
Explain the steps for accurate surgical and procedural coding in a hospital setting using ICD-10-PCS. Explain E/M services and codes, assign CPT codes correctly, and use the CPT index.

Medical Coding 1 Assignment #8

Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the “Assignment Format” page for specific format requirements.

For this writing assignment, please explain why the following course objectives are important for medical billers and coders to understand:

1. Explain the steps for accurate surgical and procedural coding in a hospital setting using ICD-10-PCS.

2. Explain E/M services and codes, assign CPT codes correctly, and use the CPT index.

3. Explain coding with HCPCS and describe federal laws, regulations, and penalties relating to coding compliance.

4. Explain how to review and analyze medical records and the importance of audits.

Include at least three scholarly articles within your response. Overall response will be formatted according to APA style and the total assignment should be between 3–4 pages, not including title page and reference page.

Outline what elements you would incorporate in your treatment plan, remembering the strengthens and limitations of neuropsychological rehabilitation, particularly in the South African context.

Multiple questions


Compare and contrast the neuropsychological assessment with ONE imaging modality (e.g. EEG, CT, MRI PET etc.) as methods of investigating the brain, discussing both challenges and relevance to the South African context. Your answer should draw on ONE clinical disorder as an example (e.g. aphasia, apraxia, degenerative disorders, dysexecutive syndrome, foetal alcohol syndrome).

Therefore, your answer should:

1) Provide a critical comparison of the neuropsychological assessment and your chosen imaging modality, as methods of investigating the brain. (15 marks)

2) Discuss the challenges and relevance of both methods to the South African context. (5 marks)

3) Use your chosen clinical disorder to demonstrate the above arguments made. (10 marks)

Mini essay formatting requirements:

• Length: 800 words (2 pages), excluding references.


Define aphasia, then compare and contrast two kinds of aphasia, making use of historical references when necessary.

• Paragraph length: 400 words (1 page), excluding references.


Describe the clinical presentation that is commonly observed following damage to the right frontal

region of the brain.

• Paragraph length: 400 words (1 page), excluding references.


Case Study Essay Question

Mr GH is a 40-year-old banking clerk who was in a severe motor vehicle accident one year ago. He was admitted to a small rural clinic three hours after the accident and was still unconscious on arrival at the clinic. No imaging or neuro-specialist was available to assess him due to the limited resources at the clinic. Once stabilised, he was transferred to a larger hospital in Johannesburg one-week after the accident. Radiological assessment revealed no skull fractures, but a fracture in the upper jaw and his left leg, and his CT scan was “unremarkable” according to the report. Neurological examination revealed no clear signs of head injury, but his doctor made note of “mild disinhibition”. Mr GH has a matric certificate and a diploma in administration. He has worked in a local bank for the last 15-years and was due for a promotion. He and his family describe him as a “social drinker”, consuming on average a bottle of wine a day, with the occasional beer or two, and more social drinking during family or religious celebrations.

Four months after the accident, his family started making comments to their local GP that Mr GH was acting a “a little strange” with a marked “personality change.” They said he would often make crude and inappropriate comments and was more outspoken and insensitive than usual. He was also demoted at work and placed in a more administrative role that had less client interaction. Two-years after the motor vehicle accident, Mr GH is referred to you as a neuropsychologist to assess whether these “personality changes” in Mr GH are due to possible brain injury from his accident or due to alcohol related brain damage.

Your task, as the neuropsychologist, is to:

(a) Describe your assessment plan, including history taking and neuropsychological assessments. (20 marks)

(b) In light of your assessment plan, discuss both hypotheses (i.e. alcohol related brain damage or brain injury as a result of the motor vehicle accident) for the apparent “personality change”, and identify, in your opinion, which one is most likely to account for the clinical presentation described. (10 marks)

(c) Based on the above, outline what elements you would incorporate in your treatment plan, remembering the strengthens and limitations of neuropsychological rehabilitation, particularly in the South African context. (10 marks)

Essay formatting requirements:

• Essay length: 1200 words (3 pages), excluding references.

• You can use subheadings for each of the sub-questions above.

Identify any historical purpose(s) behind the writing of Mark’s and Matthew’s Gospels.

Mark’s and Matthew’s Gospels.

Identify any historical purpose(s) behind the writing of Mark’s and Matthew’s Gospels. Include a reference to any historical factor mentioned in the recommended sources that may have triggered the writing of both Matthew’s and Mark’s Gospels as well as references to statements within both of the Gospels themselves. Class lesson material can be used in addition to the recommended sources. Include at least one historical factor and at least one reference to each Gospel studied. Restrict your resources to those below as well as any information within the course modules as well as your text Portraits of Jesus. Be sure to distinguish between paraphrase and direct quotes. Type a 350-750 word paper using MLA formatting. Submit the completed assignment to the appropriate Assignment box by no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT.

Discuss what the scientific method is and how it solidified the study of behavior.

Scientific Research

Read the pages indicated in subtopic # 2 (Psychological research) and / or look for additional information. Discuss what the scientific method is and how it solidified the study of behavior.

2. 2. Search databases of scientific research in the area of ​​Psychology. It can be on any subject related to behavior.

How did America react to the topic? Explain the relative impact on you personally. What does the topic mean in your life and the way you live?

Choose ONE topic:

Feminism War Imperialism Education

Political Activism Fashion Sports Nationalism

Science/Technology Popular Culture Civil Rights Environmentalism

Consumerism Globalization Nativism Professionalization

You will create a 5 slide presentation, where you are to accomplish three things:

First, choose a topic from the list above. Then, in 2 slides, you will identify (What is it?), describe (Give examples), and assess (How did America react to the topic?) the impact of your topic on life in America between 1876-2000. Include two quotes from the textbook. Use parenthetical citation.

Second, in 2 slides, you will describe (Give examples) and evaluate (How has America reacted to the topic?) the role of the topic in American life since 2000.

Third, in 1 slide, you will describe (Give examples), defend (Explain the relative impact on you personally) and assess (What does the topic mean in your life and the way you live?) the role of this topic in your own personal life.

Presentations may use any appropriate electronic format. Technological issue will not be a valid excuse for an incomplete or missing presentation. No late presentations will be considered.

On the due date, you will present in front of the class. You must be present to receive full points.


What was the norm that was violated? Describe briefly how this norm helps one determine how to act in a social setting. What is the function of the norm for society in general? Which deviance theory do you think can best explain the public’s reactions to this norm violation? Explain why.

Deivance in the News

This assignment asks you to write a sociological analysis of a report about deviance. The objective of the research is to determine the extent to which norms influence behavior and how norm violation is perceived in our society. Thus, you will pay particular attention on how the deviance was described in your chosen article. This assignment involves core concepts that you find in Chapter 7. Make sure that you have reviewed this chapter before writing your final report.

STEP 1: Find a current article about a deviant act that has been committed within the past few weeks. These deviant acts could either be positive or negative. Examples of deviant actscriminal behaviors, heroic behaviors, hoarding, Samaritan acts, etc. You can also look at acts institutions/ organizations have done that would be considered “deviant” acts. Articles should be a minimum of 500 words, recent (within three-six weeks), relevant (related to social conformity, deviance, and social control), and from a reputable news source (the KSUTC library as well as your public libraries provide free access to national news sources). You should not Google “deviance” to find a current events article; rather, check reputable online news sources or an actual article about a deviant behavior. There are always major deviant acts each week that make the national and local news.

STEP 2: Write a thorough summary of the article. This means that the summary should be at quite detailed. Summary, however, should not be more than one page.

STEP 3: Using your sociological imagination, write an analysis of the article that connects the main idea/s of the article to 5 specific key terms and 1 theory we have discussed in Chapter 7 – Deviance, Conformity, and Social Control.”
Use the following outline for your analysis:
Format to use:
I. Write a thorough summary of the article (not more than one page)
II. Sociological Analysis of the report
A. What was the norm that was violated? Describe briefly how this norm helps one determine how to act in a social setting. That is, what is the function of the norm for society in general?
B. Which deviance theory do you think can best explain the public’s reactions to this norm violation? Explain why.
C. Relate the article’s report about this deviance to at least FIVE sociological concepts we have studied in Chapter 7. (*note: in this analysis, make sure to highlight the key terms)
D. Write a conclusion for your paper by stating what you learned about how is deviance perceived in society?

STEP 4: Include the link to your article, check for any writing errors, and submit your article with your response paper.

Write a 1-2 page essay wherein you consider the effectiveness of the International Labor Organization (ILO) in regulating the activities of multinational businesses in the treatment of their employees, the payment of fair wages and the prevention of child labor.

International Labor Organization (ILO)

Write a 1-2 page essay wherein you consider the effectiveness of the International Labor Organization (ILO) in regulating the activities of multinational businesses in the treatment of their employees, the payment of fair wages and the prevention of child labor.

Do you think influencers should have to disclose which posts are sponsored or not? Have you ever been unsure about an endorsement (Instagram, podcast ad, radio ad, etc), not knowing whether it was sponsored?


In 2019, the FTC started to crack down on Instagram influencers who were not disclosing which of their posts were sponsored. Do you think influencers should have to disclose which posts are sponsored or not? Have you ever been unsure about an endorsement (Instagram, podcast ad, radio ad, etc), not knowing whether it was sponsored? If a consumer were to discover that an influencer was indeed sponsored, in what stage of the purchase process do think effectiveness might be most affected? Why?

Which essay will you remix to a new audience? Who is the Audience? What is the Purpose?

ReMix Project

On a Word document, write a proposal to explain your approach. Your proposal should include the following:

Which essay will you remix to a new audience?
Who is the Audience?– age group, gender, education level
What is the Purpose? – entertainment, explanation, opinion, argument
What technology will you use? Choices are available here

Using probability, statistics, and mathematics, investigate: The Correlation Between COVID-19 Mortality Rates and the GDP per capita of a Country.

The Correlation Between COVID-19 Mortality Rates and the GDP per capita of a Country

Using probability, statistics, and mathematics, investigate: The Correlation Between COVID-19 Mortality Rates and the GDP per capita of a Country.