
Compare and contrast the communication skills required to care for people with health problems and their families in complex, challenging and sensitive health care situations.

[Revision] Complex care assessing and planning case study assignment

1. Demonstrate the ability to accurately gather and process all information from the assessment process to identify needs for planning individualised nursing care.

2. Use evidence based assessment tools and accurately interpret their findings and take appropriate actions when planning care.

3. Compare and contrast the communication skills required to care for people with health problems and their families in complex, challenging and sensitive health care situations.

4. Examine the principles of courage, transparency and professional duty of candour within the demands of professional practice for individuals with complex healthcare needs and their families.

Why does it matter how a person speaks to determine their knowledge or how capable they are of succeeding I life?

How a person speaks

Why does it matter how a person speaks to determine their knowledge or how capable they are of succeeding life?

Compare and contrast the protagonist Emily and the unnamed wife . How do these characters function within their respective stories? To what do they control their own lives?

A Rose for Emily and the Yellow Wallpaper.

It’s a compare and contrast essay. for the two stories A Rose for Emily and the Yellow Wallpaper. Compare and contrast the protagonist Emily and the unnamed wife . How do these characters function within their respective stories? To what do they control their own lives?

Evaluate the nature and significance of external economic relations for China and India immediately before the emergence of European sea-borne trading links from c.1500. Discuss how the economies of these regions were affected by the expanding.

External economic relations

Evaluate the nature and significance of external economic relations for China and India immediately before the emergence of European sea-borne trading links from c.1500. Discuss how the economies of these regions were affected by the expanding.

Explain the steps for accurate surgical and procedural coding in a hospital setting using ICD-10-PCS. Explain E/M services and codes, assign CPT codes correctly, and use the CPT index.

Medical Coding 1 Assignment #8

Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the “Assignment Format” page for specific format requirements.

For this writing assignment, explain why the following course objectives are important for medical billers and coders to understand:

1. Explain the steps for accurate surgical and procedural coding in a hospital setting using ICD-10-PCS.

2. Explain E/M services and codes, assign CPT codes correctly, and use the CPT index.

3. Explain coding with HCPCS and describe federal laws, regulations, and penalties relating to coding compliance.

4. Explain how to review and analyze medical records and the importance of audits.

Since this is a religion paper, there should be mention of deep ecology as a philosophy, but also how it has religious notions, and perhaps mention of sustainability attempts that are more religious/stem from indigenous or traditional groups.

Current sustainability attempts

The paper needs to be a review of how current sustainability attempts/projects (about 2 or 3) fit into the category of deep ecology; how they fit the standards of deep ecological thought or do not…It needs to base itself around the deep ecology philosophy, and evaluate different attempts at conservation and environmental projects through this lens. Since this is a religion paper, there should be mention of deep ecology as a philosophy, but also how it has religious notions, and perhaps mention of sustainability attempts that are more religious/stem from indigenous or traditional groups.

Identify any positive or negative aspects of the care provided by the RN and how did you feel about it. Relate how your own personal experiences influence your reaction to the clinical rotation.

Reflective paper for clinical observations, Dialysis

– Identify any positive or negative aspects of the care provided by the RN and how did you feel about it.

-Relate how your own personal experiences influence your reaction to the clinical rotation.

-Identify how differences in culture impact that patient’s care and how they react to their illness.

-Discuss your own personal feeling about you observed and effects of the illness on the clients and families.

-Evaluate the ethics of situations that you have observed in view of advanced technology and advanced directives (DNR, DNI, health care proxy etc).

Explain how the worship practices and the worship spaces embody the theology of these traditions. Focus on the unique or important elements and describe how this fits within their wider theological perspective.

Experiencing Lutheran and Presbyterian Worship

While we think of the Reformation as a collection of ideas such as a distinct approach to Scripture and theology, the Christian faith is very much a lived experience not just a doctrinal one. At the center of that experience is the weekly celebration of faith in communal worship which embodies their doctrine. As a result, to get a window on that experience you will visit contemporary churches that reflect these traditions.

Basic Requirements:
• An essay of 1,250 words interview of 225 words
• The key task is to describe your experience of Lutheran and Presbyterian liturgies.

Project Description:
Communal worship is one of the most central aspects of the Christian faith. The New Testament commends certain elements of worship, but never explicitly described a model church service. Worship practices (i.e., liturgy) were shaped by these biblical mandates as well as wider theological concerns. Many of you will come from a Revivalist model of worship (see the Worship Taxonomy below), but the earliest reforms encouraged Ancient (Luther) and Reformed (Calvin) models. For those of us who worship differently than Luther and Calvin, we will miss aspects of their theology. Thus, for this assignment you will go an visit a service from each tradition in order to understand these traditions more holistically. Of course, there are (denominationally) Lutheran churches that reflect Luther’s theological impulse; however, there is no denomination to visit explicitly labeled “Calvinst.” That said, Presbyterian churches are the most common contemporary American denomination that embodies Calvinist theology. Thus, you should attend a primary service of a Lutheran AND Presbyterian church. If you have easier access to another traditionally Reformed denomination (e.g., the Christian Reformed Church) instead of a Presbyterian one, you may attend that service if you receive prior approval by the professor.

You should attend a primary Sunday morning (or perhaps Saturday night) service for each tradition and not an abbreviated or special service like Wednesday night. Also, many Lutheran and Presbyterian churches are beginning to incorporate revivalist elements. For the sake of this assignment, you should attend their “traditional” services rather than “contemporary” ones (if they have options) so you can best see how these traditions are embodied.

At the most basic level you should reflect on how these traditions fit within the Worship Taxonomy I have provided (see below). However, the key task of the paper is to explain how the worship practices and the worship spaces embody the theology of these traditions. In your paper, DO NOT just give me a play by play of each service or a detail of all the issues on the survey form since there is not enough space for that. Rather, focus on the unique or important elements and describe how this fits within their wider theological perspective. In other words, you must move beyond observation in order to provide an analysis of what the worship service represents.

To conclude the report, you should consider aspects that would find helpful for incorporating into your own tradition. This will include some comparison and contrast with your own tradition, but focus on the service aims and elements that could be incorporated (rather than just giving a list of similarities and differences).

Worship Taxonomy
Though there is much variation, there are three basic types of worship traditions: ancient, reformed, and revivalist. For more details about these three, see here: worshipHNTJQ. A Worship Tradition Assessment worksheet has been provided in the Module/Week 6 Reading & Study folder to aid in your evaluation, but your analysis of the experience should go beyond just summarizing the answers to the survey instrument.

What do the reviews tell you? What did you observe? How the information will be useful when solving the problem? If there are more than one data collection method, how do the information relate or differ with each other?

Problem solving report

Analysis. Explain what you have found (e.g. what do the reviews tell you? what did you observe? How the information will be useful when solving the problem? If there are more than one data collection method, how do the information relate or differ with each other?). Note: Outcomes from the interviews and observations should be presented in a table. If you do interviews, answers from each interviewee should be included in the table based on the interview questions and numbers of interviewee. If you do observations, the table should have columns represent different categories of observation (e.g. positive comments of Hotel A guest from TripAdvisor website, etc.).
Discussion. Reflect on the findings of your analysis by making connections to the academic theories/concepts you wrote about in background theory section.

Develop and illustrate a detailed knowledge of the social, political, cultural and economic history of post-WW2 Britain up to contemporary times.

Sociology of modern Britain

1 Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
Develop and illustrate a detailed knowledge of the social, political, cultural and economic history of postWW2 Britain up to contemporary times.
Illustrate ability to articulate such knowledge and reasoning via (1) wellresearched and reflective written work and (2) via articulation of knowledge in unseen examination conditions.

2 Demonstrate the following skills and abilities
Design, implement and derive sound conclusions from an investigation into a chosen topic/event of sociological interest via set writing exercise and examination etc.