
What specific recommendations would you make for probation officer training given these needs?

RP 7 B

How would the points brought up in this week’s readings (both text and Packet article) impact your view of the special knowledge and skills required for effective community supervision, given the wide range of cases which probation has responsibility for, and especially cases that are of high social risk? What specific recommendations would you make for probation officer training given these needs?

How successful is Miller in adapting material from the Odyssey? If Miller changes materials regarding the original myth, why and how does she do so? What purpose does it serve?

Circe – Madeline Miller

Give a review of the novel Circe, by Madeline Miller. Use two sources, one being the book itself and the second the poem, The Odyssey, translated by Emily Wilson.
Touch on the below points:
1. How successful is Miller in adapting material from the Odyssey?
2. If Miller changes materials regarding the original myth, why and how does she do so? What purpose does it serve?
3. Focus primarily on the characterization of Circe
4. To a lesser degree, some other examples of topics to discuss in the paper: Circe’s relationship with the gods and/or humans; the changing characterization of Odysseus; the characterization of ‘minor’ characters like Hermes, Pasiphae, or Jason; the nature of the gods in general as portrayed in the novel; the novel’s sense of time. You might also consider whether Miller’s understanding of Circe, Odysseus, and the Odyssey impacts how you understand those characters and the ancient text.

What insight did you gain, and how would you incorporate that knowledge into your thinking in the future?

Difficult issues

We value diverse perspectives and the ability to have respectful dialogue about difficult issues. Share a time when you had a conversation with a person or a group of people about a difficult topic. What insight did you gain, and how would you incorporate that knowledge into your thinking in the future?


Identify a primary source to support your brochure. This source should be a primary research report containing an introduction, a description of methods and participants, a result section, and a discussion and conclusion.

4-2 Project One Milestone

Select a specialty and target population for your clinic from the Project One Milestone Options document, linked in the Prompt section of this assignment in your course. Next, using the Shapiro Library or other sources, identify a primary source to support your brochure. This source should be a primary research report containing an introduction, a description of methods and participants, a result section, and a discussion and conclusion. It should not be a review article, a meta-analysis, or a letter to an editor. You must address each of the rubric criteria listed below in about 750 to 1,000 words total.

Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information.

Select your clinic’s specialty from the options provided and explain why you selected that option.


Select a target population for your clinic from the options provided and explain why you selected that option.


Create an annotated bibliography entry for the primary source provided. Sources should be described in your own words for a general audience. Your entry should include a summary of the following:

The problem addressed
The methodology, measurements, and sample
The findings
Conclusions and limitations of the research design


Create an annotated bibliography entry for the primary source of your choice. Sources should be described in your own words for a general audience. Your entry should include a summary of the following:

The problem addressed
The methodology, measurements, and sample
The findings
Conclusions and limitations of the research design


Compare and contrast the cognitive interventions presented in your articles (at least one intervention per article) and explain why you think they would be effective. Include the following in your comparison:

The respective strengths of each intervention
How the articles address your target population. If they do not, what would need to be modified in the intervention?


What role did and does the 14th amendment play in advancing rights?

14th amendment

Answer this question “What role did and does the 14th amendment play in advancing rights? (This is a great amendment to use to trace the expansion of rights from Brown vs. the Board of Education, to Roe v. Wade, to marriage equality, etc. Consider including a paragraph or two about additional ways this amendment could be used to protect or expand liberties, etc. For example, do California’s firearms laws violate the 14th amendment’s emphasis on equal protection, due process, etc.)”
Answer must relate from the time frame of 1865-2021, also can you add a source page, please do not use sources from “”, or “Wikepedia”

Who are leading candidates for the Democrats, and Republicans? Are there any third party candidates who might have any impact on this race? What are national issues that will impact this race?

Political dynamics

Each student must complete a 5-7 page (double-space, standard margins) paper to receive a passing grade in the course. (The bibliography and the cover-page do NOT count as one of the 5-7 pages). Any student submitting less than 5 pages of content will have 20 points deducted from his/her grade.

Who are leading candidates for the Democrats, and Republicans?
Are there any third party candidates who might have any impact on this race?
What are national issues that will impact this race?
How will Trump affect this race?
Who is going to win this race and why?

Explain what influenced your decision to make a commitment to UTRGV and the graduate or professional program

Luminary Scholar

As a Luminary Scholar, you are not only making a commitment to yourself, but to your community, the institution, and the Rio Grande Valley. Explain what influenced your decision to make a commitment to UTRGV and the graduate or professional program

Studying international affairs at its core is understanding how to solve the world’s most pressing problems with a philanthropic intention.

Statement of Purpose International Policy Masters Stanford

Studying international affairs at its core is understanding how to solve the world’s most pressing problems with a philanthropic intention.

Does this alter your view of the film? Read some of the modern criticism of the book/film versus the adulation the film has received over the years. Do you agree or disagree with the critics and why?

Film Evaluation on To Kill A Mockingbird

Subject: Adaptations/Film & Society
The classic film To Kill A Mockingbird was released in 1962 in the midst of the civil rights movement of the U.S. Not only is it an adaptation of a classic novel, but clearly a film to address the social unrest and inequities of the justice system. Gregory Peck won the Oscar for his portrayal of the great, benevolent, defense attorney Atticus Finch. However, many were shocked with the release of Harper Lee’s book, Go Set A Watchman to discover an elderly Atticus Finch upholding white supremacy and segregationist views. Does this alter your view of the film? Read some of the modern criticism of the book/film versus the adulation the film has received over the years. Do you agree or disagree with the critics and why?

Film link: To Kill a Mockingbird Official Trailer #1 – Gregory Peck (1996) HD

Film link: To Kill A Mockingbird

Book: The Art of Watching Film
Read Chapter 13 & 15
Go to Page Overview for Chapter 13 – Adaptations & Chapter 15 – Film & Society

Which part did you find most enjoyable and why? Which part did you like almost as well and why? Which part did you least enjoy and why?

Vivaldi: Four Seasons played by: Janine Jansen


What concert?

Reaction to the concert environment (performing venue)
Composition(s) (Just give the artist for the Newport Jazz Festival video)
Which part did you find most enjoyable and why?
Which part did you like almost as well and why?
Which part did you least enjoy and why?
Was your like or dislike due to the music itself, or the way it was played?

Connection to Course
To what forms and musical concepts that we have studied do you see any connections? Explain your choices.

• Tempo
• Meter
• Texture
• Rhythm
• Melody
• Harmony
• Style

Personal Reaction
Give any other reactions. Feel free to mention images, feelings, emotions, mood and the affect of the overall spirit of the music.