
What steps would you need to take to develop an immunohisto chemical method to identify Epstein Barr virus in tonsil tissue removed from a patient?

Immunohisto chemistry

What steps would you need to take to develop an immunohisto chemical method to identify Epstein Barr virus in tonsil tissue removed from a patient? Include the processing stages for the tissue.

Explain at least two of the lean or six sigma tools/methods the firm is using to manage/improve its supply chain processes.

3 Classmate Discussion Responses

Select a firm that you are familiar with or currently working. Explain at least two of the lean or six sigma tools/methods the firm is using to manage/improve its supply chain processes.

Present a clear explanation of the relevant element(s) of contract law within this scenario; • Explain any legal terms that you use. Sam might not understand legal jargon; State the precise legal nature of the statement that ‘specific methods’ were needed.

Contract law

Task Reply to Sam by email, advising them of the position in contract law. Your email should identify the specific contractual issue presented in the scenario above and advise Sam as to whether or not Pat is correct.

Your email response shall:

Present a clear explanation of the relevant element(s) of contract law within this scenario;

Explain any legal terms that you use. Sam might not understand legal jargon;

Set out the essential elements of a valid contract and show whether the amendment is valid;

State the precise legal nature of the statement that specific methods’ were needed.

How will you prove to the people that fund your program that it is working.

Final Project Milestone Three: Intervention Strategy and Implementation Plan Draft

Selection should be one of the programs presented in the efficacy section.
Ethics 1 should be an examination of the actual ethics codes (not principles) that you see as a concern in the selected program.

Narrative intends that you describe how you plan to implement the selected program in your community. Ensure that you have considered the setting, personnel, target population, length of time and capacity of your intervention program in order to improve this effort.

Training – what is required at hire, or what will the program supply to train those in the selected program (considering other factors like CPR training is good, but we want competence in the selected intervention).

Assessment is about the program rather than the participants. How will you prove to the people that fund your program that it is working. The use of a valid and established instrument to collect information on your problem, data collection schedules, and what statistics might be used to examine the data is the goal. Most of your efficacy articles would likely provide ideas or templates for this item.

Define each and state the relevance of each to the field of athlete testing – what does an athlete gain from these tests.

Exercise Physiology

You are expected to complete a lab report (1,500 words ± 10%) based on your results. This should include FIVE sections:

Introduction (≈600 words) (30%).
In this section you should introduce the reader to the area of interest. In this coursework, the area is
maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2max)
Gas exchange threshold (GET)
the ‘V slope’ method
incremental exercise testing.

Define each and state the relevance of each to the field of athlete testing – what does an athlete gain from these tests. Give an example of the type of athlete who benefits from this test. Reference journal articles which have performed similar tests describing what they found. Use a funnel approach for the introduction (start broad and finish with the specific aim(s) of your study).

Using the internet, research and obtain state and federal regulatory documentation mandates as they relate to electronic health records for Florida.

Discussion Post Week 1

Using the internet, research and obtain state and federal regulatory documentation mandates as they relate to electronic health records for Florida.

Identify one argument (an idea that’s present about our culture) present in your object and explain how it shows it to its audience.

Essay #4: Cultural Media Analysis

Music constantly surrounds. This form of media permeates and saturate every aspect of our lives; however, we very rarely actively analyze what is being presented to us beyond our initial response. As a cultural object, an object that tells us about the culture and society it was created in, music often reflects certain attitudes and ideas of its creator and make arguments beyond what is being displayed.

In this essay, you will be analyzing a cultural object, more specifically a commercial, a song, or a music video (along with the song — not just the visuals). In this analytical essay, you will discuss the ways the cultural object you chose to write about reflects certain cultural expectations and ideas. When you preform an analytical reading, you go deeper into the argument of the object by looking at its smaller parts. For this essay, you will be looking into the different components that make up the object’s argument, the message that it’s giving its audience, and carefully examine the components that are trying to convince you and others of this argument.

For this essay, you are to identify one argument (an idea that’s present about our culture) present in your object and explain how it shows it to its audience. The message that the object gives its audience does not need to be explicit; however, whatever you believe the message and argument behind the object is, you need to support it with direct details and examples from the text that you will use to help explain and support the message/idea you are writing about with thorough analysis. You are required to use examples from your cultural object ONLY to help explain how and why these ideas and the message are depicted. Think about how the object is trying to convey its message and the way it goes about doing that. Ask yourself why the object is important not just to you but to our culture (why is it so popular?). Things to Remember: • The cultural object you analyze must be CURRENT, created after 1/1/2016. • While writing this essay, assume that your audience has not seen/read/heard the piece. You will need to explain the piece briefly; do not extensively summarize. • When identifying the message within the piece, you do not have to agree with it.
• You will be using one (1) outside, academic source,

Describe the theoretical framework you selected and the intervention(s) strategies you selected to work with this client, and why. Describe your process of collaborating on a treatment plan with the client.

Comprehensive Client Assessment Paper

Students must address all of the areas described below:

A. Basic Information:

Agency Context: Briefly describe the agency type and setting
Demographics: Provide brief demographics information about the client (gender identity, age, etc)

B. Assessment:

Presenting Problems/Issues and Context: current symptoms and stresses; Stages of Change/motivation; impact of symptoms on functioning; cultural issues.
Client Resources/Strengths: Describe assets, strengths, resources – intrapsychic, interpersonal, in community. Describe coping skills.

C. Client Engagement:

Describe how you engaged the client and developed therapeutic alliance.

D. Multidimensional Narrative Assessment:

Psychological: include DSM 5 narrative diagnostic summary; past psych history and treatment; medications
Biological: Medical issues; health conditions, medications
Developmental History/Application of HBSE (human behavior and social environment): Include Erickson stage; early development; trauma history
Social History: Marital status; children; social network; living situation; socio-economic status; legal issues if any
: Religion or spiritual beliefs; sense of belonging; ethnicity, race, culture; describe contents of Culturagram (required).

E. Intervention:

Describe the theoretical framework you selected and the intervention(s) strategies you selected to work with this client, and why. Describe your process of collaborating on a treatment plan with the client.

F. Evaluation of Practice with Client:

Based on your interactions with this client over this semester, evaluate client’s progress toward achieving his or her goals and objectives. Is there anything you would do differently? Why?

G. Self-Assessment:

Student describes how strengths approach was integrated into client assessment and how own skills have developed in terms of being able to complete a client multidimensional assessment.

What is my brand? What is the core proposition of my brand? What do my customers/clients/employees think about my brand? Who are the competing brands and what are they doing? What opportunities are emerging and what can threaten the brand?

Brand Inventory and Brand Exploratory


Write a report on a digital brand (COCA COLA).
Brand Audit (Parts A, B & C)
A brand audit enables the organisation to know what factors are contributing to a brands performance. An audit gathers and evaluates information about the brand and competing brands. It can be used to answer questions such as; what is my brand? What is the core proposition of my brand? What do my customers/clients/employees think about my brand? Who are the competing brands and what are they doing? What opportunities are emerging and what can threaten the brand?
To do this, each student must first agree an appropriate level of analysis (corporate, umbrella, or product brand) and an appropriate geographical coverage (global, regional, or local). Then you must gather information on characteristics such as; brand essence, brand positioning, differentiating attributes, presentation of the brand, and monitoring and evaluation processes. Lastly, identify and critically analyse the key differences from the brand exploratory to the brand inventory. A variety of sources should be used to assemble this profile. You should consult business publications, trade magazines, journal articles, books, and company sources such as annual reports and websites. Market research evidence would also be beneficial.


The following is provided as guidance and structure to your audit:

A) Brand Inventory:

Coca Cola History and Introduction.

Brand audit.

Identify all brand elements (logos, symbols, characters, packaging, slogans, trademarks.)

Identify and analyze the pertinent attributes of the brand (pricing, communications) and other relevant marketing activities: Target Market, Market Share, Competitor analysis.

Profile direct and indirect competitor brands for points of parity and points of difference

a. Understand what consumers’ current perceptions may be based on

b. Assess perceptions of line and product extensions by customers and distribution channels.

B) Brand Exploratory:

Analysis of any prior research studies (Has any research been done on the brand?) (What consumers say about any research that was conducted).

Analysis of media interpretation of brand and product category

Generate exploratory quantitative survey and analyse results

a. Uncover current knowledge structures of the core brand and its competitors. Develop
a detailed and accurate profile or “mental map” of brand knowledge structures from the brand exploratory

b. Determine depth and breadth of brand awareness, brand image (CBBE model) and necessary points of parity and points of difference with respect to the brands competition.

C) Key differences between the Brand Inventory and Brand Exploratory

Critical evaluation of the key differences

Which one(s) do you believe are significant to customer perception and to the overall appeal of the brand

If few/little differences are found explain and justify why.

Explain why this civil rights issue is important; Explain the history of this civil rights issue, including in this history the actions people have taken to address the issue; Explain the current conditions or scope of the issue; Explain the current debate on the issue;

Weight-Based Discrimination in Healthcare Workplaces

Final Essay Outline Assignment:
This outline will lay the groundwork for your successful 6–8 page Final Essay. When you think about how many paragraphs you will need, you can use this rough guide – a 6-page paper (formatted in Times New Roman 12-point, double-spaced, 1-inch margins on all sides, no extra space between paragraphs) will be roughly 1800 words, organized into about 14–16 paragraphs. For this outline, please write out your outline with all of the elements required for the

Final Paper:
Title the paper in a way that will help the reader understand the case you’re laying out
Introduce the contemporary civil rights issue and make the argument about this issue that you will explore in the paper;
Explain why this civil rights issue is important;
Explain the history of this civil rights issue, including in this history the actions people have taken to address the issue;
Explain the current conditions or scope of the issue;
Explain the current debate on the issue;
Explain your plan of action for confronting this issue;
Wrap up your argument and explain how the world would be different if we committed to your plan of action (These elements are explained in greater detail on the Final Essay Instructions in Module 8.)
Organize your paragraphs according to this format:
One full sentence laying out your claim for the paragraph, the actual evidence you’ll use to make your case, bullet points only, analysis of that evidence as it relates to your paragraph’s claim, bullet points only; and one full closing sentence that makes a point about the claim & evidence that relates to your main argument about the issue.