
Using the Quadrants of Chart(s) identify 20 risks confronting BFH. Then describe the risk event or situation. Finally, indicate of the risk is a loss (L), gain (G) or both (B).

Risk Management

Directions for BH Case: Using the Quadrants of Chart(s) identify 20 risks confronting BFH. In table, list the Name of the Quadrant, also list the Item within the quadrant. Then describe the risk event or situation. Finally, indicate of the risk is a loss (L), gain (G) or both (B).

Identify and explain/describe the situation in the case that created a problem/loss for Ford. What actions could Ford have considered or taken to reduce the effects of shutdown of plants in this case.

Risk Management – Ford Case

1. Identify and explain/describe the situation in the case that created a problem/loss for Ford.

2. Using the Quadrants of Risk, what two (2), quadrants would the situation cited in question #2 above fall under.

3. Within each quadrant identified in #3 above, list the item within the quadrant that applies to this case.

4. What actions could Ford have considered or taken to reduce the effects of shutdown of plants in this case.

5. Given the sales distribution channel for Ford and most other car manufactures, except for Tesla, who could feel the impact of the of the situation in this case.

Identify and discuss appropriate techniques to manage risk and recovery, and explain how these will ensure the successful delivery of that company’s operation.

Project Management

Investigate the impact of coronavirus on global supply chains. Students are free to relate this to a supply chain of their choice or not, I am happy with either. Also, with recent news of a vaccine, you can choose to relate this to the supply chain for the global roll out of the vaccine. Undertake appropriate operations and inventory analyses and propose strategic recommendations to improve both effectiveness and efficiency of those supply chains, identify and discuss appropriate techniques to manage risk and recovery, and explain how these will ensure the successful delivery of that company’s operation.

Layout of report:

Assignment guide

This is a report, with the following structure

Title page

This should normally include the title, your name and the name of the tutor to whom it is being submitted, date of submission, your course/department, and if applicable, the name of the person and/or organisation who has commissioned the report. Avoid “fancy” fonts and effects and do not include any clipart.

Contents page

A clear, well-formatted list of all the sections and sub-sections of the report. Do not forget to put the page numbers. If applicable, there should be a separate list of tables, figures, illustrations and/or appendices after the main index. Make sure that the headings in this list correspond exactly with those in your main body. It is best to do your list of contents right at the end.


This should show that you have fully understood the task/brief and that you are going to cover everything required. Indicate the basic structure of the report. You should include just a little background/context and indicate the reasons for writing the report. This where you set the scene, introduce what you are going to be covering…

Main Analysis

This is the substance of your report, with headings and sub-headings used to clearly indicate the different sections (unlike an essay). A “situation>problem>solution>evaluation” approach may be appropriate. It is not sufficient to simply describe a situation. We will be looking for analysis and for a critical approach, application of operations management theory, when appropriate, charts, diagrams, tables, and appropriate Harvard referencing can be used to reinforce your arguments, although sometimes it may be better to include these as an appendix. Do not include opinions, conclusions, or recommendations in this section.


Your conclusion should draw out the implications of your findings, with deductions based on the facts described in your main body. Do not include any new material here.

Recommendation/ New operations implementation

What does the theoretical literature suggest should occur in this type of dispute? Discuss why you think your experience did or did not match what “should” have happened. This section should be analytical.

Mediation simulation paper

You will write a reaction paper on the simulation when you were the mediator. In your paper address the following questions:

• What does the theoretical literature suggest should occur in this type of dispute? Use course readings; no extra research is needed.

• What occurred in the simulation? You must provide details of the simulation process. Include case information for explanatory/analytical purposes.

• Discuss why you think your experience did or did not match what “should” have happened. This section should be analytical.

These papers must follow APA style. Papers are graded on both content and writing. These papers must follow APA style. Papers are graded on both content and writing. View the video, “Revising Prose,” that is posted on Blackboard to see the desired writing style.

A grade papers

Paper offers unique insight and critique of simulation experience. Use of theoretical literature is accurate and thorough. Writing has exceptional clarity and citations are done correctly.

Discuss how it is used and by whom, the benefits and downfalls of the program and how you personally would improve the program in terms of functionality and access.

The Evolution of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Policy

The paper is about the food stamp program. Where and how it started, how it changed over the years, and what it is today. You have to discuss how it is used and by whom, the benefits and downfalls of the program and how you personally would improve the program in terms of functionality and access. She asks that you have talking points comparing and contrasting the program as it is now and how you would have it. Lastly, discuss how and where you would advocate for the changes you are suggesting.

Using the first person singular (“I”) relate the internship experience to your previous knowledge and experience. Consider if and how what you have read and learned changes your thinking and might affect your practice in both personal and professional situations.

Business Internship- Reflection Paper

1. As the diagram suggests, a reflection paper is your identification of the main internship experiences integrated with your classroom experience and how both affect your thinking and practice.

2. A reflection paper is your chance to add your thoughts and analysis to what you have learned and experienced.

3. A reflection paper is meant to illustrate your understanding of the material and how it affects your ideas and possible practice in the workplace.

4. Begin by jotting down some of the reading material, assignments, class and internship experiences that stand out in your mind. Decide why they stand out to you. Reflect on the outcome of your work objectives, what worked, what did not work, what would you change or do differently…

5. It may be helpful to look at some reflection questions (see separate document) to generate some of your thoughts and feelings about the internship experience.

6. Using the first person singular (“I”) relate the internship experience to your previous knowledge and experience.

7. Consider if and how what you have read and learned changes your thinking and might affect your practice in both personal and professional situations.

8. Review the material and any notes to be sure you have included all the relevant information you can and made all the connections you can.

9. Give your reflection paper structure with an opening paragraph, main body, and conclusion.

10. It may be helpful to write the body of the paper first by using Steps 4-7, and then decide what your opening paragraph should say. The opening paragraph may be brief, but it should offer some overall statement of your perspective based on what you have learned and experienced through the internship course. The conclusion may also be brief and include how this internship experience will be of value to your future endeavors.

11. Include in-text references and a reference page for any materials you cite using APA citation formatting.

Adapted from IIRP Tips on Writing Reflection Papers 11.4.2016. Retrieved from

Present specific examples of the change you are promoting, as they are based in the evidence (results) of the research you have chosen.

Hand washing research

Grading Criteria Possible Points Student’s Score

I. Format 17

A. Faculty: Oral Communication Skills Evaluation Instrument (5)

B. Students: Participation Evaluation (5) 8

Note: Handouts: (5)

1. Provide a separate handout of the following items:

2. Outline

3. Objectives 10

3. Length (5-6 slide[s] not counting title slide) 2

4. APA general formatting rules and citations throughout paper

II. Content 75

A. Literature Review

• Objectively Evaluate relevant aspects of each study

• Explain how selected elements of the studies support your purpose

• Use research articles to define concepts used in problem statement

B. State Purpose

• The clinical problem and how you plan to change it, and explain selected Utilization Model

• How did this model helps direct your purpose

C. Deliver a persuasive argument

• Present specific examples of the change you are promoting, as they are based in the evidence (results) of the research you have chosen.

• Anticipate criticisms of your proposed change, and support your ideas by the research results from the research you have chosen.

D. Explore implications of the study for clinical practice and further research

III. References 8

A. Correct empirical references: at least 5, from Nursing sources, from U.S., within 5 years, proper APA format / citation matched.

B. Explanation of & / or journaling of collaboration with a nursing unit if possible. This should include degree to which your project was able to be implemented.


Explain how it shows significance in comparison to your above factor) discuss what evidence there is to support this. Discuss it links back to the question and how significant it is in comparison to above factor.

How significant were the five year plans for russia up to 1941?

Paragraph: [Factor]

1)Introduce your factor

2) Explain how it shows significance

3) Discuss what evidence there is to support this

4) Include specific source material/evidence (1-2 pieces) to support your idea

5) Discuss it links back to the question and how significant it is in comparison to factor 1

6) Introduce counter-argument

Paragraph: [Counter argument for above factor]

1)Introduce a counter argument for above factor

2) Explain how it shows significance in comparison to your above factor) discuss what evidence there is to support this

4) Include specific source material/evidence (1-2 pieces) to support your idea

5) Discuss it links back to the question and how significant it is in comparison to above factor

Which strategies or solutions would you propose toward reducing if not eliminating segregation, discrimination, and prejudice in our educational school systems? And, why?


Each question below only needs to be a minimum of a paragraph. When answering the two questions below please use the links below the questions that will lead you to articles that will help you answer the questions below.

1. How would you sociologically explain the articles? (Think of the following perspectives: Functionalism, Conflict, Symbolic interactionism, Rational Choice, Feminist)

2. Which strategies or solutions would you propose toward reducing if not eliminating segregation, discrimination, and prejudice in our educational school systems? And, why?

Focus on the applications of gene therapy in the treatment mentioned as well as the advantages and disadvantages.

Applied Human Genetics

This assignment is 2 essays of a 1000 words each. The 2 questions are in the document below and will focus heavily on the understanding of applied human genetics. Question 1 focuses on epigenetics while question 2 focuses on gene therapy. There should be 15-20 references per essay, bringing a total of 30-40 references/sources and must be cited within the text.

Marks are awarded as follows:

Introduction (15%). Relevant background information is provided with as little deviation as possible.

Analysis and evidence (55%). A wide array of sources are used and critical evaluation is present with suitable evidence provided.

Coherence (20%). A well planned structure and proper paragraphing is presented. A steady flow of the study is provided.

Communication and Referencing (10%). Proper referencing methods are used (Harvard style). All sources should be cited and referenced.

Question 1 should focus on the mechanisms and understanding pf the disease and also the tests that should be carried out.

Question 2 should focus on the applications of gene therapy in the treatment mentioned as well as the advantages and disadvantages (this is usually liked by the professor marking this essay).