
Who wrote the document? Who is the intended audience of the document? What is the author attempting to illustrate or do with the document? Why was the document written? What can be learned about the culture that produced this document? What can be learned about the mentality of the author?

The house divided speech (1858) Abraham Lincoln

Who wrote the document? Who is the intended audience of the document?
 What is the author attempting to illustrate or do with the document? Why was the document written?
 What can be learned about the culture that produced this document? What can be learned about the
mentality of the author?
 At the time the document was written, there were different cultural groups in America other than the one
represented by the author of the document; identify one or more of these cultural groups and explain
how they might react differently to this document.
 Describe an ethical situation, issue, or problem presented in the document and explain how the author
proposes to resolve that situation, issue, or problem.
 What do you think about the importance of this document to American history? Do you agree or
disagree with the author? Explain.

Describe the impact and the vulnerability of the SCADA/Stuxnet worm on the critical infrastructure of the United States. Describe the methods to mitigate the vulnerabilities as they relate to the seven domains.

Case Study: SCADA Worm

Protecting the nation’s critical infrastructure is a major security challenge within the United States. Likewise, the responsibility for protecting the nation’s critical infrastructure encompasses all sectors of government, including private-sector cooperation. Get information on the SCADA worm, such as the article, SCADA Worm a ‘Nation State Search-and-Destroy Weapon’, using the Internet.

Write a 3–5 page paper in which you:

Describe the impact and the vulnerability of the SCADA/Stuxnet worm on the critical infrastructure of the United States.
Describe the methods to mitigate the vulnerabilities as they relate to the seven domains.
Assess the levels of responsibility between government agencies and the private sector for mitigating threats and vulnerabilities to our critical infrastructure.
Assess the elements of an effective IT security policy framework and how these elements, if properly implemented, could prevent or mitigate and an attack similar to the SCADA/Stuxnet worm.

What has been written about your object? What are the arguments? Who are the scholars who have addressed it? Who do you agree with? Disagree with? Why? What purpose did your object serve?

Inlaid Box for the Portuguese Market

Students will write a 1000-word paper on the meaning and significance of their object both in the past and to the field of art history.

-What has been written about your object? What are the arguments? Who are the scholars who have addressed it? Who do you agree with? Disagree with? Why?

-What purpose did your object serve?

-What may its original viewers have seen/thought about it?

-How does your object relate to other works of art? Is it copying another style or type of object? Are there other objects or styles that were inspired by it? Are there other artworks that can tell us something about yours?

Defend or oppose why grammar and proper speech and writing is such an important subject in school

Grammar Proper speech and Writing

Proficiency in grammar is essential for finding a good job, making a good impression, earning your allowance, getting good grades, but did you know it even makes a difference in making friends? Almost half of our population find those who speak or write poorly, demonstrating a lack of ability in grammar, to be a “major turnoff.” Defend or oppose why grammar and proper speech and writing is such an important subject in school

What is the currently known pathophysiology of the disease. What body systems are affected and how are they affected. What does the disease do to the body how does it impact the patient’s life.

Gerontology and Nutrition

In a minimum 9-10 pages (includes cover, abstract and reference page), double spaced document, APA format. This research paper will discuss several aspects of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). You are always welcome to go over 10 pages, (do what you need to do to get the below questions answered THOROUGHLY). Be sure to answer each of the following questions in your paper for full credit. The references at the end of book chapt 12 will help. You can look them up and use them for your answers. Read the original paper for the information. You will not get credit for quoting the book. You can also get statistics from The
1) What are some of the current statistics and future statistics for AD in the US and the world. What will be the costs and who will pay for the costs. The book’s statistics are old, find newer ones.
2) What is the currently known pathophysiology of the disease. What body systems are affected and how are they affected. What does the disease do to the body how does it impact the patient’s life.
3) What are the differences between a patient with early onset AD and one who gets it later in life. Discuss life style, physical differences, treatment and diagnoses differences.
4) How is the disease currently diagnosed and what NEW research is being done to diagnose.
5) What are the current treatments and what NEW research is being done? Discuss some of the medications and their potential side effects.
6) What special nutrition related considerations might there be for an AD patient? Provide a one day diet including breakfast, lunch and dinner plus a snack that would be appropriate for an 80 Y/O AD patient. Make a chart and insert into the body of your paper. Include feeding technique ideas to assist the care-giver.
7) Discuss some prevention theories: exercise, diet, life-style changes.

Describe the form that each of these takes in Homo sapiens and what that says about our behavior, biology, or evolution.

Primate taxa are dental characteristics,

The traits used to distinguish between primate taxa are dental characteristics, behavioral adaptations, and locomotion adaptations. Describe the form that each of these takes in Homo sapiens and what that says about our behavior, biology, or evolution. In other words, if an alien scientist were studying a human skeleton, what would they be able to tell about our diet, behavior, and locomotion?

How does societal hierarchy determine an individuals life perspective and social development and what is the relationship between Martins social class and his writing.

Martin Eden by Jack London

Paper is to be a research paper based on the book Martin Eden by Jack London. The research question should be something similar to: How does societal hierarchy determine an individuals life perspective and social development and what is the relationship between Martins social class and his writing. Must evaluate Martin Eden and the research topic using Joan Didion’s perspective “Why I Write” on writing. Quotes form both “Why I Write” and Martin Eden must be used. 10 pages plus work cited, MLA format

What major features characterized Ibo culture before the Europeans came? What changes and cultural conflicts were created by the introduction of Christian missionaries and other Western influences into Ibo villages?

African Culture

In the first paper you will be asked to write, we will explore traditional African culture and processes of culture change as presented in Chinua Achebe’s novel Things Fall Apart. As you read the novel, refer as needed to “A Glossary of Ibo Words and Phrases” at the back of the book. This assignment will also provide an opportunity to explore the impact of European colonization and Westernization on Africa in greater depth than can be obtained from other required readings.

This paper should discuss one sub-Saharan African culture, that of the Ibo (in what is today southeastern Nigeria) “in its first encounter with colonialism and Christianity at the turn of the century” — about 1900. I have chosen Things Fall Apart because of the particular cultural insights it provides. As you read and take notes, be sure to pay attention to the following questions:

What major features characterized Ibo culture before the Europeans came?
What changes and cultural conflicts were created by the introduction of Christian missionaries and other Western influences into Ibo villages?
What seems to have been the net impact of the coming of the Europeans on Ibo culture?

Why do you think strategic planning is so important and how do can one decide on which strategy to use?

Strategic planning

Each Strategy offers something different to the organization. Why do you think strategic planning is so important and how do can one decide on which strategy to use?

Write an original essay in which you provide a clear, logical argument for or against a current policy issue or law: Provide your argument either for or against this issue/legislation/policy (or portions of it).

The Pink Tax

Write an original essay in which you provide a clear, logical argument for or against a current policy issue or law:
Pick a specific policy issue or law. (*The issue may be local, regional, state, or federal.).
Provide your argument either for or against this issue/legislation/policy (or portions of it). Also include and attack 2 counterclaims
Integrate a minimum of 5 credible sources.