
Based on your knowledge of social determinants of population health identify the pros and cons of our current health care finance and delivery system.

Social determinants of population health

Based on your knowledge of social determinants of population health identify the pros and cons of our current health care finance and delivery system. Using the OECD Indicators compare health care expenditures and outcomes between the US and other OECD countries. (two paragraphs)

Elaborate on the known Risks/Threats/Hazards/Vulnerabilities from the Hypothetical Threat. Explain how damage from the Hypothetical Threat could impact the Dependencies/Interdependencies between critical infrastructure sectors.


River is still enjoying working in the section and asked you once again to provide some more information on the critical infrastructures you two have been talking about. Determine the ones from your most recent two discussions that you did not discuss yet. You realize that out of the four lifeline critical infrastructures you only discussed two of them in the previous papers, so you decide to add the other two lifelines in this final paper. Since you have four critical infrastructures this time, determine which one of them you will use to discuss a physical attack, which one for a cyber event, one for a natural disaster, and for the remaining one pick any one of the three threats.

River asked you again to keep the format the same as last time since they worked really good in explaining various aspects of the critical infrastructures. You determined to use the following outline for each of the four sections (plus the overarching requirements):

Description of a Hypothetical Threat (physical, cyber, or natural disaster).
Brief background on the Critical Infrastructure as it relates to National Security.
Elaborate on the known Risks/Threats/Hazards/Vulnerabilities from the Hypothetical Threat.
Explain how damage from the Hypothetical Threat could impact the Dependencies/Interdependencies between critical infrastructure sectors.
Existing Resiliency related to Continuity of Operations.
Consider how to Minimize Disruption that improves First Responder Safety.

In what ways does your philosophy of nursing guide your nursing practice? Provide at least one clear and specific example of a situation in which your nursing philosophy guided your nursing practice.

Philosophy of Nursing Scholarly Paper

As you begin to articulate your own philosophy of nursing, consider the following questions:

What is your definition of nursing?

What do you believe is the primary goal of nursing?

What key values are embedded in your philosophy of nursing? For what reason(s) are these values important to you?

Would you describe nursing as an art? Would you describe nursing as a science? Both an art and a science? Explain your choice.

In what ways does your philosophy of nursing guide your nursing practice? Provide at least one clear and specific example of a situation in which your nursing philosophy guided your nursing practice.

What is the relationship between your philosophy of nursing and the practice standards and codes of ethics/ethical guidelines for nursing practice as outlined by the Canadian Nurses Association and/or the regulatory body for nursing in your jurisdiction (e.g. CARNA, CNO, etc…)?

Is there a relationship between your philosophy of nursing and one particular nursing theory? Explain the relationship between your philosophy of nursing and one particular nursing theory.

Paper should be six to eight pages in length, excluding the title page and references list

Identify a clear and ongoing reassessment strategy. State how the identified nursing leadership theory/concept will be utilized in developing a reevaluation plan with the stakeholders.

Quality Improvement Project – Part II

For this paper, you will continue to work on your Quality Improvement Intervention/Proposal. This is Part II. You will develop an evidence-based implementation and evaluation plan for your identified patient care issue. You may use information from the literature review you performed in NURS 410 provided that the sources are less than five years old.

You may use the research that you conducted in NURS 410, or perform new research.

You will develop an implementation and evaluation plan for your identified patient care needs.

The research findings should come from peer-reviewed scientific journals.

When completing the resources, stakeholders, and evaluation plan, you will need to refer back to the studies that you found when you did your research for part one. You may also need to do additional research to find the information that you need for the paper.

As you are working on your Quality Improvement project, keep in mind that your plan needs to come from the evidence in the literature. Some of the information may seem very straightforward and does not need a reference; however, there may be some information that was found in the articles that you searched that may contain some unexpected considerations that may be helpful to you when you develop your intervention.

If your findings from the literature do not contain any evidence on how their interventions were implemented, you may need to search for some additional literature. If needed, you can always contact our librarians for assistance.

Stakeholders and Change Theory

Identifies the stakeholders needed to implement the plan including their roles

Addresses the management structure/process issues

State how a change theory could be utilized when interacting with the stakeholders

Resources Needed to Implement Plan

Identifies the resources needed to implement the plan

If resources are not available, makes recommendations for needed resources

Outlines the budgetary needs, including the type of budget, to implement the plan

Evaluation Plan

Describe a clear and concise method of monitoring the outcomes of the quality improvement plan (based on findings from the literature).

Identify a clear and ongoing reassessment strategy.

State how the identified nursing leadership theory/concept will be utilized in developing a reevaluation plan with the stakeholders.

Outline a timeline for the reevaluation of the plan.

Include all in-text citations and references in APA format. Use appropriate grammar, spelling, and mechanics when creating the submission.

What were the fundamental stages of the crisis? What happened during the crisis? What effective communication plans were implemented in this crisis?

Crisis Management

Locate and explain a news report on a crisis. Address the following in your response:
The introduction should engage the reader in the crisis and clearly present a summary of the main points.

What were the fundamental stages of the crisis?

What happened during the crisis?

What effective communication plans were implemented in this crisis?

Research sources to support your ideas. Your essay should be a minimum of three-pages in APA format. You must include a minimum of two sources.

Discuss and examine the importance of small groups and growth groups to the overall health of the church/ministry context.

The Importance of Small Groups

Read Dempsey & Earley’s (2018) Spiritual Formation Is (chapters 18-22), then discuss and examine the importance of small groups and growth groups to the overall health of the church/ministry context. Particular attention should be given to discussing the growth group model and how it relates to developing healthy disciples. You must use 500 words and support your assertions with 3 scholarly citations in the current Turabian format. Any sources cited must have been published with the last five years. Acceptable sources include the textbook and the Bible. Be concise and clear in your analysis. Ensure proper spelling and grammar use. Use the enclosed grading rubric in order to receive the highest possible points in each criterion.

State as accurately as possible the author’s purpose for this material. What was the author trying to accomplish? dentify the most important ideas, theories, definitions, etc., used to support the author’s reasoning.

 Organizational Psychology; Reading Comprehension Guide

Textbook Chapter and Title:

The main purpose of this material is…(State as accurately as possible the author’s purpose for this material. What was the author trying to accomplish?)

The key question(s) addressed in this material is/are… (If not specifically addressed, figure out the key question or problem that was in the mind of the author when the material was developed. In other words, what key question or problem is addressed?)

The key concept(s) in this material is/are…(Identify the most important ideas, theories, definitions, etc., used to support the author’s reasoning.)

Note: This section will likely be the longest in any set of notes as it is where the key definitions, theories, models, etc., presented in the work should be summarized. Approach this section as if you were preparing a study guide on this section of the course.

The main inferences and/or interpretations of this material are…(Identify the most important findings and conclusions the author presents in the material).

Identify a bill that relates to health care, a social issue, or nursing practice. Develop a poster presentation, infographic, FAQ document, or pamphlet which outlines how a bill is introduced and passed.

Tracing a Piece of Legislation

In order to influence policy, you have to understand how a bill is started, moves through the legislative system, and final enacted. In this assignment, you will trace a piece of legislation from the introduction to how it impacts health care or nursing practice. Develop a 2-page assignment.

Step 1: Identify a bill that relates to health care, a social issue, or nursing practice.

Step 2: Develop a poster presentation, infographic, FAQ document, or pamphlet which outlines how a bill is introduced and passed by including answers the following questions:

State the legislation.
Who introduced/sponsored the bill?
Why did the person introduce it?
Where was it introduced?
Who helped to draft the legislation?
Was nursing involved?
Which committees were involved?
Was it authorized?
Was it appropriated?
Did it make it out of committee?
Was it enacted?
What is the impact on health care or nursing practice?

Explain the problems Britain faced after the French and Indian War and how it tried to solve these problems. How did these solutions bring tension between the colonists and the British government?

Tension between the colonists and the British government

Explain the problems Britain faced after the French and Indian War and how it tried to solve these problems. How did these solutions bring tension between the colonists and the British government?

Describe the main processes of political and social transformation during the first fifteen years of the postwar, noting not only the changes from prewar Japan, but also the continuities.


Describe (in 500-700 words), 1) the main processes of political and social transformation during the first fifteen years of the postwar, noting not only the changes from prewar Japan, but also the continuities. Make sure you explain how these aspects are all interrelated.

Read the book pg 235-243 and watch the video to answer the prompt. You can find the book and the video from the link;