
Choose an excerpt from “Illusion comique” and comment on it from the perspective of metatheatricality as theater about theater. Indicate, at the end, the bibliography you have consulted.

Illusion comique

Choose an excerpt from “Illusion comique” and comment on it from the perspective of metatheatricality as theater about theater. Indicate, at the end, the bibliography you have consulted.

What is the topic for your Final Exam Project? Why did you choose this topic? What keywords did you use to research your topic online? What websites did you use to research your topic?

Topic Selection:

Choose a topic (baking, cars, dog grooming, cosmetology, gaming, etc.)
Create the presentation as if you were showing it to someone that knew nothing about the topic
Be sure to include details that help explain the topic (use text and pictures)
Create a Word file:
File Name:
MLA Format
Your paper should be 2-3 pages (including Works Cited page) and it needs to answers the following questions:
What is the topic for your Final Exam Project?
Why did you choose this topic?
What keywords did you use to research your topic online?
What websites did you use to research your topic? Use at least 4 sources for your project.
What method did you use to take notes to compile and manage the information you obtained from your research? Example, did you write it in a notebook, type it in a document as you read, did you copy and paste text, etc.
As you were doing the research, did you learn anything new about your topic that you didn’t already know?

Evaluate the nature and significance of external economic relations for China and India immediately before the emergence of European sea-borne trading links from c.1500.

EC120 The World Economy in Historical Perspective

Evaluate the nature and significance of external economic relations for China and India immediately before the emergence of European sea-borne trading links from c.1500. Discuss how the economies of these regions were affected by the expanding influence of European traders during the three centuries before 1800.

Identify the type of organization or workplace you used. Briefly explain why artifact analysis is relevant to workplace culture. Explain the importance of analyzing artifacts for understanding culture.

Artifact analysis

Project Overview
For this project, you will analyze artifacts—physical objects made by societies for use by the people who live in them—and describe how the artifacts relate to your workplace culture. Then, you will present your findings in a report.

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:
Analyze the relationship between cultural artifacts and societal norms

In this project, you will be choosing objects used in a workplace and looking at them as cultural artifacts. These objects can be from your actual workplace, one you are familiar with, or a one where you might like to work in the future. You will analyze how well these artifacts reflect the culture of the workplace they come from and write a report on your findings.

Your task is to describe and analyze workplace artifacts to show the importance of aligning them to company culture. Artifacts are real, physical objects made by people that embody the ideas of the creators, users, and the culture in which they were made.
Choose two objects that fit the description of artifacts above. Examples of artifacts include training materials, a piece of equipment, a decoration, a business card, a newsletter, or something else.
Analyze the artifacts. Use the questions in the Artifact Analysis Guide to help you do this.
Write a report. In your report:
Identify the type of organization or workplace you used.
Briefly explain why artifact analysis is relevant to workplace culture.
Explain the importance of analyzing artifacts for understanding culture.
Provide specific examples of ways your workplace could improve its culture based on the results of the analysis.
Describe your chosen artifacts in detail.
If possible, include a picture of them.
Be sure to identify who created them and who uses them.
Explain the purpose of your chosen artifacts.
State whether you think the creator(s) succeeded in achieving that purpose.
How do different people interact with the artifacts?
Discuss how the artifacts reflect the norms, beliefs, and values of the organizational culture.
To do this, compare your artifacts with specific workplace culture statements. These might include a mission statement, motto, vision document, slogan, and so on. Do the artifacts reflect the workplace culture in which they are found?
Your report can be in the format you consider most appropriate. You could create a visual presentation (slides) or a written report. If you choose to create a presentation, you should provide comprehensive speaker notes. Remember to cite any sources you use.

Identify a topic area, related to your degree programme, and produce a proposal for a research project.

Barriers to Hotel Chain in China

Identify a topic area, related to your degree programme, and produce a proposal for a research project. The proposal must cover key areas of a research project and further apply critical thinking and writing skills in your project. The proposal must include the following structure however your allocated word count may differ:

Explore why your topic/perspective/argument is valuable. Why do authors include elements within texts that have multiple “uses”? Discuss what we as readers gain from recognizing that a text has many interpretations.

Literary Critisism on August Wilson’s play Fences

Depending on your individual topic, your essay structure will differ. Below is a suggested strategy that you can adapt for
your individual project.

Typically critical essays like yours have parts, or sections of information that have to be shared in order to write an
effective criticism. While the introduction and conclusion are single paragraphs, the additional “sections” mean more
than one paragraph is needed to develop the ideas fully. For this essay consider this organization:

Introduction + Two (2) or Three (3) Sections + Conclusion.


This paragraph sets up the kind of discussion the paper will enter. Remember that a Literary Criticism essay is your
foray into an existing critical conversation.


(choose one or blend more than onedo NOT do all):

Explore why your topic/perspective/argument is valuable.

Examine the issue/topic broadlywhy do authors include elements (literary elements and other details) within
texts that have multiple “uses”?

Discuss what we as readers gain from recognizing that a text has many interpretations.

Primarily for historical criticism: set the historical “feel” for your analysis? Where/When are we? What’s
important about it?

Consider how useful this study has been for developments in the field – has it influenced other findings? Explain how it may be interesting to redo the study using approaches X or method Z that have been introduced since the original study.

Critical Evaluation of ‘The role of Area 10 (BA10) in human multitasking and in social cognition: a lesion study. Neuropsychologia’

1 – The paper does very well summarising but does not introduce alternative explanation for results and does not actually critically evaluate many aspects
2 – At least 10 references are necessary for this critique. This could be alternative theories or other research on the topic.
3 – Consider how useful this study has been for developments in the field – has it influenced other findings? Explain how it may be interesting to redo the study using approaches X or method Z that have been introduced since the original study.
4 – Think of limitations to the study not addressed

How do artifacts change as cultures and societies change? Why are artifacts studied? What can we learn from them? How could artifact analysis help improve the workplace culture? How would you describe your artifacts to someone who isn’t familiar with them?

Workplace artifacts.

Use the following questions to guide your analysis of your chosen workplace artifacts. You are not required to answer each question directly, but they provide key talking points that you could address in your report or presentation.
Guiding Questions
• What is an artifact? Why are artifacts created?
• How do artifacts reflect the norms, beliefs, and values of a culture?
• How do artifacts represent different aspects of society? For example: politics, history, religion, social perceptions, social norms, technology, media, education, and so on.
• How do artifacts change as cultures and societies change?
• Why are artifacts studied? What can we learn from them?
• How could artifact analysis help improve the workplace culture?
• How would you describe your artifacts to someone who isn’t familiar with them?
• Who created the artifacts? Who are the users?
• Where and when were the artifacts created?
• What is the intended use of your selected artifacts? How have they actually been used?
• What was the original message the creator was trying to convey with the artifact? How was the artifact interpreted by others?
• Do these artifacts have the same use or purpose in other contexts?
• How do different stakeholders within the organization interact with and value the artifacts? How would insiders and outsiders to the organization perceive the artifacts?
• Why are these artifacts significant to your workplace?
• Do the artifacts reflect the workplace culture in which they exist?
• How do the artifacts and your organization’s culture relate to one another?
• Do the artifacts add to the understanding of the workplace culture? How?
• How does your workplace culture help you understand the artifacts?
• How might the artifacts be affected by the people and situations that surround them?
• How do the artifacts reflect the norms, beliefs, and values of the organizational culture? How have these changed over time?

How would you think that this patient’s networks affect his access to care in the context of this case? Identify at least one example from each relationship category. Describe how each example from each relationship category could impact/contribute to this patient’s health.

Patient’s networks

How would you think that this patient’s networks affect his access to care in the context of this case?
Identify at least one example from each relationship category (bonding, bridging, linking). Describe how each example from each relationship category could impact/contribute to this patient’s health.

How does an inclusive environment affect the academic, social, and emotional well-being of the non-disabled students in the classroom?

Literature Review Topic:

How does an inclusive environment affect the academic, social, and emotional well-being of the non-disabled students in the classroom?