
What is the overall conclusion that he draws regarding measures to stop global warming? What worldview might he be working within the background? What does he recommend to reduce carbon dioxide emissions?

Climate Change

Paper8 (first half): Read Christy’s article in EE, pp.567-69 (remember that a copy of the book should be available at the KCC library, under textbooks for courses—inquire at the library; I also have a pdf version of the article in Laulima). What is the overall conclusion that he draws regarding measures to stop global warming? What worldview might he be working within the background? What does he recommend to reduce carbon dioxide emissions?

Now go to the video in Laulima by James Hansen, one of the most highly respected climate scientists in the climate science community.

Paper8, second half: To complete your paper8, recall that the first half briefly looked at someone in the climate science community who apparently falls in the 3% (thus far your paper should be just a few sentences at most). Now we raise the following questions, moving outside of the science to the intersecting realms of politics, ethics, and so on. For the second half of the paper, address each of the following in separate paragraphs, each of which should also contain just a few sentences (try to keep the whole paper to a page if you can):

1. Revisit the fallacy of “appeal to emotion.” In the Frontline video, what might be the predominant emotion that is being exploited to change public opinion about climate change? In a sentence or two, briefly explain how this works according to the video.

2. Now google the fallacy of “composition.” In the Frontline video, explain how this fallacy fits with the selection of time starting-and-end points to argue for temperature decline (or non-rising levels). How do scientists in the video respond
to this selection? (Again, keep this paragraph to a couple of sentences.)

3. From our lecture on fallacies, what fallacies might Climate-Gate be guilty of? Explain and justify your answer in a few sentences.

4. From the Oreskes video, what does she identify as the main reason for resistance to the findings of the climate science community? Explain in a few sentences.


Websites needed for the videos:

Examine how an earlier form of Black music, such as ragtime or the blues, impacts today’s music.


Essay 2 is NOT to be based on a random topic of your choice. READ the Essay 2 Assignment and base your proposal and paper on one of the assigned topics.

1. My topic is to Examine how an earlier form of Black music, such as ragtime or the blues, impacts today’s music.

You will find Reading Module 3: Research and Reading Module 4: Citation very helpful in completing this assignment and Essay 2. Immediately read the following:

Reading Module 3

• What Is Research?

• What Is Research Writing?

• Steps in Developing a Research Proposal

• The Qualities of a Good Research Question

• Managing Your Research Project

Reading Module 4

• Organizing Your Research Plan

• Finding Your Sources

• Using Your Sources

• Citing Your Sources

What was the purpose of the research? What type of research was conducted? What were the conclusions?

K-12 Policy Education

Find 2 recent reports on K-12 education (select one (1) report from a conservative think tank, AND select one (1) report from a liberal think tank). Some examples of think tanks  are listed below. There are many more and many think tanks are not neither liberal or conservative. So, do not limit yourself to these organizations in your search but be sure to choose 2 reports from DIFFERENT perspectives.

Conservative Think-Tanks: The Heritage Foundation, American Enterprise Institute, The Cato Institute
Liberal Think Tanks: Center for American Progress, Roosevelt Institute, The Urban Institute
Summarize the reports by discussing the following:
a. What was the purpose of the research?
b. What type of research was conducted?
c. What were the conclusions?
Explain what you learned from each report.

You must identify and describe at least two (2) concepts or terms from the course readings that are evident in the reports you selected.
Be sure to highlight the differences in K-12 education policy from conservative and liberal perspectives.

What are the anticipated societal impacts of Peak Oil as sketched in The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream? Do you agree with this pessimistic prognosis?

Societal impacts of Peak Oil

What are the anticipated societal impacts of Peak Oil as sketched in The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream? Do you agree with this pessimistic prognosis?

Critically analyse and discuss an ‘incident’ relating to teaching and/or learning in primary/early years education practice.

Critical incident analysis

Use an established framework for critical incident analysis along with literature, research and theory, to critically analyse and discuss an ‘incident’ relating to teaching and/or learning in primary/early years education practice.

(APA 7 referencing) . Important guidance attached for more information, and incident read.

Explain which evaluation system you found rendered the most useful results and which you would use to present to you superiors at Carnival Cruise Lines.

Paper: Case Study

You are in your second year as a Marketing Analyst for Carnival Cruise Lines. As we see the struggles cruise companies dealt with out of COVID 19, you have been requested to perform a SWOT analysis on the company as they prepare for re-opening and bringing their product back into full swing.

Perform a SWOT analysis, and then perform the same evaluation using the 7 domains framework in your text (see page 70). Explain which evaluation system you found rendered the most useful results and which you would use to present to you superiors at Carnival Cruise Lines.

All of this information should be focused to support your recommended target market. All 4 academic source’s must be properly cited. No plagiarism.

The assignment should be a minimum of 2500 words and meet the writing specifications of APA 7 format with proper in-text citation.

NOTE: Be sure to follow the SWOT analysis and then address the 7 domains as to how they relate to Carnival Cruise Lines, then make Recommendations (strategies/solutions) to your findings from both analyses.

Keep in mind – NO 1st person – remain objective. Also review the suggestions may to case 1 analysis and in the Course Documents folder.

How is each variable measured? Why is each measure a good way to capture (operationalise) the underlying concepts from the theory?

Do cultural values best explain a country’s level of democracy?

Sections to Complete

1. INTRODUCTION: Using the logic of a Most Similar Systems Design, begin by choosing three of the following  countries to compare.



Bosnia and Herzegovina















Which countries did you pick? Why is a Most Similar Systems design suitable for comparing these countries?

Tip: Briefly introduce your country selection at the start of the essay but place your discussion of Most Similar Systems Design and case selection into your methodology section, just prior to your data and analysis.

2. THEORY AND LITERATURE: Choose a cultural theory for democracy that we’ve discussed in class lectures to explore in greater detail. This theory will serve as the conceptual baseline for your explanation of democracy.
A brief literature review will become a part of your theory section and should logically lead to the testable hypothesis that you state in the following section.
Requirement: you need to refer to a minimum of four academic sources
about your chosen theory. (Please note that data sources do not count towards this minimum but should be cited where appropriate.)

 Tip: In conducting your review, you should draw primarily upon research about either cultural modernisation theory or civic culture theory to explain your countries’ expected level of democracy. You may reference economic modernisation as an alternative explanation but should not focus on economic theories in your review.

3. HYPOTHESIS AND METHOD: Select three variables that you will use to test whether your chosen countries’ level of democracy is more closely aligned with its cultural or economic development.
Your predictor variable (IV) should be a cultural indicator of democracy that you discussed in your literature review. This predictor must come from the
Joint EVS/WVS 20172020 dataset.
Your outcome variable (DV) will serve as your measure of democracy must be taken from one of the five
VDem aggregate indices.
Your control variable (CV) should be an economic indicator of democracy taken from the
World Bank or the United Nations.
How is each variable measured? Why is each measure a good way to capture (operationalise) the underlying concepts from the theory?

Write a hypothesis for your predictor variable.
Requirement: You may not use any predictor or control variables that were specifically used in lectures. These include general happiness or life satisfaction from the WVS and economic variables that directly measure income, including but not limited to any form of GDP, GNI, etc.

Tip: The Frequency Tables: WVS ‘Joint v2.0 Results by Country’ PDF under ‘Documentation’ contains all the statistics that you will need to use in selecting your IV. These can be searched for by looking up survey questions in the ‘Joint Codebook’ PDF. The VDem Country Graph tool contains all the statistics that you will need to use for your DV. These are found under the VDem Indices dropdown menu (i.e., the first five ‘Democracy Index’ options: Deliberative Democracy Index, Egalitarian Democracy Index, etc.).

4. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS: Produce and analyse your results, using a table and discussion of your data.
Collect data on your countries and create a table to summarise the comparison. You should have one table that includes data for the outcome variable (DV), predictor variable (IV), and control variable (CV) that you are using to test your theory.

Is your hypothesis supported by the data? How do you know? Be sure to interpret the numbers explicitly don’t just leave them in a table and write, ‘Table 1 shows my first hypothesis is correct’. Instead, write something like, ‘[Country 1] has the highest value of [IV] and the highest democracy rating, while [Country 2] has the lowest value
of both (Table 1), supporting my hypothesis.’
Requirement: You must include a table that is formatted to a professional standard in your submission.

Tip: A template is provided below. Please make sure that you replace the squarebracketed words as appropriate, e.g., Participatory Democracy Index instead of [DV].

What types of collaboration and teamwork will best help the interdisciplinary team be successful? How is the collaboration approach relevant to the team’s needs and will it help drive success?

Pressure ulcers – Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal

Write a brief introduction (2 to 3 sentences) to your proposal that outlines the issue you are attempting to solve, the part of the organization in which the plan would be carried out, and the desired outcome. This will set the stage for the sections below.

Describe what your plan will do and what you hope it will accomplish in one or two succinct sentences. Also, comment on how the objective, if achieved, will improve organizational or patient outcomes. For example:
Test a double-loop feedback model for evaluating new product risk with a small group of project managers with the goal of reducing the number of new products that fail to launch. This objective is aligned to the broader organizational goal of becoming more efficient taking products to market and, if successful, should improve outcomes by reducing waste.

Questions and Predictions
For this section ask yourself 3 to 5 questions about your objective and your overall plan. Make a prediction for each question by answering the question you posed. This helps you to define the important aspects of your plan as well as limit the scope and check its ability to be implemented.
For example:
How much time will using a double-loop feedback model add to a project manager’s workload?
At first, it will likely increase their workloads by 5 to 10 percent. However, as the process is refined and project managers become more familiar and efficient, that percentage will decrease.

Change Theories and Leadership Strategies
For this section, you may wish to draw upon the research you did regarding change theories and leadership for the Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification assessment. The focus of this section is how those best practices will create buy-in for the project from an interdisciplinary team, improve their collaboration, and/or foster the team’s ability to implement the plan. Be sure that you are including at least one change theory and at least one leadership strategy in your explanation. Always remember to cite your sources; direct quotes require quotation marks and a page or paragraph number to be included in the citation.
Another way to approach your explanations in this section is to think through the following:
What is the theory or strategy?
How will it likely help an interdisciplinary team to collaborate, implement, and/or buy in to the project plan?
Make sure to frame this explanation within the organizational context of the proposed plan, that is, your interviewee’s organization.

Team Collaboration Strategy
In this section, begin by further defining the responsibilities and actions that represent the implementation of the plan. One strategy to defining this is to take a “who, what, where, and when” approach for each team member.
For example:
Project Manager A will apply the double-loop feedback model on one new product project for a single quarter.
Project Manager B will apply the double-loop feedback model on all new product projects for a quarter.
Vice President A will review the workloads of project managers using the double-loop feedback model every Thursday for one quarter.
After you have roughly outlined the roles and responsibilities of team members, you will explain one or more collaborative approaches that will enable the team to work efficiently to achieve the plan’s objective. As with the change theories and leadership strategies, you may draw on the research you conducted for the Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification assessment. However, you are being asked to give a more in-depth explanation of the collaboration approaches and look at how they will help the theoretical interdisciplinary team in your plan proposal.
Another way to approach your explanations in this section is to think through the following:
What is the collaboration approach?
What types of collaboration and teamwork will best help the interdisciplinary team be successful?
How is the collaboration approach relevant to the team’s needs and will it help drive success?
Make sure to frame this explanation in terms of the subject of the plan proposal; that is, your interviewee’s organization.

Required Organizational Resources
For this section, you will be making rough estimates of the resources needed for your plan proposal to be successful. This section does not have to be exact but the estimates should be realistic for the chosen organization.
Items you should include or address in this section:
What are the staffing needs for your plan proposal?
What equipment or supplies are needed for your plan proposal?
Does the organization already have these?
If so, what is the cost associated with using these resources?
If not, what is the cost of acquiring these resources?
What access (to patients, departments, and so forth) is needed?
Are there any costs associated with these?
What is the overall financial budget request for the plan proposal?
Staff time, resource use, resource acquisition, and access charged?
Remember to include a specific dollar amount in your request.
After you have detailed your budget, make sure that you explain any impacts on organizational resources that could happen if your plan is not undertaken and successful. In other words, if the issue you are try to solve through your plan proposal persists or gets worse, what will be the potential costs to the organization?

What are the legal issues in this case? What did the appeals court decide? What implied contract is alleged to have been breached? What is the evidence that this implied contract exists?

Reynolds v. Gentry Fin. Corp., 2016 UT App.35 (Utah Court of Appeals)

Case Summary: After being reassured repeatedly and prominently in writing that her employer would take no adverse action against any employee for bringing a complaint to the home office – and in fact that the employer viewed not reporting violations of company policy as misconduct – appellant Lucinda Reynolds reported that her immediate supervisor had directed her to act in violation of company policy and applicable law. She was fired two weeks later. The district court ruled on summary judgment that the discharge violated no law because Reynolds was an at-will employee, and Reynolds appealed. The appeals court reversed in part and remanded for further proceedings consistent with its opinion.
Review the full case on pages 643 – 646 of your text, then compose your initial post answering the following questions.
What are the legal issues in this case? What did the appeals court decide?
What implied contract is alleged to have been breached? What is the evidence that this implied contract exists? Why does the employer’s disclaimer not resolve the matte
Why is the separate at-will employment agreement that the employee had signed when she was hired not sufficient to negate an implied contract providing her for something other than employment at will?
At trial, is the plaintiff likely to be able to prove the existence of an implied contract? Why or why not? Is the plaintiff likely to be able to prove that any implied contract was breached by her termination? Why or why not?
As a practical matter, what should this employer have done differently?

Why do you think the situation at Blizzard grew to become this bad? What aspects of their response have been effective or ineffective?

Case Study

Read the three articles about the Activision Blizzard scandal, linked under “modules” in “material for Blizzard case.” Then, answer the three assignment questions below.

1) Why do you think the situation at Blizzard grew to become this bad?

2) Review Activision Blizzard’s response to-date (see PC Gamer timeline). What aspects of their response have been effective or ineffective?

3) Review CEO Bobby Kotick’s letter. Assuming this proposed response is carried out, what are its strengths and weaknesses?
Your written work will also be evaluated based on these criteria:

1. Development – Your answers should fully address the assignment questions. Be detailed and specific without padding your paper with wordiness (e.g. statements & content that add limited value).

2. Clarity – Your writing should contain as few errors as possible and should be clearly structured. Write as if you are addressing your manager or an important client.

3. Directness – Your writing should be organized around responding to the assignment questions listed for each paper and you should fully follow assignment instructions.