
How can the UK government reduce unemployment in the UK in the medium and long term, ALTHOUG slides

Labour market in the UK in 2020/2021

“Employment measures the number of people in paid work or who had a job that they were temporarily away from.

How can the UK government reduce unemployment in the UK in the medium and long term, ALTHOUG slides, additional research information needs to be added separately to the slide for presentation purposes and information is backed-up with relevant references.

What is racial color blindness? Why, according to the authors you have read and, in the video, given, is color blindness problematic? What is your view of race relations in general?

Color blindness

Do watch the video below and read the required readings listed below
Answer the following questions. In your post you MUST include either the entire question for each answer or the number designating the question:

1. What is racial color blindness?
2. Why, according to the authors you have read and, in the video, given, is color blindness problematic?
3. What is your view of race relations in general? And what is your view of color blindness, at work in particular (or at university for students who do not currently work)?
Format & Other Instructions:

To structure your post do include the questions or, to save space, the number designating the question
Write at least one page.
You can use double- or single-spacing format, size 12
References are not included & counted in the length expected (at least 1 page no more than two)
DO add the references at the bottom of your post.
Make sure your answers are supported with relevant knowledge and clear references. Do use the in-text and end of text standards given. DO NOT plagiarize.
Check that your answers are well-written, persuasive, and contain no mistakes.

Materials to watch and read

Describe the topic. What do you find interesting about this topic? What questions/ideas did you have? What were you hoping to learn?

The Global Pandemic of Covid-19

Suggested Outline

I. Why did you choose this topic?
Describe the topic.
What do you find interesting about this topic?
What questions/ideas did you have? What were you hoping to learn?

II. What did you learn from the research?
This should be at least two to three paragraphs
Facts and Figures regarding your topic
Social Factors that contribute to your topic

III. Conclusion
What did you find most compelling?
What do you think was missing from the research you read?
What do you think the future will look like? (Implications to society)

IV. Reference Section
Use APA citation guidelines for your references section and the entire paper

What do the overall results (of the various models) tell us about how school gardens affect student academic achievement?

Student academic achievement

After reading the article carefully and taking notes, answer the following three questions in your initial response (all in one post; do not do separate posts for each question so that the discussion stays organized!):

1. What do the overall results (of the various models) tell us about how school gardens affect student academic achievement? (Summarize and synthesize the findings clearly IN YOUR OWN WORDS!)

2. Looking specifically at the regression analyses that involve step-wise regression (same DV but different combinations of IVs for different models, e.g., Model 1, Model 2, etc.), what do you learn from these analyses about the importance of using step-wise regression for examining the effects of different IVs/sets of IVs? In other words, what do these analyses reveal about why we don’t just include all of the variables into a single model from the start?

3. Thinking sociologically, what other variables might it have been good to include as controls in the regression analyses?
When including control variables, it is important to avoid redundancy since that leads to collinearity (multiple variables measuring or “tapping into” the same underlying concept). For example, we would NOT suggest average income of parents of children at the school since the authors already included a measure for participation in free/reduced price lunch. That variable serves as a “proxy” for the SES of families at the school. Including a measure of average parental income would actually be counterproductive since having both means that each essentially would “wash out” the effect of the other. Keep this in mind as you think through and propose additional control variables you think the authors could/should have included. (NOTE: Your goal here is not to undermine or “trash” this study; your goal is to think critically about the models used and also to think about how we might elaborate these models further.)

What analysis would be used to analyze the data obtained from the sample, using customers or employees as the sample.

Whistle blowing literature

A research paper based on using social media to blow the whistle using the fraud triangle and nature of wrong doing.
The paper should provide supporting literature that their is a gap in the whistle blowing literature and also formulating research questions from the supporting literature. include what analysis would be used to analyze the data obtained from the sample, using customers or employees as the sample.

Write a critical survey of research literature relating to leadership or management practices within an educational organization.

Leadership or management practices within a medical education organization

Write a critical survey of research literature relating to leadership or management practices within an educational organization.

Detail how the programme you have designed fits the needs of the scenario; provide justification for the mode of exercise, sets reps and rest prescribed.

Course: Sport & exercise science

Module: Advanced Strength and Conditioning

Can you just put the references into a separate page in the smallest font possible.

Portfolio Topic & Key requirements

The portfolio should consist of the following sections:

1. Fitness Assessment:

– Detail when, where, and how often testing would take place over the 20 week period

– In a table list the fitness assessments you would use and the time point that these would take place in.

2. Training programmes:

– You should provide a needs analysis and an overall periodisation programme for the entire 20 week block. This needs to include appropriate macro, meso and micro cycles (when relevant). Your focus is on the S+C element of the training programme rather than the specific athlete sport training.

– Example training week for a selected block during the training period. This requires a detailed training programme for each session that would take place in an example week. This can be any week during the 20 weeks. Be clear which week that it refers to.

3. Programmes should include:

– Warm-up and cool-downs.

– Exercises/Reps/Sets/Load/Recovery periods for each session.

3. Scientific justification:

– Discuss and evaluate the periodisation approach used.

– Critically appraise the approach to each individual training block.

– Detail how the programme you have designed fits the needs of the scenario; provide justification for the mode of exercise, sets reps and rest prescribed.

– Provide a rationale for the progression provided across the blocks.

– Detailed analysis of the adaption to that athlete’s specific situation that will take place as a result of the inclusion of your S+C training

– Develop a programme that is sport specific to the individual case that you have chosen.

– Provide scientific justification from peer-reviewed journals which are available online.



How can an SCU education help you prepare for and address this challenge?

Santa Clara University Admission Prompt 2

At SCU, we push our students to be creative, be challenged, and be the solution. Think about an ethical dilemma that you care about that our society is currently facing. This can be something happening in your local community or more globally. How can an SCU education help you prepare for and address this challenge? (150-300 words)*

What did you enjoy most about the reading? Be specific and use examples from life experience, experiential learning, and the texts themselves (MLA format).

Reading Quiz 3

What did you enjoy most about the reading? Be specific and use examples from life experience, experiential learning, and the texts themselves (MLA format).

Paraphrase three of the poems. Each of these paraphrases should be done in four or less sentences.

What elements of the genre are being used in one specific piece (pick one of the readings). Use specific examples from that text and cite them in MLA format.

Briefly describe what prompted you to apply to Santa Clara University. Based on what you know about SCU and our Jesuit mission to educate citizens and leaders of competence, conscience, and compassion, how do you envision your life at SCU and beyond?

Santa Clara Admission Essay

Briefly describe what prompted you to apply to Santa Clara University. Based on what you know about SCU and our Jesuit mission to educate citizens and leaders of competence, conscience, and compassion, how do you envision your life at SCU and beyond? (Maximum 200 words)*