
What do you consider to be the most important aspect of the UN framework that would assist in overcoming the major problems faced by the Indigenous Australians?

UN Indigenous Peoples’ rights framework

Using the UN Indigenous Peoples’ rights framework, evaluate the Australian Government’s approach to the Indigenous Australians. What do you consider to be the most important aspect of the UN framework that would assist in overcoming the major problems faced by the Indigenous Australians?

Do you think it is possible for her to be an effective parent? Should she go ahead and try to become a single mom in your opinion? Why/why not? What are some problems or issues you she should think about if she does decide to become a single mom?

Discussion 13- Single Parenting

Read Chapter 14 and then respond to the following: A good friend of mine—age 34, with a PhD in Chemistry, who has a great job, and a very supportive extended family has not been able to find a husband—and she wants children before it is too late. She is considering in vitro insemination in hopes of becoming a single parent. Her mother is urging her to do this before it is too late. What advice do you have about in single parenting based on one or more research studies you find in our library. And, based on the information presented in Chapter 14 about the effects of single parenting on children, do you think it is possible for her to be an effective parent? Should she go ahead and try to become a single mom in your opinion? Why/why not? What are some problems or issues you she should think about if she does decide to become a single mom? What are the chances the in vitro procedures will work?

How have you, or someone you have known, dealt with one or more of these challenges? Based on your reading, what advice do you have for that family, based on the information provided in the text?

Discussion 14-Diverse Family Structures

Read Chapters 16, 17, and the Epilogue of your text, and then choose one of the following family types—step/blended, gay/lesbian parents, or divorced—and outline the specific challenges that these families are at risk of facing. How have you, or someone you have known, dealt with one or more of these challenges? Based on your reading, what advice do you have for that family, based on the information provided in the text? Then discuss what you think the future holds for parents and families, especially in terms of their structure and the benefits/risks current trends hold for children.

Ensure you outline and assess the need to develop and innovate in your proposed business to remain competitive, and identify the potential risks to the sustainability to the hospitality operation.

Business plan

Written Business Plan Instructions

This individual assessment is based on the chosen Hospitality SBU from the Interim Assessment.
It requires you to expand on the original presentation undertaken in your interim assignment, and from this produce a comprehensive business plan that, should you so wish, might be used to seek investment in your Hospitality SBU business idea.
See the Business Plan template issued separately which will highlight the required sections to be completed
Ensure you outline and assess the need to develop and innovate in your proposed business to remain competitive, and identify the potential risks to the sustainability to the hospitality operation.

Is the Turing Test a reasonable way to test for intelligence? Argue for your conclusion.

Philosophy paper

Is the Turing Test a reasonable way to test for intelligence? Argue for your conclusion. Be sure to clearly articulate any background theories that our position depends upon and give plenty of illustrative examples

Describe the problem in your workplace or community to which you are going to propose a solution. In addition, explain why you think this problem is significant and should be addressed.

Memo to Instructor on Topic for Report to Decision-Maker

[Write one or two sentences describing why you are writing this memo.]

What the Problem Is and Why It Needs to Be Investigated
[In one or two paragraphs, describe the problem in your workplace or community to which you are going to propose a solution. In addition, explain why you think this problem is significant and should be addressed.]

What Primary Research I Will Conduct about the Problem
[In a one or two paragraphs, describe primary research you will conduct on the problem and solution. Primary research can be interviews with individuals, pictures, surveys of individuals, actual workplace documents, etc. Primary research is not articles from the library.]

How My Organization or Community Will Benefit from My Recommendations
[In one or two paragraphs, describe your recommendations to the problem/situation you are describing. Include a description of the potential benefits that your organization or community will experience if your recommendations are carried out.]

Assess methods to evaluate L&D intervention. Compare those methods with the evidence-based management practice. Assess the merits for all methods for showing a return on investment for real organizations: Apple and Pret a Manger

Methods to evaluate L&D intervention

Assess methods to evaluate L&D intervention. Compare those methods with the evidence-based management practice. Assess the merits for all methods for showing a return on investment for real organizations: Apple and Pret a Manger

Critically evaluate a wide range of contemporary management issues by synthesizing relevant theories. Critically analyse and evaluate an organisational situation and change so as to inform and improve performance and enhance value.

Contemporary management issues in the 21st century

LO1: Understand the dynamic of business management issues in the contemporary global business environment.

LO2: Critically evaluate a wide range of contemporary management issues by synthesizing relevant theories.

LO3: Assess and critically evaluate the significance of contemporary change and the impacts on decisions, behaviours, human capital and the organisation configuration.

LO4: Critically analyse and evaluate an organisational situation and change so as to inform and improve performance and enhance value.

LO5: Evidence highly developed autonomous learning skills, problem solving and the ability to clearly and appropriately communicate findings and recommendations.

What are the current protocols and assessment practices used in your particular healthcare profession regarding fitness to practice protocols? From your professional experiences, and in the context of materials covered in this module, do current procedures achieve what they are supposed to? Why/why not?

Healthcare profession

What are the current protocols and assessment practices used in your particular healthcare profession regarding fitness to practice protocols? From your professional experiences, and in the context of materials covered in this module, do current procedures achieve what they are supposed to? Why/why not?

Identify the key factors for failure and tools and techniques that can be used to help prevent failures and improve the development of Information Systems.”

Systems Failure

You are to write a discussion paper on the following:

“Information Systems continue to fail for a variety of reasons. Identify the key factors for failure and tools and techniques that can be used to help prevent failures and improve the development of Information Systems.”

Support your arguments and discussion with relevant examples.

Your discussion paper should be 1250 (+/- 10%) words and show evidence of research in the available, relevant literature and you should use the IEEE referencing system, supplying full details of all references used.

All submitted work is expected to observe academic standards in terms of referencing, academic writing, use of language etc.

It is expected you will provide the following:

– Excellent account with excellent arguments including use of good references and relevant examples to support work.

– Excellent demonstration of understanding the problem, excellent justification and solutions provided.