
Human survival is extremely important today, but how did our social adaptations come to have such an outsized role, when compared to other animals?

‘Survival of the fittest’

Evolution is about the ‘survival of the fittest’, but successful survival strategy often entails group dynamics rather than simple individual superiority over others. On one hand, genes survive into successive generations if an individual organism is successful at passing those genes onto offspring, but survival and mating also requires negotiating social adaptations as well. In other words, humans evolved biologically, but also culturally.

Humans and our ancestors developed biological features through adaptation to environmental and reproductive factors, but human success and adaptation also relies heavily on acting as a group. This social aspect of human survival is extremely important today, but how did our social adaptations come to have such an outsized role, when compared to other animals? Or is biology still the major factor that dominates over social aspects of evolution?

Discuss the seeming dichotomy between biology and culture and how it relates to human evolution.

What elements of the genre (Animal Tales, Fantasy, and Speculative Fiction) are being used in one specific piece (pick one of the readings).

Reading quiz 2

1. What did you enjoy most about the reading? Be specific and use examples from life experience, experiential learning, and the texts themselves (MLA format).

2. Paraphrase each reading in four or less sentences.

3. What elements of the genre (Animal Tales, Fantasy, and Speculative Fiction) are being used in one specific piece (pick one of the readings). Use specific examples from that text and cite them in MLA format.

After reading the 3 assigned primary sources, you will create an analytical essay analyzing how fantasy, animal tales, and speculative fiction intersect with critical terminology of Class, Liminality, and Science Fiction.

Critical terminology of Class, Liminality, and Science Fiction.

After reading the 3 assigned primary sources, you will create an analytical essay analyzing how fantasy, animal tales, and speculative fiction intersect with critical terminology of Class, Liminality, and Science Fiction. You should analyze each of these terms by defining the term, using an example of the term or analyzing the term with an example from a primary source and then reinforce your overall thesis in the concluding sentence of the body paragraph. You should have three body paragraphs (one per term), with an introductory and concluding paragraph that includes an overall thesis for the paper.

Describe the difference between an operational and a capital financial budget. Discuss what must be included to request finances through a capital request. What are some examples for capital request items needs?

Operational and Capital financial budget.

1. Describe the difference between an operational and a capital financial budget.
2. Discuss what must be included to request finances through a capital request. What are some examples for capital request items needs?
3.Why and how are capital requests treated differently? Provide an example for a capital request.
4. Complete the capital budget request as assigned.

Develop a plan for your stance regarding workplace violence. How do you plan to affect positive changes? Discuss the topic with your clinical preceptor, what would you recommend to make a difference.

Workplace violence

1. Include a summary for time spent with your preceptor and share information for the following that was discussed with the preceptor. Expand on your entry by including citations from the articles for the week.

2. Review and develop an understanding for workplace violence

3. Review and be able to discuss the policies and procedures that are in place regarding workplace violence

4. Develop a plan for your stance regarding workplace violence. How do you plan to affect positive changes?

5. Discuss the topic with your clinical preceptor, what would you recommend to make a difference.

Create a reflective essay analyzing how folklore, myth, legend and/or fables intersect with critical terminology of Popular, Childhood, Children’s Literature, and Audience.

Hansel and Gretel, Anansi and the Pot of Beans, The legend of Tiresias

After reading the 3 assigned primary sources (Hansel and Gretel, Anansi and the Pot of Beans, The legend of Tiresias) you will create a reflective essay analyzing how folklore, myth, legend and/or fables intersect with critical terminology of Popular, Childhood, Children’s Literature, and Audience. You should analyze each of these terms by defining the term, using an example of the term or analyzing the term with an example from the primary sources (folklore, myth, legend or fable) and then reinforce your overall thesis in the concluding sentence of the body paragraph. You should have four body paragraphs (BASE YOUR BODY PARAGRAPHS AROUND THE TERMS FROM KEYWORDS FOR CHILDREN’S LITERATURE- i.e. Popular, Childhood, etc.). with an introductory and concluding paragraph that includes an overall thesis for the paper.
Students are required to use MLA format for in-text citation and must include a Works Cited page.

How does the right to privacy protect a women’s right to have an abortion or not? Is this a constitutionally valid interpretation of the right to privacy? Why or why not?

Moyers & Company: What’s Fueling the Modern Abortion Debate?

Reflect: The fact that the Constitution does not have a specific clause or reference to a right to privacy has become a very contentious cultural, social, and political issue in the United States. The ability of the government to enter into the private lives of American citizens has clearly been restricted by provisions in the Fourth Amendment, yet the debate over certain privacy based rights such as contraception, abortion rights, and consensual sexual activity continues today. In particular, when discussing abortion, many immediately begin to debate a woman’s right to choose to have an abortion or not. At the heart of the issue constitutionally, is not whether a woman has the right to make this decision but whether she has the right to privacy under the Fourth Amendment.

Write: In your initial post of at least 300 words, utilize the Constitution, established case law, and scholarly sources to answer the following questions:

How does the right to privacy protect a women’s right to have an abortion or not?
Is this a constitutionally valid interpretation of the right to privacy? Why or why not?
Do not rely upon personal opinion to make your argument. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.

Is there one or more package(s) which appear to be the most commonly-used commercial integrated general- purpose accounting software used by small businesses?

Using AIS: What Is the Problem?

The original research question examined which of the general purpose accounting software packages are the most
prevalent in modern small businesses. However, early in the data gathering process, it became apparent that a large number of small businesses were not using such software.
This unexpected discovery did not affect the methodology of the study, the data collection process, or the data already
collected or yet to be collected. It did, however, raise two new questions. Thus three formal research questions were formulated before data analysis was begun:

RQ1: Is the adoption of commercial integrated general-purpose accounting software as ubiquitous as the literature seems to assume?

RQ 2: Is there one or more package(s) which appear to be the most commonly-used commercial integrated general-
purpose accounting software used by small businesses?

RQ 3: Why did small businesses choose their particular accounting software packages over other packages, or decide not
to use such packages at all?

Discuss: The intervention (s) to be used in the program (i.e. skills training, recreation, art, counseling, case management, etc.).

Prevention program details:

Areas with a lot of gang violence, food deserts, etc. a program that teaches people how to grow their own food, have fresh produce, be accessible, establish garden lots, greenhouse (for wintertime)
Community center but also a greenhouse (agricultural focus; i.e. plant beds)
Brand it as a prevention program for childhood obesity

Discuss: The intervention (s) to be used in the program (i.e. skills training, recreation, art, counseling, case management, etc.) (Like two paragraphs)

Make a brochure for the prevention program
Things to include the brochure: Description of the prevention program..Problems…purpose of prevention program.

Describe a selected company, its operations, and its associated industry that recently was subjected to financial fraud and evaluate these areas for strengthening corporate financial governance practices.

Governance Strategies

For this assignment, you will select a different company than in the prior assignments and one that was recently exposed to financial fraud. The fraud could be an internal or external type of financial fraud; it is strictly a financial type of fraud. You will evaluate how financial information could have helped early detection of the financial fraud, and how auditing procedures would have helped to mitigate financial risk. You will develop a recommendation for a strategy to develop auditing and monitoring procedures that will improve efficiency, monitoring, controlling, and corporate financial governance practices and also influence financial governance policies. You will address potential risks for ethic violations and how the new procedures will mitigate the risk and justify why these procedures will increase efficiency, monitoring, controlling, and corporate governance.
Describe a selected company, its operations, and its associated industry that recently was subjected to financial fraud and evaluate these areas for strengthening corporate financial governance practices.
Evaluate in detail the financial fraud the selected company was exposed to, citing errors in financial operations, applications of accounting procedures, and lack of accounting oversight that includes any potential unobserved deficiencies.
Recommend a detailed strategy for a selected company with at least three integrated solutions for auditing and monitoring procedures to improve corporate governance of the company’s finances and mitigate financial fraud risk for the company.
Evaluate potential risks in the selected company for ethics violations and how the integrated solutions for auditing and monitoring procedures will mitigate the risk and that is supported with a justification for reducing the risk.
Evaluate at least two industry best practices in a recommendation to the selected company to adopt in its financial governance policies that would increase ethical standards and enhance corporate governance practices.