
Why are the effects of these disease and why is important to diagnose them?

Cardiac Sonography.

This essay should talk about Cardiac Sonography. This essay should explain the importance of Cardiac Sonography and how it is used. The essay should emphasize the benefits that echo has for its patients and why it is used. In other words, why is Cardiac sonography important in diagnosing certain diseases and what are some examples of diseases that Cardiac sonography can diagnose. Why are the effects of these disease and why is important to diagnose them?

This essay should also explain how Patient Care themes apply to this topic.

Why was Egyptian religion a focal point in the evolution Egyptian civilization? How important was it to practice the active religion during the evolution of Egyptian civilization?

Egyptian religions influence on the evolution of its civilization.

Write a formal 2500-3000-word analytical essay that presents a clear argument or thesis that may be supported by secondary and primary sources.

Why was Egyptian religion a focal point in the evolution Egyptian civilization? How important was it to practice the active religion during the evolution of Egyptian civilization? 6000 BC – 3000 BC

Where is her ambivalence coming from?  Why do you think it is there? Write one sentence for each letter of OARS that you could use with her. How could you use MI’s process of “evoking” to help her resolve any ambivalence and encourage her in a direction of change?

Discussion Thread: “Evoking” in Motivational Interviewing


On Marci, discuss with your classmates:
Give an example of Marci’s “change talk.”
Give an example of Marci’s “sustain talk.”
Where is her ambivalence coming from?  Why do you think it is there?
Write one sentence for each letter of OARS that you could use with her.
How could you use MI’s process of “evoking” to help her resolve any ambivalence and encourage her in a direction of change?
Try to find two Scriptural references that could apply to the process of evoking, and how you would seek to use them in working with Marci.

Examine and discuss the inter-professional relationship between physicians and CDI specialists and analyze how that relationship can improve patient outcomes.

[Revision] HIMN 220 Week 12 Assignment

Complete the following essay questions. You may need to research the concepts on the Internet to gain a thorough understanding of how to resolve the situation.

1. Examine and discuss the inter-professional relationship between physicians and CDI specialists and analyze how that relationship can improve patient outcomes.

2. As a coding manager, you want to ensure that POA indicators are being assigned correctly. Recommend steps that could be taken to validate POA assignment.

3. Recommend a process for managing a climbing DNFB

4. A coding manager has directed her staff only to issue a coding query when there is a potential for increased reimbursement. Assess the merit of this directive and provide support for your position.

You can use the internet as a resource

What is the likelihood that the policy will become law? What is the political and social support for the policy? What is the policy expected to do to the national debt or spending?

Education Policy Brief

The purpose of this assignment is to apply the May, Can, Should model through analysis of a specific education policy. An effective tool for finding this legislation is through and the cost of the legislation through the Congressional Budget Office at

For the analysis paper, this is best done in the following manner:

Application of the Biblical principles – when discussing the topic of the week, make sure to apply the Biblical principles discussed in question 1 of the Synthesis paper to the specific policy that you’re discussing. How does it meet natural law, inalienable rights, federalism, etc.?
Constitutional authority – what is the Constitutional authority for the federal government to get involved? Avoid the use of the General Welfare clause as it becomes a catch-all for anything that a politician wants to get passed.

Political feasibility – what is the likelihood that the policy will become law? What is the political and social support for the policy?
Financial feasibility – what is the policy expected to do to the national debt or spending? For example, the new COVID stimulus just put us another $2 trillion in debt but was widely supported by both politicians and the public.
Practical feasibility – what are the logistical resources needed for implementation (buildings, personnel, new programs, etc.) and what are the steps for implementation (ex; the Affordable Care Act needed functional websites in order to be implemented, the lack of these created severe problems with implementation).

Relate this back to specific Biblical and Constitutional authorities and discuss whether or not the policy should be supported based on this and the feasibility of implementation.
The goal of this is to critically analyze an education policy to objectively determine if the federal government should be legitimately involved in the policy being discussed and if the policy is right for the country.

You are expected to submit a 1 1/2–2-page paper (not including the title page, abstract, and reference page) in current APA format in which the May-Can-Should model is applied in the context of the policy focus. Be certain to emphasize a focused analysis of a particular federal policy (either already implemented or proposed) chosen from the policy concentration area for the assigned module

In a short essay, list and describe the major factors that have led to the increased growth in international business in recent decades.

Global interdependencies question

In a short essay, list and describe the major factors that have led to the increased growth in international business in recent decades. You should remember that this growth is both outward bound and inward bound in a country.

What is your advice on where to locate the logistics and supply chain activities of the company? How do the selected clusters compare to main European logistics clusters?

Logistic Clusters: Excelling the Logistic Management of Coyote Logistics’ Operations in Northern Europe


Explain and discuss the characteristics of logistics clusters using relevant theory
Identify and discuss logistics actors and activities of logistics clusters and how they relate to global supply chains
Explain and discuss the role of networks among logistics cluster actors for supply chain efficiency
Identify and characterize the main logistics clusters in Europe and globally
Analyze a Danish logistics cluster and make comparisons to Vancouver and Shenzhen

You are assisting the manager of an international logistics company that is reviewing different locations in Northern Europe for setting up an important customer’s supply chain.

You are supposed to come up with a report that should support her proposal for the customer. The report should take the point of departure in the logistics company’s own organizational set-up and capabilities.

The manager has recently heard about the topic of logistics clusters and wants you to emphasize this aspect in the design of a global supply chain in the review report.

The manager is an academic herself and wants theory and references in your report so that she can be sure that your analysis is sound and well grounded. She also wants a proper problem statement, research question(s) and research design followed by the analysis and concluded with the answer(s) to the research question(s).

The specific questions that the report should address are the following:
What is your advice on where to locate the logistics and supply chain activities of the company? Here she wants a comparison of two potential clusters where she is especially interested in what Denmark has to offer.
How do the selected clusters compare to main European logistics clusters?
What benefits will there be from locating the activities in a logistics cluster? What are the prerequisites from capturing these benefits? (Network theory)
How does the Øresund/Greater Copenhagen logistics cluster differentiate from the logistics clusters in Vancouver and Shenzhen?
Your manager would like you to use as much as possible from the curriculum of the Logistics Cluster course, but also recommends you to search for additional information about the selected and mentioned clusters on the Internet. She expects the main emphasis on your answers to questions 1, 2 and 3 but in the end, she will make an overall assessment of the quality of the report. You can freely choose type of logistics company and/or intermediary, customer and the products your manager should help the customer handle.

Coyote Logistics

Additional Questions to work with:
How do SCI strategies influence LCB?
How does proximity influence LCB?
How do value added logistics services (VALS) influence LCB?”
How does logistics infrastructure investment influence LCB?


Perform efficiently and effectively as a collaborative member of a working group and as an added value contributor to the organization which is assigned to the students.

Consulting in Practice

1. Apply an evaluative approach to a range of practical business data, and sources of information for delivery of the project

2. Perform efficiently and effectively as a collaborative member of a working group and as an added value contributor to the organization which is assigned to the students.

3. Deliver innovative solutions to the client’s problems together with recommendations for measuring and evaluating those solutions.

4. Demonstrate effective business communication skills

Briefly comment on each individual piece of music, what might have caught your ear and what surprises you discovered in each piece.

Piece of music,

Briefly comment on each individual piece of music, what might have caught your ear and what surprises you discovered in each piece.

1. Shostakovich string quartet #8 the Second Movement: Early to the mid-20th century: Is this a stereotypical slow and gentle piece of classical music for strings as so many would claim? Why or why not?

2. Barbara Hannigan sings El misterio de la macabre Mysteries of the Macabre. The conductor and musicians must really pay attention to the music written by Ligeti. This music is not new:

3. Cycling for flute by Kokoras: The composer uses a 4/4 meter but also uses ¾ meter and 5/4 meter, Yes, it’s late 20th-century classical music.

4. Henry Cowell’s “The Banshee” (an Irish ghost). Finally some piano music from early 20th century classical music. What might be at least one or two music elements that you are able to identify? What is your reaction to this experimental classical music work from over 100 years ago? There are no “wrong” answers.

5. Mad King, is a 20th-century classical music stage piece. It’s NOT an opera!

6. Another classical piece: What music elements can you identify?

7. Penderecki’s: Resurrection of Christ: Listen to various sections even if you don’t understand the language then describe at least two parts that you found most unusual. Use timestamps to justify your answer..

8. Is Pauline Oliveros Sound Patterns music or just vocal noise? Does it have a pattern and does it have a beat?

9. This fusion of 19th-century classical style violin improvisation in Hip Hop Violin style certainly embraces the better of two styles. What is your opinion of this music?

10. Carmina Burana: by Carl Orff. This is not an opera! This piece is part of a 90-minute work for choir and orchestra. Sometimes ballet companies dance to it and sometimes it is a music play format. The song, “In the Tavern” certainly is a drinking song. Please watch the video from timestamp 35:44 to 38:50

11. Choose two pieces that either intrigued you the most or perhaps surprised you the most.

12. Meter and Measure: Write a 50 to 75-word review on this lecture/demonstration

13. what is a “Meter” in music? Write minimum 50 words review by describing some of the various meter patterns and how you faired when attempting to conduct the patterns.

14. Beat, rhythm and meter: write a minimum 50 to75 word review. You are required to include the name of every “song”, specific to the meter examples in the video or no credit will be given.

15. Watch and follow the simple beat coincides with a simple rhythm. It may be a little tricky to follow at first, but it’s a very short sample. Please go through it a minimum of three times. On your 4th view, follow along counting the beat as and clapping the rhythm where the chords are playing. You may wish to do the very easy part more than once before the “rests” (squiggly looking line) are included. The beat continues to move even during a “rest”.

Answer this: When did it become

16. Rhythm Reading Sheet and video: Answer this: Describe your personal level of difficulty and if after at least three attempts

What do you perceive to be the strengths or weaknesses in each piece from an aesthetic point of view?

Billie Holiday’s Billies Blues and George Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue)

This assignment requires you to write a detailed comparison of any two listening selections (Billie Holiday’s Billies Blues and George Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue) found in the textbook (The Enjoyment of Music Essential Listening FOURTH EDITION Kristine Forney and Andrew Dell’Antonio)

Your music study should cover the following, in full sentences:


The full titles of the pieces

The composers’ full names, birth and death dates, and nationalities

The years when the pieces were written and where they fall within the composers’ lifetimes.

Compare: Juxtapose the two pieces using these criteria:







style period

text (if any)

absolute or programmatic meaning

sacred or secular orientation

Evaluate: What do you perceive to be the strengths or weaknesses in each piece from an aesthetic point of view? This will involve subjective judgment on your part, but use examples to support your opinions.