
What does benevolence mean to you? If counselors take an Oath of Benevolence, what does that look like specifically in terms of behaviors, attitudes, moral judgments, facial expressions, acceptance, validation, quality of investment or services, biases etc.?

Discussion post

What does benevolence mean to you? If counselors take an Oath of Benevolence, what does that look like specifically in terms of behaviors, attitudes, moral judgments, facial expressions, acceptance, validation, quality of investment or services, biases etc.? Provide rationale and examples. What does the research say about the specific role of benevolence in treating individuals


What are the two important things you learned about working on projects from the case ? Why are they important ? Explain for each part (A,B,C).

Case study

Assignment Question:  (Marks 15)

Read the Case-1.2 “The Hokies Lunch Group.”  from Chapter 1 “Modern Project Management” given in your textbook – Project Management: The Managerial Process 8th edition by Larson and Gray page no: 24-27 also refer to specific concepts you have learned from the chapter to support your answers.  Answer the following questions for Part-A, Part-B, Part-C of the case study.

  1. For each part (A,B,C) What phase of the project life cycle is each project in ? Expain (2 Marks each for A,B,C) Total (6Marks).
  2. What are the two important things you learned about working on projects from the case ? Why are they important ? Explain for each part (A,B,C) (2.5 Marks each for A,B,C) Total (7.5 Marks).
  3. Describe the characters of “The Hokies Lunch Group”? (1.5 Marks)

Using the first three elements of the performance management system/process (as mentioned in Module 1), discuss how each of these elements are utilized in your organization.

Performance Management (12 points)

In this discussion question, choose any Saudi Arabian company in which you are familiar.

  • Discuss your research on the specific goals or objectives of the organization over the next 5 years, along with the main principles of a performance management system.
  • Using the first three elements of the performance management system/process (as mentioned in Module 1), discuss how each of these elements are utilized in your organization.
  • Recommend how these three elements can be better utilized to increase organizational performance.

Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate.

Your initial post should address all components of the question with a 500 word limit. Reply to at least two discussion posts with comments that further and advance the discussion topic.

Identify a public health concern that contributes to health risk or disease. Identity at least three agencies that are involved in addressing this health concern. Why is it important for those agencies to collaborate?

Public Health Infrastructure

Identify a public health concern that contributes to health risk or disease. Identity at least three agencies that are involved in addressing this health concern. Why is it important for those agencies to collaborate?

Address the topic below:

  • Background facts about the public health concern including incidence and prevalence.
  • The role that the three agencies play in public health including their mission and sphere of influence.
  • How these agencies collaborate and any challenges to collaboration
  • Your recommendations to facilitate collaboration and effective public health response

Your paper should meet the following structural requirements:

  • Five-to-six pages in length, not including the cover sheet and reference page.
  • Formatted according to APA 7th edition and Saudi Electronic University writing standards
  • Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of five scholarly articles. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but the other two must be external. The Saudi Digital Library is a good place to find these references.

Read your peer’s response to Q1 and compare it to your own summary. Discuss the differences between your approach and that of your peer’s, and assess the effectiveness of their summary and paraphrase work. What did they do well? How can they continue to improve these skills?

English Question

  • Read your peer’s response to Q1 and compare it to your own summary. Discuss the differences between your approach and that of your peer’s, and assess the effectiveness of their summary and paraphrase work. What did they do well? How can they continue to improve these skills?
    Read your peer’s response to Q2 and review the Annotated Bibliography assignment prompt. To what extent has your peer’s response effectively evaluated the source, author, and publication? Do they have sufficient source evaluation evidence?
  • Review Wolf’s “Skim Reading is the New Normal,” Torheim’s “Do We Read Differently on Paper….,” and Baron’s “Do Students Lose Depth…” (Textbook pp. 246-256). As you read, either take notes, write short summaries (see Textbook, pp. 240-241), or create/use a chart (see Textbook pp. 238-239 or the Synthesis Matrix section of the optional video) to help you organize your thoughts as you search for connections between these readings.
  • Using what you learned about synthesis from the instruction and assigned readings, write a short paragraph that identifies and discusses the key connections between these selected readings and how they come together to reinforce, build on, complicate, and/or raise new ideas and questions about the role of social media.
  • Are there any assumptions, gaps, or new research questions that arise when reading these essays together and comparing them them in this way? Explain your thinking about what possibilities you see through this synthesis word.

Demonstrate a deep understanding of the logistic function concepts and theories as well as supply chain management strategies. Demonstrate the ability to understand complex issues pertaining to supply chain integration and strategic supply chain partnership.

Logistics Management


Submission Date by students:  Before the end of Week- 6th

Place of Submission: Students Grade Centre

Weight:     15 Marks

Learning Outcome:

  1. Demonstrate a deep understanding of the logistic function concepts and theories as well as supply chain management strategies.
  2. Demonstrate the ability to understand complex issues pertaining to supply chain integration and strategic supply chain partnership.

Assignment Workload:

This assignment is an individual assignment.

Using the Analysis ToolPak described in the text, calculate descriptive statistics for all variables EXCEPT FOR Launch Sorted by Temperature in the Challenger dataset attached. Use the default statistics provided by the Analysis ToolPak.

Logistics and Supply chain

Part 1. Using the Analysis ToolPak described in the text, calculate descriptive statistics for all variables EXCEPT FOR Launch Sorted by Temperature in the Challenger dataset attached. Use the default statistics provided by the Analysis ToolPak.

Provide at least one appropriate graph for Fahrenheit.

Plot the cumulative relative frequency (proportion) for Damage Index as a function of Temperature. This type of plot requires that you sum the damage index and calculate the proportion of that damage index by temperature. (Here is a table populated through 68 degrees F.The rest are for you to do.) Then, plot the cumulative relative frequency (proportion) by Fahrenheit. (Be sure to set the x axis limits to between 52 and 82 for ease in reading…. At and below what temperature were about 88% of the observations? 58% of the observations? What does this mean? BONUS: fit a line to this cumulative relative frequency using the technique provided in my video. Add the regression equation and R^2.

Describe your most important company strengths and core competencies: What factors will make the company succeed? What do you think your major competitive strengths will be? What background experience, skills, and strengths do you personally bring to this new venture?

An entrepreneur Start-up

Business Plan

A business plan is any simple plan, not only limited to the business start-up plan that helps the management to understand the current situation of the enterprises (strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats) and look forward into the future. A start-up plan is a business plan which consists of the mission, vision, objectives and action plans for the future of the new enterprises while the business plan drawn during the operation of the firm is vital for running the firm effectively, acquire new customers, partners, loans and so on. According to Fiore (2005), a business plan involves two dimensions; an organizing tool to simplify and clarify your business goals and strategy, the second one is a selling document that sells the business idea and shows that a product or a service can make a profit and attract funding and company resources.

Imagine you started a new business as an entrepreneur in Saudi Arabia. Briefly mention the specific steps which you consider necessary to a successful business plan.

Think and share information on the following items:

1. Owners, capital structure and company profile (3 Marks)

  •  Your Business Name, Address, E‐Mail
  •  Form of ownership:What is the legal structure? Sole proprietor, Partnership, Corporation….
  •  Investment capital

2. Company Business Description (300 – 400 words)

A. Scope and type of business (5 Marks)

What business will you be in? What will you do? What market segment will you choose?

  • Business idea: what is your big idea? Is it a product or a service? What makes your idea different?
  • Mission Statement
  • Company’s short-term and long-term goals and objectives.
  • Target market and demographics: Who will your customers be? Where do they live? What is your target market passionate about?

B. Business Philosophy (4 Marks)

What is important to you in your business?

  • Describe your Industry: Is it a growth industry? What long-term or short-term changes do you foresee in the industry? How will your company take advantage of it?
  • Describe your most important company strengths and core competencies: What factors will make the company succeed? What do you think your major competitive strengths will be? What background experience, skills, and strengths do you personally bring to this new venture?
  • Risk Assessment: Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your business using SWOT.
  • Who is your competition and how do you beat them?

3. Products and Services (3 Marks)

  • Briefly discuss your products or services (Technical specification).
  • Size of business: how many employees? How many offices and retail facilities?
  • What factors will give you competitive advantages or disadvantages? Examples, include level of quality or unique or proprietary features.

Note: Use APA style of referencing

Identify risks and assumptions: Identify any risks that could impact the project’s success, such as unexpected delays or budget overruns. List out any assumptions that have been made and the impact they may have on the project’s success.

IT Project Proposal

Write an IT Project Proposal and here are some steps to follow:

1. Define the project scope: Clearly define the project’s purpose, goals, objectives, and the scope of the project. This will help you set expectations and manage stakeholders’ expectations.

2. Identify project stakeholders: Identify all stakeholders involved in the project, including the project sponsor, project team, and end-users. Understand the needs of each stakeholder to ensure that their requirements are met.

3. Develop a project plan: Develop a project plan that includes a timeline, budget, and resources required to complete the project. Include all relevant details, such as milestones, deadlines, and deliverables.

4. Define project methodology: Define the methodology that will be used to complete the project, such as Agile or Waterfall. This will help the project team understand how the project will be managed.

5. Identify risks and assumptions: Identify any risks that could impact the project’s success, such as unexpected delays or budget overruns. List out any assumptions that have been made and the impact they may have on the project’s success.

6. Outline the project budget: Create a detailed budget that includes all costs associated with the project, such as equipment, software, and personnel. Provide a breakdown of the costs for each stage of the project.

7. Provide project timelines: Provide a clear timeline for each stage of the project, including the start and end dates, as well as any intermediate milestones.

8. Include project deliverables: Clearly identify the deliverables that will be produced by the project, such as software, hardware, or documentation.

9. Provide team details: Provide information on the team responsible for delivering the project, including their qualifications, experience, and responsibilities.

10. Conclude with executive summary: Conclude the proposal with an executive summary that highlights the key points of the proposal, such as the project scope, methodology, budget, and timelines.

Describe the issues associated with entering into an OD process. Describe the issues associated with contracting for an OD process. Discuss the philosophy and purpose of diagnosis in organization development.

Week 3: Interactive activity

3.1 Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe the issues associated with entering into an OD process. (MLO 4.1)
  • Describe the issues associated with contracting for an OD process. (MLO 4.2)
  • Discuss the philosophy and purpose of diagnosis in organization development (OD). (MLO 5.1)
  • Explain the role of diagnostic models in OD, especially the open-systems model. (MLO 5.2)

3.2 Action Required:

  • Required Readings:

Chapter 4: Entering and Contracting

Chapter 5: Diagnosing

TEXTBOOK: Cummings, T., & Worley, C. (2015). Organization development and change. (10th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning. ISBN#: 13 9781133190455 (print), ISBN#: 13 9781285800967 (e-text).

  • Recommended Readings:

Qurashi, Mubashir & Qureshi, Amber. (2013). Dilemma in Relationship of Consultant and Client 1. 14. 10.9790/487X-143109113.…

McFillen, James & O’Neil, Deborah & Balzer, William & Varney, Glenn. (2012). Organizational Diagnosis: An Evidence-based Approach. Journal of Change Management. 13. 1-24. 10.1080/14697017.2012.679290.

Kumari, N. (2018). Organizational Diagnosis: A Case of Infosys, India. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 5(1), 53–62.

  • Video:

Example of OD Intervention Proposal

3.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

  1. Discuss some of the issues organizations face when entering or contracting for OD process.

3.4 Instructions

  • Post your answer in the discussion board (Week3: Interactive learning Discussion)