
What is the organization/community group? What kind of group are they & who funds them (grassroots/NGO/Govt etc.)? How does this funding affect what they do/don’t do? What are the problems that they are organizing around/addressing?

Community organization for people with disabilities.

Guiding questions:
What is the organization/community group? What kind of group are they & who funds them (grassroots/NGO/Govt etc.)? How does this funding affect what they do/don’t do? What are the problems that they are organizing around/addressing? What are the specific issues that they tackle? What are the tactics (the actual actions) that they use to make change? Give us a few examples of the actual strategies they have used to make change in the world. Why does their work matter to disabled people? Does the group align with disability studies frameworks? How? Has the organization addressed the impact of Coviod-19? How?
We grade the presentation and report for: cohesive organization, comprehension, engagement, content, clarity, accessibility, Disability Studies theoretical approach, and integration of course content.

discuss whether or not you believe the criminal justice system (the police, the courts, and the correctional system) did anything wrong, improper, or unethical in their pursuit of justice for Jennifer Thompson and in the arrest of Ronald Cotton.

Justice for Jennifer Thompson and in the arrest of Ronald Cotton.

You are tasked with identifying and discussing at least three (3) factors/issues that were covered in class, presented in the textbook, or discussed by a Guest Speaker that figured predominately in Ronald Cotton’s arrest, conviction, and incarceration for the sexual assault of Jennifer Thompson. Lastly, you will discuss whether or not you believe the criminal justice system (the police, the courts, and the correctional system) did anything wrong, improper, or unethical in their pursuit of justice for Jennifer Thompson and in the arrest of Ronald Cotton.

Describe your personal leadership goals and how the Michigan Model of Leadership and the EMBA leadership development curriculum will help in the achievement of those goals.

What is your proudest professional achievement?

Adopted by thousands of businesses and leaders around the world, and recognized by the Financial Times as one of the 40 most important management frameworks in history, the Michigan Model of Leadership underlies all leadership research and teaching at Michigan Ross. Describe your personal leadership goals and how the Michigan Model of Leadership and the EMBA leadership development curriculum will help in the achievement of those goals.

Identify the characteristics of an effective team and the advantages of working in a team. Describe 1-2 different characteristics of an effective team.

Working in a team

Identify the characteristics of an effective team and the advantages of working in a team.

• Describe 1-2 different characteristics of an effective team.
• For each characteristic, state what advantage they bring to team working.
• For each characteristics and advantages try to link them to a relevant model such as Belbin, Tuckman.

Find additional articles, discuss what is solid data, what is preliminary and needs more investigation. Where should further studies go?

Essay/opinion piece on how bacteria can influence brain function or health

Find additional articles, discuss what is solid data, what is preliminary and needs more investigation. Where should further studies go?

Is China’s involvement in East Africa’s economy a front to take over the region for strategic purposes?

Economic Development vs Debt Trap:

Is China’s involvement in East Africa’s economy a front to take over the region for strategic purposes? A case study of Tanzania.

What does clicking the title do? What do you see now you did not before? What happened? What is now in your search box? How many of results do you have now?

EBSCO Guided Search

What you need to do is my search for parts 1 and 2 and then do your search for 3 and 4. Part 3 you do in Academic Search Ultimate and then for Part 4 you add other EBSCO databases and do your search again. For Part 5 you assembly a bibliography of 10 articles. You need to evaluate 4 of the articles using the 3 R method.

THERE ARE 5 Parts to this assignment.

Objective- Search Academic Search Ultimate and then select other appropriate Ebsco databases and search those as well. You will need to follow the instructions. If you do not enter the terms as I have, your results (and answers) will be off and incorrect.

Part I (50 points)

First select your key words. Do not use a long a phrase like you would doing a websearch.

My research concerns library anxiety in college students. Below is my listing of keywords. Notice they fall into categories—Major issue, population, effect
Major issue Population Effect
Library anxiety College students grades
Library use Freshman prevention/prevent*
undergraduates reduce, reduction, reduc*
graduate students training, instruction

Note: not every topic will fall into these categories, but notice the how the keywords are specific. The population cannot be the human race—it is too broad. My keywords allow me to tighten my focus once I begin searching.

Go to the Library’s homepage

Enter your major issue in the first search box—Library anxiety

How many results did you get for this search?

Enter your population in the second search box—College students or Undergraduates

How many results did you get when you added this term?

Enter your Effect in the third box—reduc*

How many results with this term?

If you use more than one keyword per box from a category, connect the terms with OR.

Write your search below. Use parentheses to denote a grouping in a search box and add the words that connect the boxes (typically AND)—(Library anxiety) AND (college students OR undergraduates) AND (reduc*)

Under Limit To click Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals

How many results?

What do you notice about your search terms in the Results?

Do you see your major issue (or a more specific term related to your issue) in the Subjects area. Click the article title of one of the results that your issue in the Subjects.

What does clicking the title do? What do you see now you did not before?

What happened?

What is now in your search box?

How many of results do you have now?

Look through the first 10 results, paying special attention to the subject terms.

List any subject terms or other keywords you may add to your list.


Part II. (50 points)

Objective: Adding additional Ebsco Databases

Scroll up to the top of the Ebsco page.

Select at least one databases that related to your topic.

List the database(s) you added here:

Choose ERIC, Education Source and Library, Information Science& Technology Abstracts with Full text because relate either to the Library or college students

Your previous search should still be in the search box. If not cut and paste it from you answers above.

How many results do you have?

How may peer reviewed?

Scroll through the first 10 results

Do you see any new subject terms or key words that relate to your topic
(Psychology of library users)

Scroll down to Subject: Thesaurus Terms and click on it.

What happened?

How many results do you now have?

Part III (50 points)

Now it time to search for your topic.

Deselect/uncheck ERIC, Education Source and Library, Information Science& Technology Abstracts with Full text. You can also just closed the window or tab wit the search and begin from the Library’s homepage. You should now be only search Academic Search Ultimate.

First list your keywords. Do not use a long a phrase like you would doing a websearch.

You may use this grouping to help you focus on your keywords
Major issue Population Effect


Go to the Library’s homepage


Enter your Major issue in the first search box and list it here

How many results did you get for this search?

Enter your population in the second search box and list it here

How many results did you get when you added this term?

Enter your Effect in the third box and list it here?

How many results with this term?

If you use more than one keyword per box from a category, connect the terms with OR.

Write your search below. Use parentheses to denote a grouping in a search box and add the words that connect the boxes (typically AND)—(Library anxiety) AND (college students OR undergraduates) AND (reduc*)

Under Limit To click Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals

How many results?

Do you see your major issue (or a more specific term related to your issue) in the Subjects area? List it here.

Click the article title of one of the results that your issue in the Subjects.

Click your issue listed under Subject terms.

What is now in your search box?

How many of results do you have now?

Look through the first 10 results, paying special attention to the subject terms.

List any subject terms or other keywords you may add to your list.


Part IV (50 points)

Objective: Adding subject specific Ebsco Databases.

Scroll up to the top of the Ebsco page.

Open a new window or tab.

Go to to an external site. (Electronic Resources/Database Page)

Select the subject that your topic would seem to fall. Usually it is related to the class you are doing the research for. The exception is for ENG 1050 and ENG 1060 classes. If it is not related to the class, choose a subject that is related to your topic.

Look at the databases listed under Best Bets. Compare that list of Ebsco journals here to an external site.

Go back to the Academic Search Ultimate page.  Select at least one database that is listed under Best Bets that related to your topic.

List the database(s) you added below. (You should be search Academic Search Ultimate and at least one other databases)>

Your previous search should still be in the search box. If not cut and paste it from you answers above.

How many results do you have?

How may peer reviewed?

Scroll through the first 10 results

Do you see any new subject terms or key words that relate to your topic? List them here.
Scroll down to Subject: Thesaurus Terms and click on it.

How many results do you now have?

Part V (50 points)

Create a Reference page in APA style for 10 Results. 6 items must be peer reviewed articles and the other 4 either magazine or newspaper articles. Evaluate 2 magazine/newspaper articles and 2 peer reviewed articles using the 3 R Method. (Do not separate the items evaluated from the others.)

If the DNA sequence is AAG the amino acid that this encodes for is phenylalanine?   true or false In which site of the ribosome does the charged tRNA move into initially? If the mRNA sequence is UAU then the amino acid this encodes for is valine?   true or false?

Choose the right answers

1 If the DNA sequence is AAG the amino acid that this encodes for is phenylalanine?   true or false

2 In which site of the ribosome does the charged tRNA move into initially?

a P site

b A site

ctE site

d none of the sites

3 If the mRNA sequence is UAU then the amino acid this encodes for is valine?   true or false?

4 which site on the ribosome holds the growing polypeptide chain?

a E site

b A site

c Polypetide is not formed in a ribosome

d P site

5 A codon that encode for serine is AGU?   true or false

6 Can a person with type A blood and a person with type B blood have a chid with type O blood ?

a no it is impossible since A and B are dominant
b no, because they do not carry the O allele
c yes , if they both carry the O allele

What degree of performance has Quantum Computing Achieved today? How do we measure the size of a QC? How big a QC has been built and published? What might be reasonable expected in the next few years?

Quantum Computing

From all that you have learned about Quantum Computing in the 21st century, write about two pages of a summary of ″what quantum computing means to us today and what it might mean in the future.″ You should make sure you discuss each of the following:

1) What degree of performance has Quantum Computing Achieved today?

2) How do we measure the size of a QC?

3) How big a QC has been built and published?

4) What might be reasonable expected in the next few years?

5) IF QC lives up to the promise, what might we expect at some future date?

This should be about 1000 words.

Which methodologies are used in similar problems? What theories exist to solve these problems? What methods have been used to solve these problems in history? Which method are we going to apply to our research?

Designing a logistic model for a complex logistic situation in Costa Rica

Chapter 1: Introduction
For this you can use the part until literature review in the Project Plan. Furthermore, use the documents: Chopra & Meindl Information and KPIs Elaboration.

Chapter 2: How does the logistic system work in Costa Rica?
Can we get Real Estate sales data to forecast customer demand?
Can we get relevant information on depot selection?
Can we get relevant information about the transportation system?

Use and expand the excel sheet: DataSet and the document Chapter 2 – Data Gathering of the Costa Rican Network.

Chapter 3: Literature review
Which methodologies are used in similar problems?
What theories exist to solve these problems?
What methods have been used to solve these problems in history?
Which method are we going to apply to our research?

Use the Literature Review provided in the Project Plan. Check the feedback of my professor to improve the Literature Review.

Chapter 4: The Mathematical Model
Workout the model in mathematical terms.