
How does each protagonist’s conversation with his/her ghost father move the plot/action of the play? Compare and contrast similarities or differences in the purpose of each ghost’s visit.

Drama Paper

Your final drama paper will be a comparison/contrast of “Hamlet” and “Proof” following the outline below. The essay will be at least 5 paragraphs and 3-4 pages. No outside sources are permitted, or the grade will be a zero; plagiarized papers receive a zero, so just don’t do it. You may use and cite discussion posts as always. :-)

I. Introduction:

In the beginning of “Hamlet” and “Proof,” the protagonists communicate with their deceased fathers. Compare/contrast the plot movement purposes behind Hamlet’s and Catherine’s communication with their deceased fathers. Plot movement is the action/what happens in the play. How does each protagonist’s conversation with his/her ghost father move the plot/action of the play? Compare and contrast similarities or differences in the purpose of each ghost’s visit. (Are there any similarities or differences in the purpose of each ghost’s visit? Hint: if there aren’t any similarities, examine the differences.)

Use at least one quotation from each play in intro paragraph!

II. Body:

A. Compare/contrast the roles of 2 of the primary antagonists in each play in the major obstacles/conflicts Hamlet and Catherine face. This means to write about how 2 antagonists from each play cause problems for the protagonist in each play. (Are there any similarities or differences? Hint: if there aren’t any similarities, examine the differences.)

B. Compare/contrast the primary romantic interest of each protagonist and its effect on the plot of the play.

C. Compare and contrast the notion that either protagonist from “Hamlet” or “Proof” is mentally unstable.

Use at least one quotation from each play in each body paragraph!

III. Conclusion:

Compare/contrast the end of each play. In the end, what is the theme of each play? State the theme of each play as the major lesson learned about life from the play’s conclusion.

What steps would KG Ltd need to take prior to issuing proceedings? What is meant by “disclosure” and what documents would KG Ltd disclose in this action?

Civil Law – Uk court proceedings,Enforcement,direction,discolsure etc

Question 1 65 marks in total

Word limit 1200 words
You are a paralegal and your supervisor, Hilary Helmore has asked you to prepare a note for a meeting with a client called Kamran Gul and Associates Ltd (“KG Ltd”), a technology business, which is trying to recover a debt from a business debtor, Adnan Khan. Ms Helmore has not yet met the client, but their managing Director, Kamran Gul, has arranged to come to your firm’s offices shortly for advice on the claim. Ms Helmore is unable to meet Mr Gul and has asked you to attend the meeting and advise Mr Gul.

The background to the client’s claim is as follows. KG Ltd has designed and sells a software package (known as KG Debt Management 2021) which enables businesses to process debts more efficiently. KG Ltd delivered the software licence for KG Debt Management 2021 to Mr Khan on 1st February 2021. Prior to this, a quote for £16,000 dated 13th January 2021 was accepted by Mr Khan for purchase and installation of KG Debt Management 2021. There was no contract other than the quote dated 13th January, a copy of which was countersigned by Mr Khan. In December 2020, Mr Khan had attended KG Ltd’s offices and had seen the KG Debt Management 2021 system in operation at KG Ltd’s offices. Mr Khan paid £2,000 on 28th January 2021, as obliged to do under the quote which stipulated this was due before installation of the software. The quote stated that the balance was due within 14 days of installation of the software. Mr Gul has attempted to speak personally to Mr Khan about the debt, but none of his calls has been returned. The software was installed by a technician, Paul Smith (trading as Saffron Walden Office Supplies Ltd), who has a separate contract with KG Ltd to install KG Debt Management 2021. Mr Gul has received complaints from other customers that Paul Smith has performed poorly on occasions and Mr Gul is considering employing a specialist technician to allow KG Ltd in future to install the KG Debt Management 2021 software itself rather than relying on Saffron Walden Office Supplies Ltd.

Mr Gul wants to recover the debt as soon as possible. In preparation for your meeting with Mr Gul, Ms Helmore has asked you to draft a note (of not more than 1,200 words) dealing with the following issues:


1 What steps would KG Ltd need to take prior to issuing proceedings? 10 marks

2 What is meant by “disclosure” and what documents would KG Ltd disclose in this action? 10 marks

3 Draft a Particulars of Claim in this action (up to but excluding the statement of truth). 35 marks

4 Supposing KG Ltd were to succeed in their claim what options are available to the client for enforcement of the award. 10 marks


Question 2

Word limit 800 words

‘Part 36 is the supreme achievement of the Civil Procedure Rules in assisting out of court resolution of civil disputes, and thus best illustrates the presiding philosophy of those rules, that restricting legal costs promotes better access to justice.’ Critically analyse this statement. 35 marks

Is the Vacumed Master Pro a valid analyzer in measuring oxygen consumption during steady state exercise of 35%, 50% and 75% of VO2 max?

Vacumed Validation

Is the Vacumed Master Pro a valid analyzer in measuring oxygen consumption during steady state exercise of 35%, 50% and 75% of VO2 max?

What influence does parent attachment style have on Romantic relationships?

Romantic relationships

What influence does parent attachment style have on Romantic relationships?

Does the tension result in a balancing of important rights, or an erosion of important rights? What is the US Supreme Court’s role in resolving this tension over time? What role do the police play in balancing the interests of liberty and security?


General Instructions:

Respond to the questions below. Single space your answers with 12 point font. Write at least one page per question – you may write more. Use headings and keep the paper well organized. If you copy and paste the question into your response, ensure that you write one page at least. You may collaborate and you may use any sources you wish including our text, videos, slides, and outside sources. You may use your PCAs but do not simply cut and past them (particularly for the short answers in Q#1).

Question #1:

Use the DIRE structure (Define, In other words, Relevance, Example) to explain five out of the eight concepts below. Your choice.
A Exclusionary Rule
B Fourth Amendment
C Nationalization of US Constitution
D Searches not requiring a warrant
E Stop and Frisk
F Probable Cause
G Reasonable Expectation of Privacy
H Reasonable Suspicion

Question #2:

For the past two months we have been considering the tension between liberty and security. Write a one-page response to the questions below:
A. Does the tension result in a balancing of important rights, or an erosion of important rights?
B. What is the US Supreme Court’s role in resolving this tension over time?
C. What role do the police play in balancing the interests of liberty and security?
D. What recommendations would you make to improve the ability of police and the courts to balance the sometimes conflicting interests of liberty and security?

Question #3:

Several weeks ago, we watched a short documentary regarding the tensions that spilled over on January 6, 2021 (the “Capitol Riot”) concerning the 2020 US Presidential Election. Considering the video and news objectively and not politically, what issues regarding policing, the Constitution, crimes, arrests, public and private property, were revealed, as relevant to our study?

Question #4:

Review the US Supreme Court case summary below regarding Torres v Madrid (Sup Ct., slip opinion, March 25, 2021)
Part A: Apply the IRAC structure to the Torres case in order to provide a summary of the case (case brief).
• Issue(s)
• Rule(s)
• Application to the facts
• Conclusion(s)
Part B
• Consider the Torres v. Madrid et al. case and apply it to any issues we have discussed including US Constitutional application to states, the 4th Amendment, seizures, use of force, police conduct, role of the US Supreme Court, and any other you think are important.

What does someone need to know in order to best understand an issue and what sort of conclusion(s) does that understanding suggest would be best to draw?

Research is to find answers

The English word research comes to us from the Old French cercher “to seek, which reminds us that the point of research is to find answers. Research is not about justifying the idea you already have; it is about testing that idea and potentially discovering better ones.

With that in mind, this assignment asks you to consider multiple arguments on a particular issue (you can pair research projects with class discussions, or propose your own topic) and answer a relatively plain question: What does someone need to know in order to best understand an issue and what sort of conclusion(s) does that understanding suggest would be best to draw?

The question is plain, but not simple. In order to answer it you will need to do a fair bit of reading in order to see as many possible perspectives as possible. Then you’ll need to use reason and logic to weigh the strengths and weaknesses of those positions and finally, you’ll need to use your sense of all that to develop, explain, and support your position.

You can pair your research projects with the two non-textbook reading units that we’ll examine this semester, or you choose your own topics. Be careful, regardless of whichever approach you choose. Too broad or too narrow a claim will put you in trouble from the start, so think carefully about the argument you can make well in the space you have.

What are some of your beliefs or sentiments about you and/or individuals seeking professional help from a Counselor/Psychologist? What questions, concerns, feedback and/or interest do you have regarding therapeutic models and treatment based on diagnosis, stigmas, identity, race and/or gender?

Chapter 16: In-Class Activity – Principles of Psychology

In a reflective summary, share your perspective in your responses to the quiz. What are some of your beliefs or sentiments about you and/or individuals seeking professional help from a Counselor/Psychologist? What questions, concerns, feedback and/or interest do you have regarding therapeutic models and treatment based on diagnosis, stigmas, identity, race and/or gender?

Describe how this change or new organ would enable the humanoid to function better on this planet than on Earth.

Proxima Centauri

The closest star to our own, approximately 4.2 light-years away or 25 trillion miles, is the red-dwarf, Proxima Centauri. This low-mass star is about 12% the mass of our Sun, however, a planet has been observed rotating around this red-dwarf star called Proxima c. This exoplanet is approximately 1.3 times the size of earth and appears to have a rocky terrain. Because of its rotation, Proxima c would have approximately 22 Earth days between sunrises and the surface temperature would be approximately -40C. Evidence of both atmospheric and liquid water on the surface has been observed. Because of the closeness of this planet to the Proxima Centauri, the planet is flooded with 400x more radiation than Earth and a solar wind pressure 2000x that experienced on Earth. Due to these factors, the inhabitants of this planet would most likely live underground and would only venture above ground for resources. They would be bipedal humanoids, resembling humans in their anatomy and physiology. However, considering the differences between Proxima c and Earth, there will be adaptations that would ensure their survival on Proxima c.

Using this information, you should describe and justify one adaptation to the nervous system that this organism would have to inhabit Proxima c. This analysis should include the following:
• Description of the physiology of the human nervous system (using your textbook as a primary information source).
• An explanation of how the environment of Proxima c may affect the functioning of the human nervous system.
• Propose an adaptation to the human nervous system the Proxima c humanoid would have to compensate for the environment.
o The adaptation can be based on changes in a human organ to make it work more efficiently on Proxima c or can be an organ that is not found in the human nervous system.
• The proposal should include justification as to why that particular adaption would benefit the humanoid more than any other adaptation to the nervous system.
o Justifications should be based on known scientific principles and research.
Describe how this change or new organ would enable the humanoid to function better on this planet than on Earth.
• Use reliable sources and identify the relevant information used for your analysis and justification.

Write an essay on various ways to combat plagiarism. Include work cited


Write an essay on various ways to combat plagiarism. Include work cited

Choose one of the promising practices or evidence-based interventions and prepare an annotated bibliography on that intervention.


Part I (2 to 3 pages)
Choose a problem area experienced by children and/or adolescents that is of interest to you. You can use the ACEs as a guide or you may want to focus on a specific area of mental health or behavioral or environmental problems such as, PTSD, anxiety, depression, ASD, reactive attachment disorder, foster-care, school refusal, etc.

Using information from professional journals, texts, and reliable Internet sources write a brief paper on prevalence, etiology and psychotherapeutic interventions. Based on the problem area you have chosen what promising or evidenced-based practices have been found to be successful in helping children/adolescents with the problem.

Part II (3 to 7 pages)
Choose one of the promising practices or evidence-based interventions and prepare an annotated bibliography on that intervention. Be sure to include some professional research studies in the paper (not just notational or opinion writings). The annotated bibliography should include at least 5 to 7 references. Internet sources must be reliable. If you have questions about reliable and unreliable Internet sources, please let me know. Wikipedia is not a reliable source. For more information on annotated bibliographies review Purdue Owl at: