
If you could make one change in your community, what would it be? What activity would  you complete 6-12 months after returning home from the CCI Program to improve this community issue?

Changes in the community

If you could make one change in your community, what would it be? What activity would  you complete 6-12 months after returning home from the CCI Program to improve this community issue? Be specific. (Your response should be a minimum of 150 words.) 11 would you com

Argue for or against the limitation of speed limits. Explain why a certain sport is your favorite. Compare and contrast driving in the winter and driving in the summer. Describe a SINGLE memorable day in your life.

Penn Foster essay

1. Write a composition using one of the topics listed below. Your composition needs to be three to five paragraphs long. It must contain an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

For the purpose of this examination, sport is defined as “an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment without a predetermined outcome.” If you choose to explain why a certain sport is your favorite, Ensure that the chosen sport fits this definition.

• Argue for or against the limitation of speed limits.
• Explain why a certain sport is your favorite.
• Compare and contrast driving in the winter and driving in the summer.
• Describe a SINGLE memorable day in your life.

2. Write a letter of complaint. Follow the rules for a formal letter, and use the full-block style. The complaint may be about anything you wish (such as malfunctioning equipment, poor building maintenance, or disruptive noises from a nearby business). You can base your letter on a true experience, or you can make up all the details you need.

Note that a form letter or a template cannot be used in constructing your response to question When a form letter or template is used, you are giving little to no thought to wording or formatting, and you are not actually creating your own complaint; you are simply filling in the blanks of someone else’s work.

Is the mentoring language and Cognitive Coaching strategies new to you? Do you feel it hindered or helped the conversation? What recommendations or resources are helpful in communicating with those you are mentoring?

Reflection Practice with mentoring

This week you were asked to test your skills in using the Mentoring Language, reflect with your peers how that experience went for you by answering some or all of the following questions:

Is the mentoring language and Cognitive Coaching strategies new to you?

If yes, how did change your approach to having a conversation with the person, your communication overall and your thinking while you were having this type of conversation?

Do you feel it hindered or helped the conversation?

If no, was this a good review? How often do you use these techniques what are the pitfalls and what are the benefits?

What recommendations or resources are helpful in communicating with those you are mentoring?

What group or groups produced the guideline? What does the guideline address? Clinical questions, conditions, interventions? What population of patients does the guideline address? Did the panel use existing SRs or did it conduct its own?

Non-Pharmacological Interventions for the Behavioral Symptoms of Dementia and Delirium

What group or groups produced the guideline?
What does the guideline address? Clinical questions, conditions, interventions?
What population of patients does the guideline address?
Did the panel use existing SRs or did it conduct its own?
What clinical outcomes was the guideline designed to achieve?
What are the main recommendations?
What system was used to grade the recommendations?

Was the panel made up of people with the necessary expertise?  Yes   No
Are the goals for developing the guideline explicit and clear?  Yes   No
*Does the guideline production process include all the widely
recognized steps?  Yes  No
*Were the SRs used of high quality?  Yes   No
Are differences in evidence for subpopulations recognized?  Yes   No
*Is the evidence supporting each
recommendation graded or stated as adequate to strong?  Yes   No
Is the guideline current? (based on
issue date and date of most recent evidence included) Yes  No
Are the recommendations credible?  Yes All   Yes Some   No

Clinical Significance
Are essential elements of any
recommended action or intervention clearly stated?  Yes   No
*Is the magnitude of benefit associated
with each recommendation clinically important?  Yes  No  Not clear
*Is the panel’s certainty or confidence
in each recommendation clear? Yes   No
Were patient concerns, values, and risks addressed?  Yes  No
Were downsides or costs of each recommendation addressed?  Yes   No
Was the guideline reviewed by
outside experts and a member of
the public or field tested?   Yes   No
Are the recommendations
clinically significant? Yes All  Yes Some  No

Does the guideline address a problem,
weakness, or decision we are examining in our setting?  Yes  No
Did the research evidence involve
patients similar to ours, and was the
setting similar to ours? Yes   No   Some
What changes, additions, training, or
purchases would be needed to
implement and sustain a clinical
protocol based on these conclusions? Specify.

*Is what we will have to do to implement the new protocol realistically achievable by us (resources, capability, commitment)?  Yes   No
Which departments and/or providers will be affected by a change? Specify.
*How will we know if our patients are benefiting from our new protocol? Specify.

Describe the market share area – where the customers live/ what part of the market area do they do business? Are there special areas care or services that offered to meet patient needs that your organization could do or expand to better serve unique populations?

Homework 3

West Chicago is almost 100% urban and 0% rural so a large variety of patients and medical students are either serviced and taught at Rush University Medical Center.
Rush University’s Strategic plan to contribute to the community is displayed through development of their faculty which includes, building the actual University that houses students who are learning to become medical instructors and providers in a urban community, giving those same students career development and mentoring programs, giving hands on and online opportunities to learn and most importantly they embrace their social responsibility of the community. Rush takes initiative in the community engagement and the commitment to care towards the community, “this commitment encompasses multiple community partnerships, and active engagement in programs to address social determinants that impact access to care and optimal health and well-being. The cornerstone of Rush University’s community engagement is our commitment to create health care professionals who are dedicated to providing compassionate, collaborative and scientifically excellent patient care. “(Rush University Medical Center 2017)
What types of possible emerging opportunities exist for the organization to expand its
coverage/add new services?
Community participation and service are very significant to Rush University’s cultural existence. Rush’s Community Service Initiatives Program gives Chicago residents, faculty, students, fellows and staff an opportunity to use their specific skill per department to improve the community. RCSIP, The Rush Community Service Initiatives Program, was created in 1991 only to expand into an inter-occupational program by allowing volunteers from all of Rush Universities College’s. The services provided from the program include; providing health care to underserved community members, giving the community education on disease prevention and healthy life decisions, and extending the education of career opportunities offered in the health science industry while also providing the proper training and preparation. RCSIP is giving the community Rush’s health improvement plan first hand for the health needs of the community.
Rush Community Service Initiatives Program | The Rush Experience | Rush University

Market Analysis

Customer Analysis
Explain the basic demographics for their customers of the Org., those they serve (socioeconomic, ethnicity, racial or other).
Describe the market share area – where the customers live/ what part of the market area do they do business?
Are there special areas care or services that offered to meet patient needs that your organization could do or expand to better serve unique populations?
How will the Org. modify products and services (from SBP) to serve their patients/customers?

How ought the Christian think about sickness and health? How should a Christian think about medical intervention? What should Mike as a Christian do?

Patient’s spiritual needs in light of the Christian worldview.

-In 200-250 words, respond to the following: Should the physician allow Mike to continue making decisions that seem to him to be irrational and harmful to James, or would that mean a disrespect of a patient’s autonomy? Explain your rationale.
-In 400-500 words, respond to the following: How ought the Christian think about sickness and health? How should a Christian think about medical intervention? What should Mike as a Christian do? How should he reason about trusting God and treating James in relation to what is truly honoring the principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence in James’s care?
-In 200-250 words, respond to the following: How would a spiritual needs assessment help the physician assist Mike determine appropriate interventions for James and for his family or others involved in his care?

What are the possible impacts or implications of a Global Supply Chain on JIT?

Impact of Global Supply Chains on JIT

By Pixabay, CC0-Public Domain
Just-in-Time (JIT) refers to a strategy in which goods are received only as they are needed during production. This approach is used by companies to increase efficiency and reduce waste, basically ensuring that no more is acquired than what is actually going to be used.

Implications of JIT
For this assignment you will look at some implications of JIT. After reading chapter 18 in the textbook, answer the following question in a paper of no more than two (2) pages.

What are the possible impacts or implications of a Global Supply Chain on JIT?
Refer to Text Exhibit 18-6 on page 561, Example JIT Characteristics and Best Practices

Explain the historical context. Describe the applicable legislation. Describe and analyze the main features of the topic. Discuss any controversies with an argument in the end of what you think and what influenced that opinion.

Research Paper (25%)

You will write an 810 page APAstyle paper on the topic of your choice. The paper will need to explain the
historical context, describe the applicable legislation, describe and analyze the main features of the topic, and
discuss any controversies surrounding the topic. Provide an argument towards the end of your paper discussing
what you think and what influenced opinions/decisions on this topicwhether it be from the judiciary, the
public, or some other relevant institution or group. The paper must be in APA format, double spaced, 12point
Times New Roman font, and with normal 2.54 cm margins all around. It should be a maximum of 810 pages
not including the reference list pages. Refer to ‘Grading Rubric B’ (Appendix B) in the syllabus. If you
would like to write on a topic that is not listed email me for approval through MyLS.

You may write about one of the topics generally, or focus on a specific case (e.g., a specific sexual offender,
first responder, a case before the Ontario Review Board, etc.).

Suggested Topics:
• The Mental Health of First Responders
• Prisons and Mental Health
• Mental Health Courts
• Ontario Review Board
• Psychiatry and the Criminal Justice System
• Sexual Offenders
• The Relationship between Mental Health and Criminality
• Patient Rights
• Unconditional Discharges
• Treatment (historical or current)
• Institutionalization
• Criminalization of the Mentally Ill

The paper will need to:
• Explain the historical context.
• Describe the applicable legislation.
• Describe and analyze the main features of the topic.
• Discuss any controversies with an argument in the end of what you think and what influenced that opinion.

• Work independently
Include a clear and concise thesis statement/research question in the introduction of your paper
Use subheadings to organize your paper
• Consult the Purdue OWL website for help with APA formatting
Proofread your paper before submitting for clarity, grammar, punctuation, etc.;

contact me through MyLS if you have any questions or concerns.

What similarities or differences do you see between these texts? What conversations are they participating in together?

Response Paper

Consider the themes that we discussed in class over the past week or two and the themes brought up in this interview:

Then write a response that identifies any connections you see between Swinburne and/or Rossetti on the one hand and Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest on the other. What similarities or differences do you see between these texts? What conversations are they participating in together? etc.

Swinburne readings we did in class to reference for the essay:;query=;brand=swinburne;query=;brand=swinburne

Rosetti Readings we did in class to reference for the essay:

How are legislatures, judges/Supreme Court, the bureaucracy, and executive involved in this issue? What are they doing? What are they not doing?


Explain the issue you chose. What happened/is happening with the issue? What are the sides of the argument?
▪ How are legislatures, judges/Supreme Court, the bureaucracy, and executive involved in this issue? What are they doing? What are they not doing? (address all of these)
▪ How does the Media impact/address the issue?
▪ What does American society think about this issue? (Polls or surveys would be helpful here)
▪ Do the political parties agree on the issue? What are their arguments?
▪ Do other countries experience this issue? How do they handle it?
▪ Are there any impacts on government legitimacy?
▪ Using what you’ve learned in the class, what do YOU think is/was the right way to handle the issue?