
Critically identify the company Buyer Persona (who are the consumers? What they want?) and the company value proposition (what is the unique benefit that the company offer to them?)

Critically review and evaluate the marketing of ONE of the following brands provided in the document below

Focus on the current situation and the marketing the brands are currently using. The brands are international but to provide more focus, you can concentrate on their activity in one country such as USA, UK or China etc.; or focus on part of their business

e.g. women’s fashion.

What you have to do:

1. UNDERSTAND. The marketplace, the company, the consumers (materials that support this section are from weeks 1-4)

Conduct a critical review of the company’s position (situation analysis) in the industry by employing MAXIMUM ONE of the following tools (approximately 400 words): SWOT, PEST(EL).

Critically identify the company Buyer Persona (who are the consumers? What they want?) and the company value proposition (what is the unique benefit that the company offer to them?) (approximately 400 words).

2. ANALYSE. The marketing strategy (materials that support this section are from weeks 5-8)

Carry out an in-depth marketing strategy analysis by using MAXIMUM TWO of the following marketing areas (approximately 1200 words):

Product/Service – Pricing strategy – Communication -Distribution/ Channel management

3. IMPLICATIONS. So What? What are the opportunities?

Write specific, feasible and consistent recommendations based on the evidence from the analysis (approximately 500 words).

Scholarship: Make sure you use a variety of sources and provide accurate references: here you can find information.

Analyze a TV commercial according to the ideas in the textbook on persuasion. What elements of persuasion were used? Do you think the commercial was effective? How would change it to make it more effective?

Social Behavior

For your social behavior assignment, you will analyze a TV commercial according to the ideas in the textbook on persuasion. What elements of persuasion were used? Do you think the commercial was effective? How would change it to make it more effective?

Elements of Persuasion

Elements of persuasion are adequately defined. 10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Application of Persuasion Techniques

Appropriate application of persuasion techniques. 10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Grammar

The student utilized professional and scholarly language to communicate to their reader. It is free of errors and meets the minimum length requirements. 3 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome References

The reference page is in APA format and is correct. 2 pts

Total Points: 25

From the research you did about information visualization, identify the tool you would be most likely to use in a design project and explain why you selected it.

Week 10 Discussion

Respond to the following:
From the research you did about information visualization, identify the tool you would be most likely to use in a design project and explain why you selected it.

Describe some of the problems associated with accessing research locales. Identify the pros and cons of conducting research invisibly. Explain how ethnographic research data is analyzed.

Observation Practices

6.1 Describe some of the problems associated with accessing research locales.
6.2 Identify the pros and cons of conducting research invisibly.
6.3 Recall the importance of planning for watching, listening, and learning in ethnographic research.
6.4 Explain how ethnographic research data is analyzed.
6.5 Examine how typologies, sociograms, and metaphors are used in studying ethnographic research data.
6.6 Outline two operations that form part of the process of disengaging from a field research setting.
6.7 Analyze the relevance of reflexivity as used in ethnography.
6.8 Recall that the major elements in critical-ethnography is addressing concerns on power and control structures.
6.9 Outline the uniqueness of ethnography with respect to other forms of research.
6.10 Give potential causes behind the failure of ethnographic field strategies

What is the impact of human trafficking on the United states?

Human trafficking

What is the impact of human trafficking on the United states?

Discuss reasons why Google has been able to maintain such a high market share.


Respond to the following:
Consider the article you read, “History of Search Engines: From 1945 to Google Today.” Google has been the dominant market leader for search engines for the past several years, despite a fairly basic interface and competition from competitors like Microsoft and Yahoo. Discuss reasons why Google has been able to maintain such a high market share. Also, suggest some ideas for a search engine that would be able to take market share away from Google. Article link:


Explain which message from the video has left an impression on you? What message has an impacted or has changed your food choices, your view on nutrients, your diet, your eating behavior, etc.?

Nutrition topic video

Find a short video – on any nutrition topic of your interest or a topic that you would like to find out more about. The video should be posted on an easily accessible website like youtube, vimeo or on a web page. The video should be less than 5 minutes long. If it is longer, provide the content you wish to highlight. For example, you might say watch from 1:10 min to 4:20 minutes, or watch the first 3 minutes of the video. Embed the video into the discussion post if possible, or provide an active (clickable) URL. Make sure your link works.

1.Provide a short summary of the video 1p

2. Critique and analyze the video: Is it a credible information? Is it in alingment with what you learnt in this class? Make specific references to the information from the class lecture. 1p

3.Explain which message from the video has left an impression on you? What message has an impacted or has changed your food choices, your view on nutrients, your diet, your eating behavior, etc.? 1p

4. Watch the posted video from another class mate. Respond to the post by explaining what additional message (don’t repeat the measage from your class mate!) has left an impression on you? 1p

Was it easy or hard to get a divorce in the 1920s? Do you think this has something to do with Delia staying with Sykes? Can we find any redeeming qualities in Sykes as a husband?

Week 7 discussion questions

Sweat,” by Zora Neale Hurston,

Questions About Marriage

Why do you think Delia stays with Sykes for 15 years?
Do you think Delia is a good wife?
Was it easy or hard to get a divorce in the 1920s? Do you think this has something to do with Delia staying with Sykes?
Can we find any redeeming qualities in Sykes as a husband?

Questions About Society & Class

Judging by the characters presented, are the most of the towns folk lower class? Why or why not?
Why do you think Hurston focuses on Delia, a working woman?
How are whites viewed in the context of the story?
How are African American men viewed in “Sweat”? More specifically, how is Sykes seen by his peers?

Questions About Men & Masculinity

Why do none of the men (minus Joe Clarke) seem employed?
Why does Sykes stay with Delia if he seems to like Bertha better?
Compare and contrast the way Sykes treats Delia and how he treats Bertha.
How do the rest of the men view Sykes?

Questions About Suffering & Struggle

Why does Delia continue to suffer with Sykes? Why not let him go?
How could Delia ease her suffering besides divorcing Sykes?
Do you think Delia would suffer more or less as a single woman?
What other characters demonstrate suffering and struggle, if any?

Questions About Religion

How would the marriage of Sykes and Delia be considered in the church?
Do you think Delia stays with Sykes out of a sense of religious duty?
What comfort does Delia get from God? Mention quotes from the text.
Is Delia’s faith a help or an excuse for why she is still with Sykes?

Questions About Gender

Why do you think the only woman with dialogue in “Sweat” is Delia Jones? What effect does that have on you as a reader?
How would you categorize or describe Bertha? What sort of women is she?
What do the men do in “Sweat”?
Do you think Delia Jones is an exceptional woman, given the historical context (1920’s rural American south) of the story?


What is important about the title of the short story, “A Rose for Emily”? What are the multiple meanings for the “rose”?
What are the conflicts in “A Rose for Emily”? What types of conflict (physical, moral, intellectual, or emotional) do you see in this story?
How does William Faulkner reveal character in “A Rose for Emily”?
What are some themes in the story? How do they relate to the plot and characters?
What are some symbols in “A Rose for Emily”? How do they relate to the plot and characters?
Do you find the characters likable? Would you want to meet the characters?
What is significant about the gray hair at the end of the short story?
What is the central/primary purpose of the story? Is the purpose important or meaningful?
How essential is the setting to the story? Could the story have taken place anywhere else?
What is the role of women in the text? What about single/independent women? What about the role of wife and mother?

What Does The William Faulkner Quote “The Only Thing Worth Writing About Is The Human Heart In Conflict With Itself” Mean?

What are the four possible views about the relationship between religion and morality? What are the most important features, strengths and weaknesses of each view?

Third Essay Exam (Chapters Covered: “Virtue Theory,” “Biology and Ethics, “Religion and Ethics,” “The Fact-Value Problem,” “Moral Realism and the Challenge of Skepticism”)

Write a 500 word essay on one of the following questions (50 points). Carefully observe all course guidelines for essay writing.

1. What does the following statement mean? “Principles without virtues are impotent; virtues without principles are blind.”

2. What are the four possible views about the relationship between religion and morality? What are the most important features, strengths and weaknesses of each view?

3. What is Pojman and Feiser’s proposed defense of moral realism?

What is an ethical decision-making? What ethical perspective can be used to analyze this case (Hint: consult utilitarianism, teleological and deontological perspectives)? Identify any ethical and/or moral dilemmas faced by employees in this case.

Wells Fargo Scandal

Fully answer the following questions about the case in your report:
1. Summarize and discuss the core issue in the case. Do not repeat the entire case details but only pertinent information at the heart of the case.
2. What is an ethical decision-making? What ethical perspective can be used to analyze this case (Hint: consult utilitarianism, teleological and deontological perspectives)? Identify any ethical and/or moral dilemmas faced by employees in this case. Make sure to cite relevant and credible research sources (academic articles, reports, major newspaper stories etc.) to support your arguments.
3. To what extent is the scandal attributable to organizational culture or reward (incentive) system?
4. Many employees acknowledged not doing the right thing but continued to engage in the fraud anyway. Can their actions be ethically justified? Why or why not? If you were in their shoes, how would you behave?
5. Who do you think is the most responsible in this scandal? Managers or front line employees? 6. Since the revelation of the scandal, Wells Fargo introduced a series of steps including ethics workshops and revision to the company’s reward structure. Do you think these are adequate responses to the scandal? What should the company do to make sure similar scandals do not happen again?