
Identify and Define lactate threshold? Use your required and discovered readings to explain the LT relationship to aerobic and anaerobic metabolism.

Lactate Threshold

Within an APA formatted word document, provide a cover page, a paper body totaling 2-3 pages (2-5 paragraphs per question), and a reference page. Cite your source(s) of information, both in the text and at the end of the paper.

1. Identify and Define lactate threshold? Use your required and discovered readings to explain the LT relationship to aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. Why is it important to understand Lactate Threshold within the context of your (or a) future Sports and Health Science Career?

2. Individual factors can influence the percent of VO2max at which the lactate threshold occurs in each person? See the following ACE article for assistance: Identify and define the cause of these differences (factors). What causes these differences? How would those differences increase or decrease LT?

3. What type of individual would want to train to improve their lactate threshold? How can you personally increase your LT and why would you want to increase it? Define Lactate Threshold Training and identify and define two methods used in this style of training.

4. Identify and provide data from a peer reviewed research article that shows how lactate threshold training can impact aerobic performance. Summarize the data presented in the article and provide a real world example of how this article can assist an athlete with their training. NOTE: the article must be from the Library and should be from 2015 or later. Type in key terms into the “EVERYTHING” search bar and narrow your results from there. Or see the APUS S&HS library guide, linked above, for a short cut to additional resources for this course. DO NOT use articles from a .com source.

Compare and contrast fixed-price contracts and cost-reimbursement contracts in terms of the benefits and drawbacks to small and large business. Analyze at least three opportunities your small business will have compared to large businesses in general.


Assignment Instructions Write a 6–8 page paper in which you:

1. Compare and contrast fixed-price contracts and cost-reimbursement contracts in terms of the benefits and drawbacks to small and large business.

2. Analyze at least three opportunities your small business will have compared to large businesses in general.

3. Discuss which elements of cost-reimbursement contracts tend to produce the biggest troubles for your small business. Provide a rationale for your choices.

4. Determine which form of contracting would benefit your business the most among all the forms of contracting described in Chapter 16. (Performance Based Contracting) Support your response.

5. Choose the most significant form of contracting that would support large companies (e.g., Boeing) among all the forms of contracting described in Chapter 16. (Performance Based Contracting) Support your response.

6. Develop a plan on how your company would justify the government to award your company the contract when the form of this contracting supports larger companies.
Formatting Requirements Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards.

Determine educational organization values and build a vision and mission that supports the success of students and employees.

EDD 643 Mod 6- Discussion

Identify and reflect on two elements of this course that are useful in your professional development and ability to:

• Determine educational organization values and build a vision and mission that supports the success of students and employees.

• Formulate communication strategies to develop effective working relationships with professional colleagues, policy makers, and the community.

– Read Chapter 5: Leadership Competencies (p. 91–118) and Chapter 7: Planning for the Future (p. 137–159) from:

Eddy, P. L. (2010). Community College Leadership: A Multidimensional Model for Leading Change. Sterling, VA, USA: Stylus Publishing.

– Read Chapter 10: Strategic Leadership in Education: Becoming, Being, Doing from:

Middlewood, D., & Lumby, J. (2010). Strategic Management in Schools and Colleges : SAGE Publications. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications Ltd.

How and/or why is this war started or provoked? Do the characters fall into a state of nature or resist a State of Nature in their goal to achieve Felicity?

Hobbes theory of a State of Nature

Film choices:

a. Pick any one of these films (or series) to analyze through the lens of Hobbes theory of

a State of Nature:

Whiplash (2014)

Black Swan (2010)

I Tonya (2017)

Mean Girls (2004)

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019)

Teen Spirit (2018)

Purge films (2013 – )

Any Walking Dead series/spin offs

The Road (2009)

Squid Games (2021)

This essay puts Haas et al.’s theory to the test that all films are political and extends the theory to see if we can push a film through a specific political lens and analyze:

Drawing upon (course notes and reading) on Hobbes’ theory of a State of Nature discuss how a “war of all against all” ensues between different character’s in the story of your film choice, in the goal to achieve Felicity (whichever aspect/s of felicity this may be e.g. power, survival, glory).

How and/or why is this war started or provoked? Do the characters fall into a state of nature or resist a State of Nature in their goal to achieve Felicity? (In some cases, falling into a state of nature can be metaphorical e.g. try to imagine what a loss of civilization means in the character’s life and world and not necessarily always an end of the world scenario). Also

consider the rules and laws of society and how they might be interpreted for the story world that the character’s inhabit.

Have at least a few sources at the bare minimum.

Use Class Notes to and incorporate them into the essay.

Briefly describe the cyber attack and its implications for the nation. Do you know who the perpetrators are? What was the goal of the crime? How much damage was caused? What is your first action? Why is this action your first? Why is it so important?

The President and Crisis Management


Today is your presidential Inauguration Day. You were elected as president last November by a slim margin in both the popular vote and the electoral vote. You attended a worship service this morning with your family and about a dozen high-ranking members of the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate. Then, you and the current president took a ride in a convertible car to the U.S. Capitol, where you were sworn in as the new president of the United States. It is now official; you are the president!

As you and your family are enjoying the parade, your new chief of staff and one of the key military advisors who is a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff whispers to you that there has been a major cyber attack on key federal financial institutions across the United States that compromised the personal financial data and passwords of hundreds of thousands of citizens.

Even though you have held office for just a few hours, you know it is critical to act swiftly and decisively so that the perpetrators of the crime, the American citizens, and political leaders (those who support you and those who do not) see you as a competent and strong leader.

What are your first three actions?

In your paper, you will describe these three actions in detail. Organization is important in this paper. Make certain to include the following information in your paper, and organize major sections using headings.

 Briefly describe the cyber attack and its implications for the nation.

o This section should be located early in the paper (i.e., in the first or second paragraph).

o Do you know who the perpetrators are?

o What was the goal of the crime?

o How much damage was caused?

 What is your first action?

o Why is this action your first? Why is it so important?

o What is the goal of the action? What purpose does it serve?

o What individuals, groups, or organizations does it involve?

 What is your second action?

o Why is this action your second? Why is it so important?

o What is the goal of the action? What purpose does it serve?

o What individuals, groups, or organizations does it involve?

 What is your third action?

o Why is this action your third? Why is it so important?

o What is the goal of the action? What purpose does it serve?

o What individuals, groups, or organizations does it involve?

 Provide a conclusion.

o What are your next steps?

o Briefly describe how your actions were limited by the U.S. Constitution. For example, you may feel constrained by the other two branches—powers denied to you by the U.S. Constitution or law (e.g., declaring war or appointing to key positions in your administration loyal and trusted friends without going through the formal appointment process or the civil services system).

The paper must be 2–4 pages in length, not counting the title page and references page. Make certain to double-space, apply 1-inch margins, and use 12-point font. Utilize headings to separate major sections of your plan (e.g., First Action, Section Action). Cite all sources in-text and on the references page using APA Style.

In addition to your textbook readings and the unit lesson for this unit, the following resources may be helpful as you complete the assignment. As aforementioned, make certain to cite all sources—in-text and on the references page—

What is the prevalence and care-seeking behavior for non-communicable diseases among refugees in Camp X?

Research report and Questinnaire

“You are involved with a humanitarian organization who are setting up a refugee camp. It is anticipated that refugees will start to arrive over the next few weeks and months. You are aware that some of the refugees will be elderly and you have been advised that diabetes and other non-communicable disease rates are comparatively high in this population. You have been asked to determine which interventions and services to control, manage and treat non-communicable diseases should be set up in the camp. You only have a couple of weeks to undertake this study that it will be implemented once the refugees will come and being accessible. Prepare a protocol to undertake a study that could help you determine which interventions to manage and treat non communicable diseases need to be set up for this population. You should use a report format and include reference to your research question, aim and objectives, approach, any ethical issues and explaining how you will analyze your data and present your findings. This may mean using ‘dummy tables or charts’ i.e. tables or charts laid out to present your data, with headings, but there will be no data in them.”

– The research question for the scenario given can be (What is the prevalence and care-seeking behavior for non-communicable diseases among refugees in Camp X?)

– Create a questionnaire of 10 questions that will help to address the main research question. The data from this questionnaire will be analyzed in the research report. The questionnaire should not exceed 1000 word and must follow the instructions and specific criteria mentioned in the attached file below (Questionnaire instructions).

– Produce a research report that will answer the research question using data from questionnaire you have created above. The research report should not exceed 2000 word and must follow the instructions and specific criteria as attached below. (Research report instructions)

– Questionnaire and research report must be in a separate documents. (1st document for questionnaire that contains 1000 word) while the (2nd document for research report that contains 2000 word as MAX). Both files must include references.

– Research report: Analyzing data and presenting the findings can be through dummy charts and tables with no numbers on it (just titles). The idea is to design a research report that can answer the main research question on the imaginary scenario given using the questionnaire data.

– See as an example of a research study done attached below as it has more or less same targeted population.


What did you learn from this activity and how can you apply it to your daily life? What is one thing you would share with your friends and family about internet nutrition information? How has this experience impacted the way you look at social media and online content?

Nutrition fads

1. Watch the written project lecture video.
a. It is key that you watch this video so you can easily distinguish reliable vs. fallacious nutrition information on the Internet.

2. Find a video, social media post, or blog with nutrition claims or nutrition portrayal.

a. Ex: A person selling X supplement, has no credentials, is a gym rat”; A nutrition lecturer giving advice on good sources of Calcium & Vitamin D for strong bones).

3. In a 2page, reflective journal style paper, include the following information:

a. (15pts) Paragraph 1:

Describe the media content: answer all questions.
i. In what platform did you find this content?

1. Make sure to share the link or a screenshot of the post in the bottom of your paper as well as on the WrittenProject
Discussion Board.

ii. What is the main point/message being relayed by this post? (e.g., “Keto diet is the best diet”; “Vitamin D and calcium are important for strong bones…”).

iii. How is the information relayed? Is it informational? promotional? persuasive? unbiased? monetized? dramatic?

iv. Who is sharing the information? Does the presenter/blogger/speaker have any credentials?

v. What makes the content attractive/not attractive in this post?

vi. Share any other important information to describe the content.

b. (30pts) Paragraphs 23:

Identify 2 red flags that categorize the media content as fallacious (not evidencebased) or give 2 reasons that categorize the media content as reliable (evidencebased).
i. Refer to the project video for explanations & examples of fallacious and reliable(evidencebased) information. You are welcome to use other peerreviewed sources of information.

c. (10pts) Paragraph 4:

Describe your thoughts about this media content.
Opinion is valid on this last part.

i. What did you learn from this activity and how can you apply it to your daily life?

ii. What is one thing you would share with your friends and family about internet nutrition information?

iii. How has this experience impacted the way you look at social media and online content?

d. (5pts) Turnitin, Works Cited, Format

i. All papers will be submitted via Turnitin so please make sure to cite your sources and be original with your work. This assignment is meant to help you make better choices about what kind of information to trust when it comes to your wellbeing.

ii. You should have a minimum of 4 complete paragraphs, doublespaced, 12pt font, Times New Roman.

iii. Works Cited: Follow proper MLA or APA style & paraphrase. Try not to use direct quotes unless absolutely necessary. If you support a post that sounds like a fad, make sure to support your claim with an evidencebased

iv. Format: Microsoft Word or PDF

v. Even though this is a reflective paper, rules of professionalism still apply, so use appropriate academic language and diction.

Recognize the burden of low quality care based on the 6 dimension of quality of care. Compare the quality of care in the Philippines with high, middle and low income countries.

A Gap in the Quality of Care

1. Recognize the burden of low quality care based on the 6 dimension of quality of care.

2. Compare the quality of care in the Philippines with high, middle and low income countries.

3. Propose measures to cross the gap in quality of care.

4. Provide high quality of care as student-doctors to patients from different backgrounds (as much as possible).

Use the Middlewood and Lumby (2010) module reading to describe the skills necessary to become a strategic leader. Discuss how strategic planning is useful in your professional development as an educational leader.

EDD 643 Mod 5- SLP

Strategic planning is often used to manage change in higher education settings. Identify a policy or practice at your institution that would benefit from change and discuss how strategic planning would be useful to guide the change. Use the Martinez and Wolverton (2009) module reading to describe the steps you must consider in the development of the plan. Next, use the Middlewood and Lumby (2010) module reading to describe the skills necessary to become a strategic leader. In conclusion, discuss how strategic planning is useful in your professional development as an educational leader.

– Read Chapter 2: The Costs and Benefits of Strategic Planning

and Chapter 3: Strategic Planning: Lessons and Applications from:

Martinez, M., & Wolverton, M. (2009). Innovative Strategy Making in Higher Education. Charlotte, N.C.: Information Age Publishing.

– Read Chapter 10: Strategic Leadership in Education: Becoming, Being, Doing from:

Middlewood, D., & Lumby, J. (2010). Strategic Management in Schools and Colleges : SAGE Publications. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications Ltd.

Discuss the role of the competencies and proposition in your overall understanding of change management in higher education.

EDD 643 Mod 5- Case

Conduct a brief self-reflection and evaluation of yourself within the AACC’s six leadership competencies and cultural competency (Eddy, 2010). You can go directly to the AACC webpage ( to read more about the application of the competencies. Provide an assessment of your skills within each of the six competencies and cultural competency. When possible, provide examples of when you have implemented the skill(s) into your daily work as an educational leader. Next, select one of the five propositions of multidimensional leadership that you feel is most applicable to your current work setting or professional development. In conclusion, discuss the role of the competencies and proposition in your overall understanding of change management in higher education.

Eddy, P. L. (2010). Community College Leadership: A Multidimensional Model for Leading Change. Sterling, VA, USA: Stylus Publishing.

Bush, T., & Coleman, M. (2000). Leadership and Strategic Management in Education. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.