
How can you present this evidence in your portfolio and make easy reference to it? How can you reflect on this evidence with enough context for readers to understand? What learning can you identify?

use Gibbs Reflection to reflect on my career Plan and one link attached below

What experiences, activities and/or events are you going to reflect on?
How can you present this evidence in your portfolio and make easy reference to it?
How can you reflect on this evidence with enough context for readers to understand?
What learning can you identify?
How will these experiences inform your future professional development and practice?
How will these experiences inform and define your career goals?

Critically appraise leadership and communication styles and skills in light of relevant theoretical frameworks. Reflect on and critically evaluate their management skills in order to identify strengths and areas for development.

Critical essay

“Does gender matter in a good leader?”

Respond to this question with reference to key reading and your own reflections and experiences. Reflections should be written from the viewpoint of education field.
Your answers must use an academic tone, be evidence-based and supported by educational literature, using Harvard referencing.

Learning Outcomes
Critically appraise leadership and communication styles and skills in light of relevant theoretical frameworks.
Reflect on and critically evaluate their management skills in order to identify strengths and areas for development.
Reflection should be education field based
Some references could be used:

With reference to ‘Knoster’s’ Change Model, recommend improvements that could impact performance within Close Protection Unit and how you would measure the success of these changes.

Change Management

Essay Question:
With reference to ‘Knoster’s’ Change Model, recommend improvements that could impact performance within Close Protection Unit and how you would measure the success of these changes.

Use social structure to explain why some Americans have such a low rate of college graduation.


The major Components of social structure are culture, social class, social status, rolls, groups, and social institutions. Use social structure to explain why some Americans have such a low rate of college graduation.

Write, describe, summarize the nuclear disasters that occurred at Chernobyl and Fukushima & discuss what has been learned from those mistakes (human error).


Write, describe, summarize the nuclear disasters that occurred at Chernobyl and Fukushima & discuss what has been learned from those mistakes (human error).

Identify and discuss the concept or concepts of Watson’s Theory of Caring that support that Watson wrote a theory of nursing based on the criteria established in the Metaparadigm of Nursing.

Metaparadigm & Watson

Take one component in the Metaparadigm of Nursing, identify and discuss the concept or concepts of Watson’s Theory of Caring that support that Watson wrote a theory of nursing based on the criteria established in the Metaparadigm of Nursing.

Discuss the quality of the data sources and elements you will be using in terms of relevance to the business problem, completeness, and correctness. State how any issues with data quality will impact the applicability of your analysis.


You must complete a final Business Analytics Project that addresses a business problem using the tools learned in this course along with real-world data. Research topics should emulate a real life situation for which a company/organization might seek an answer and chose to perform analysis to evaluate alternative courses of action. Your project must go beyond using solely Excel functionality and utilize one of the analytics tools of this course – linear programming, simulation, decision trees, or data mining. Further it should incorporate visualization to tell your story.

Your project topic must be approved by the instructor. Each part of the Business Analytics project is detailed below. Possible topics may include any of the applications covered in this course but you are encouraged to look for a topic that is relevant to an organization with which you are involved.

Each part of the project must be submitted based on the course schedule provided. All parts are to be electronically submitted using the Blackboard site. An assignment structure with grading elements will be provided on the course Blackboard site. There are four parts to this project as described below:

Part 2 – Data Discovery and Preliminary Data Analysis (10% of final grade)

For this part of the assignment, you need to complete an in-depth analysis of the data sources and elements you will use for your project. Data discovery involves identifying potential sources of the data you need and narrowing down to those sources that are relevant and can be obtained. Preliminary data analysis involves a careful examination of the data you identify to ensure its quality and to ensure that it is relevant to the business problem you are analyzing.

Your submission should be three to four double-spaced pages, not including data tables and charts which should be placed in a properly titled appendix with each table or chart labeled appropriately and referenced in the paper. Your submission must include the following sections:

• Cover Page to include the Title of the Research Project, your name, etc.
• Data Discover and Preliminary Data Analysis
o Data Sources: Identify each data source to be used in your analysis. Identify the business source of its origin and discuss its relevance to the project in terms of the business source originating it. There is no need to discuss data sources you evaluated but are not being used for the analysis.
o Data Elements: Define each data element used in the analysis and its relevance to the analysis. This may be done in a table and placed in the appendix if it is lengthy.
o Data Quality: Discuss the quality of the data sources and elements you will be using in terms of relevance to the business problem, completeness, and correctness. State how any issues with data quality will impact the applicability of your analysis.
o Descriptive Statistics: Provide basic descriptive statistics such as means, variances, data distributions, etc. that allow you to understand if there are outliers or issues to be dealt with in your data.
• Managerial Summary: What is your overall assessment of the data sources, their availability, their quality, and how will they allow you to address the problem you’ve chosen?
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Explain the challenges faces by the hotel Four session during Covid pandemic. Focus on employees and the way to manage and motivate them without introduction or conclusion.

Challenges faces by the hotel Four session during Covid pandemic

Explain the challenges faces by the hotel Four session during Covid pandemic. Focus on employees and the way to manage and motivate them without introduction or conclusion.

Do you feel you delivered a clear and concise viz, considering your audience? How do you think you can improve on your next viz? What features do you think you will keep for next time?

Drug overdose death

This week assigment is about the Drug over dose in the us from 2013-2014

After completing this week’s Tableau assignment, answer the following questions relating to the assignment:

Audience. Who was your viz geared towards?

Do you feel you delivered a clear and concise viz, considering your audience?

How do you think you can improve on your next viz? What features do you think you will keep for next time?

Data. Where did you get the data from? Did you have issues joining, calculating, aggregating, or formatting the data?

If so, describe how you overcame these challenges.


What challenges did you have with your viz?

How do you see this viz playing into your Tableau story?

Do you think you will make any adjustments to your viz before you include it in your story, why or why not?

What. What are your visualizations telling the audience? Are they showing any trends, patterns, outliers, or any other relationships?

Papers must be written using APA style guide (APA cover sheet, citations/references):

What is pilocarpine (or carbachol if it was chosen in the experiment) ? what is its mechanism of action? discuss briefly its therapeutic applications

Applied Pharmacology Coursework

Part 1: Data analysis and interpretation

Using the Virtual Organ Bath 2.8 software, you’ll study the effects of two different agonists (for example: acetylcholine & pilocarpine or carbachol) on the contraction of smooth muscle from guinea pig small intestine.

The effect of both drugs should be evaluated without and in the presence of one antagonist.

Set a list of concentrations for both acetylcholine and pilocarpine. With the help of dilution formula in the virtual organ bath software, work out the volumes required from the appropriate stock solutions.

Progressively increasing doses of the agonist should be added to the bath (use a range between 1×10-10 – 1×10-6 M) and contraction of the tissue (in gms) will be measured and recorded.

Afterwards, the appropriate antagonist (concentration in the reservoir 5×10-8 M) should be added, and the experiment is repeated using higher concentrations of the agonists (up to 1×10-4 M)

These tables are just an example of how you could record your data:
Dose used (without antagonist) Contraction Response in gms
(unit) Acetylcholine Pilocarpine

Dose used (with antagonist 5×10-8 M) Contraction Response in gms

(unit) Acetylcholine Pilocarpine

Your submitted work should include the following:
• A brief description of the design of the experiment and how the data was collected.
• Your data recorded in tables with concentration of both agonists and the
corresponding antagonist.
• Answer the following questions:

1. Discuss
• What is Acetylcholine and how does it produce contraction of the smooth muscle (dynamics:
receptors, type and drug-receptor interaction)?
• What is pilocarpine (or carbachol if it was chosen in the experiment) ? what is its mechanism of action? discuss briefly its therapeutic applications
• Identify two drugs that can be used for their effect on smooth muscles within the body (urinary tract, blood vessels, or respiratory system) and briefly discuss the following:
– the mechanism of action
– drug-drug interaction
– therapeutic application

2. Using Excel, or Graphpad Prism:

• Convert the contraction values into %response and the dose into log10 for each drug
• Plot the following graphs :

o the %response vs. log10 dose for acetylcholine (with and without the antagonist, 2 curves in the same graph)
o the %response vs. log10 dose for pilocarpine or carbachol (with and without the antagonist, 2 curves in the same graph)

• Describe both graphs:

o Compare the 2 dose-response curves (without antagonists): which agonist is the most potent? And which one is the most effective? provide evidence from your data.
o Provide an approximate value of ED50 for both acetylcholine and pilocarpine or carbachol.
o Analyse the effect of the antagonists on the dose-response curves for both drugs. How would you describe the mechanism of action of the antagonist on the muscarinic receptors?

Part 2: Case Studies

Read the following three case studies and answer all questions:

1. A patient is taking Paroxetine and presents to A&E with tremor, tachycardia, hypertension
and high temperature. After a genetic screening, the variant CYP2D6*4 is identified. Discuss:

• What is Paroxetine and how does it work (mechanism and clinical use)?
• What is the role of the CYP2D6 in the drugs’ metabolism in general?
• What is the metabolic pathway of Paroxetine and how is it affected by the genetic variant described in this case study?
• What is the resulting alteration in the blood levels of Paroxetine?
• What is the link between the altered blood levels of Paroxetine and the signs and symptoms reported (can you identify the syndrome)?

2. A 20 yo woman with history of poorly controlled asthma presents to the A&E with severe shortness of breath and audible respiratory wheezing. She has normal blood pressure but she is pale. She uses terbutaline inhaler when needed but now the inhaler isn’t helping
• What emergency drug should be administered?
• Discuss: the indications, side-effects and mechanism of action of the proposed drug
• What long-term therapy should follow, after she is stabilized?
• Discuss: the indications, side-effects and mechanism of action of the proposed therapy for long-term management

3. A 57 year old female presents to the GP with palpitations on and off for 4 months. The patient describes the palpitations as feeling like missed beats, flutters, and a racing heart usually of sudden onset. Her medical/health history reveals that she has hypertension (BP 152/94 mmHg), she is a mild diabetic, and also suffers from gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD). She has a BMI of 38. Her medications include Cilazapril and Hydrochlorothiazide, and Omeprazole.

A blood test revealed the following:
Test Result
FBC (full blood count) Normal
TFTs (Thyroid function tests) TSH 3.2 (0.6-4.5)
U+E (urea & electrolytes) K+ 3.2 mmol/l (3.5-5.0 mmol/l)
Magnesium 0.68 mmol/l (0.75-1.25 mmol/l)
Urea 7.8 mmol/l (3.6-7.1 mmol/l)
Creatinine 118 mcmol/l (52.2-91.9 mcmol/l)
Random glucose 9.8 mmol/l (3.0-7.8 mmol/l)
Normal ranges are shown in the table between brackets.
Analyse this case using a critical thinking approach as outlined below:
Gather, analyse and interpret the relevant medical and pharmacological information the clinician needs before treating this patient. (Assessment)
What are the relevant assumptions you have about this case, and what investigations would you undertake to confirm these assumptions? Would you check the levels of any other electrolytes?
Devise a care plan – what are the possible interventions/drugs that could be used to treat this patient? Consider the implications and consequences of the possible interventions and devise a ‘complete’ care plan (short & long term).