
Discuss each scenario with your principal to ask for guidance. Develop each scenario according to the guidelines from the Situational Scenarios document. Summarize your principal’s feedback in your paper as part of your response for each scenario.

Situational Scenarios

For this assignment, you will write a knowledgeable, effective analysis of—and response to—all three principal situational scenarios provided in the Situational Scenarios document (linked in the Resources).

Begin by discussing each scenario with your principal to ask for guidance.
Develop each scenario according to the guidelines from the Situational Scenarios document.
Submit your work to your principal for feedback.
Summarize your principal’s feedback in your paper as part of your response for each scenario.
Enter your final draft of each scenario in the Situational Scenarios document.
Submit the finished Situational Scenarios document in the assignment area.
The response to each scenario should be grounded in education peer-reviewed research and what you are learning during your internship.

Note: You will discuss your Situational Scenarios with your committee during your Final Benchmark Experience at the end of ED5904. During this conference, committee members may offer additional insight on your demonstration of skills in addressing each scenario.

Compose a personal statement of faith on each of the following: Revelation, Sin, Reconciliation, Creation, and Eschatology. 

Concise Statement of Faith


Downloadable instructions:  Final Assignment – Concise Statement of Faith (pdf) Final Assignment – Concise Statement of Faith (pdf) – Alternative Formats

This paper offers the chance to articulate a biblically grounded, historically informed, and theologically precise confession of Christian faith crafted after the student’s own way of speaking.  The goal of the work is to help the student run formative pieces of Christian teaching through the filter of his or her own thought, enabling him or her to express his or her faith succinctly and with the texture of traditional awareness.  The work should bring together what the student has read throughout the term, learned in individual session work, and gleaned from research conducted in select reference works or theological treatises (see Bibliography section below).

Compose a personal statement of faith on each of the following: Revelation, Sin, Reconciliation, Creation, and Eschatology.  The content in every case should reflect the material covered in readings and class sessions, should be situated within Scripture by citing at least three key biblical texts as support, and should be in dialogue with Christian tradition as encapsulated in two reference works/theological treatises.  Over the span of the doctrinal statements, the student must exhibit familiarity with at least five reference/theological titles; i.e., while each statement will cite two works, they must not be the same pieces in every case.  A minimum of five titles in total must appear to earn highest marks on the project.
Now for the hard part: be elegantly concise!  Length of each statement is between 70 and 100 words.  Its format should be one paragraph per statement.  Follow the layout of the sample statements provided exactly.  Use single spacing for each, double spacing between them, with 12 point Times New Roman, so that the cumulative length of the paper is approximately 2 pages.  There is no need to compose transition sentences between the doctrines; focus on writing thoughtful, precise, and meaningful confessions of faith.  Include a cover sheet and references page. Write your paper in Microsoft Word and format it according to APA standards.
Click on the Session 5 Final Assignment link to submit your final assignment by the posted due date. Review the rubric available in Due Dates and Grades for specific grading criteria.


discuss what you feel have been your successes and difficulties in using argumentative techniques toward: Constructing good, full paragraphs of argument, Creating a cohesive argument overall in your essay.

Week 6 Assignment: Draft Progress Journal

Week 6 Lesson
Your Current Draft and Revision Plans
Your Week 6 assignment is a 2-paragraph progress journal in which you reflect on your argument strategies and discuss your plans for making your argument stronger.

Note: You do not need to wait for your instructor’s feedback nor your peer’s feedback. This journal should include your own perspectives on your progress and your own goals for revision.

Instructions: Write 2 full, rich paragraphs on a Word document, with full APA formatting (see the APA section of the Chamberlain Writing Center).

In your first full paragraph, discuss what you feel have been your successes and difficulties in using argumentative techniques toward:

Writing a strong introduction and thesis statement (See Week 2 Lesson)
Finding and addressing opposing viewpoints (See Weeks 2-5 Lessons)
Constructing good, full paragraphs of argument (See Week 4 Lesson)
Creating a cohesive argument overall in your essay (See Weeks 3-6 Lessons)
Creating a graceful, powerful conclusion paragraph (See Week 5 Lesson)
In your second full paragraph, discuss plans for strengthening your argument in the following areas:

Writing a strong introduction and thesis statement (See Week 2 Lesson)
Finding and addressing opposing viewpoints (See Weeks 2-5 Lessons)
Constructing good, full paragraphs of argument (See Week 4 Lesson)
Creating a cohesive argument overall in your essay (See Weeks 3-6 Lessons)
Creating a graceful, powerful conclusion paragraph (See Week 5 Lesson)

Write a comparative analysis  essay on Nonprofit Faith-Based v. For-Profit Women’s Homes in Virginia.

A Comparative Analysis

Write a comparative analysis  essay on Nonprofit Faith-Based v. For-Profit Women’s Homes in Virginia.

Defend an interpretation of Pruss’s argument, and then raise one objection to one claim or inference in that argument, making clear why the objection counts as an objection to Pruss’s argument.

Alexander Pruss’s argument

Assess one aspect of Alexander Pruss’s argument that abortion is generally impermissible, as follows: Defend an interpretation of Pruss’s argument, and then raise one objection to one claim or inference in that argument, making clear why the objection counts as an objection to Pruss’s argument. You may also respond to this objection on Pruss’s behalf, but you are not required to.

What are you trying to achieve/solve? Things you can develop on – Primary Market, Secondary market, Interaction between assets and components, earning method.

Research project

In this project, choose an idea or vision of your interest in the IoT or Distributed Apps or Decentralized Systems space. This is a project to help you either understand/study a topic of your choice and/or help you develop an idea. There is no specific structure set, consider this as a research project where you re creating the material for a the topic. There is no wrong answer, there project is to see your innovative side and how well you can expand on an idea. Keep it realistic and existent though; don’t make up stuff. You should cite the references in your report. (Minimum 4 pages excluding Title Page and References, double space is alright)

You have to submit a report on your project. Your report should include the following sections:

1) Introduction

2) IoT Communications based idea or Distributed App Idea – Finance, Gaming, Real Estate are example areas.

3) Challenges and Solutions to the idea. What are you trying to achieve/solve? Things you can develop on – Primary Market, Secondary market, Interaction between assets and components, earning method.

4) Conclusions

Determine the total number of cycles during the time. What is fatigue strength (i.e. S in the Figure above) in [MPa] at the cycles calculated in (a) for this aluminium alloy ?

Help with problem

A 2014-T6 aluminium rod (3.5 cm in diameter) is subjected to a repeated tension-compression load cycling along its axis at a frequency of 100 Hz. If the part must last approximately 278 hours before failure, calculate the maximum allowable load amplitude (in N).
400 300 200 tr, 0 103 — – 1045 steel — — — —40 — 80 70 60 50 a 10 2014-76 aluminum alloy I Red bens I 104 105 104 lot 10° Cycles to failure. N 109

(a) Determine the total number of cycles during the time .
(b) What is fatigue strength (i.e. S in the Figure above) in [MPa] at the cycles calculated in (a) for this aluminium alloy ?
(c) Calculate the maximum allowed load in [N] .

Explain the role of cognitive dissonance during slavery as described by Dr. DeGruy. What three (3) things stood out to you the most?

Dr. Joy DeGruy Leary: Post Traumatic Slave Disorder

Synopsis: While African Americans managed to emerge from chattel slavery and the oppressive decades that followed with great strength and resiliency, they did not emerge unscathed. Slavery produced centuries of physical, psychological and spiritual injury. Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America’s Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing lays the groundwork for understanding how the past has influenced the present, and opens up the discussion of how we can use the strengths we have gained to heal.

After looking at the video, provide the following information: (10 points)

A brief summary of the video.
Explain the role of cognitive dissonance during slavery as described by Dr. DeGruy.
What three (3) things stood out to you the most?
What are your overall thoughts on the DeGruy-Leary’s thesis?

Explain how this article fits into your research strategy to answer your research question. Does it provide some insights but still leave you wondering?

How Did the COVID-19 Pandemic Affect Education and the Workplace? (Teleworking and virtual school)

For this assignment, you will choose a scholarly article pertinent to your research topic and write a review of it. You will “de-construct” the article for the reader, analyzing the claims that the author is making and how well he/she supports those claims. You will also explain how this article fits into your research strategy to answer your research question. Does it provide some insights but still leave you wondering?

Technical Requirements

• Your paper must be at a minimum of 2-3 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).

• Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content.

• Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.

• Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.

• Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.

• All submissions will be graded using the assignment rubric.

What is Indigenous knowledge? How is Indigenous knowledge is used? how is ownership of knowledge connected to colonial violence and power? how to define ‘responsibility’ and what is an ethical way to deal with Indigenous art in the context of settler societies?


Indigenous Art, Knowledge and Human Rights

Document Analysis Assignment


There are two ‘documents’ included in this document series. You must include both in your analysis.

The 2 documents are as follows:

1) Indigenous Arts Protocols

2) “How to Steal a Canoe” by Leanne Betasamosake Simpson (Mississauga Nishnaabeg)

Document series engages a discussion about Indigenous art, knowledge production/world making (another way to think about what epistemology means), and human rights over knowledge ownership. One of the clips features several Indigenous artists, thinkers, and musicians talking about Indigenous protocols and the question of ethical engagement and ‘reciprocity’ with Indigenous epistemological creativity. The second clip is an animated version of a short story written by Leanne Betasamosake Simpson. It deals with settler colonialism, stolen knowledge, and the issue of reparations/returning of Indigenous art to its rightful place/owner. You are being asked to think about: what is Indigenous knowledge? How is Indigenous knowledge is used? how is ownership of knowledge connected to colonial violence and power? how to define ‘responsibility’ and what is an ethical way to deal with Indigenous art in the context of settler societies?

Assignment can be divided in three sections:

1. a section outlining (but not summarizing) the main points and arguments made in the two clips provided;

2. a second section that includes an analysis and explanation about the history of colonial and racial violence and the stealing of Indigenous art/knowledge (there is no shortage of information on this); and

3. a third section that includes an analysis of how the material in the documents can help you directly illustrate the theoretical concepts about ethics, epistemic violence, solidarity, colonial violence, etc.

NOTE: You are required to do research for this assignment. Include the “Land as Pedagogy’ by Leanne Simpson article. Also, you must find peer- reviewed articles, chapters in books, or monographs to complete this assignment .

You might want to consult work done by Linda Tuhiwai Smith such as her book titled, Decolonizing Methodologies.