
What is the theme of your selected piece of literature? Interpret the theme utilizing various literary areas to prove that your interpretation is not only possible, but also probable.

What is the theme of your selected piece of literature? Interpret the theme utilizing various literary areas to prove that your interpretation is not only possible, but also probable. Be definitive and confident. Avoid summarizing or paraphrasing the story.

Research and write a market report analyzing the long-term prospects for a certain class of real estate within a chosen geographic area.

Real Estate Market Analysis

To research and write a market report analyzing the long-term prospects for a certain class of real estate within a chosen geographic area. The report should analyze how economic, demographic and land use trends are affecting the growth and pricing of the chosen class of real estate and evaluate what opportunities for successful real estate development or investment exist in that marketplace.

Critically examine its impact on the economic development of the Southern African region

Development in South Africa main essay

The discovery of minerals in the late nineteenth century i.e. diamonds in 1867 and gold in 1886, dramatically changed the economic and political structure of Southern Africa.
Critically examine its impact on the economic development of the Southern African region

Explain at least two experiments in the paper you selected. Carefully read the Experimental Methods section of the literature paper to determine how the experiments worked.

Selective Targeting of the Inactive State of Hematopoietic Cell Kinase (Hck) with a Stable Curcumin Derivative

Explain at least two experiments in the paper you selected. Carefully read the Experimental Methods section of the literature paper to determine how the experiments worked. You will need to consult other online sources (wikipedia and google work great) to understand what the researchers did. Describe how these experiments were done. Leave out the details related to temperature, volume and masses. Do explain any instruments (and the theory behind how the instruments work) that were used. Fully cite all of your references, including titles, authors, dates, journal, volume and pages. Use terminology that your science major classmates will understand. Do not cut and paste, do not paraphrase, do not use quotes. Use only your own words to explain these two experiments.

Please refer to the comments made by my professor on my previous two papers which I have attached. I have also attached the rubric for this paper

Imagine that you had 5-6 month old infant and you wanted them to become bilingual. In light of Dr. Kuhl’s research, describe how you would work with your infant. Which of the Language Development theories does Dr. Kuhl’s research best support and why?

The Linguistic Genius of Babies

Read chapter 9 (Language) before beginning this assignment. Watch the following video of Dr. Patricia Kuhl called “The Linguistic Genius of Babies” and then write an essay (450-500 words) that addresses the four questions below.

• After watching the video, address the following:

1. Dr. Kuhl calls babies younger than 12 months, “Citizens of the World.” Explain what she means by this statement. What does she mean by the term “culture-bound listener?” According to her research, at what age do infants start to become culture-bound listeners?

2. U.S. babies from English- speaking parents, who were exposed to Mandarin via audio recordings or television, were not able to discriminate speech sounds native to Mandarin speakers. However, U.S. babies from English-speaking parents who were exposed to Mandarin through face-to-face interactions with a live person were able to discriminate speech sounds native to Mandarin speakers; just like Taiwanese babies. Explain why you think this live face-to-face interaction between those babies and the person speaking Mandarin lead to a successful outcome (as compared with babies in the audio only or TV conditions)?

3. Imagine that you had 5-6 month old infant and you wanted them to become bilingual. In light of Dr. Kuhl’s research, describe how you would work with your infant.

4. Which of the Language Development theories does Dr. Kuhl’s research best support and why?


Explore how the function of respiratory system can be impaired, how they affect a person’s life, and what are the treatment options.

Discussion IV-disease of respiratory system – Diseases of respiratory system 4

This discussion is designed to help you learn about abnormalities of the respiratory system.

This week you have learned about respiratory system anatomy and physiology in the lab.  This discussion is designed to help you to explore how the function of respiratory system can be impaired, how they affect a person’s life, and what are the treatment options.

For this discussion pick a disease of respiratory system that you are curious about and search for the symptoms, causes, and treatment options from valid clinical resources.  Then try to explain that disorder to your peers. The cause of disorder could be anything from Cancer, genetic, infection trauma, congenital disorder, and side effect of other organ systems malfunction.

In your initial post,
Describe the causes and symptoms of the disorder.
After reading about current research in finding therapy and a cure, pick one area of research and explain the challenges.
At the end of your post, include an open-ended question to which your classmates can respond.
Check the rubric for the minimum number of words you need to use and other requirements.
You can Only pick a topic that is not chosen by other students.  Therefore once you chose your topic claim it by initiating your post.
You can upload pictures or videos into your discussion if you wish to.

Critically review the role of Commercial and Investment Banks in the UK during the Covid 19 pandemic.

Role of Commercial and Investment Banks in the UK during the Covid 19 pandemic.

Critically review the role of Commercial and Investment Banks in the UK during the Covid 19 pandemic. Your review should include comparative performances between Commercial & Investment Bank and other UK banks that do not include a substantial investment banking division.

Does depression increase the likelihood of drugs usage?

Depression and Drugs usage

Does depression increase the likelihood of drugs usage?

Research one of the other musicians on the album. Discuss their contributions in Jazz History including specific recordings (minimum TWO), brief biographical information, and what other bands they led/performed in

Concert Review

1. List the track titles and performers (and their respective instrument) featured on the album.

2. In regards to the album, identify the following:
a. The genre (Swing, Bebop, Fusion etc.)
b. The year released
c. The record label

3. In a paragraph of 3-5 sentences, describe the importance of this particular album. Consider the significance of the performers (and how they impacted future musicians and musical ideologies) as well as the reaction by the general public and prominent music critics. How were views enhanced/changed/shifted because of this album and/or the
career of the performer?

4. In one paragraph of at least 4 sentences, state your favorite track and explain why. Use specific examples of the music and cite concepts learned in class (such as phrasing, solos, the head, trading fours, the feel etc.)

5. Research one of the other musicians on the album. Discuss their contributions in Jazz History including specific recordings (minimum TWO), brief biographical information, and what other bands they led/performed in

6. In a final paragraph of at least 4 sentences, argue whether this album is still relevant today or not. Consider a person who has never studied/played music before; what would this listener gain from hearing the album in it’s entirety or how might it fail to connect with them? Cite specific song examples/excerpts from the album to back up your opinion. No submissions yet. Drag and drop to upload your assignment below

What were the roots of the conflict? How do the parties to the conflict view the behavior of the other and pursue their own interests in the conflict situation? At what point did the conflict become detrimental to the parties involved?

OLB-7001 Week 4

This week, you will begin part one of a two-part assignment. For part one, you will map the conflict in the resources section and perform a preliminary analysis on the escalation of the conflict.

In your evaluation, avoid summarizing the case. Instead, analyze the case critically and assess how it pertains to this week’s readings. Remember, excellent analyses are a combination of critical and analytical thoughts connected to greater themes presented in the readings – and this is not an easy task.

Be sure to include the following required elements in your assignment:

Briefly describe what you consider two or three major issues contained in the case.
Explain how these points or issues integrate with the material covered this week and then explain their relevance to the case.
Identify the implications for the parties involved in the case.
Provide a brief description of the questions/challenges you have regarding the readings and explain why they are important.

Do not include the following in your analysis:

A summary of the readings
A detailed description of the case
Any editorials

As you are preparing your response, consider the following questions:

What were the roots of the conflict?
How do the parties to the conflict view the behavior of the other and pursue their own interests in the conflict situation?
At what point did the conflict become detrimental to the parties involved?
How might this conflict extend to the larger workplace?
Length: 8 pages, not including title or reference pages

References: Include a minimum of 6 scholarly resources.

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.