
Tell me your thoughts about this experiment? How if any do you think it can be related to prejudice based on stereotypes?

Stanford prison experiment

Tell me your thoughts about this experiment?
How if any do you think it can be related to prejudice based on stereotypes?

If you were to argue the legalization of marijuana, would you support its legalization in its entirety, or would you support its legalization with age restrictions in place or medicinal applications being most important?


As human beings, we tend to get into arguments more times than not, whether it’s in class, at work, or at home with our peers, friends, and family. Our opinions, beliefs, and values often clash with others’, but though we argue on a regular basis, that doesn’t make us specialists when it comes to arguing effectively. When being effective in arguing, you must focus not only on your own thoughts but also on those who you wish to influence. Argumentation requires critical thinking, great preparation, and forethought on your part in order to be convincing in your argument. Consider yourself to be a lawyer in a courtroom; not only are you trying to give support to your claim as you present your case to the jury, but you must also anticipate and address the arguments given by the opposing lawyer.

When presenting an argument, there are a variety of ways to go about it. Some forms of argumentation include using facts, examples, referring to authorities, addressing the consequences, and addressing the opposition. A good blend of all of these can help create a comprehensive arguing style. Other persuasive skills include paying attention to your use of persuasive appeals (logos, pathos, and ethos), which should be balanced; an abundant use of one or another can harm an argument.

Most importantly, though, is the need for a clear argument. You will need to not only pick an arguable topic to discuss, but you will need to take a stand on the topic with particular stipulations in place; for example, if you were to argue the legalization of marijuana, would you support its legalization in its entirety, or would you support its legalization with age restrictions in place or medicinal applications being most important? Whatever your argument is, your overall claim will need to be clearly stated and supported throughout the essay. This will be your thesis. You will need to thoroughly illustrate your thesis by utilizing the various argumentative methods mentioned before through quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. You must also address the concerns of the opposition in an attempt to discredit or diminish their arguments. Lastly, the essay will need to be properly structured—introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion with clear topic sentences (multiple claims supporting your thesis) and transitions throughout.

How has the theories of Antoine Henri Jomini influenced warfare since 1815? Use evidence from History, Theory, Doctrine, and Practice to support your argument.

Argumentative Essay

How has the theories of Antoine Henri Jomini influenced warfare since 1815? Use evidence from History, Theory, Doctrine, and Practice to support your argument. The conclusion should suggest the significance to today’s military professional.

Discuss the myths illustrated in the article or “what the article got right” according to what you have learned in the class.

Myths and misconceptions

Find a popular article, video, podcast, or other material which portrays familiar myths and misconceptions about deception and deception detection we have discussed in this class. You will write a paper (3-5 pages long) in which you discuss the myths illustrated in the article or “what the article got right” according to what you have learned in the class.

Literary Analyze a short story called a family supper by Kazuo Ishiguro.

 A family supper by Kazuo Ishiguro

Literary Analyze a short story called a family supper by Kazuo Ishiguro. Using a literary device from

Describe the process of how they were carried out, the outcomes, why they were successful, or not successful, and the “lessons learned”. Describe what makes these early projects so important?

Health Informatics

1. Introduction
Give an overview of your paper and what you plan accomplish by writing this paper.

2. History of Health Informatics
Give an overview of the history of informatics. Your report should state the facts concisely, describe the context and background. You should provide detailed information including the below topics:
• Early medical records systems
• Very early decision support
Describe the process of how they were carried out, the outcomes, why they were successful, or not successful, and the “lessons learned”. Describe what makes these early projects so important?

3. Current issues
Identify ONE real-world project from one of the categories below: your report should include a brief history of the project/topic, what support it has, any evaluation that has been carried out, an assessment of the importance of the project, and the future direction of the project.
• An integrated hospital records system
• A project which uses routinely-collected data to increase knowledge
• The role of IT in any specialist area of medicine
• A clinical procedure which wouldn’t be possible without IT (other than Computed Tomography)
• Computer-controlled pain management

4. Future Prospects for Medical Informatics
Identify a project-in-progress that fits one of the categories below: your report should describe what the project is trying to achieve, how it is going to do it, what are likely to be the obstacles to that achievement and how far it is in the process.
• 24 hour access to patient / client information – what will assist its achievement?
• Any website which empowers patients/clients
• A support group for any disease, e.g. diabetes, or asthma
• Citizens involvement in their own record keeping
• Virtual reality education about health matters (either for a patient or as professional staff training)
• The convergence of health and social welfare information (e.g. here)

5. Conclusions
Your report should draw on available published information and course notes to consider the impact of or need for a strategy.

6. Reference Page
You must use proper APA citation in your reference page.

Why is the topic that you chose important to study? How is the topic studied? What are the results of the research studies?

BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY topics to choose from:

Behavioral Genetics
Comparative Psychology of Vision
Comparative Psychology of Audition
Comparative Psychology of Motor Systems
Visual Processing in the Primate Brain
Auditory Processing in the Primate Brain
Processing of Tactile Information in the Primate Brain
The Biological Psychology of Pain
Olfaction and Taste
Food and Fluid Intake
Sex Behavior
Sleep and Biological Clocks
Motivational Systems
Stress, Coping, And Immune Function
The Psychology and Ethology of Learning
Biological Models of Associative Learning
Memory Systems
Primate Cognition
Psychological Function in Computational Models of Neural Networks
Environment and Development of the Nervous System


1. Select a Biological Psychology topic of interest.

– Find at least 6 academic journal articles on the topic.

– Articles must be different from materials used in the course (i.e., textbook, lecture add-on materials).

– For suitable articles, visit the SMU library website for academic search engines that contain academic, peer-reviewed journal articles.


2. Combine information from your articles to answer these questions:

Purpose: Why is the topic that you chose important to study?

Research methods: How is the topic studied?

Results: What are the results of the research studies?

Discussion/conclusion: What are the future directions of the research?

Limitations: What are the limitations of the findings and how can future research overcome them?


3. Complete your paper in Microsoft Word.

– The written portion of your paper is to be at least 10 double-spaced pages. Title page, reference list, graphics (i.e., pictures, figures, tables) are extras that DO NOT COUNT as part of the 10-page minimum.

– Please use headings and subheadings to organize your paper.

– Use 12 point font, 1 inch borders, double spacing, and standard line and character spacing.

– Do not have extra/unnecessary space between paragraphs/sections.

– Do not use quotes.

– You must reference information in the paper and include a reference list at the end of the paper in APA format.

Explain how Matheny reaches his conclusion along with how you think the deer hunt should be evaluated on utilitarian grounds. Do you agree with Matheny’s conclusion in light of your evaluation? Defend your answer.

GMOR 150 – Contemporary Moral Issues

1) Explain how Kant’s “respect for persons” principle would apply to business practices. Can a business genuinely embody the ideals of a Kantian moral community, or are these ideals too demanding? Defend your answer drawing on the reading by Norman Bowie.

2) In his article, “Utilitarianism and Animals”, Gaverick Matheny concludes that we ought to make changes to our institutions and habits, “most immediately, that we become vegetarian or preferably vegan” (p.24). This viewpoint would be shared by the protestors at the Six Nations’ deer hunt described in the Globe and Mail newspaper article
available in the Blackboard learning materials on this subject. Explain how Matheny reaches his conclusion along with how you think the deer hunt should be evaluated on utilitarian grounds. Do you agree with Matheny’s conclusion in light of your evaluation? Defend your answer.

3) Is medical assistance in dying (voluntary euthanasia) a morally acceptable practice in at least some circumstances? Drawing on our course learning materials and discussion of the debate in the present, Canadian context, along with the readings by James Rachels and Thomas Sullivan, explain what you take to be the most persuasive arguments on both sides of this issue and defend a position of your own with respect to it.

(Hint: ‘most persuasive’ means you shouldn’t be summarizing every point raised in the assigned readings – be selective.)

What human rights or injustice issues do you observe in your community or workplace? What do you think your community or your State legislators should do about these issues?

At-risk populations experience

A population may be at risk as a result of social injustice in our society. Some groups are integrally at higher risk than others for certain undesirable outcomes. It is very important we recognize that these at-risk populations experience intersectionality by virtue of being members of different groups. These groups could be women, people of color, gay, lesbians, Asian Americans, immigrants, homeless, or Hispanic people receiving public assistance. These factors can increase the risk of social and economic injustices, powerlessness, and alienation.

Based on chapter 11, share your experience working with these groups from your community or neighborhood. Be sure to discuss the following questions in a written paper.

What human rights or injustice issues do you observe in your community or workplace?
What do you think your community or your State legislators should do about these issues?
What would be your role as a human services worker with these groups/communities?
You are required to follow the guidelines below when submitting this assignment:

Watch the two ted talks attached below. Write a one page, double spaced summary for both Ted Talks (Total of two pages double spaced)

Personal Selling and Sales Management

Watch the two ted talks attached below.
Write a one page, double spaced summary for both Ted Talks (Total of two pages double spaced)