
Articulate a personal development plan to strengthen and evidence your capabilities and demonstrate what you have to offer employers through different phases of the application and selection process.

Be more

1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding.
Evaluate the current developments in recruitment and the requirements for successful employability.

2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities.
Articulate a personal development plan to strengthen and evidence your capabilities and demonstrate what you have to offer employers through different phases of the application and selection process.

Analyze Pandora using the value chain and competitive forces models. What competitive forces does the company have to deal with? What is its customer value proposition?


1. Analyze Pandora using the value chain and competitive forces models. What competitive forces does the company have to deal with? What is its customer value proposition?

2. Explain how Pandora’s “freemium” business model works. How does the company generate revenue?

3. Can Pandora succeed with its “freemium” model? Why or why not? What people, organization, and technology factors affect its success with this business model?

Write a paper in which you analyze how the popular culture influences ideas about beauty among either women, men, or both. Discuss the effects of these messages on the social behavior and psychological well-being of those addressed.

Popular Culture Influences Ideas About Beauty

Write a paper in which you analyze how the popular culture influences ideas about beauty among either women, men, or both. Discuss the effects of these messages on the social behavior and psychological well-being of those addressed.

Expand on an aspect of your identity (for example, your religion, culture, race, sexual or gender identity, affinity group, etc.). How has this aspect of your identity shaped your life experiences thus far?

Aspect of your identity

Expand on an aspect of your identity (for example, your religion, culture, race, sexual or gender identity, affinity group, etc.). How has this aspect of your identity shaped your life experiences thus far? (250 words- max)

Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma – anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what

Problem you’ve solved

Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma – anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what

Explain which message from the video has left an impression on you? What message has an impacted or has changed your food choices, your view on nutrients, your diet, your eating behavior, etc.?


Find a short video – on any nutrition topic of your interest or a topic that you would like to find out more about. The video should be posted on an easily accessible website like YouTube, vimeo or on a web page. The video should be less than 5 minutes long. If it is longer, provide the content you wish to highlight. For example, you might say watch from 1:10 min to 4:20 minutes, or watch the first 3 minutes of the video. Embed the video into the discussion post if possible, or provide an active (clickable) URL. Make sure your link works.

1.Provide a short summary of the video 1p

2. Critique and analyze the video: Is it a credible information? Is it in alignment with what you learnt in this class? Make specific references to the information from the class lecture. 1p

3.Explain which message from the video has left an impression on you? What message has an impacted or has changed your food choices, your view on nutrients, your diet, your eating behavior, etc.? 1p

4. Watch the posted video from another class mate. Respond to the post by explaining what additional message has left an impression on you? 1p

Describe what you would do differently (if anything) if you were (or might be) faced with the same situation described and why that course of action would be effective based on what we have learned.

Use motivation or ethics as the main theme of the paper

Write a short thought paper about a topic related to current management issues.
You will need to apply relevant theories discussed in class and do some outside research (enough to support your arguments).
Examples of possible approaches:
Describe what you would do differently (if anything) if you were (or might be) faced with the same situation described and why that course of action would be effective based on what we have learned.
Or describe a situation that you found confusing when it occurred, but that makes sense to you now that you have more management knowledge. In that case, you would explain the situation and explain how you have made sense of it based on specific class theories and concepts. Another type would be to ask yourself: what is the biggest challenge that I have faced/will face with respect to this issue? What have I learned in this class that can help me overcome this challenge?
The goal of the assignment is to apply knowledge from the course to your actual or possible experiences at work. These are just examples.

How has your experience prepared and encouraged you to pursue these goals?

Goals Statement

Targeted Job Role:
Target Job Company:

In 5–10 years post-MBA, my goal is to work as a(n) [Role] at [Company] within [Industry].

Targeted Job Role:
Target Job Company:

How has your experience prepared and encouraged you to pursue these goals?

Develop an information technology solution that allows two companies to collaborate. Determine the requirements for such an information technology.

Intelligence alliance

Develop an information technology solution that allows two companies to collaborate.

Determine the requirements for such an information technology.
Between construction companies to utilize using resources

Compose an essay on the life and resistance of a famous slave resistor during the Antebellum South.

Resistance of African slaves towards their white owners

Your lecture described how slaves resisted their masters on an everyday basis in seemingly small ways. For example, slaves worked slowly, poisoned farm animals or ruined crops. The resistance of African slaves towards their white owners took many forms. Compose an essay on the life and resistance of a famous slave resistor during the Antebellum South.

You may choose from one of the following or identify your own historical figure:

Nat Turner

Harriet Tubman

Frederick Douglass