
When challenged by Washington on its China policies in the 1930s, Japan accused the United States of a double standard.  What was the basis of the Japanese charge, and why did its accusations seem plausible?

The Political Bombing

When challenged by Washington on its China policies in the 1930s, Japan accused the United States of a double standard.  What was the basis of the Japanese charge, and why did its accusations seem plausible?

Why is knowing your audience an important part of capturing and maintaining their attention? What cultural considerations do you need to take into account for your particular audience/topic? How are you going to keep the audience’s attention throughout the speech?

Week 5 Discussion: The Cold War

Textbook: Chapter 7
Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)
Select one of the following smaller nations:

Another smaller nation of your choice with instructor approval
For the initial post, address the following in relation to your selection:

Examine how Cold War policy by the main players affected the smaller nation.
Examine why democracy was not successful in that nation.
Describe the loss of personal liberties that were a result of democracy failing.
Has the nation’s political system changed since the Cold War? Explain.
Follow-Up Post Instructions
Respond to at least one peer. At least one of your responses should be to a peer who chose an option different from yours. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.


Week 5 Discussion: Grabbing and Maintaining Attention
Textbook: review Chapter 3, 6, 7
Minimum of 1 video
Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook/lesson)
Initial Post Instructions
For the initial post, address the following:

Why is knowing your audience an important part of capturing and maintaining their attention?
What cultural considerations do you need to take into account for your particular audience/topic?
How are you going to keep the audience’s attention throughout the speech?
Find at least one example on YouTube, TEDx, or other video repositories of good attention-getting examples. Post the URL and explain how the video is a good model for capturing the audience’s attention. The video can be on any topic but must be appropriate for sharing.
Make sure to include a scholarly source to support your points.
In place of the textbook citation, you will need to integrate and cite the video you selected as well as a scholarly source.

What do you find most compelling about how the music works? Where does Bach surprise the listener? In what other ways does the work conform to expectations of the genre? If the work is texted, how does the music highlight and/or interpret the text?

Analysis of Sebastian Bach’s BWV 1044 Triple Concerto

This section of the paper should be the result of your careful analysis of the work. By analysis here, I don’t mean a Roman numeral chord analysis or detailed analysis of the form, although you might certainly want to talk about harmony and form. Rather, think of this paper as if you were explaining the work to someone else. What do you find most compelling about how the music works? Where does Bach surprise the listener? In what other ways does the work (or one of its movements) conform to expectations of the genre? If the work is texted, how does the music highlight and/or interpret the text? Remember, this is intended to be a program note, written for a musically knowledgeable audience (i.e., don’t spend time explaining the difference between major and minor, or diagramming a da capo aria). So….what should the audience member listen for?

If you’re writing about a multi-movement work, you should at least account for all the movements in the final paper, although you may wish to spend more time on some movements than others. You may only get through a couple of movements in this shorter section.

You may wish to include musical examples in the paper, but please be sure to choose those examples carefully. DO NOT simply append a score of the entire work to the end of your paper. You may also wish to include a translation of the text, if appropriate.

Does the internet contribute to democratization?

Critical discussion

The essay’s goal should be to offer a critical discussion (with references to specific arguments or evidence from the academic literature) of possible answers to the question. Ideally, the critical engagement with the literature would be embedded in a coherent narrative explaining what you think is the best answer to the question. The essay has to be written on this question: Does the internet contribute to democratization?

Why is poor replicability considered a problem in social psychology?

Poor replicability considered a problem in social psychology

Why is poor replicability considered a problem in social psychology? Construct your answer by expanding on Ferguson’s (2016) contention that “academic psychology is at a crossroads between science and pseudoscience.”

Review the three slides below considering the slide layout, design, font size, colors used and overall visual appeal. Analyze the three slides for what works well and what should be changed to improve each slide.

Slide Analysis and Outline

Part A: Slide Analysis

Review the three slides below considering the slide layout, design, font size, colors used and overall visual appeal. Analyze the three slides for what works well and what should be changed to improve each slide. Write a two-paragraph summary for each image using the following headings:

Slide # What Works Well
(paragraph response)
Slide # What Needs to be Improved
(paragraph response)
You will provide a two-paragraph analysis for each of the following three images, with a total analysis of six paragraphs.

Click on the arrow to see each slide.


Part B: Outline Rough Draft

As you continue to develop the outline for your PowerPoint presentation, you will be confirming your thesis, main ideas, and adding a fourth source to your list of sources to be used. Remember, the first slide in the PowerPoint will act as your title slide. On that slide you will include the title of the presentation, your name as the presenter, the school’s name, and the date.

Include and submit the following components:

Title page (title of speech, name of presenter, audience prepared for – school or institution, date)
You can use this information to create your first slide in PowerPoint.
General topic, specific topic, and thesis statement
Three main points with at least two working sub points that will make up the body of the speech
Reference section with a minimum of four authoritative, outside scholarly sources
These sources can include the source titles referenced during Week 4.
Anonymous authors or web pages are not acceptable.
References must be written in APA format with hanging indents, in alphabetical order, and with everything double spaced.
Writing Requirements (APA format)

Discuss how female athletes are represented in the media based on appearance rather than ability.

Media Representation of Female athletes

Female athletes and how they are represented in the media based on appearance rather than ability. Focus on intersectionality and sports media.

Your essay is your opportunity to analyze popular culture forms of your choice using an intersectional gender-focused method of analysis.

Identify one current negotiation occurring or has occurred in the last 3 years. Your research can include any online or periodical articles about a negotiation that have been in the media.

Alberta Healthcare

This is a group presentation to be delivered in 20-25 minutes in class. Each group member must actively participate in the presentation.

Part One
Identify one current negotiation occurring or has occurred in the last 3 years. Your research can include any online or periodical articles about a negotiation that have been in the media. You will want to ensure that you can find enough information about a substantial negotiation that will allow for a 25 minute presentation.
Provide an introduction
Provide details negotiation, this must include the following:
Identification of the parties in the negotiation
Background of the negotiation
Identification of the issues
Identification of the interests
Identification of the negotiation approach – positional or interest based.
Outcome of the negotiation or predicted outcome if the negotiation is ongoing at the time of the presentation.
Evaluate the negotiation in terms of how well it demonstrates (or doesn’t demonstrate) the process of interest-based negotiation and how that affects the outcome. Be explicit.

You must explain one class concept from the “class concept list” below. Groups may not select the same class concept. Discuss the impact of the class concept on the negotiation/conflict. Provide examples of the class concept from the negotiation. Detail how the class concept relates to the negotiation. – Types of Power and Power Tactics: legitimacy, rational persuasion, inspirational appeal, consultation, exchange, personal appeal, ingratiation
·      Clearly identified the concept to be reviewed
·      Providing an interesting and engaging explanation and elaboration of the class concept
·      Provided clear examples of the concept and its application
·      Discussed the impact of the class concept on negotiations or conflict resolution.
In detail showed how this class concept related to the negotiation discussed.

You must involve engaging the learners in the class in a discussion or activity related to the topic of your presentation. The presentation should add value to the learners in the room. You may not use the Kahoot quiz as method of engagement.

After studying and analyzing the approved theory, write about this theory, including an overview of the theory and specific examples of how it could be applied in your own clinical setting.

Nursing Theory Comparison

Based on the reading assignment (McEwen & Wills, Theoretical Basis for Nursing, Unit II: Nursing Theories, chapters 6–9), select a grand nursing theory.

After studying and analyzing the approved theory, write about this theory, including an overview of the theory and specific examples of how it could be applied in your own clinical setting.
Based on the reading assignment (McEwen & Wills, Theoretical Basis for Nursing, Unit II: Nursing Theories, chapters 10 and 11), select a middle-range theory.

After studying and analyzing the approved theory, write about this theory, including an overview of the theory and specific examples of how it could be applied in your own clinical setting.

Complete the Sociologic Sciences Interactive Case Study following the readings and presentation for this week. Associate what you have learned about the theories to this case study.

Sociologic Sciences Interactive Case Study

Complete the Sociologic Sciences Interactive Case Study following the readings and presentation for this week. Associate what you have learned about the theories to this case study, and then see the instructions below to complete a journal entry about your experience.
During weeks 2 & 4, you will complete interactive case studies and be asked to associate what you have learned about theory in comparison to the case study and reflect on it.

Each time you have completed a case study, submit your reflection. Each reflection should include the following:

A comparison of what you have learned from the case study to related theories you have studied. Make sure to cite these theories in APA format.
A comparison of the case study to your nursing practice, giving one or two examples from your nursing experience in which you might have applied a particular theory covered.
Your reflection should be a minimum of five to six paragraphs.