
Critically examine its impact on the economic development of the Southern Africa region.

Development in South Africa

The discovery of minerals in the late nineteenth century i.e. diamonds in 1867 and gold in 1886, dramatically changed the economic and political structure of southern Africa. Critically examine its impact on the economic development of the Southern Africa region.

Discuss some aspect of the film. This could include, discussing a character(s), setting(s), conflict(s), or overall film and it should be clear, which film was chosen for this assignment ?

Movie : Flight (2012)

Discuss some aspect of the film. This could include, but not limited to, discussing a character(s), setting(s), conflict(s), or overall film and it should be clear, which film was chosen for this assignment. In order to receive maximum points, should discuss, explicitly, a theory, concept, or theme from the course to illustrate how it manifests or comes forward in the film. In addition, students should relate the film to some aspect of real world society, which could include using a historical or contemporary example of how this illustrates sociological themes. Finally, students should proofread, as grammar, structure, and overall presentation of paper will be graded. Each paper should include: unique title in the header. A minimum of five (5) scholarly sources should be used to address the policy discussed in this paper. (Additional, non-scholarly sources are encouraged but cannot replace scholarly sources). By this point, students should already have five peer-reviewed sources from annotated bibliography and one non-peer reviewed news article from current events assignment to use for this policy paper.
Any and all citations, including readings from the class or outside sources, as well as the film, should be cited in APA style citations for both in-text citations and reference page. A failure to properly cite references will result in a lowering grade.


Identify the nutritional ramifications of this topic, identify any nutritional concerns, recommendations.

Weight management

1. Identify the nutritional ramifications of this topic, identify any nutritional concerns, recommendations, etc…
2. No more than 4 pages and not fewer than 3-1/2 double-spaced.
3. Be sure to include appropriate information that shows the pros and cons of your topic.
5. Include appropriate resources besides the textbook.
6. This is college-level work, therefore, a works cited page is required

Write a synthesis in which you have drawn upon two or three sources to support your argument and acknowledge counterarguments.

Conspiracy Theories on Coronavirus

Write a synthesis in which you have drawn upon two or three sources to support your argument and acknowledge counterarguments. Sources are located in the module Sources for Essay 3 Assignment: Synthesis. Read all of the essays selected for your topic and synthesize two or three of them in your essay.

Describe how well the theory applies to or explains your real- world observations or experiences. Does the theory readily explain what you saw or experienced? Or does your experience not quite map onto how the theory is described in class?

Social Psychology

Part 1:

A description of two personal observations or experiences that you have made illustrating or exemplifying one social psychological principle or phenomenon covered in class. In other words, you will identify a principle or a phenomenon that you find interesting and write about two personal observations or experiences that both relate to this one social psychological principle or phenomenon.

Part 2:

An explanation of the theory that comes closest to accounting for your observations or experiences. Although you may use the textbook or lecture as a starting point for identifying theory, you must do some outside research to support this as well. This research will take the form of a literature review of your topic from scholarly (i.e., peer-reviewed) psychology journals. You should not rely on websites (e.g., Wikipedia) or “pop psychology” sources (e.g., Psychology Today). Your paper must cite at least two peer-reviewed journal articles. You should briefly describe the methods and results of these studies as they relate to the explanation of the theory.

Part 3:

An application of the theory you provided in part 2 to the real-world observations you described in part 1. To do this, describe how well the theory applies to or explains your real- world observations or experiences. Does the theory readily explain what you saw or experienced? Or does your experience not quite map onto how the theory is described in class? If there is a discrepancy between the theory and the event, why do you think this? How could we improve the theory to account for your experience? If your theory and observations do fit each other well, describe an instance in which the theory might not explain real world situations.


Your paper should be well-organized, without spelling or grammatical errors. Recommend beginning with a brief introduction to the topic, followed by your descriptions of the events, the theory and supporting research that apply to the events, and concluding with the application of the theory to the events. You may use these headings to help organize your paper, if you like. You should use social psychological theories, concepts, and principles precisely. You must use proper APA style for your references in the text and the References list. The main body of your paper should be 5 double-spaced pages, and you should include a title page and references page, for a total of 7 pages.

What is the ad trying to say? What statistical data are misrepresented or exaggerated? What are the undesirable consequences to the consumer? What is an ethical solution that considers the welfare of the stakeholders?

Statistics and Advertising

Locate an advertisement in print media, social media, or the internet that uses statistical data. Carefully read the ad and then respond to the following in a paper.

What is the ad trying to say?
What statistical data are misrepresented or exaggerated?
What are the undesirable consequences to the consumer?
What is an ethical solution that considers the welfare of the stakeholders?

How did the current and previous presidents handle the problem? What would you do differently?

Discussion Post 1 Health Policy USA

Must NOT BE LONGER THAN 450 words and have 3 APA references

Rather than focus on the treatment of chronic disease, policies that influence population health tend to emphasize prevention and wellness; the reduction or elimination of waste and the eradication of health disparities based on race, ethnicity, language, income, gender, sexual orientation, disability and other factors. The reasoning is that good health belongs to the whole, not just an individual. (New York State Dept. of Health, n.d.)

Regardless of political affiliation, every citizen has a stake in healthcare policy decisions. Hence, it is little wonder why healthcare items become such high-profile components of presidential agendas. It is also little wonder why they become such hotly debated agenda items.

Consider a topic (mental health, HIV, opioid epidemic, pandemics, obesity, prescription drug prices, or many others) that rises to the presidential level. How did the current and previous presidents handle the problem? What would you do differently?


Identify the event that is very meaningful to you during medication administration and choose an appropriate topic for this learn note.


Watch the video via the link copied below and Identify the event that is very meaningful to you during medication administration and choose an appropriate topic for this learn note. Make sure you use scholarly peer-reviewed articles such as CNO, RNAO and many others. One page is okay or if you like make it 2 pages. Use the Learn note rubrics attached for instructions.

The video link:

Carefully consider your controlling idea and how you will create a strong unifying effect in your response. As you develop your ideas, support them with appropriate, relevant, and meaningful examples from your choice of literary text(s).

The Assignment
Discuss the idea(s) developed by the text creator in your chosen text about the nature of motivations that direct an individual’s course of action.
In your planning and writing, consider the following instructions.
• Carefully consider your controlling idea and how you will create a strong unifying effect in your response.
• As you develop your ideas, support them with appropriate, relevant, and meaningful examples from your choice of literary text(s).

Assignment II: Critical / Analytical Response to Literary Texts
You may use this space for your initial planning. This information assists markers in identifying the text you have chosen to support your ideas. The markers who read your composition will be very familiar with the literary text you have chosen.
Note: Write the title of your chosen literary text on the back cover of this examination booklet.
Briefly explore your reasons for selecting the literary text as support for your response.
Markers will consider the information you provide here when considering the effectiveness of your supporting evidence.

What information/topic presented in the textbook resonated with you with respect to your current work or in real life?

International Operation in Trade

I. Read and write about your textbook chapters’ topics, based your learnings from CHAPTERS 11 to 20.

Do not copy paste material from textbook or internet. You should think, research, analyze, evaluate, reflect and write your journal in your own words.

Read the required textbook chapters and actively learn about the international trade operations topics and concepts by thinking and writing about them in your own words based on your reflections and thoughts on the topics presented in your textbook. You can also address the following questions:

What information/topic presented in the textbook resonated with you with respect to your current work or in real life? Or you can analyze the topic, and provide your thoughts, views, and opinion relevant to the topic/concept covered. Remember do not leave this part until the last minute, perform this task and part of the assignment regularly on weekly basis in order to be ready and well prepared for your exam.

You may write up to one page per Chapter. [50 Marks]

II. Highlight and write about: What have you learned from this course?

How can you help your future employers with the knowledge and skills that you acquired from this course? (500-700 words) [10 Marks]