
Do you expect currency volatility to increase, decrease, or stay the same in the short run (i.e., over the next year or two)? Justify your stance with sound economic and intuitive reasoning.

International Finance

Reflect on currency volatility movements in the short run. In other words, do you expect currency volatility to increase, decrease, or stay the same in the short run (i.e., over the next year or two)? Justify your stance with sound economic and intuitive reasoning.

What experiences have prepared you for advanced study or research in this degree program? What relevant skills have you gained from these experiences? Have your experiences led to specific or tangible outcomes that would support your potential to contribute to this field?

Statement of purpose of UCLA

What is your purpose in applying for graduate study in your specified degree program? Describe your area(s) of interest, including any subfield(s) or interdisciplinary interests.

What experiences have prepared you for advanced study or research in this degree program? What relevant skills have you gained from these experiences? Have your experiences led to specific or tangible outcomes that would support your potential to contribute to this field (examples: performances, publications, presentations, awards or recognitions)?

What additional information about your past experience may aid the selection committee in evaluating your preparation and aptitude for graduate study at UCLA? For example, you may wish to describe research, employment, teaching, service, artistic or international experiences through which you have developed skills in leadership, communication, project management, teamwork, or other areas.

Why is the UCLA graduate program to which you are applying is the best place for you to pursue your academic goals? If you are applying for a research master’s or doctoral program, we encourage you to indicate specific research interests and potential faculty mentors.

What are your plans for your career after earning this degree?

What might the barriers to implementation be? Would a QI project be required to effect change and what would the role of the nurse be in this?

Assignment: An Evidence Based Nursing review

This assignment is based on the content and group work of workshops 3 and 4. Using an EBN question of your choice, you will complete the EBN cycle together as a group, summarising your work in a padlet presentation to the whole tutorial group at the end of workshop 4 (note: the presentation does not form part of the assessment).

Following the workshops, you will then work individually to write up your EBN review into a report. The report should include:

Summary of EBN Review to include
Search strategy
Search Outcome
Critical Appraisal of evidence
Discussion of evidence
Clinical bottom line
Strategy for Implementation of findings
Reflection on learning

Suggested layout of report

Provide some context for your assignment related to both EBN and the clinical context of the question you have chosen.

Summary of EBN Review
Your EBN review should be approximately one A4 page and could be laid out in a style similar to a BestBets review. For an example view the BestBets website (

Strategy for Implementation of Findings
Based on your own conclusion and answer to the question, outline your plans for dissemination and implementation and what the next steps would be. This will be related to how strong or weak the evidence was to support a change in practice. What might the barriers to implementation be? Would a QI project be required to effect change and what would the role of the nurse be in this?

Reflection on Learning
This was your first EBN review. Reflect on your learning, what went well, what would you do differently? How will you develop your learning from here?


Compare between analytical and graphical methods. Calculate the velocity and average velocity of the piston.

Kinematics & Dynamics of Machines — In-line slider-crank mechanism


Consider an in-line slider-crank mechanism as shown in attached figure. The crank is described by the vector R = iM + jN and the connecting rod length L, where M, N, and L will correspond to the following:

M = 3.625,

N = 6.125, and

L = 8.125.

See the attached figure for typical slider-crank mechanism.

Find the connecting rod orientation and the slider position and follow the detail instructions below:

Project MUST meet the following requirements:

– Use analytical vector method (cross product) for positional analysis.

– Use graphical method for positional analysis.

– Compare between analytical and graphical methods.

– Calculate the velocity and average velocity of the piston.

– Perform parameter studies and generate the figure similar to Figure 3.6.

Compose about an 500-word memo—a specific kind of business writing. Address your memo to someone whom you would have to persuade to take action on the problem you want to research and solve.

Advanced Business Writing

Summary of assignment
1- Write a proposed formal outline (and thesis) for your final report. The outline should be a ½-  to 1-page long. See Announcements for helpful handouts.
2- Compose about an 500-word memo—a specific kind of business writing. Address your memo to someone whom you would have to persuade to take action on the problem you want to research and solve (in your later report).
Task: Complete the following:

Write a tentative proposed formal outline of your expected final report. (See Announcements about outlining.) Length: ½- to 1-page long. Read Assignment 4. Here, all you have to do is SHOW the sections and subsections you intend to include. Put your thesis at the top of the outline. The outline must parallel Assignment 4’s required layout plus any needed subheadings. The primary sections (headings) for that report are listed and explained in Assignment 4 as follows:
Executive Summary
I. Introduction
II. Findings (research)
III. Conclusions
IV. Recommendations
Appendices (as needed)

You must add any needed subsection titles, particularly under Findings.
See my Announcements on outlining.

Identify the decision-maker or group of decision-makers to whom you will write this memo.
Consider the secondary research you conducted on your topic for writing assignment #2.
Write a proposal memo to your decision-maker asking for permission to conduct this research (to end in a final research report).

Write a user guide for your visualizations explaining the purpose of each visualization and demonstrating how to use the custom metric and filter you included in the visualizations you created.

Visualization of Geographic and Time Series Data

Utilize the complete Strike Reports dataset as well as the list of Airports in United States of America dataset. Join the two datasets, the complete Strike Reports and the list of Airports in United States of America, to get each airport’s latitude and longitude. Create a new table that aggregates the data at the airport level.

Apply a custom metric in a visualization.
Create a custom metric by writing code to give each airport a score for bird strikes by aircraft at that airport.
Use this custom metric in a geographic visualization of bird strikes by airport.
Create visualizations appropriate to convey information about a variable from a geographic perspective.
Create a visualization that provides a geographic overview of which regions experience the most bird strikes.
Create visualizations appropriate to convey information about a variable from a time series perspective.
Create time series graphs showing the trends over time of bird strikes. Seasonal trends should be shown through yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily levels of detail.
Add a filter to the visualization that allows the user to select a subset of the data to display within the visualization.
Interpret the meaning conveyed by visualizations.
Write a user guide for your visualizations explaining the purpose of each visualization and demonstrating how to use the custom metric and filter you included in the visualizations you created.

On a scale of 1 to 5, how challenging did you find this game (5 is most challenging)? On a scale of 1 to 5, how challenging would this be for a 6th grade student with average mathematical ability? Justify your selection.

Making Sense of Numbers

Students’ mathematical sophistication should increase as they progress through school even as they are encountering similar tasks and problems. Although tasks and problems use easy-to-manipulate numbers at first, if students develop key conceptual understanding of the underlying mathematical structures, they should be able to transition to more complex number sets and operations easily.

Option A:

Watch the video “What is Number Sense?” linked on the Learning Objects page. Then develop an original response guided by these prompts:

Research, summarize, and comment upon the value of number sense competitions sponsored by the University Interscholastic League.
Demonstrate at least one mental “shortcut” similar to or different from Dr. Boaler’s methods to mentally solve one of the problems in a Sample UIL Number Sense Test.. APA citations are required only for the original response.


Option B:

Play the game “Bridge Builder Fractions” linked on the Learning Objects page. Then develop an original response to these prompts:

What was your “cost?”
On a scale of 1 to 5, how challenging did you find this game (5 is most challenging)? Justify your selection.
On a scale of 1 to 5, how challenging would this be for a 6th grade student with average mathematical ability? Justify your selection.
According to research, would this game support student learning of fractions? Justify your answer.

What are some common MAC Group/ICS/EOC interface issues? How are they overcome?

Discussion Forum

Emergency Operations Center class.

What are some common MAC Group/ICS/EOC interface issues? How are they overcome?

How is a group decision different from an individual decision? How can you convince your manager that a smaller group would be better? How do you deal with John if your manager insists on him being in the group?

Culture & Groups

Scenario 1:

A colleague from another country has limited English-speaking skills and does not comprehend the group task. Additionally, this colleague has the habit of giving gifts to business associates at the end of projects. Gift-giving is an expected part of business etiquette in her culture. How do you deal with these issues to ensure the success of the group? What criteria would you set early on in the process? Reference the textbook and an outside source as you attend to the questions for this scenario.

Scenario 2:

Your manager asks you to take on a new project that you think you could take on by yourself. He suggests that you form a task group with 15-20 members, which you think is too much. One of the members he recommends adding to the team is John. This gives you additional concern because you think John has had hidden agendas in the past. Even though you think you can do this on your own, how is a group decision different from an individual decision? How can you convince your manager that a smaller group would be better? How do you deal with John if your manager insists on him being in the group? Reference the textbook and an outside source as you attend to the questions for this scenario.

How could any modern and so-called advanced and evolved nation like Germany go along so willingly with the mass murder of at least 11 million civilians?

World War II

Examine the Nazi ideology in wiping out an entire ethnic group.
How could any modern and so-called advanced and evolved nation like Germany go along so willingly with the mass murder of at least 11 million civilians?

How were the Germans able to construct the facilities they built for their “Final Solution to the Jewish Question” so as to commit genocide on an industrial scale?