
How present is Spanish Nationalism nowadays ? How was it shaped by its past in Franco’s regime, by the 1978 constitution, and by the induction of Spain into the EU.

Nationalism in Spain

How present is Spanish Nationalism nowadays ? How was it shaped by its past in Franco’s regime, by the 1978 constitution, and by the induction of Spain into the EU.


How would that new observation fit in with the other scholars’ readings of the work?

Pyramid of the Sun

Your paper should be well-researched, introducing new information that has not been touched upon in class. It should also introduce something that you have thought of in relation to the object, material, medium, or context you are focusing on. What are you trying to argue with this paper? What claims are you making? How have you substantiated them? For example, you may have information about the Yaxchilan Lintels from a number of sources in which a particular historical figure is discussed. Rather than simply repeating what these sources say, you can present those points of view and then weigh in with your own. This might be something you found that contradicted a statement made, or it could be you’ve noticed something in a sculptural program that nobody has discussed. How would that new observation fit in with the other scholars’ readings of the work?

Topic: What’s inside of Pyramid of the Sun?

Google Scholar:
Biblioteca Digital Mexicana:
Research Gate:
American Antiquity Ancient America Ancient Mesoamerica Antiquity Arqueologia Mexicana Art Bulletin
Art History
Cambridge Archaeological Journal Current Anthropology
Journal du Société des Américanistes Journal of Andean Archaeology
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology Journal of Architectural Historians Journal of Latin American Lore
Journal of Social Archaeology
Journal of Visual Culture
Latin American Antiquity
Mesoamerican Voices
Ñawpa Pacha
RES: Anthropology and Aestheics World Archaeology

Analyze the strengths of the moral solution presented by your chosen ethical theory in ways that demonstrate how it is superior to the moral solution offered by the other ethical theory.

Factory Farming (Purdue)

In this written assignment, you will present your work on the case analysis using selected components of an argumentative essay as described in Sections 9.1 and 9.2 of With Good Reason: A Guide to Critical Thinking (Hardy, Foster, & Zúñiga y Postigo, 2015). This written assignment will include a revised and polished version of your discussion work, the presentation and support of two premises, and an analysis of how your chosen ethical theory offers the best moral solution to the business problem in your case analysis.

Using the components of the argumentative essay located in Sections 9.1 and 9.2 of With Good Reason: A Guide to Critical Thinking (Hardy, Foster, & Zúñiga y Postigo (2015), your assignment should include the following:

An introduction. This is the “Problem” portion of the essay that is covered in Section 9.1: The Argumentative Essay (Hardy, Foster, & Zúñiga y Postigo, 2015). This should be an improved version of the introduction in your initial post, revised on the basis of your professor’s feedback and additional research. In this introduction you will need to (a) identify the specific issue or problem that you want to address and give an impartial presentation of the controversy, (b) articulate briefly the characteristics of the economic system that serves as the setting for the business, and (c) examine the laws that affect the operations of the business. The introduction should be one paragraph of around 200 words in length.

Start a new paragraph with a precise and clear sentence in which you state your moral position with regard to the case that you presented in your first paragraph. This is known as stating your thesis. (See the “Thesis” passage in “The Argumentative Essay” in Hardy, Foster, & Zúñiga y Postigo, 2015). The thesis you state here should be an improved version of the thesis in your initial post in the discussion, revised on the basis of your professor’s feedback and your reading of “The Argumentative Essay” indicated above.

A thesis is only one sentence, so do not write a series of sentences, or a complex sentence with explanatory clauses (e.g., “because…” or “since…” or “according to Dr. Mary Expert, an economist with the Bureau of Labor statistics…”, or “a law that was ratified with 80% votes in favor…”). An example of a precise and clear thesis is this: “Factory farms are not morally justifiable” or, of course, the opposite point of view: “Factory farms are morally justifiable.” Keep in mind that your thesis in this assignment will be the basis for the argumentative essay of the Week 5 written assignment, so take your time when formulating this thesis.

Ethical theory. In the same second paragraph as the thesis statement, identify the ethical theory that supports your moral position. You may choose from utilitarianism, duty ethics, or virtue ethics. Present the characteristics of the ethical theory in a broad sketch, and include citations and references in APA form. Then, apply your chosen ethical theory by explaining how it lends itself to the moral position that you are defending.

Two premises. Present at least two reasons in support of your thesis and these should be presented in the form of a claim. These are called premises. Articulate each premise in one clear and grammatically correct sentence. Review Section 9.1 of With Good Reason: A Guide to Critical Thinking (Foster, Hardy, and Zúñiga y Postigo, 2015). Start a new paragraph for each.

In the rest of the paragraph, support your premise by presenting an analysis of how the ethical theory lends itself to the best solution. This analysis includes articulating the characteristics(s) of the economic system at work that support the claims in your premises. It also includes examining the effects of the law(s) at work that also support the claims in your premises.

Comparative analysis. In the final paragraph, analyze how this application lends itself to a solution that is superior to that offered by one of the ethical theories that you did not select. To do this, provide a clear statement describing the moral solution offered by this other theory. For example, if you chose utilitarianism to apply to your case, then you can choose from either virtue ethics or deontology for your comparative analysis. Explain in no more than three sentences what moral solution would result from the application of this other ethical theory. See the “Sample Case Analysis Download Sample Case Analysis” for an illustration of how this would look like. Finally, analyze the strengths of the moral solution presented by your chosen ethical theory in ways that demonstrate how it is superior to the moral solution offered by the other ethical theory.

Analyze models of health and illness and critically discuss the impact of social, cultural, psychological, economic and lifestyle factors on the mental and physical health of populations and individuals.

Population Health and Behavioral Science

Essay – Scoping the Health Needs of a Local Authority in London

This assumptive assessment addresses the following learning outcome:

Analyze models of health and illness and critically discuss the impact of social, cultural, psychological, economic and lifestyle factors on the mental and physical health of populations and individuals.

Examine the complex role that paramedics play in a multi-agency approach to safeguarding, the prevention of ill health and the promotion of physical and mental well being.

Evaluate the opportunities to provide health advice to service users and their families and integrate these in to care and treatment selecting appropriate approaches to modifying health behavior and providing signposting to other agencies where appropriate.

Evaluate population behavior as it impacts on the prioritisation of ambulance deployment

Assessment Brief

You will be required to write a 4000-word essay on population health and behavioral science in relation to your practice as a student paramedic through the paramedic role in public health and scoping the health needs of a local authority. The essay is broadly split into three parts.

Firstly, you will need to analyze models of health and illness and their use in episodic paramedic care (based on your Formative Assessment 1).

Secondly, you will select a Local Authority Health Profile, as defined by Public Health England, to use as the basis of the final two parts of your essay. Within the Local Authority Health Profile, you will be required to select 3 out of the 32 health indicators and evaluate the indicators through the interpretation of demographic and epidemiological fluctuations in population-based data and what impact they have on the social determinants of health and inequalities within the Local Authority population. The social determinants of health can be defined by the social cultural, psychological, economic and lifestyle factors on both mental and physical health of populations and individuals.

Lastly, you will evaluate population behaviours related to the 3 indicators as it impacts on the prioritisation of ambulance deployment. This evaluation of population behaviours related to the 3 indicators will include evaluating the complexity of paramedic opportunities to provide health advice and selecting appropriate approaches to modify health behaviour and provide signposting to other agencies where appropriate.

You will need to provide an introduction and conclusion within the essay.

What do you believe is that advantage? Put in terms of this course, how would studying diversity through the lens of Intersectional Theory give you a better understanding than studying diversity without it?

Intersectionality as Related to Diversity Studies

Though Sociologists have long studied race, class, gender, and other categories of identity, those who argue for the merits of Intersectional Theory claim that it offers a distinct advantage in understanding the power of such categories. What do you believe is that advantage? Put in terms of this course, how would studying diversity through the lens of Intersectional Theory give you a better understanding than studying diversity without it? Try to make your answer around 500 words, and cite any pertinent sources from the course.

Prepare a report for the board of directors on how to address the proposed funding limitations while remaining sensitive to the needs and health of the African nation.

You are a chief administrative officer for a large nonprofit health relief organization. A board of directors has requested that you prepare a summary of the issues and how to solve the health needs of an African country. Your organization has limited funding and will need to obtain subsidized medicine from major pharmaceutical companies. Your organization also has the opportunity to get non-generic, non-USDA approved, alternative stem cell derived medication from foreign sources. Prepare a report for the board of directors on how to address the proposed funding limitations while remaining sensitive to the needs and health of the African nation. Consider the various economic, political, moral, and health impacts for the United States citizens who may have some of the health medication diverted to the African nation. In your report, reflect on the key course objectives as well as the financial, legal, and alternative health care models. In addition, reinforce your knowledge of strategic planning and capital budgeting by using an electronic spreadsheet to display the financials.

Do you believe Hamlet’s claim that he truly loved Ophelia or not? What textual evidence in the play supports your view? What evidence might support an opposing interpretation, and what is your response to such interpretations?

Does Hamlet love Ophelia?

When Hamlet returns to Denmark in Act 5, his first public act is to attack Laertes and declare, “I loved Ophelia. Forty thousand brothers / Could not with all their quantity of love / Make up my sum” (5.1. 285-287). Do you believe Hamlet’s claim that he truly loved Ophelia or not? What textual evidence in the play supports your view? What evidence might support an opposing interpretation, and what is your response to such interpretations? Your response should consider:
• the context of the scene (5.1). Do you think Hamlet’s words and behavior here reflect true love and respect for Ophelia, or is he motivated by a selfish focus on his own image and his need to compete with Laertes?
• Hamlet’s interactions with Ophelia in earlier sections of the play (especially in Act 3);
• other scenes and events that you see as relevant, such as his response to his murder of Polonius, and Ophelia’s madness and death.

Explain the major steps involved in evidence acquisition and how to maintain the integrity of the evidence, outlining any and all repercussion if the evidence is improperly preserved.

Expert Testimony

You were the lead investigator on Operation Stop Hack and have now been subpoenaed as an expert witness in the case against the perpetrators. It is up to you to convey the complexities of the crime and evidence to the jury so they can understand the scientific procedures using in aiding the crimes resolution.

Write a 3–5 page paper in which you:
Analyze the overall procedures for First Responder and Incident Handling and ascertain the fundamental way in which such procedures relate to the scenario in this specific case.
Explain the major steps involved in evidence acquisition and how to maintain the integrity of the evidence, outlining any and all repercussion if the evidence is improperly preserved.
Consider the importance of the chain of custody and explain the main reasons why the documentation required to preserve the chain of custody is critical.
Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

What is meant by “marriage between manufacturing and retailing” in this case? How is Zara’s supply chain strategy aligned with its overall business strategy? How does technology fit in with Zara’s supply chain processes? What is the value of Zara setting up most of its factories as independent profit centers?

Zara’s industry

First, use the Integrated Supply Chain Framework to map Zara’s key processes. Identify and show the company’s processes in the Supply Network, Integrated Enterprise and Market Distribution Network blocks of the framework.
Next, answer the following questions based information from the case you read:

Supply Chain Strategy
* What is meant by “marriage between manufacturing and retailing” in this case?
* How is Zara’s supply chain strategy aligned with its overall business strategy?
* How does technology fit in with Zara’s supply chain processes?
* What is the value of Zara setting up most of its factories as independent profit centers?
* How does Zara’s supply base in Asia and elsewhere fit with its supply chain strategy?
* How does Zara’s make or buy decision processes and criteria contribute to profitability and competitiveness?

Supply Chain Performance
* What is meant by “negative working capital”? How does Zara achieve this?
* What metrics does Zara use and that are considered critical or most important?
* What processes or activities are key to Zara’s industry-leading inventory management performance?
* Why is speed critical to Zara’s business model and, therefore, to Zara’s supply chain? Why is accuracy and shrinkage so important to Zara?

The Future
* Do you agree with Zara’s assessment that the “Internet would not have a radical impact on their retail operations”? What is your reasoning?
* “I’ve seen clean models, H&M, Zara, Uniqlo … they know how to do volume and fashion and do it with their own brands,” Mr Russo (Wesfarmers CEO) said. “The only thing they are not doing right is they are over-priced. If I can clean my model up they will regret making the trip Down Under.” Given what you know of Zara from this case, why is this statement surprising?
* What do you see as the limitations of Zara’s supply chain model? What is your reasoning?
* How do you think Zara will need to improve or change to maintain its competitive advantages?

How does Jefferson represent both the best and the worst of Enlightenment thought?

How does Jefferson represent both the best and the worst of Enlightenment thought?

Write about the topic “How does Jefferson represent both the best and the worst of Enlightenment thought?” The primary text for Jefferson’s is linked below. Ignore the first paragraph about the topic proposal.