
Does the employment at will with exception standard provide sufficient protection for employees? Would it be better if all employers were required to meet a just cause/due process standard for termination? Why or why not?

A large company downsizing

1. A large company is planning to downsize.A consultant suggests the following:
It makes sense to focus on one of your unionized plants.We suggest that you reduce the 300 employees at that plant to 100. Some of the components that you produce at that plant can be made at your non-union South Carolina plant.
Since you will be terminating 200 employees, I suggest that you terminate 50 employees per week. This way, you won’t have to worry about any legal requirements for providing notice.
If you want to be safe, you can send a letter to employees the week before you begin the first wave of terminations telling them that the long-term prospects for the plant are not good.
Let the supervisors use their best judgment about who should be retained.They know best.
Consider offering an early retirement plan to generate some voluntary turnover, but don’t get people’s hopes up by announcing it before all the details are in place.
If you offer an early retirement plan, require that all employees who accept it waive their ADEA rights.
Taking early retirement is an important decision, so give employees two weeks to think over the offer:
What are the legal problems with the consultant’s advice? What would be better advice?

2. What are some feasible alternatives to downsizing? If downsizing must occur, what criteria should be used to select those individuals who be be downsized?

3. Does the employment at will with exception standard provide sufficient protection for employees? Would it be better if all employers were required to meet a just cause/due process standard for termination? Why or why not?

What concepts in children’s services or early childhood education are you most passionate about?

Provincial funding to support technology in schools of Ontario.

What concepts in children’s services or early childhood education are you most passionate about? This project offers students the opportunity to select a problem, concept or idea that they can research to provide advocacy to effect change. The focus will be on the student’s ability to select a real-world problem and use their problem-solving skills to create positive social change by advocating and informing policy. The knowledge obtained will increase the student’s awareness of the importance of their own role in partnering with parents, advocates, community partners, and leaders to promote social change for the betterment of children’s growth and development.

Select an issue, concept or idea that is not too broad and not too narrow. Topic can be investigated and one that requires problem-solving. Provide an introduction to the topic with relevant background information and the subtopics being addressed in the project. Next, give an overview of the current status of the topic. This area should justify the research problem, provide critical background and contextualize the information. Current policy about the topic is the next section of the project. This section should describe all local policies related to the issue or concept. Policies that have been implemented in the past and current policies that impact the issue or stakeholders need to be described. Evidence needs to be integrated in this section. Current policies that are aiming to resolve or provide solutions to the issue need to be included. Next, the project should describe global trends and policies in three other countries. Information on how each country is trying to resolve the issue also needs to be outlined. World humanitarian organizations such as United Nations or UNICEF may be referenced for policy surrounding humanitarian efforts in other countries.

The next section should address ethical concerns related to the topic. Select at least two ethical concerns surrounding the topic. Include data/evidence to support any cultural aspects discussed. Consider how each stakeholder including child, parent, teacher, community member and policy member may view the topic differently. How might the two situations selected require ethical competence when trying to address the problem. Personal stance and recommendations on how to address the problem need to be explored and described. Use problem-solving skills to come up with solutions and suggestions. Outline who should be responsible to implement the strategy or recommendation described. Include proposed policies to add to current policy to address the problem in the next section. Include three to four websites pertaining to the topic, such as government websites or readings that families, teachers or community members can use as resources. A References page needs to be included at the end of the project.

How are these types of pronouns introduced in grammar books? Do you find the methods appropriate? Why/why not? Which problems could come up in an EFL classroom?

A descriptive analysis of the English pronominal system and some insights in relation to their teaching

1. Examples from every group of pronouns you chose to discuss.
2. Functions of the groups of pronouns you chose to discuss.
3. How are these types of pronouns introduced in grammar books? Do you find the methods appropriate? Why/why not?
4. Which problems could come up in an EFL classroom (with native speakers of a language other than English)?

Describe how your previous academic training, professional experience and/or personal passions have led you to this question, problem or topic and have drawn you to this degree program.

Academic statement of purpose

1. Your statement of purpose should describe a question, problem or topic in information science that you have a passion to address.

2. Describe how your previous academic training, professional experience and/or personal passions have led you to this question, problem or topic and have drawn you to this degree program.

3. Identify the faculty members with whom you would be interested in working and why.

What’s the role and importance of the chinese working within the foreign concessions in Shanghai in the 19th and 20th century?

Importance of the Chinese working within the foreign concessions

What’s the role and importance of the Chinese working within the foreign concessions in Shanghai in the 19th and 20th century?

How do the contemporary (local) and global themes relate to each other? What is the significance of this for social work and best practice implications? What is informing your ideas? What are the key sources of information that you have read to inform your ideas?

Social studies

SW Global Context : This is a personal plan for the assessment which allows you to receive formative developmental feedback from the module tutors. You do not have to use these headings; they are a guide that you may find useful. You can present your essay plan in any format on a word document.
Title of Report

Introduction objectives: How do the contemporary (local) and global themes relate to each other? What is the significance of this for social work and best practice implications?


What is informing your ideas? What are the key sources of information that you have read to inform your ideas?


Evidence: Provide a brief summary of the key themes that your reading has highlighted

Factors that influences on migration can be divided into Social, Economic, Environmental, Political.

Discuss how biased can impact the patient, the care being offered and the health care company. Describe how this will support the procedural policies of the health care company.

Implicit Bias for Health Care workers

Create a Power Point Presentation of an Evaluation Plan for Training that identifies Implicit Bias for Health Care workers (Nurses and Receptionists).

The Implicit Bias Training focus will be on topics like How to Speak with patients, Responding to patient’s needs, and Providing medical assistants care, etc. when talking to patients especially patients of racial and ethnic minority background.

Some key points to address are below and outside of those you can elaborate on other topics
Background in implicit biases
Help to recognize their own human biases
Articulate how implicit biases can affect their perceptions and behavior
Discuss how biased can impact the patient, the care being offered and the health care company.
Describe how this will support the procedural policies of the health care company.
Demonstrate the tactics and skills that will reduce the influence of implicit bias and be effective

Also, within the Power Point Presentation of an Evaluation Plan for Training that identifies Implicit Bias for Health Care workers (Nurses and Receptionists) create a questionnaire with 10 questions with answering choices of 1-Very Unlikely, 2-Unlikely, 3-Neutral, 4 -Likely, 5-Very Likely, that could be taken to help Health Care Workers (Nurses and Receptionists) identify Implicit Bias and help increase awareness of their bias.

This Evaluation Plan for training must measure to what extent the training achieved its expressed goals.

Input Speaker Notes describing the topic that are displayed on each slide.

Briefly describe what prompted you to apply to Santa Clara University. Based on what you know about SCU and our Jesuit mission to educate citizens and leaders of competence, conscience, and compassion, how do you envision your life at SCU and beyond?

Santa Clara University Admission Essay

Briefly describe what prompted you to apply to Santa Clara University. Based on what you know about SCU and our Jesuit mission to educate citizens and leaders of competence, conscience, and compassion, how do you envision your life at SCU and beyond? (maximum 200 words)

What evidence does the author present in support of their argument? How convincing is the author’s argument? Are there any issues or potential problems that you can see? What are the article’s strengths? What are the articles weaknesses? How has the article advanced our understanding of a specific scholarly debate?

The critique of “The Economics of Guilds” by Ogilvie

Ogilvie, Sheilagh. “The Economics of Guilds.” The Journal of Economic Perspectives 28, no. 4 (2014): 169–92.


1) Use the main article – The economics of guilds (the essay critique is based on the this article that we need to critically analyse)

2) Use other articles (5-6 sources of the below-given ones) attached for the formation of evidence or general arguments (for weakness or strength of article support) – you can choose the ones you find useful:

– Epstein, S. R., and Maarten Prak, eds. Guilds, Innovation and the European Economy, 1400–1800. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511496738.

– De Moor, Tine. “The Silent Revolution: A New Perspective on the Emergence of Commons, Guilds, and Other Forms of Corporate Collective Action in Western Europe.” International Review of Social History 53, no. S16 (2008): 179-212. doi:10.1017/S0020859008003660.

– Berezin, P. (2003). Did Medieval Craft Guilds Do More Harm than Good? Journal of European Economic History 32, 171-197.

– Gustafson, B. (1991). The Rise and Economic Behaviour of Medieval Craft Guilds. In Power and Economic Institutions: Reinterpretations in Economic History (Ed. Gustafson, B.). Aldershot: Elgar, pp. 69-106.

-Epstein, S. R. “Craft Guilds, Apprenticeship, and Technological Change in Preindustrial Europe.” The Journal of Economic History 58, no. 3 (1998): 684–713.

– Charles R Hickson, Earl A Thompson,

A new theory of guilds and european economic development,

Explorations in Economic History,

Volume 28, Issue 2,


Pages 127-168,

ISSN 0014-4983,


– Kieser, Alfred. “Organizational, Institutional, and Societal Evolution: Medieval Craft Guilds and the Genesis of Formal Organizations.” Administrative Science Quarterly 34, no. 4 (1989): 540–64.

– Guilds, laws, and markets for manufactured merchandise in late-medieval England in Explorations in Economic History

Article by Gary Richardson 2004-1

– Rosser, Gervase. “Crafts, Guilds and the Negotiation of Work in the Medieval Town.” Past & Present, no. 154 (1997): 3–31.

– Soly, Hugo. “The Political Economy of European Craft Guilds: Power Relations and Economic Strategies of Merchants and Master Artisans in the Medieval and Early Modern Textile Indistries.” International Review of Social History 53 (2008): 45–71.

{Related question to start with: Were craft guilds good or bad for economic development?}

Consider following in the essay:

• What is the author’s main argument?

• What larger debate is the author contributing to?

o You may want to read some other related papers to get an idea of this (cite them properly!). This is what historians refer to as a historiography section. Economists and social scientists might call this a literature review.

• What evidence does the author present in support of their argument?

• How convincing is the author’s argument?

o Are there any issues or potential problems that you can see?

• What are the article’s strengths?

• What are the articles weaknesses?

• How has the article advanced our understanding of a specific scholarly debate?

Essays should be formatted in proper Chicago Style (footnotes included with page numbers, bibliography included in the end in Chicago style 17th)

– pages needed

– use only 4 extra sources for the evidence or argument

– do not copy past the work , use the ideas and write your own argument

– keep it simple

– get to the point in the conclusion (do not add new information, conclude what you said throughout the paper)

Use the document ‘ogilvie’ for the readings ( i highlighted the main good and bad stuff for the question given in the red i.e. Were craft guilds good or bad for economic development?

(+) = good for economic development

(-) = bad for economic development)



– No need to explain Ogilvie’s essay = NEED to show what STRENGTHAND WEAKNESS and SUPPORTING ARGUMENTS or UNSUPPORTING ARGUMENTs

– The structure should be :


a. Context

b. Literature review (3 sentences, important author’s argument)

c. Road map of approach (how you would structure your body paragraph) (with main explanation of what craft guilds are, Ogilvie’s argument about them and the contribution to larger debate)

Body Paragraphs (3-4 paragraphs)

a. Introduce first strength ( Use historical evidence, it can be both numbers and descriptive events. )  use supporting evidence (other authors)

b. Introduce second strength ( Use historical evidence, it can be both numbers and descriptive events. )  use supporting evidence(other authors)

c. Introduce first weakness ( Use historical evidence, it can be both numbers and descriptive events. )  use supporting evidence(other authors)

d. Introduce second weakness ( Use historical evidence, it can be both numbers and descriptive events. )  use supporting evidence(other authors)

All footnotes need a page number


a. Show that your evidence in the body paragraph proved the argument of author (summarize)

b. How this relates to the larger debate.

Was Marx’s analysis of global politics simply ahead of its time?

Marxism and Marxian Theories:

Was Marx’s analysis of global politics simply ahead of its time?