
Why do you write this paper and what are trying to achieve as a goal. Put a history.

Breast Cancer

Research Paper Format
-Your Name
-Title of the paper
-Introduction : why do you write this paper and what are trying to achieve as a goal. Put a history.
-Discussion: Epidemiology, Anatomy, Physiology review, Physiopathology, pathology, and consequences if any, Treatment, research trial, comparison with the literature. Should include graphs and pictures in this section(discussion section) with their references.
-References Minimum of 10 references

.Perform research and describe a team or organization that uses a transformational approach. .Compare the transformational environment you outlined above to a non-leadership environment (laissez-faire).

Transformational leadership theory

For this case, you will fully discuss transformational leadership theory, using credible sources to back your work.


1.Perform research and describe a team or organization that uses a transformational approach.

2.Compare the transformational environment you outlined above to a non-leadership environment (laissez-faire).

3.What are the key differences between the two approaches?

4.In terms of morale, productivity, and overall commitment, what do you think the key differences are between organizations that use a transformational approach and those with non-leaders?

Explain the difference between technical efficiency and economic efficiency. Discuss the relation between the marginal and average productivity curves and the marginal and average variable cost curves.

Medical Care Production and costs

The following Assignments should be completed and submitted to the course faculty via the learning platform for evaluation and grading. Submit your responses to these questions in one WORD document. List the question first, and then your response. Be sure to properly site your sources, both in-text and with a reference list at the conclusion. If
you use an online source to support your answers, you must provide a properly formatted link to the source. You should use APA citation format and make sure your sources are credible. In most cases, your responses should be no more than 400 words.

1. Suppose you are to specify a short-run production function for dental services. What inputs might you include in the production function? Which would be the variable inputs and which the fixed inputs?

2. In your own words, explain the law of diminishing marginal productivity. Be sure to mention the reason this law tends to hold in the short run.

3. Explain the difference between technical efficiency and economic efficiency.

4. Discuss the relation between the marginal and average productivity curves and the marginal and average variable cost curves.

5. What does the elasticity of substitution illustrate? How is it expressed mathematically? What two factors affect its magnitude?

6. Explain the difference between the explicit and implicit costs of production. Cite an example of each.

7. What does economies of scope mean? Provide an example.

8. Explain the reasoning behind the U shape of the long-run average total cost curve. Why might this cost curve shift upward?

9. Describe the two limitations associated with the cost theory provided in this chapter when it is applied to explain the behavior of medical firms.

10. Suppose that you are interested in comparing the costs of producing inpatient services at Saving Grace Hospital with those at ACME Hospital. Further suppose that the two hospitals annually admit about 24,000 and 32,000 patients, respectively, at average short-run total costs per admission of roughly $11,000 and $12,000.

A. Why may these average STC figures not represent the economic cost of providing inpatient services at these two hospitals? Explain fully.

B. Using cost theory as presented in the text, identify and fully discuss four other factors that might explain why ACME Hospital has higher average costs of production than Saving Grace Hospital.

Is the group normally open or closed? What are some of the basic rules of the group? What are some of the goals of the group? How does the facilitator function within the group?

Counseling group

To broaden your experiences of the range of group work, do research on a type of counseling group of your choice, e.g., substance abuse, domestic violence, anger management, etc. You can use your text book, but most also include at least 4 additional research sources. Write a three to five page summary of the group you have researched afterward (you should address a different group type in each of your three practical/group observations required for the course) . Your summary should include:

places of the group
Type of group
Issues/topics/problems addressed by the group
Activities of the group
Your reflection regarding your research of the group
Your summary should also include:

How are members screened/selected for this group?
Average group size
Average length of group
Is the group normally open or closed?
What are some of the basic rules of the group?
What are some of the goals of the group?
How does the facilitator function within the group?
What are common attitudes of group members, etc?
Submit your assignment here – it is worth 100 points.

Write a critical evaluation of the effectiveness of the identified initiatives/interventions to assess their impact on recognised adult health challenges.

Prevalence in type 2 diabetes in harrow in comparison with England

The purpose of this assignment is to write a 2000 words essay based on how a Public Health concern of your choice is being addressed/managed in a specific UK location. The aim is for you to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of public health and health promotion theories, and to use your analytical thinking skills to evaluate their practical applications.

The essay is expected to be structured as follows:

Introduction (indicative word count 200-250 words)
In the introduction you are expected to include what the essay is about, how you understand the topic (e.g. context, background, key terms), what issues you will cover and in which order, and what conclusion you intend to reach.

Main Body (indicative word count 1500-1600 words)
The main body of the essay is where you fully develop the elements outlined in the introduction. In this part of your work you are expected to include:
⦁ An analysis of the public health concern in the specific UK location along with a critical examination and review of relevant health policy and its application to the public health concern and to health economics.
⦁ An analysis of initiatives/interventions that are in place to address/manage the public health concern along with a critical discussion of their theoretical basis (behavioural/health promotion theories/models).
⦁ A critical evaluation of the effectiveness of the identified initiatives/interventions to assess their impact on recognised adult health challenges.
⦁ An analysis of the adult nurse’s health educator and health promoter roles within the inter-professional team in relation to the public health concern along with a critical evaluation of the application of health promotion theories/models within these roles.

Conclusion (indicative word count 200-250 words)
In the conclusion you are expected to provide a summary of your key findings and bring your arguments to a well-reasoned, logical conclusion. Avoid introducing any new topics.

Explain the processes by which inequalities are sustained between different groups in society according to (sexuality).


Explain the processes by which inequalities are sustained between different groups in society according to (sexuality).
Make sure you use both (theoretical and empirical) studies and data to support your answer.

What they look for:

• Clarity of expression and presentation of work

• Content (including use of academic studies, evidence, academic referencing, understanding of key concepts)

• Analysis and critique of the theories/data.

• Evaluation of academic arguments

• Referencing and use of appropriate sources.

Discuss the right of a provider to refuse to participate in a patient’s care based on cultural, ethical, and religious beliefs. Explain how the resolution of this issue affects public health outcomes. How has this issue been addressed in your past, current, or desired workplace?

Beliefs and Practice

Discuss the right of a provider to refuse to participate in a patient’s care based on cultural, ethical, and religious beliefs. Explain how the resolution of this issue affects public health outcomes. How has this issue been addressed in your past, current, or desired workplace? Do you feel this approach has been effective?.

You may use the Stein’s and Kodjak’s articles in the Studies for this unit as a basis for the conversation.

Include two academic references in your post. Use the current APA style and formatting appropriate to the type of reference you provide.

How have you seen this issue play out in your past, current, or desired workplace? What steps can be taken to ensure this issue is resolved in a fair and equitable manner?

Quality, Quantity, and Profitability of Care

As a health leader, discuss the ethical issues involved in balancing the quality of patient care and the quantity and profitability of that care. How have you seen this issue play out in your past, current, or desired workplace? What steps can be taken to ensure this issue is resolved in a fair and equitable manner?

Why / how is this going to affect global stability? What actions should the U.N. take to accelerate or mitigate the impacts from these global trends?

Three main trends requiring U.N. action

As business leaders, it is our responsibility both to anticipate the future of work as well as to serve as strategic agents that help reinvent this future. To do this we must be aware of the critical externalities driving change. Equally important, however, is our translation of this awareness into strategic action that can help impact the direction of this future to the betterment of all stakeholders. In this report talk about the first step in this process where you will be required to reflect upon these externalities and the role business leaders can play in reinventing this future.

Answer the following question based on the attached material and your additional research.

You have been engaged by the United Nations to evaluate the timing and impact of critical global trends that require U.N. action.

What would you identify as the three main trends requiring U.N. action? Analyze them in the following context:

• Why / how is this going to affect global stability?

• What actions should the U.N. take to accelerate or mitigate the impacts from these global trends?

Analyze the student’s ability to articulate key course concepts in relation to a professional organization.


The purpose of the Term Paper is to analyze the student’s ability to articulate key course concepts in relation to a professional organization. Each student will write a position paper that takes a clear position on how the organization’s development of employees enhances or detracts from the competitive advantage of the organization. The paper should include an analysis of the following:

The Organization and its mission
How the organization develops employees
Link the development of employees to the accomplishment of organizational goals and the competitive advantage