
How many ways could you be described in numerical terms? What are some of your intrinsically numerical attributes? Could you express some of your qualitative attributes in quantitative terms?

Subgroup Comparison

1. How might the various majors at your college be classified into categories? Create a coding system that would allow you to categorize them according to some meaningful variable. h en create a different coding system, using a different variable.

2. How many ways could you be described in numerical terms? What are some of your intrinsically numerical attributes? Could you express some of your qualitative attributes in quantitative terms?

3. How would you construct and interpret a contingency table from the following information: 150  Democrats favor raising the minimum wage, and 50 oppose it; 100 Republicans favor raising the minimum wage, and 300 oppose it?

4. Using the hypothetical data in the following table, how would you construct and interpret tables showing these three relationships?

a.The bivariate relationship between age and attitude toward abortion
b.The bivariate relationship between political orientation and attitude toward abortion
c. The multivariate relationship linking age, political orientation, and attitude toward abortion

Given a rate of 2.5%, a term of 15 years, a mortgage amount of $135,000, and a monthly payment amount of $900.16, calculate the first two lines of the corresponding mortgage amortization schedule.

Math 110 Exam 2

1.(10 points.) For the equation, y= 10 + 2x, complete the following:
(a) Find the x-intercept
(b) Find the y-intercept
(c) Find the slope
(d) Graph the line

2. Suppose you are a very diligent saver and you deposit $1200 in an account at the end of each month. Suppose further that the account earns a generous 6.5% interest annually. What will this account be worth if you continue with your deposits for 20 years? (10 points.) 

3. Given a rate of 2.5%, a term of 15 years, a mortgage amount of $135,000, and a monthly payment amount of $900.16, calculate the first two lines of the corresponding mortgage amortization schedule. (10 points.)

Complete all of your work on a separate sheet of paper (no need to print this page) and email a photograph of the page to with the subject ”Math 110 Exam 2”.

What is the contract size (aka. contract unit) of 1 Euro FX futures contract? Is the British Pound futures contract size the same as Euro FX futures? How many Euro FX futures contracts do you need to long/short today?

Finance H.W

1. When you convert 3.75 mil Euros into USD next month, are you “buying” or “selling” Euros? To lock the future exchange rate in this case, should you “long” or “short” Euro FX futures today? Explain.

2. What is the contract size (aka. contract unit) of 1 Euro FX futures contract? Is the British Pound futures contract size the same as Euro FX futures? How many Euro FX futures contracts do you need to long/short today?
(Hint: Go to (official futures exchange) and locate the Euro FX futures. Check “Contract Specs” tab.)


The rest of this project will confirm whether your actions taken on 10/25/2021 (=answers to Q1/Q2) are indeed the correct hedging strategy at the end. If you don’t find sufficient evidence of lowering risk in Q3-Q10, it’s likely that your answers to Q1/Q2 are incorrect so revise your answers and solve them again, as necessary.

Identify a specific individual holding your ultimate dream job position in the sport industry.

Dream job position

You are required to identify a specific individual holding your ultimate dream job position in the sport industry. This
written assignment will explore the industry sector (i.e. professional sport) and discipline (i.e. marketing) in which it
exists, as well as the scholastic and professional path taken by the individual to obtain the position, must be in third person and use in text citations

Did your peer review process lead to a more rigorous paper in the end? Did your peer reviewing of others’ papers give you any insights on how much work goes into vetting papers prior to publication or what pitfalls there may be in the process?

Peer review reflection

This is an opportunity for students to reflect on and distill some of the key concepts in the course and is different to a formal essay or report. After a series of group activities, it is also your opportunity to earn grades solely on your own thoughts and ideas.
We ask you to reflect the nature of the peer review process and your group activities as an approach to illustrating it. In Week 2 we discussed the peer review process and then ran through group activities participating in a peer review process as authors and as reviewers. Reflect on your own knowledge of the peer review process in theory (i.e., information that was delivered in lessons, linked resources, plus any further reading) as well as your own experience of the practice of peer review (i.e., the three phases of group activity). Reflect on whether the peer review process is the best possible approach for reporting climate science findings. Did your peer review process lead to a more rigorous paper in the end? Did your peer reviewing of others’ papers give you any insights on how much work goes into vetting papers prior to publication or what pitfalls there may be in the process? Outline the relative merits of the peer review process, as you see it. In your opinion, how could it be improved?

Watch each of the following 2 videos and provide an overview of the information in paragraph form. Put all of the overviews in one word document, include the name of the video, what was covered specifically, and share what you found most informative and interesting.

Video Reviews

Watch each of the following 2 videos and provide an overview of the information in paragraph form. Put all of the overviews in one word document, include the name of the video, what was covered specifically, and share what you found most informative and interesting. Write at least two paragraphs on each video.

Wheelchair Tennis:
Adaptive Sports:


Discuss the role of resource leveling and effec@ve management of the construc@on programme to achieve shorter construc@on @me within the proposed housing development.

Construction process management

Assessment task details and instruc(ons
There are 3 Ques@ons to be answered in this coursework and all details are provided below 1. Shen, et al (2004) and several other researchers in the construction industry examined waste management in construction sites. However, waste management is a broader

Assessment Informa-on/Brief

concept not just limited to site management. A lot of commentators argue that the scope of waste management should be much wider, and that better value can be realised and achieved if waste management is considered very early in the design and construction life cycle. By researching into this area from both a process and waste management perspective (as two different bodies of knowledge) write a critical essay on how the build-up of waste can be minimised and costs can be optimised across the construction process.
[Maximum word count for the critical essay is 2000. This includes cover sheets, any table of contents, any appendices (if any) and the reference list. Ensure that no irrelevant appendices are added as it will unduly increase word count without adding much value to your mark] Note that the referencing style to be used is APA 7th .

2. You are required to construct a risk register for the below type of project based on the following details.
Identify eight possible risk events (from areas such as environmental constraints, planning, procurement of materials, labour supply and plant hire / movement, health and safety and other specific circumstances of project) for a city centre project delivering a high-rise block of apartments and construct an appropriate risk register to
include the chosen risk events. (the risk register should include / demonstrate the risk analysis into components and the overall risks (any associated colour coding), in the case of any interventions into mitigating any of the high risks and the resultant or the residual risks after the mitigation measures, and illustration of ownership of risks). You are also
required to construct a list of assumptions and / or considerations in articulating your risk events.
[The risk register table and the list of assumptions indicative word count = 1000 words]
[No referencing is required for Q2]
(15 Marks)

3. A housing developer has plans to develop a major residen@al estate in the outskirts of Manchester. They have put forward a plan to the local council to construct 100 housing units with other facili@es, infrastructure and a recrea@on area. Their proposal also includes a localised urban drainage system so as not to put pressure on exis@ng
infrastructure facili@es and services. The developer has already suggested a shorter construc@on dura@on so that the commercial advantages can be realised earlier amidst several compe@ng housing developments coming up in the area. Due to the shorter length of construc@on, it is an@cipated that the builders will incorporate an offsite

Assessment Informa-on/Brief

manufacturer within their team to consider using such modern techniques to ensure @mely comple@on.

You are required to answer the following 4 parts based on the above scenario in Q3:

(i) Identify and Discuss the stakeholder engagement plan to op@mise the par@cipa@on of the stakeholders in this proposed housing development. [indicative word count = 750 words]  (20 Marks)

(ii) Discuss the role of resource leveling and effec@ve management of the construc@on programme to achieve shorter construc@on @me within the proposed housing development. [Indica@ve word count = 500 words] (10 Marks)

(iii) The scenario men@ons the incorpora@on of a ‘sustainable urban drainage system’ within the development. Briefly explain 5 possible ways in which such a scheme will posi@vely impact the environment. [Indica@ve word count = 250 words] (5 Marks)

(iv) According to the RICS Guidance note (2017) “if Value Management (VM) is to have a significant impact, then it must be used from a very early stage of the project”. Discuss this ra@onale for the use of VM for the design and construc@on of housing in this development scheme. [Indica@ve word count = 500 words] (10 Marks)

Can/should employer dictate employee’s lifestyle? What about differences in gender and costs? Privacy-How much information should be shared? Who has access? What types of incentives should be offered? Carrot or stick approach?

Controversial Topics and Wellness

Some Examples are listed below

Sex Education- Should it be required in public schools in Florida ?

An Example would be….
What Are The Issues? – Pro’s or Cons of the issue – Health Care Incentives?
What about Preexisting Conditions
Perspective-Employer or employee
Can/should employer dictate employee’s lifestyle?
What about differences in gender and costs?
Privacy-How much information should be shared? Who has access?
What types of incentives should be offered? Carrot or stick approach?
(less $$ or more$$)
2 full page typed

How does the text imagine national identity and/or ideas of American-ness? How are women represented in the text? How does the text agine manhood and/or masculinity? How does race work in the text? How do people in the text try gain power?

The Watsons Go to Birmingham

Inquiry Essays (20%) In these essays, you will answer a Big Question for one piece of literature To avoid overlapping with other assignments, choose a literary text that is from the particular unit we’ve been covering.


Choose a different big question to answer for each of the inquiry essays — no repeating the same topic. Keep in mind that I know these texts, so don’t waste time and space writing a summary; the word “summary” never appears in the instructions below. Instead, focus on arguing for your answer and analyzing the text.


Your inquiry essays should be 400-500 words. The essays should be posted to the correct folder by 11:59pm on the assigned day. Each inquiry essay is out of 10 points (see below).

Follow these steps to complete the essay:

1. Pick one of the Big Questions (see below) to answer in relation to one of the literary texts (not How to Read).

2. Write a short introduction that identifies the text you’re writing about and answers the question in a nice, clear sentence that works as your thesis. Your thesis — which should be the last sentence of the introduction in these essays — needs to make sense, and the question you’re answering needs to be clear. (2 points) 3. Write two body paragraphs that support your answer. Each paragraph should have one direct quotation from the text (1 point) and an explanation of what that quote means, including how it supports your answer (1 point) This is analysis, and it’s important! (4 points total for the body) 4. Write a short conclusion paragraph that relates your two body paragraphs together and ties back into the thesis. (1 point)

Doing all of these components will get you 7/10 points or a C (average, meaning you met the requirements). The three remaining possible points are for accuracy, creativity, and good wri

Big Questions How does the text imagine national identity and/or ideas of American-ness? How are women represented in the text? How does the text agine manhood and/or masculinity? How does race work in the text? How do people in the text try gain power? How does the text address inequality? How does the text, or someone in it, work to create unity? How does the text, or someone in it, work to claim equality? What’s the relationship between the individual and the community?



Compare and contrast how this form of violence persists in the United States and at least two other countries discussed in the chapter.


Write a report in which you answer the following questions. Be sure to use your own words, be specific, and provide examples. Your report must be in the following format:

1. Identify and describe one form of violence discussed in the chapter (e.g. child abuse, interpersonal violence, elder abuse, emotional abuse, etc.). In your description, make sure to explain how factors such as gender, race, age, or
socioeconomic status play into who perpetuates and who experiences this form of violence. (7 points)

2. Compare and contrast how this form of violence persists in the United States and at least two other countries discussed in the chapter. It may be helpful to draw comparisons between countries that differ greatly in terms of their
economies, gender norms, family dynamics, etc. (7 points)

3. Drawing on what we have previously covered in this class, choose a theory or concept that helps explain why the form of violence you have chosen exists. Some example concepts may be any of the feminist theories, world systems
theory, industrialization, globalization, etc. (7 points)