
Describe the normal anatomy of the respiratory system that would be affected by asthma. Explain the process of normal inspiration and expiration and relate it to Boyle’s Law. Describe how asthma changes the normal anatomy and physiology. What does the term oxygen saturation refer to? What is the normal value?

Evaluation Title: Respiratory Case Study

The respiratory system is responsible for making sure that the cells of the body have adequate oxygen in order to function as well as it is responsible for removing the cellular waste product carbon dioxide. If a disease process is present that affects the functioning of this system, the simple physiological processes will not occur at adequate levels.

Read the Respiratory Case Study
A patient with a chronic history of asthma develops new symptoms which include a headache, body aches, fever, and a dry cough. The patient also notes that they feel like they are having a change in their normal typical asthma symptoms and are struggling more than normal to breathe. The symptoms continue for a few days before they see their physician. Upon physical examination, the healthcare provider notices the following: temperature of 101.8°F, respiratory rate of 24 which is higher than the normal 16-20, audible wheezing, and oxygen saturation of 90%. The healthcare provider also performed a nasal swab and diagnosed the patient with Influenza. Treatment for the patient consisted of asthma medication and Corticosteroids.

Download the case study worksheet.
Answer the following questions, including detail and appropriate explanations:
Describe the normal anatomy of the respiratory system that would be affected by asthma.
Explain the process of normal inspiration and expiration and relate it to Boyle’s Law.
Describe how asthma changes the normal anatomy and physiology.
What does the term oxygen saturation refer to? What is the normal value?
What is the typical treatment for asthma and how does it improve asthma symptoms?
How do Corticosteroids help in the treatment of this patient?
What is the appropriate treatment for the diagnosis of Influenza?

Find a resource of data you can download and an idea for simple project attraction places in Manchester and surrounded city and you may find Shapefile from any organization such as city council.

Find a theme and datasets for a small project of Web-GIS software and create your webGIS on the there web software listed down.

Use the web-GIS
Mango Map
ArcGIS online
An additional one of YOUR own choice!
Find a resource of data you can download and an idea for simple project attraction places in Manchester and surrounded city and you may find Shapefile from any organization such as city council.
Create your dataset and find the theme.
A plane of flow chart to define the steps such ….
Create your GIS this project on the 3 different above 3 applications.
Print power point slides including example of how your steps apply in each web application.
Attach the links of each application.
Some sort of assessment for using the the three applications in away where you put criteria from 1 to 10 for example. (, more attractive, how easy to use, limitation , missing , things you would like to there, functionality(like some web application is simple where the other one like esri’s ArcGIS online is a little bite more interactive functionality where that date is put in it)

Extra explain for the steps:
• Application – do the research first! (30 DAY trials)
• Prepare a plan in the form of a flow chart first that clearly
defines the steps (method) you will use.
• Signup to Web-GIS
• Complete Tutorials
• Make your own Web-GIS (for Each Web-GIS software)
• SUBMISSION: Make a Powerpoint Presentation (PPTX) documenting the process undertaken
including examples of each.

Discuss why you think it is important to study human behavior from a scientific/behavioral perspective as opposed to a psychoanalytic or cognitive perspective.

Personal statement

Complete and submit an original, well written, 3 page typed personal statement that focuses on the following points:

• Your experiences that influenced your interest in the field of applied behavior analysis.

• Your personal qualities that will be useful in working with other professionals and potential clients providing behavior analytic services.

• Your career goals and how an education in applied behavior analysis will help you achieve these goals. Be specific with regard to how you see yourself applying the skills and knowledge you will gain to a specific career and characteristics of clients.

• Describe how your undergraduate/graduate education has prepared you to succeed in a fast-paced, intensive graduate program. Include a description of specific courses that have provided you with the background to apply scientific principles to the study of human behavior

• Discuss why you think it is important to study human behavior from a scientific/behavioral perspective as opposed to a psychoanalytic or cognitive perspective.


What type of study design is it? Provide rationale. Are the findings reported consistent with information/knowledge that you have? Do the reported relationships make sense?

Application of Epidemiology in Community Health Nursing

The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate utilization of epidemiology research related to the health of the community.

Assignment Guidelines

Determine a specific population that you would like to have more information about, this should be the same population chosen for assignment 1 and the one you anticipate to use for assignment 3 and 4).

Use the University Library Databases to search the epidemiology literature. Students will:

Find an applicable research article on your chosen topic.

Summarize and critique your chosen research article.

Consider how this research could be integrated into nursing practice.

Your work will achieve the maximum value/grade if it is succinct and insightful and clearly shows how you have applied the theory learned to a practical situation.

Your critique should include, but is not limited to the following:

What type of study design is it? Provide rationale.

Are the findings reported consistent with information/knowledge that you have? Do the reported relationships make sense?

If reported, how strong is the observed association?

Would you incorporate the findings of this study into your community health nursing practice (i.e., the health promotion program that you are planning) or recommend this study to others? Provide rationale.

What further research question(s) would you develop in relation to this study and/or your observations?

Find out what causes Inpatient Hypoglycaemia, risk and the knowledge of the nurses and how to reduce the risk factor and made recommendation based on the data collected and reflection

To identify modifiable risk factors to reduce inpatient hypoglycaemia

Is Nursing work base Research

The topic is to find out what causes Inpatient Hypoglycaemia, risk and the knowledge of the nurses and how to reduce the risk factor and made recommendation based on the data collected and reflection

Critically analyze your chosen event type in a socio-cultural context, considering how these and other macro-environmental factors have impacted how the event type has evolved.

Wedding events proposal

Assignment 1: Individual essay (40% weighting. 1,200 words)
“Write an essay which gives an academic context to the role of celebratory events in society, the ritual, and how they have evolved”.

You should select from one of the following event types, as defined by Getz (2020):
Rites of passage – one of Birth, Coming of Age, Marriage, Death
Royal spectacles or Military celebrations
Religious rites and Pilgrimage
Carnivals, Mardi Gras or Parades
Festivals or Heritage commemorations
Specifically you will need to:

Give a clear introduction which includes the role of celebratory events in society, and the ritual. Give a rationale of why you have selected the particular event type (20% weighting)

Critically analyze your chosen event type in a socio-cultural context, considering how these and other macro-environmental factors have impacted how the event type has evolved, and will continue to do so looking forwards (60% weighting)

Provide evidence of good academic underpinning using a wide range of sources (including a minimum of 5 academic). Use the Harvard referencing conventions to cite in-text, and provide a full Reference list (20% weighting)

Assignment 2: Individual Event Proposal (60% weighting. 1,800 words)
“Prepare a wedding Event proposal in response to a Client brief. Include a reflection on the process.”
The brief will be given to you by a client in Wk 7.
There are 2 parts to your Assignment: the Event Proposal and a Reflective piece. These should be submitted as one document.
1. The Event Proposal (80% marks, approx. 1,500 words) should include the following:

A covering letter (write in the 1st person)
You should demonstrate your understanding of the client requirements, the theme you will be working with, how you will work with the client, and why you are the right choice of event planner

The operational components (write in the 3rd person)
This should include:
The legal requirements for a civil wedding ceremony
The choice of venue, with justification
An overview of:
The Event plan (a schedule of events for the wedding)
Hospitality arrangements (catering, entertainment decoration, flowers)
The Communication plans with a) the client, and b) guests
The Budget

Appendices (which for this assignment will be marked) – Include the Event plan, the Budget, the Critical path and the Communication Plans
The event plan will give an overview of the schedule for the wedding. The budget will show a breakdown of costs. The critical path will give details of the project plan throughout. The communication plans will give details of client and guest communications.

Address why you selected pharmacy as a career and how the Doctor of Pharmacy degree relates to your immediate and long-term professional goals. Describe how your personal, educational, and professional background will help you achieve your goals.

Pharmacy School Admission Essay

Your Personal Essay should address why you selected pharmacy as a career and how the Doctor of Pharmacy degree relates to your immediate and long-term professional goals. Describe how your personal, educational, and professional background will help you achieve your goals. The personal essay is an important part of your application for admission and provides you with an opportunity for you to clearly and effectively express your ideas.

Do not personalize your essay for a particular pharmacy degree institution. You cannot make any edits to your Personal Essay after you have e-submitted your completed application to PharmCAS.

You are encouraged to compose your essay in a text-only word processor (e.g., Notepad), review your essay for errors, then cut and paste the final version into the text box above. Click the Save button and then return to the Personal Essay to review the formatting of your text. You are limited to approximately 1 page (4500 characters, including spaces). Some formatting characters used in programs like Word (angled quotes, accents, special characters) will not display properly. Take care to review your final text and to make the necessary corrections to the format.

Each pharmacy school reserves the right to require additional essay responses as part of the supplemental application process. Be aware that your admission essay will undergo a textual similarity review with iThenticate/Turnitin for Admissions for the detection of plagiarism and other potential violations of the applicant code of conduct. All submitted essays and other materials will be included as source documents in the iThenticate/Turnitin for Admissions reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such documents.

Develop and design the process for improvement and impact evaluations tasks; create recommendations for changes to processes, engagement tools, methods and training to enable achievement of the program goals on engaging underrepresented in biomedical research (UBR) communities.

Resume editing

Senior Associate Present
Lead policy research and analysis efforts and act as the driving force on client related tasks, research and deliverables.
Provide consultancy to the China practice with policy analysis; advise and lead proposal preparation, including preparing relevant briefing memos on the potential client’s company, industry, and/or issues; engage in the design, goal setting, and implementation of policy projects in the trade, investment, national security and innovation fields.

Engagement Counselor and Data Analyst (Contract) Present
Develop and design the process for improvement and impact evaluations tasks; create recommendations for changes to processes, engagement tools, methods and training to enable achievement of the program goals on engaging underrepresented in biomedical research (UBR) communities.
Be responsible for a variety of research activities including data gathering and analysis, content development, document review, data review, database analyses and gap analyses on program monthly progress and impact reporting; monitor, track, and drive agreed ROI.

Director 2020 – 2020
Directed the implementation of Group’s strategic vision and research objectives for China and the Asia practices; oversaw the growth of existing and new revenue streams from clients relying on Group for policy research/analysis and advisory services, and the delivery of policy research.
Led and contributed to the complex, long-term research and analysis efforts, drawing on multiple sources of intelligence, in support of different clients; conducted research on sectors of interest to clients, using company databases and open sources as well as networks of contacts in government, think tanks, and private industry; provided quality policy research, analysis, and writing for clients.

Program Manager, International Development 2019 – 2020
Led ANSI China Program and the Indo-Pacific policy portfolio through providing policy research, grant proposals, and implement industry-led workshops (i.e., sponsored by USTDA and USAID); monitored and evaluated the impact of workshops and policy roundtables by using monitoring, evaluation, and learning model (MEL).
Served as a policy point of contact on standardization policies and provided policy research support to ANSI’s International Policy Advisory Group (IPAG); collaborated with USG partners, trade groups, and think tanks (e.g., NIST, CSIS) to develop actions.
Oversaw the development research publications and distribution of promotional and policy materials, such as policy recommendations, position papers, newsletters, executive briefing.

Senior Project Business Analyst 2017 – 2019
Established KPIs, policies, standards and oversaw high impact corporate projects that support the achievement of the Company’s strategic and financial objectives; developed insightful market intelligence and analyses about key industry trends (technology, competitors, consumers, and so on) and informed the leadership about strategic implications.
Coordinated internal resources and led data gathering and analysis effort; led the design of economic valuation models for strategic projects and optimized current valuation models prior to automation of valuation models through creation of templates.
Conducted requirements gathering sessions and data analysis; managed key project or program communications with Board of Directors, senior leadership, project management offices/leaders and external stakeholders.

Cybersecurity Analyst 2015 – 2017
Advised the cybersecurity operations and policy planning projects for federal agencies such as the National Science Foundation (NSF); conducted the evaluation of capital planning and investment control (CPIC) and metrics related to project schedule, budgeting planning, and program performance review.
Advised federal customer and OCIOs on IT governance, roadmap planning, enterprise architecture and modernization, IT policy and planning, and program management; identified security requirements for systems based on NIST SP 800-53 and the Risk Management Framework.
Assembled project teams comprised of technical experts and policy experts from across organizational boundaries with knowledge of federal information security policies, principles, concepts, practices, techniques, and methods.
Global Policy Associate/Manager (ITI)
Research Analyst (ITIF)
Monitored and tracked national and international regulations and laws that impact cybersecurity, information sharing, communications privacy, taxation, encryption and IoT.
Led signature policy dialogue (Government Innovation Leadership Series) and engaged 150 public sector policymakers to discuss policy priorities and challenges with industry members; provided all aspects of topic selection, outreach, research, and member participation.
Edited research reports, blog posts, press releases and op-eds along with individual policy analyst; represented the research division to discuss issues affecting technology and innovation at World Economic Forum and World Trade Organization.

Proficient in STATA, Power BI, Microsoft Office 365 suite of tools, SQL, MS Project, Excel, Word, Adobe Pro, PowerPoint, Visio, Salesforce, Access, MS Outlook, Lotus Notes, SAP, Oracle Primavera, Clarity, SPSS, AS400, CRM, Python, Java

Foreign Languages: Mandarin Chinese, Korean, Spanish

Understanding and explaining complex policy areas accessibly and impactfully in writing
Writing reports and briefs that synthesize qualitative and quantitative research findings for policymakers
Preparing grant and contract proposals for government and private sector customers
Developing survey questions and designing survey instruments
Designing graphs and diagrams that summarize complex qualitative and quantitative information
Managing complex research projects and supporting diverse research teams

Who is the designated financial expert on the audit committee? ( cite source) Does the designation as only one individual as a financial expert seem adequate for the complexity of The Company and the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act?

SEC Registrant – Part I

Purpose: The primary purpose of this case is to help you become familiar with the content of filings that public companies (“Registrants”) include in various filings that they make with the Securities and Exchange Commission. As a public accountant you will need to be very well versed in all accounting and auditing matters since in the eyes of the SEC, the independent registered public accounting firm is considered “Expert” in accounting and auditing.
Required: To successfully complete this case you will need to search for and analyze various reports and information contained on the selected Company’s web site and/or on the SEC web site and perhaps, other sites as well. The financial and proxy information should be from the most recently filed Annual Report on Form 10 K (which for many companies on the list could be the year ended December 31, 2020) and the Proxy Statement, which for December 31, 2020 year-end companies was most likely filed in the March to May, 2021 timeframe. In preparing your report, where noted in each question, please set forth the exact source of the information you cite for each question. (For example – Form 10 K, Item 1, Business). For some questions, you may wish to include a copy of certain documents as an attachment to your case.


Briefly describe (and cite source for each):
the company,
the location of its corporate headquarters,
its business,
its area of operations,
major products
operating segments,
major competitors,

Describe at least 5 risk factors and the possible impact on the Company if it does not successfully manage these risks. ( cite source)
Why would auditors want to know about their clients’ business-related risks?

Describe The Company’s audit committee and its duties. (cite sources for each)
Who is the designated financial expert on the audit committee? ( cite source) Does the designation as only one individual as a financial expert seem adequate for the complexity of The Company and the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act?
Review the audit committee’s report and describe its primary contents.
Describe the Audit Committee Charter

Who is the auditor for The Company? ( cite sources for each)
What were the fees charged for audit services for each of the last two fiscal years?
What were the type and amounts of other fees for services for each of the last two fiscal years?
Describe and conclude on the process used by the Audit Committee to determine the independence of the independent registered public accounting firm.
Formatting: Your response should not exceed 2 single spaced pages (note the increase in page limit). Please review your syllabus for all other formatting and submission guidelines. The due date for this project is also indicated on your syllabus.


SEC Registrant – Part II
Purpose: The primary purpose of this case is to help you become familiar with the content of filings that public companies (“Registrants”) include in various filings that they make with the Securities and Exchange Commission. As a public accountant you’ll need to be very well versed in all accounting and auditing matters since in the eyes of the SEC, the independent registered public accounting firm is considered “Expert” in accounting and auditing.
Required: To successfully complete this case you will need to search for and analyze various reports and information contained on the selected Company’s web site and/or on the SEC web site and perhaps, other sites as well. The financial and proxy information should be from the most recently filed Annual Report on Form 10 K (which for many companies on the list could be the year ended December 31, 2020) and the Proxy Statement, which for December 31, 2020 year- end companies was most likely filed in the March to May, 2021 timeframe. In preparing your report, where noted in each question, please set forth the exact source of the information you cite for each question. (For example – Form 10 K, Item 1, Business). For some questions, you may wish to include a copy of certain documents as an attachment to your case.


Name of Company and date of annual report examined.

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, modified the requirements in the Exchange Act rules such that, effective starting in 2002, principal executive officers of publicly traded companies must include certain certifications in the annual report on Form 10K and also in the quarterly reports on Form 10-Q.
Name each certification report in the annual report on Form 10K and the section of the Sarbanes Oxley act that requires it
Specify the name and title of the executive officer who signed each of the certification reports included in the annual report on Form 10K. ( cite source for each)
Why do you think Congress felt that it was necessary to require executive officers to make affirmative claims such as these reports and certifications?

What are related party transactions?
Why do related party transactions pose a risk to audit firms?
Read about the related parties at The Company. Are there any situations that cause you particular concern?

Read management’s report on internal control ( cite source)
What did management conclude about the effectiveness of its internal controls?
What basis did management use to make that assessment?
Did the auditors agree with management’s assessment of the effectiveness of its internal controls?
Does the Company have any comments made by the staff of the SEC that were unresolved when its latest Form 10K was filed?

Read the report of the independent registered public accounting firm for The Company. Notice that the report clearly articulates differential responsibilities on the part of management versus the audit firm.
Why is it important that the audit firm articulate these responsibilities in this way?
Name the independent registered public accounting firm
What type of opinion did the independent registered public accounting firm render on the latest financial statements?
Were there any modifications to the report of the independent registered public accounting firm. If so, describe the modification and the reason for it

Based on your research and readings about the Company state and explain your conclusion about whether the independent registered public accounting firm should continue to serve as the auditor for the Company.

Formatting: Your response should not exceed 2 single spaced pages (note the increase in page limit). Please review your syllabus for all other formatting and submission guidelines. The due date for this project is also indicated on your syllabus.

Identify and describe trends of early China’s contact with the outside world. Explain the major issues relating to the development of Western imperialism in China in the nineteenth century.

This should treat some important issue in China’s relations with the world during the late imperial period 1500-1900

Course Description, Prerequisites, and Corequisites:
This course provides an interpretive account of China’s interactions with the world before 19th century. The
course will concentrate on the political, economic and social impacts of foreigners on China and China’s
responses to the Western challenge. While chronological, we will follow a thematic approach. Major themes
include China’s early contact with the West, Britain’s opium trade and opium wars with China, the
establishment of the treaty systems in China by the Western powers, the confrontations between the Chinese
and the western missionaries, the powers’ division of spheres of influence in China, and the change of
western image of China in the nineteenth century.
This is an introductory course open to all students; no prior knowledge of Chinese history is required or
expected. Class meetings are scheduled for four hours each week. The general pattern will be lectures, group-
discussion and film/video/library research. The course will have discussion sessions once a week, following
the lecture topics and reading materials.

Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to
1. Identify and describe trends of early China’s contact with the outside world.
2. Explain the major issues relating to the development of Western imperialism in China in the nineteenth century.
3. Compare and assess various debates and interpretations concerning the history of interaction between China and the Western powers.
4. Analyze the causes and effects of historical conflicts in the relationship between China and the West.
5. Outline and assess the historical and cultural factors before the 20th century that impact recent
events and relationships in the Asian region and beyond.
6. Lead group discussions and articulate their viewpoints clearly.
7. Collect, interpret, evaluate, and cite information from academic references and sources.