After reading the entire book provide a chapter by chapter reaction. Give a brief synopsis of the content and your reaction. Include such themes as:

Why is/isn’t this about art?

How did you feel when reading this chapter?

Was this about a “healthy’ relationship with art? How did the art in this chapter affect its creator? What element of art was this chapter dealing with?

Why do you think Kimmelman gave the title “The Accidental Masterpiece” to this book?

Have you ever created an accidental masterpiece? Do you know anyone who has? Have you ever seen one-where and when? Explain thoroughly.

Now select the chapter you most identified with and expand upon it. Do some research about the content, artist,technique. Explain why you chose this chapter. Include images if you feel they are helpful.

What is your overall impression of the book? Has it changed your idea of what Art is?

This paper is to be 4-6 12point double spaced pages, not including images.

Make sure you proofread and give original thoughts. If you use other sources give them credit. Wikipedia is not an acceptable resource for this class. Avoid using amazing and awesome when describing art.

Can you apply any of the psychological concepts you may have learned from class to the chapter?

“The Sum of Us” by Heather Mcghee.

Read the attached chapter from the book “The Sum of Us” by Heather Mcghee. Summarize the article in one or two paragraphs. In another two to three paragraphs, indicate what you may have learned or found surprising about the chapter. Can you apply any of the psychological concepts you may have learned from class to the chapter? Feel free to add any additional comments you may have about the reading. The length of this assignment should be 2 pages minimum.

Reflect on a case from your past clinical experiences and consider how a patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes may alter his or her response to a drug.

Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Processes

For this Discussion, you reflect on a case from your past clinical experiences and consider how a patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes may alter his or her response to a drug.

To Prepare
Review the Resources for this module and consider the principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
Reflect on your experiences, observations, and/or clinical practices from the last 5 years and think about how pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic factors altered his or her anticipated response to a drug.
Consider factors that might have influenced the patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes, such as genetics (including pharmacogenetics), gender, ethnicity, age, behavior, and/or possible pathophysiological changes due to disease.
Think about a personalized plan of care based on these influencing factors and patient history in your case study.

Briefly explain pathophysiology between right and left heart failure. Explain what diagnostic testing is used for heart failure. Provide the risk factors. Provide the clinical manifestations.

Heart Failure

Complete the case study on heart failure. Using the information in the case study, write a short essay discussing what plan of care you will create for the patient. Your paper should include a title page and at least 3 references. Minimum word count is 1000 words. Include the following in your essay:

Briefly explain pathophysiology between right and left heart failure.
Explain what diagnostic testing is used for heart failure.
Provide the risk factors.
Provide the clinical manifestations.
Provide 2 nursing diagnosis using the NANDA format NANDA (2012) NANDA Nursing Diagnosis List. (These priority nursing diagnoses for this patient.
Impaired gas exchange, Decreased cardiac output, Noncompliance, Ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion, and Excess fluid volume.

Provide 3 expected outcomes-do not give definition but actual nursing interventions to help a patient with heart failure

Provide 4 nursing interventions-do not give definition but actual expected outcomes that a nurse wants to see and obtain while caring for a heart failure client
Conclude your paper by discussing how you will evaluate your plan of care.

Fill out growth template that will be attached based on the literature review that will also be attached.

Fill out growth template

Fill out growth template that will be attached based on the literature review that will also be attached.

How can we use a literary work to “map” the interplay of both traditional and subversive discourses circulating in the culture in which that work emerged and/or the cultures in which the work has been interpreted?

 A play named Springtime by Maria Irene Fornes

New Historicism/Cultural Criticism:Typical questions
What language/characters/events present in the work reflect the current events of the author’s day?

How are such events interpreted and presented?
How are events’ interpretation and presentation a product of the culture of the author?
Does the work’s presentation support or condemn the event?
Can it be seen to do both?
How does this portrayal criticize the leading political figures or movements of the day?
How does the literary text function as part of a continuum with other historical/cultural texts from the same period?
How can we use a literary work to “map” the interplay of both traditional and subversive discourses circulating in the culture in which that work emerged and/or the cultures in which the work has been interpreted?
How does the work consider traditionally marginalized populations?

Postcolonial Criticism/Race Theory: Typical questions:
How does the literary text, explicitly or allegorically, represent various aspects of colonial oppression?
What does the text reveal about the problematics of post-colonial identity, including the relationship between personal and cultural identity and such issues as double consciousness and hybridity?
What person(s) or groups does the work identify as “other” or stranger? How are such persons/groups described and treated?
What does the text reveal about the politics and/or psychology of anti-colonialist resistance?
What does the text reveal about the operations of cultural difference – the ways in which race, religion, class, gender, sexual orientation, cultural beliefs, and customs combine to form individual identity – in shaping our perceptions of ourselves, others, and the world in which we live?
How does the text respond to or comment upon the characters, themes, or assumptions of a canonized (colonialist) work?
How does a literary text in the Western canon reinforce or undermine colonialist ideology through its representation of colonialization and/or its inappropriate silence about colonized peoples?

Feminist Criticism: Typical questions:
How is the relationship between men and women portrayed?
What are the power relationships between men and women (or characters assuming male/female roles)?
How are male and female roles defined?
What constitutes masculinity and femininity?
How do characters embody these traits?
Do characters take on traits from opposite genders? How so? How does this change others’ reactions to them?

What does the work reveal about the operations (economically, politically, socially, or psychologically) of patriarchy?
What does the work imply about the possibilities of sisterhood as a mode of resisting patriarchy?
What does the work say about women’s creativity?
What does the history of the work’s reception by the public and by the critics tell us about the operation of patriarchy?

Queer Theory/Gender Studies: Typical questions:
What elements of the text can be perceived as being “masculine” (active, powerful) and “feminine” (passive, marginalized) and how do the characters support these traditional roles?
What sort of support (if any) is given to elements or characters who question the masculine/feminine binary? What happens to those elements/characters?
What elements in the text exist in the middle, between the perceived masculine/feminine binary? In other words, what elements exhibit traits of both (bisexual)?
What are the politics (ideological positions) of specific gay, lesbian, or queer works, and how are those politics revealed in…the work’s thematic content or portrayals of its characters?
What are the poetics (literary devices and strategies) of a specific lesbian, gay, or queer work?
What does the work contribute to our knowledge of queer, gay, or lesbian experience and history, including literary history?
What does the work reveal about the operations (socially, politically, psychologically) of homophobia?
How does the literary text illustrate the problematics of sexuality and sexual “identity,” that is the ways in which human sexuality does not fall neatly into the separate categories defined by the words homosexual and heterosexual?

Identify and critically appraise the evidence base supporting a therapeutic approach in mental health nursing. Critically reflect on the importance of the therapeutic relationship in mental health nursing and the value of recovery orientated working.

Therapeutic approaches in Mental Health Nursing

Read the instructions below and the sample essays to gain an understanding of how the essay should be structured, I will prefer you write about CBT or Mindfulness, anyone of the two that you are comfortable with. Please ready the sample essays, that is how the essay should be like, they are very good essays and good marks so follow that way

The students will be required to complete a 2,500 word case review, focusing on a specific therapeutic approach discussing its actual or potential application in mental health nursing practice.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the module, you will be able to:

LO1 Identify and critically appraise the evidence base supporting a therapeutic approach in mental health nursing.

LO2 Critically reflect on the importance of the therapeutic relationship in mental health nursing and the value of recovery orientated working.

LO3 Critically evaluate the implementation of a therapeutic approach in mental health nursing practice.

What is the assignment about? The assignment is to encourage you to use literature to critically examine the use of a specific therapeutic approach. You will need to introduce the psychotherapeutic approach (i.e. CBT, DBT, STEPPS, relapse prevention, BSFT, CFT, MI, mindfulness) demonstrating a critical understanding of its inception through to its current manifestation in the literature and practice. You will then introduce the client/s and specific type of distress the therapy was aiming to ameliorate.

The main body will then be using experiences from practice, underpinned by current theory, in order to demonstrate a sophisticated knowledge and understanding of the theory and application of your chosen psychotherapeutic approach in mental health nursing practice. The examples from practice can be from your application of a therapeutic approach in MH nursing and/or practice that you have observed being applied in your practice. All therapeutic interventions MUST be within the limitations of your knowledge and competence and within your role as a student nurse. You must pass each of the three learning outcomes to successfully pass the assignment.