
What do practitioners do? Where do they practice? How do you train to work within that area?

Coursework title “Career portfolio”

1. Demonstrate awareness of the broad range of social, economic, and political activity to which psychology is making important contributions.

2. Demonstrate awareness of many psychologists who have made major contributions in the applied field.

3. Show a basic understanding of the applications of psychology to specific areas of work and life and understand some of the many problems involved.

4. Have identified areas of psychology in which they are personally interested and to begin to relate this to future career opportunities.

2. Rationale for assessment
This assessment offers students an opportunity to explore in detail one of the main practitioner disciplines within Psychology. It enables students to examine one potential practitioner pathway that they may be considering as a future career.

3. Guidelines for the assessment
This is a 1100-word essay and with exception of students on particular pathways, you can write about any one of the eight practitioner disciplines. Forensic pathway students must write about Forensic Psychology, Child Psychology pathway students must write about Educational Psychology and Sport & Exercise pathway students must write about

Sport & Exercise Psychology.
The essay focuses on three main themes and is based on the regulations and roles for practitioners within the UK:
1. What do practitioners do?
2. Where do they practice?
3. How do you train to work within that area?
Your title should indicate which pathway you have chosen for the focus of your essay. You should include a brief introduction outlining the structure and content of your essay.

What is the management style of Jeff Bezo?. Discuss his conceptual, interpersonal, analytical, technical and/or communications skills. Is he an autocratic or democratic leader?

Jeff Bezo’s Management and Leadership

Management and Leadership ( Read Chapter Fourteen): Due Date: 11/21, by midnight, Eastern Daylight TIme.
What is the management style of Jeff Bezo?. Discuss his conceptual, interpersonal, analytical, technical and/or communications skills. Is he an autocratic or democratic leader? Give three specific examples of his interactions with his workforce. Describe the work environmnent. Is his management style effective? Analyze articles from business publications. Use APA formatting and hyperlinks to identify your resources. This is a one page written assignment. Use size 12 font. Single space.

Which of these things do you think is the most important use of energy, and why? What is one method you currently use (or would like to use) to reduce energy consumption in your home?

Environmental science Unit 4 – Discussion Board

We all use energy in more ways than we think. Turning on the lights in our bedroom, running our kitchen faucet, cranking up the furnace during cold winter nights, and even the choice to keep our windows open or closed—all of these impact the energy we consume. Some decisions can also save you money, but these choices also impact our environment.

Watch this video on ways to save energy around the home.

Think of some things in your house that use energy. Then, answer the following questions:

Which of these things do you think is the most important use of energy, and why?
What is one method you currently use (or would like to use) to reduce energy consumption in your home?

Link to the video:

What are the main elements of a global supply chain organization? What are the steps involved in producing an order and shipping it to the customer in a global environment?

Supply Chain Unit 4 – Discussion Board

Research a real-world company, such as Walmart, Starbucks, or Apple, that has expanded operations internationally. Write 200-250 words on international supply chain management using the company that you researched as your focus. Your response should answer the following questions:

What are the main elements of a global supply chain organization?
What are the steps involved in producing an order and shipping it to the customer in a global environment?
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of expanding operations internationally or sourcing goods internationally?
From manufacturing to the distribution of goods on an international scale, what are the main elements of a supply chain?

What are the steps involved in producing an order and shipping it to the customer?
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of international operations?

Which nutrients do not meet the DRI in the athlete’s diet? Which nutrients were excessive? What foods would you suggest the athlete add to their diet to increase their intake of the low nutrients?

Fueling the athlete

To analyze the athlete’s diet, use any diet analysis program or app. Your analysis must include the following nutrients: total calories, protein (g), carbohydrate (g), dietary fiber, total sugars, total fat, calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, folate, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin. If you need help finding a diet analysis program, contact your instructor.

Questions to answer: For the case you were assigned, answer the following questions. Your response must be at least 500 words.

1. Which nutrients do not meet the DRI in the athlete’s diet?
2.Which nutrients were excessive?
3. What foods would you suggest the athlete add to their diet to increase their intake of the low nutrients?
4. What foods would you suggest the athlete remove from their diet to minimize their intake of excessive nutrients?
5. Based on what you have learned from Nancy Clark’s guidebook, should the athlete redistribute the foods they are eating during the day?

In the assignment area, submit the following:

Diet analysis showing the foods the athlete ate and the nutrient analysis
Your report in a Word document with the answer to the questions above.

Create a visualization that provides a geographic overview of which regions experience the most bird strikes. Create visualizations appropriate to convey information about a variable from a time series perspective.

Visualization of Geographic and Time Series Data

Utilize the complete Strike Reports dataset as well as the list of Airports in United States of America dataset. Join the two datasets, the complete Strike Reports and the list of Airports in United States of America, to get each airport’s latitude and longitude. Create a new table that aggregates the data at the airport level.

Apply a custom metric in a visualization.
Create a custom metric by writing code to give each airport a score for bird strikes by aircraft at that airport.
Use this custom metric in a geographic visualization of bird strikes by airport.
Create visualizations appropriate to convey information about a variable from a geographic perspective.
Create a visualization that provides a geographic overview of which regions experience the most bird strikes.
Create visualizations appropriate to convey information about a variable from a time series perspective.
Create time series graphs showing the trends over time of bird strikes. Seasonal trends should be shown through yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily levels of detail.
Add a filter to the visualization that allows the user to select a subset of the data to display within the visualization.
Interpret the meaning conveyed by visualizations.
Write a user guide for your visualizations explaining the purpose of each visualization and demonstrating how to use the custom metric and filter you included in the visualizations you created.
Your assignment will be graded according to the following criteria:

Create visualizations appropriate to convey information about a variable from a geographic perspective.
Create visualizations appropriate to convey information about a variable from a time series perspective.
Interpret the meaning conveyed by visualizations.
Apply a custom metric in a visualization.

What are the strengths and limitations of each, what types of information can only be collected by human espionage versus technical espionage, what are the organizational differences in how we conduct human versus technical espionage?


Topic: Espionage exists in many forms. Compare and contrast human intelligence espionage versus technical espionage (imagery, communications, electronics, cybercollection, etc.).

Here are are a few questions to prompt your thinking. But you should develop your own measures and present them in your paper. What are the strengths and limitations of each, what types of information can only be collected by human espionage versus technical espionage, what are the organizational differences in how we conduct human versus technical espionage, what are the costs invested in human versus technical espionage, what are the problems in managing the information we collect by human espionage versus technical espionage, etc

Develop a contract strategy which include procurement plan, a flow diagram mapping the tendering process, a schedule of tender documents to be supplied to interested bidders and tender evaluation criteria to be used. Critically analyse procurement routes to justify selection of the most suitable procurement for the project.


Civil Engineering contract administration – new School of Medicine for anglia ruskin university


Project Scenario

Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) is to build a new School of Medicine on its Chelmsford campus. The £20 million project has been in development since 2014 and awaiting approval from the General Medical Council and the allocation of places from the Government for opening by September 2023.

The Essex-based medical school is a significant development in the region and is viewed by stakeholders as part of the solution to the ongoing issues faced by the region. ARU has worked closely with a broad range of partners across the regional health economy in planning the School. The proposed project will include the construction of state-of-the-art skills facilities, specialist teaching space, lecture theatre, and a cadaveric anatomy suite.

ARU being a public body procures its major projects through the SCAPE Procure, a national framework designed to achieve measurable time, quality, cost and community benefits on every public sector project. Both SCAPE and ARU are reasonably familiar with both NEC3 and JCT Contracts and are confident of being able to prepare their own tender document, but would like you to develop a contract strategy that ensures timely completion of the project, minimise confrontations and provide best return on the investment.

Develop a contract strategy for the project, and based on it write a short report to advise ARU on the most suitable procurement system and form of contract for the project.


The report should not exceed 1500 words, and has to:

Develop a contract strategy which include procurement plan, a flow diagram mapping the tendering process, a schedule of tender documents to be supplied to interested bidders and tender evaluation criteria to be used.

Critically analyse procurement routes to justify selection of the most suitable procurement for the project.

Critically evaluate the main differences between JCT and NEC3 standard forms of contracts.

Draw succinct but clear conclusions that justify recommendations for the contract strategy that ensures timely completion of the project, minimized confrontations and best return on the investment to ARU

Credit will be given for argument supported by reference to relevant clauses from the Conditions of Contract. Credit will not be given for copying out clauses from the Conditions of Contract without evidence that you understand their relevance to the problem under consideration.

While some parts of the contract strategy could benefit from using table and illustrative figures, justifications need to be clearly discussed and supported by compelling evidence from research and practice. Excessive use of bullet points may affect the flow of your arguments thereby affecting the quality of the report.

Marking scheme, criteria or rubric

Marks are awarded as follows:

Fully developed contract strategy (30%)

Analysed and justified recommendations for procurement routes (20%)

Critical evaluation and comparison of JCT and NEC contract and their suitability for the project (20%)

Conclusion [Clearly drawn conclusions that justify the recommendations for the contract strategy] (20%)

Presentation [clear structure, logical flow and compliance with ARU Harvard referencing] (10%)

Write a summary of the article (100-150 words) and then an analysis of how it relates to topics we have studied in the class (200-300 words).

Extra Credit: Religion and Medicine in the News

Find a news article related to the topic of religion and medicine. Write a summary of the article (100-150 words) and then an analysis of how it relates to topics we have studied in the class (200-300 words). You must include both summary and analysis for credit and it should be between 300-450 words in total.

As a Financial Analyst employed by a leading FTSE 100 company, you have been requested to assess the suitability of an investment in one of two companies, In respect of their ability to create wealth for your firm’s pension fund.

Corporate Financial Decision-making

As a Financial Analyst employed by a leading FTSE 100 company, you have been requested to assess the suitability of an investment in one of two companies, In respect of their ability to create wealth for your firm’s pension fund.

To do this you should investigate buying shares in either Diageo plc or 3i Group plc, both listed on the London Stock Exchange (DGE and III). In your role as Financial Analyst, you should help in critically evaluating whether either share would be a good investment to aid in the continuing growth of your organisation’s pension fund.